Chapter 195

Today Wang Ren's face was ashen.

He already guessed the reason because he was arrested to the Military Command Bureau.

It is obvious what happened when it was caught on the day of shipment.

So sitting in the interrogation room of the Military Control Bureau, Wang Ren, like Yan Dong, had no intention of resisting and insisting, saying that he would cooperate.

Cao Yanning didn't know what mood he was in today.

In the past, he had to be anxious if he couldn't get out of the interrogation, but today the trial went so smoothly, but he didn't feel much sense of accomplishment.

There is no other reason why Wang Ren cooperates so well.

Knowing that Yan Dong will definitely tell the whole story if he is arrested, it is meaningless for him to continue to hold on.

The information obtained from Wang Ren is actually not much different from that of Yan Dong, except that he said that he was not very clear about whether Zhang Wenfu was involved in it, but he guessed that there should be.

All are smart people.

Those who should not inquire will not inquire, and those who should not ask will not ask.

Therefore, when cooperating with Zhang Wenfu, Wang Ren did not explore more secrets.

After Wang Ren and Yan Dong opened their mouths, Zhang Wenfu would definitely be convicted, so there would be no problem.

But now they want to dig deeper.

Although knowing that the identity of the person involved is more important, it may cause trouble.

And also cut off some people's money.

But Song Shutang didn't intend to stop at all, and Cao Yanning and Cao Tiemian were not in vain, they thought the same as him.

Shen Lushui waited in the Military Control Bureau until the afternoon before arresting Zhang Wenfu. It can be seen that a lot of effort was wasted in the middle.

When Zhang Wenfu was handcuffed and sat on a stool in the interrogation room.

He also behaved extremely calmly.

He has seen big winds and waves, and experienced ups and downs, so he won't lose his composure.

Shen Lushui and Cao Yanning interrogated, and Song Shutang also participated in the interrogation.

"Director Zhang should know why he arrested you today." Shen Lushui said.


"Then ask Director Zhang to confess."

"Arms smuggling." Like Yan Dong and Wang Ren, Zhang Wenfu admitted without any resistance while sitting in the interrogation room.

Today's interrogation made everyone feel a little bit wrong.

However, he admitted so quickly, making Shen Lushui, Cao Yanning and others feel difficult to deal with.

"Who has a problem in the arsenal?"

"I cooperate with Wang Ren. He is responsible for the affairs in the arsenal. You can ask him."

"What about the Ordnance Department?"

"It's the two people who were caught by you."

"No one else?"


"What about outside the Ordnance Administration?"


"Where's the stolen money?"




"Why did you spend all that money?"

"Just spend whatever you want." Zhang Wenfu is now acting like a fool.

Zhang Wenfu knew very well that it was inevitable that his home would be ransacked due to such an investigation.

If you provide or not provide the stolen money, your home will be confiscated.

And he couldn't provide all the stolen money, so it must be wrong. Fortunately, he had thought about today, and had already transferred his share of the money to the secret account one step ahead of time.

After the incident happened to me, this account will be handed over to my family when things are calm.

Someone is in charge of this.

Arranging for the funeral can be considered a rainy day.

So what Zhang Wen empowers to do now is to bear it all.

Cao Yanning sneered and said, "Do you think the person who made an agreement with you will keep the promise?"

Zhang Wenfu simply ignored Cao Yanning's words.

It's nothing more than the technique of interrogation.

Cao Yanning glanced at Song Shutang and motioned for him to speak.

Give him a chance to exercise.

Song Shutang was not afraid of the stage and said: "Director Zhang has thought about his funeral and is willing to sacrifice himself for the family. He is a real man, but Director Zhang should also have a lot of family property. If you put it in the hands of others, do you think the other party will be interested in money? ?”

"You are not worthy to interrogate me."

"I'm just worried, so much money makes people jealous."


"Director Zhang thinks that he will not die. If he has a handle, people outside will keep his promise. But don't they want Director Zhang to die?"

"You're still far from scheming." Zhang Wenfu said with a sneer.

"It's just a hypothesis. After all, the death of a person who committed a felony these days is not a big deal. What do you think, Director Zhang?"

But Zhang Wenfu was still indifferent.

As for torture Cao Yanning didn't have this idea, Zhang Wenfu was determined not to say it.

And Shangfeng doesn't allow torture. After all, he has already admitted his problems, so why do you still use torture?

Want to beat him into a trick and make him bite some non-existent people?
Your intelligence department wants to harm the unity of the party?

These are hats.

So as long as you use torture, if Zhang Wenfu is injured, then what he said can't be used as evidence.

Interrogating party members is different from interrogating spies and Red Party members.

Seeing that Zhang Wenfu did not cooperate, Shen Lushui could only detain him first.

Cao Yanning analyzed and said: "It seems that Zhang Wenfu has already arranged the funeral."

"It took some time to arrest him. He should have reached an agreement with the people above, and he may have left behind. If he dies, the secret may be announced, so he is confident that no one will Kill him to silence him." Shen Lushui also felt that it was difficult now.

The stolen money that belonged to him before has been transferred.

He is not afraid even if the house is stolen.

And he may have prepared backhands, such as telling his wife the secret, and making it public if he died.

Of course it might not be my wife.

After all, it is easy to cause a family to die.

It may be someone in the dark, but it is impossible to know who it is.

It is very likely that there is no such person at all, but the people behind Zhang Wenfu are wary, and it is enough not to kill him.

How could Zhang Wenfu speak under such circumstances.

Song Shutang continued: "Zhang Wenfu's family not only has a wife and children, but also a clan in his hometown. Maybe the people of the clan cooperated with him. In the future, his wife and children will also return to the clan. With this money, he will definitely be treated well."

This statement certainly makes sense.

But it is obviously unwise for you to investigate the people in the clan now.

There are many people and it is impossible for the other party to confess.

Even the higher-ups will rush to close the case. After all, Zhang Wenfu has already admitted that the problem has been investigated clearly. Why don't you close the case?

The Intelligence Section will also be under pressure.

You insist on not closing the case, and you still say that your intelligence department has a different heart.

This kind of investigation is the most difficult. Some people are willing to come forward to undertake it, and there will be others to cooperate and assist in the future. Basically, the investigation will end here.

This is not the case in the party.

There were many before.

But you said that the case was closed as before, and the three of them were not reconciled.

Cao Yanning was not reconciled because of his personality, only the wrong name was not called by the wrong nickname, Cao Tiemian was not called for nothing.

Song Shutang's mind is very simple, the moths in the party must be caught, so as not to harm the country and the people.

But Shen Lushui also has this intention, and is willing to face pressure, and Song Shutang is also observing him.

It can be seen from this that the matter of the Sword Holding Group should have nothing to do with Shen Lushui. Now Song Shutang can only slowly eliminate suspicious persons, and naturally observe and make judgments when he has the most contact with Shen Lushui.

Combining previous observations with what we have seen now, there should be no problem with Shen Lushui.

"Section Chief Cao will take care of all the people caught today, don't let them meet with anyone, and at the same time ensure their safety." Shen Lushui confessed.

"Section Chief Shen, don't worry, I will take responsibility personally."

"At the same time, Zhu Yue contacted the property clearing committee in the bureau to ransack the homes of Zhang Wenfu, Wang Ren, Yan Dong and others." Shen Lushui continued.

"It's the section chief." Song Shutang replied.

"I'll report this to the director and see how to investigate next."

The three of them dispersed separately.

Song Shutang found Zhu Yue and conveyed Shen Lushui's meaning.

Zhu Yue immediately went to the Property Clearance Committee of the Bureau Headquarters, and together with the staff of the Intelligence Section, ransacked the criminal's home, and all property must be confiscated.

Song Shutang didn't go with him, and Zhu Yue and the people from the property liquidation committee went together.

Seeing Song Shutang coming back, Long Hao also asked some questions.

The two chatted for a few words and Long Hao said: "Zhang Wenfu is determined to bear it all, which means there must be a big shot behind him, otherwise he wouldn't be like this."

"It's just that I don't know who the big shot is."

"Do you want to find out who agreed to transfer him to the Military Industry Department when he was from the Judicial Yuan?"

"It's useless."

It's useless for you to check these.

As long as Zhang Wenfu doesn't open his mouth, it doesn't make sense for you to check anyone.

 At this time, the Military Control Bureau has not established a property liquidation committee, and it will be used in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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