Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 180 Two Investigations

Chapter 180 Two Investigations
Read between the lines, and intelligence is the product of careful preparation.

Every detail is described in place, but it is difficult to grasp the key points immediately after reading the whole article. It can be seen that the people who sell guns hidden in the dark have a strong sense of secrecy.

It's also human nature.

Everyone knows how he dared to make a fuss if he went out of his way and risked the displeasure of the world.

Zhu Yue put down the information in his hands, and said to Shen Lushui and Song Shutang: "According to the information, we know that the Red Party is in urgent need of a batch of armed firearms, so we started to find a way to obtain them. In the process, we learned of secret channels, so we took the initiative to contact them and wanted to try to buy them. .”

This content does not appear on the letter, but it can be inferred.

Shen Lushui continued: "According to what the Red Party said, they got a phone number from an intelligence dealer and told them that they could only be contacted after twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. It was through this number that the Red Party got in touch with the seller. man of arms.

The required quantity and the corresponding price are agreed on over the phone, and at the same time, the transaction location is agreed on the phone, and the payment is paid by one hand and the delivery is delivered by the other. "

"The trading location was finally selected in a warehouse built along the river. It was also late at night. There were no lights in the warehouse and it was pitch black. Members of the Red Party entered it and saw the goods they wanted on the wooden table in the middle. After checking and confirming that they were correct , put the money on the table and step back.

Another person came to the table to check that the amount of funds was correct, and then took the money away. The members of the Red Party took the weapons away. Although the two met, they did not communicate with each other, and they were afraid that the other would remember themselves, so they pretended to be safe. true face. "Song Shutang roughly explained the transaction process.

The identity of the Red Party is also very special.

And wanting to buy weapons in a mountain city is also shady.

As a result, at that time, the Red Party only wanted to pay for the money and the goods, and was afraid of extra problems, so they had no interest in the seller and did not pay much attention to it.

After discussing the clues we have at this moment, Zhu Yue immediately said: "At present, the first thing we can investigate is the phone number, and the second is the trading warehouse."

The phone number is especially critical!

Trading warehouses are clues too!

The Red Party did not provide information such as the physical characteristics and appearance characteristics of the other party at the time of the transaction, so it can be seen that it has not grasped it.

However, the gun model is provided.

But not much help.

The types of firearms purchased by the Red Party are popular, and all arsenals can mass-produce them.

But there is no doubt that a message is revealed, that is, bombs, landmines, firearms and other things can be provided, and the people behind them have a lot of means.

As for the intelligence dealer who gave the phone number, the Red Party does not know the identity of the intelligence dealer. This information was obtained for free without spending money, so it is unable to provide information about the intelligence dealer.

"I'm in charge of investigating the phone number. You take someone to the warehouse along the river." Zhu Yue said to Song Shutang.

"it is good."

At this moment, it was getting late and it was inconvenient to investigate. Originally, I wanted to carry out the investigation overnight, but it involved phone numbers and warehouses, so it was not suitable to investigate at night.

After all, Zhu Yue couldn't directly call and ask who the other party was?
But to investigate through the telephone exchange.

So as not to startle the snake.

Although the snake is now hiding in the cave, it still needs to be more cautious.

Now it's darkening Chen Cang on the Mingxiu Plank Road!
So they went back to rest, and tomorrow morning they will perform their duties.

Rest at home for one night and meet Long Hao early in the morning of the second day. The two went to investigate the warehouse together, bought buns and ate them while walking.

The location of the warehouse is on the Taiping Wharf River Street.

Go by rickshaw.

When you come to Taiping Wharf River Street, you can see that there are many warehouses.

Most of them are bamboo structures, which can shelter from wind and rain but are a bit crude.

There are a small number of wooden structures and even fewer masonry structures, but they are very impressive in comparison.

Although it is built on the Taiping Wharf River Street, there is not only one wharf.

Taiping No. [-] Wharf, Minsheng No. [-] Barge, Tongyuan Wharf, Taiping Wharf, and Postal Barge are built in sequence, so there are many warehouses.

Due to the increasing number of goods arriving daily, various enterprises built new warehouses along the river.

According to the information provided by the Red Party, the transaction was completed at Warehouse No. [-] that night. Song Shutang and Long Hao shuttled among the busy crowd of laborers and walked towards Warehouse No. [-].

Stop and observe from a little distance away, this No. [-] warehouse is a wooden structure, and it can also be among the best among many warehouses.

I casually inquired with Ligong who passed by me that this warehouse is the warehouse of Zhongnan Rubber Factory Co., Ltd. The head office was established in Shanghai at the beginning, and the general management office of the company was later moved to Wusi Road, Shancheng.

There are many branches all over the company.

To be precise, the warehouse is a branch factory, the warehouse of the Shancheng Rubber Factory.

Shancheng Rubber Factory is the largest private rubber product manufacturer in Chongqing, and raw rubber for production is imported from Tianzhu.

And mastered the reclaimed rubber technology, produced a large number of automobile tires, automobile and aircraft rubber products, various rubber hoses, rubber shoes and so on.

"I'll go to the warehouse to find out." Long Hao said.

Song Shutang had this intention and reminded him to be careful.

Not long after, Long Hao came back from the warehouse and reported in a low voice: "This warehouse mainly stores raw rubber, recycled waste rubber products, and a small amount of finished rubber products waiting to be shipped."

"Is there someone on guard at night?"

"One person will stay on duty in the warehouse every night."

"Since there are people on duty every night, why are the Red Party not hindered in the warehouse when they trade with people?"

"Will Shancheng Rubber Factory also participate in it?"

"If you really participate in it, how can you choose your own warehouse to trade, even the riverside trade is better than this." Song Shutang felt that precisely because the trade location was in the warehouse of the Shancheng Rubber Factory, they were less suspicious.

"Do you want to meet the person on duty that night?" Long Hao asked.

Because the Red Party provided a specific transaction date.

Then, according to the working schedule of the warehouse staff on duty, it is easy to find out who is in charge of the night shift.

After all, there are not many workers on duty, just two people.

"See." This person naturally wants to see.

The two left from the pier to go to the residence of the man on duty. He happened to be on duty last night, so he went back to rest now.

The place where I live is not far from the wharf, at Yushikou.

The address has just been learned, so I will come directly to the door at this moment.

There are still young and old in this person's family, so he asked Long Hao to come to the door under the pretext of calling him out.

When we met in a private room on the second floor of a restaurant, this person was still confused.

"Yan Jun?" Song Shutang called out the person's name.

Yan Jun was only in his early 30s, but because he was naughty and liked to climb trees and walls when he was young, he accidentally fell from a tree and was not treated in time, resulting in one leg and one arm being disabled.

It is difficult to find a job if you have a lot of inconvenience.

So people can only look at the warehouse at night to make money.

With a meager income, I can't make ends meet!
In the morning, he catches up on sleep at home, and in the afternoon, he moves goods at the pier to support his family. There are actually not many goods he can carry.

It is more about the care of the boss and peers.

Often after everyone has finished moving the goods, he is responsible for arranging the hemp ropes and canvases that bind the goods, or helping to clean the cargo ship for cleanup.

What was given was the salary for moving the goods.

It is everyone's help.

There is also tenderness in troubled times.

Yan Jun was called out from home as if he was coming to the boat in the morning, so the work was relatively easy, and the port clerks fought for opportunities to make money for themselves.

Unexpectedly, when he was called to the second floor of the hotel, he saw someone he didn't know.

"Are you?" Yan Jun asked.

"Please sit down, I have a few words to ask you."

"ask me?"

"I won't let you answer in vain, this is a reward." Song Shutang offered some money.

On the one hand, in intelligence investigation work, it is extremely common to use money to buy information.

On the other hand, it is also to use public money to help Yan Jun.

According to the news obtained by Long Hao, the old mother in Yan Jun's family is very old, and there are two children who need to be raised, and life is hard.

The information department reimbursed the money, so Song Shutang didn't have to save it.

"What do you want to ask?" Yan Jun didn't take the money into his arms immediately.

"Warehouse No. [-] on River Street, Taiping Wharf, are you on duty at night?"

"Mostly, I am on duty. If I have something to do, another person will replace me." Yan Jun replied.

Although there are two people on duty, Yan Jun is actually responsible for the work, and the other person will replace him when he is unable to be on duty due to something.

"You are also on duty on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year this year?"

"It's me." Yan Jun remembered clearly that he was on duty from the first day to the fifteenth day of junior high school, and the boss even added some money.

"Are you in the warehouse on the night of the eighth day?"

"Of course I'm on duty in the warehouse."

"Didn't you leave halfway?"

"I'm not a negligent person." Yan Jun was a little annoyed, he needed everyone's help, his boss took care of him, and he knew how to be grateful, so how could he cheat at work.

Seeing that he misunderstood, Song Shutang explained that this was not the intention.

Only then did Yan Jun carefully recall the situation that night.

His memory is not very good, and the night duty is the same day after day, and many memories will be confused.

You can't tell which day it is.

Especially now that it's been so long, he needs some time.

Song Shutang was not in a hurry and waited silently.

A few minutes later, Yan Jun raised his head and said, "Just after Chinese New Year, it seems that a batch of goods arrived at the pier overnight. I was busy carrying them with everyone in the first half of the night. After the second half of the night, I locked the warehouse door, and then sorted the hemp rope and canvas at the pier. Waiting, busy until dawn."

"Is it the eighth day?"

"Seems to be."

Yan Jun really couldn't remember clearly.

"When you went back to the warehouse, did you feel that the door lock was strange?"


Later inquiries did not provide any valuable clues, so Song Shutang gave him money to let him leave.

After the people left, he said to Long Hao: "Go and check the warehouse records to see if there is a batch of goods arriving at the dock on the night of the eighth day of the lunar new year."

"Then go to the Shancheng rubber factory to check." Long Hao said that there is no record here in the warehouse.

He had planned to learn about these situations before, but the records were sent to the Shancheng Rubber Factory once every three months, and the previous records were no longer in the warehouse.

"You go to the rubber factory in Shancheng and investigate the records. I'll go back to the intelligence department first." Song Shutang arranged.

He planned to go back and see Zhu Yue investigate the phone number, but it was fruitful.

Investigating warehouses has yielded very little so far.

"it is good."

The two parted ways at the pier.

Long Hao went to the rubber factory in Shancheng, while Song Shutang went back to the intelligence department.

He met Zhu Yue as soon as he returned to the Military Command Bureau, and he had just returned.

Song Shutang leaned forward to ask Zhu Yue how the investigation was going, who knew that the other party would be quicker to say: "Why are you back, did the warehouse investigation gain anything?"

"My words were preempted by you, go to your office and say it."


 Thanks to book friends 20220214074752566, book friends 101103134724874, book friends 20171015170020849, pigs like gold, Tie Xiyao, blue and white pangci, Tie Jun 2014, book friends 20170715184428766, this bread is so familiar with the monthly support of the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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