Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 18 Timeline

Chapter 18 Timeline

Holding a pen, Song Shutang made a circle on March NO.12.

This time is the date when "Boss Li" went to the Cathay Pacific Cinema, and it is currently inferred to be the date of the meeting.

"There must be a rule in the time of jointing." Song Shutang said with a pen, pointing at the position of the circle.

"What rule?"

"We can only rely on analysis now."


"Maybe the joint time is the second, NO.12, and 22nd of each month." Find the rule based on the date NO.12.

After writing down these three dates on the paper, Song Shutang continued: "No. 12 is Sunday, so the meeting time may also be every Sunday of the week, that is, the 12th, No. 19, No. 26, and [-]."

On the second line on the paper, there are four more dates.

"NO.12 is the second Sunday in March, so it is also possible that the joint date is the second Sunday of each month."

This inference is also written on paper.

According to NO.12 to find the law, what can be found so far is these.

It's just that after writing all these times, Song Shutang's face became more serious.

"What's wrong?" Long Hao asked.

"Don't forget, we caught 'Boss Li' on the 25th. According to the second rule, 'Boss Li' was going to Cathay Pacific Cinema on the 26th to meet up."

Reminded by Song Shutang, Long Hao immediately said: "So the person who connected with him didn't see 'Boss Li' at the Cathay Cinema on the 26th, so he must have realized that something happened to the other party, and I'm afraid he won't come to the Cathay Pacific Cinema to meet up again, he must have been transferred. concealed, or even evacuated from the mountain city, then the clues we have obtained now will become useless."

What you think is a pleasant surprise is likely to be worthless.

After serious thinking, Song Shutang drew a cross on the second rule with a pen.

"Get rid of the second rule first." Song Shutang ruled out the second rule at this moment for two reasons.

The first reason is also the simplest reason. If you think the second law is correct, then you don't need to continue to investigate, and you will definitely return without success.

The second reason is that the time is too close.

Connect every week?

This obviously increases the risk.

The meeting is too frequent and does not conform to the behavior style of the latent personnel, although the meeting method of "Boss Li" seems to be extraordinarily safe.

Excluding the second rule, Song Shutang said: "According to the first rule, after the meeting on the 22nd, we will meet on the second day of the next month, which is April [-]nd tomorrow. According to the third rule, every month We will meet on the second Sunday, April [-]th.

We arrested the person on March 25th. So far, we haven't made a fuss, but the time is very tight. After all, tomorrow is very likely to be the meeting date. "

"Go to Cathay Cinema tomorrow?" Long Hao asked.

"It's useless, even if the other party comes, we can't recognize it."

"Catch all the people who watched the second movie in the afternoon?"

"There may be a lot of people, and there are people from all walks of life. If the other party gets involved and doesn't speak up, we can't detain them for too long."

First of all, it is unrealistic to arrest them all, and secondly, how to investigate after you are arrested?

There was simply no way to investigate.

"If the other party doesn't see 'Boss Li' coming to the meeting, they may transfer and evacuate for safety reasons, and secretly monitor all those who watch the movie at a specific time to see if anyone will show their feet." Song Shutang believes that this is the safest way.

But when Long Hao heard it, he said: "On the 24nd and [-]th, the number of people watching the two movies will inevitably be very large, and the surveillance will take [-] hours. Each person needs at least two people to be responsible for the surveillance. Not to mention that the Intelligence Department and the Intelligence Department don't have such Many people."

The number of military commanders is huge.

It can be field work.

The number of people in the bureau headquarters is not too many.

Moreover, the intelligence department has other tasks, and the staff members all perform their own duties. It is very difficult for you to call so many people at once.

"Go to the section chief." Song Shutang couldn't solve this problem, so he naturally went to find someone who could.

Shen Lushui didn't know why Song Shutang and Long Hao had gone back and forth.

But after listening to Song Shutang's narration, Shen Lushui couldn't help feeling refreshed.

"Section Chief, a lot of manpower is needed at present, responsible for monitoring the movie viewers, for secretly monitoring and investigating who will make changes, and to ensure that the other party cannot successfully evacuate and abscond." Song Shutang finally said.

"How many people do you expect to see in the two movies?" Shen Lushui asked?

Long Hao said: "I went to the Cathay Pacific Cinema to watch a movie, and there were about [-] people at the same time, but the [-]nd and [-]th happened to be both Sundays, so the number might be even more."

"In other words, maybe around a hundred people?"


When this figure came out, Shen Lushui was also in a dilemma.

Investigating bandits, investigating killers, investigating Chuanjiang wooden boats, and investigating "Boss Li", the intelligence department has already arranged a lot of manpower, not to mention the remaining tasks from before.

Withdraw all people?
They are all tasks that are halfway through, and withdrawing them will have a great impact on the tasks.

The most important thing is that even if these people are all withdrawn, it may not be enough.

It is estimated that 50 people will watch the movie on the [-]nd, and a hundred people will be needed for surveillance, and there are still gaps.

What's more, some tasks cannot be interrupted.

"Chief, we are only considering No. [-] now. If No. [-] investigates for a week and finds no clues, we can ask these people to give up monitoring and instead monitor No. [-] viewers, which can save half of the manpower." Long Hao could also see Shen Lu Shui was in a dilemma and spoke out.

But Shen Lushui didn't answer immediately, but tapped his fingers on the table lightly.

No. [-] moviegoer investigated for a week, and if they didn't find anything, does that mean that there is no one among them?

Shen Lushui didn't think so.

Since we want to investigate, we can't take chances.

"I asked the director to borrow someone from the Secret Service Corps. You go back and wait for news." Shen Lushui finally made a decision.


It is also the habit of sinking into the water.

The Secret Service Corps is an affiliated organization directly under the internal service unit of the Military Unification Bureau. It was also called the Fifth Special Service Regiment of the Military Commission, and the Second Patrol Corps of the Military Commission's Water and Land Transportation Unified Inspection Division.

He is mainly responsible for the work of armed and plainclothes guards within the military system and related units of the military system, as well as serving as guards in various concentration camps.

There are three armed brigades, one plainclothes squadron and one action group, and there are quite a few of them.

The general team is located in the Wanglongmen Lianghu Guild Hall on Linsen Road, Shancheng.

Shen Lushui intends to borrow someone, which shows how much he attaches importance to this operation.

And trust in Song Shutang's judgment.

This kind of trust was beyond his expectation.

However, Song Shutang could see that Shen Lushui chose to do this not because of him, but because of Shen Lushui's personality, seriousness and caution in work.

The two left from the section chief's office, followed by Shen Lushui, and went out to find Bao Yiwei in the section chief's office.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket support of the green skull flag.

(End of this chapter)

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