Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 189 Don't Worry

Chapter 189 Don't Worry
Turn around and close the door.

On a cloudy day, the house looked a bit dim without an oil lamp.

But Uncle Li sat by the window and repaired shoes with some bright light.

Song Shutang stepped forward and took the work from his hands and said: "Be careful with your eyes, so that you don't get dizzy sooner or later and can't see things."

"I don't need to stare, I can work with my hands." Although Uncle Li explained, he didn't ask for the shoes when Song Shutang snatched them away, but smiled in relief.

Put the shoes aside and sit beside Uncle Li.

Looking at the light rain outside the window, Song Shutang said, "I went to the Hongyanzui memorial service today."

Uncle Li naturally knew about this.

But Song Shutang came back from the memorial service and went straight to him, showing that his heart was not smooth.

It stands to reason that now is a good time to instigate rebellion and win over.

Good news, at least.

But Uncle Li didn't show the slightest joy, instead he showed concern.

He is well aware of the danger at this moment, and he is afraid that Song Shutang will slowly get into a dead end, which will lead to mistakes in his work in the future, which will lead to irreversible consequences.

"The memorial service will always make people feel uncomfortable, and it will be better in a few days." Uncle Li said consolingly.

"It's not that I'm in a bad mood, it's just that I have more troubles for no reason."


Uncle Li asked, "Are you still fighting against Japan and saving the country?"


"Are you still catching spies?"


"Then what are you worried about?" The smile on Uncle Li's face made Song Shutang's heart clear.

He stretched out his hand to open the window, and let the wind and rain fall into the house. Uncle Li said, "So you don't have any troubles. You are still fighting the Japanese and saving the country. You haven't stopped, let alone done anything wrong. Where did the troubles come from?" ?”

"Just like this rainwater, the wind will decide whether it falls inside or outside the house, but it will fall after all, it will not hover in mid-air, and it will not fly back to the sky. Even if a strong wind blows and engulfs it into the sky, it will be in the After the wind dissipates, it will still hit the ground again, and the result will not change."

Uncle Li's words made Song Shutang gradually smile.

He wanted to choose his own path.

Uncle Li told him that there is nothing wrong with choosing either one.

As long as he is still fighting against Japan and saving the country, he is right.

Seeing Song Shutang recovering from the entanglement, Uncle Li heaved a sigh of relief.

It is true that he wants to develop Song Shutang.

It is true to be selfish.

But he hoped that Song Shutang would be safe.

And he will not insist on development, he believes that everything should go with the flow, even if Song Shutang and he are not on the same path, Uncle Li will not feel disappointed.

Uncle Li hasn't changed.

The same as the first time I met.

Song Shutang's smile contained some memories of the past.

Uncle Li sorted out some of the confusion in his heart with a few words, and this trip was very valuable.

Song Shutang got up and planned to leave. Before leaving, he warned Uncle Li not to work on cloudy days, so as not to hurt his eyes.

However, Uncle Li asked: "Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui are innocent, what investigation do you plan to do next?"

Why investigate?

Song Shutang already had an idea in his mind.

But I never mentioned it to Uncle Li, just because I didn't want him to worry.

But now it is still actively asked.

It can be seen that Uncle Li also guessed his plan.

Song Shutang stopped walking and said, "I have a measure."

"You want to investigate the person in the Military Control Bureau who knew about the last action of the Sword Holding Group." Uncle Li directly exposed it.

Song Shutang did not refute.

If there is a problem with the task, the news must be leaked in advance.

There is no problem with the members of the sword holding team who know the news.

So who else knows the news?
Naturally, they are from the headquarters.

Uncle Li continued: "The person who can know the action plan of the Sword Holding Group must be a high-level person in the bureau headquarters. It is very dangerous for you to investigate like this."

Collaborators appear in the upper echelons.

You're undercover again.

If the other party finds out that you have this plan, they will have many ways to deal with you.

You may be powerless before you realize the danger is coming.

Even if these high-level officials are difficult to shake, the investigation may hit a stone with a pebble, and it is not impossible for people to turn black and white.

Song Shutang naturally knew what Uncle Li said.

But the comrades in the sword holding group must seek justice.

No matter who the other party is, Song Shutang will make him pay the price even if he has a high status in the military command bureau.

This investigation is extremely dangerous, Song Shutang has long been prepared.

"Did you not notify Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui?" Uncle Li asked again.

Song Shutang remained silent.

He did not notify.

He wanted to bear such a dangerous situation alone.

Seeing that he was silent, Uncle Li scolded: "You are really confused. Why don't Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui want to investigate the truth? Why didn't they take the initiative to inform you? What the three are doing, it is better to investigate reasonably than to operate independently."

Uncle Li knew that it would be impossible to persuade him to give up.

Song Shutang, Nie Hong, and Yan Qinghui will not give up.

That being the case, let's investigate together.

Now the three of them are fighting on their own and want to keep the danger to themselves, which is a big mistake.

"If I investigate faster, Brother Nie and Brother Yan will be in no danger." Song Shutang said.

"How do you know that they don't think so, and then each seeks speed but not stability, and finally all of them are in danger."

"They probably wouldn't."

"When the two of them rushed out of the air-raid shelter, don't talk to me about being cautious." Uncle Li felt that after the sacrifice of everyone in the sword holding team, he needed to shoulder some responsibilities, although Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui were hidden behind the scenes. I know, he also wants Song Shutang to understand this truth.

It was precisely because of the danger that he did not want to involve Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui.

What Uncle Li said was right.

Maybe we should sit down and have a chat.

It is better to work together to investigate, or someone to give up the investigation, than to make mistakes in chaos.

"I know about Uncle Li, I will tell them when I get a chance." Song Shutang said.

"The two of them are very smart. If you take the initiative to mention this matter to them, they will feel that it is not your character."

"It's too familiar for me to justify myself." Song Shutang felt that this was indeed a problem.

"So don't take the initiative to propose cooperation, just ask them if they are investigating separately, and then ask them to give up the investigation, and show that you investigate alone, and they will take the initiative to cooperate with you." Uncle Li said.

"Why don't you say Uncle Li is an old fox."

"You kid is looking for a fight."

"Let's go Uncle Li, I'll see you again when I'm free."

"Go back and change your clothes so you don't catch a cold."


Watching Song Shutang walk into the rain curtain, Uncle Li had a worried look on his face.

Wanting to investigate the high-level personnel in the headquarters of the Military Command Bureau, the danger is hard to describe.

He could only hope that the three of Song Shutang would work together to protect themselves.

In fact, regarding the matter of the Sword Holding Group, he also asked the organization to help investigate, but after all, he could not risk his life to expose the hidden personnel of the organization, so the organization did not approve his request.

Song Shutang returned to the intelligence department from Shangshibanpo.

Go and report to Shen Lushui about today's memorial service.

In front of Shen Lushui, Song Shutang did not act strangely, but said that there were a lot of people in the meeting, which was a bit unexpected.

After listening to the report, Shen Lushui said: "The red party is nothing more than trying to take advantage of the opportunity to gain momentum, and we can't control it. The intelligence department's primary task is to arrest and investigate spies."

"The chief said yes."

"You go back early to rest and change your clothes."

"Thank you, Chief, for your concern."

As for the situation at the memorial service, there is no need for Song Shutang to make a report. Party members will definitely report clearly, including who attended the memorial service, who gave a speech at it, what the speech was about, and so on. There will be no omissions.

When I came out of Shen Lushui's office, I didn't see Long Hao.

Obviously still in charge of following Yan Dong and Wang Ren.

After saying hello to Zhu Yue, Song Shutang didn't go home, and went directly to the Military Command Bureau to take a shower and change clothes. Taking a bath in the bureau is much more convenient than at home.

I didn't rush to leave after get off work.

Waited until Long Hao came back from his shift.

I inquired about the situation with Zhu Yue.

Yan Dong and Wang Ren have to say that they are very honest now, even Yan Dong doesn't live in the urban area, but lives in the arsenal these days.

Before that, he was in charge of purchasing and often lived in the city.

It doesn't come out anymore.

It seems that this kind of monitoring work will continue for a while. As for whether they will rein in the precipice and stop selling privately, both Zhu Yue and Song Shutang don't think so.

Greedy people have tasted the sweetness, how can they give up easily.

Especially after evading the most dangerous investigation, self-confidence will increase a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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