Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 277 Cooperation

Chapter 277 Cooperation
Across the ocean.

Go far away.

There was a hail of bullets, and the water was in dire straits.

Working like hell but not getting what they deserve.

The minister of the embassy, ​​Spahi, doesn't know people well, so he can be afraid of him if he is jealous.

Daily hard work gets a little praise, and that's all.

If you want to go back, you may worry about your future.

But the future is still bleak.

But today's position is obtained in exchange for many years of work, and he has escaped many times in the face of air raids and bombings.

It's really not reconciled.

But when facing such an important matter, Spahi hasn't made it clear to him, which shows his attitude.

For a while, Di Buren felt that the road ahead was difficult.

Facing Song Shutang, Zhu Yue and others, he couldn't hide his complexion.

At this time, it is even more necessary to strike while the iron is hot.

Song Shutang said: "Sir, why don't you think for yourself."

"What exactly do you want to do?" Di Buren was not stupid, and he knew that meeting today must be something he wanted.

"I want to cooperate."

"Cooperation?" Debron obviously didn't believe it.

"Yes, cooperate."

"I'm afraid I want me to cooperate with you and provide personnel information in the mansion so that you can investigate the spies." Di Buren naturally saw through it at a glance.

The purpose of the Intelligence Section is very clear.

"Mr. Dai is really smart."

"How could it be possible for me to go against the envoy's decision." Debron seemed to be refusing.

But he didn't get up and leave.

Everyone knew he was waiting.

If you want me to go against the envoy's decision, it depends on what price you are prepared to pay.

The conditions are not enough.

Debron obviously would not agree.

Now it's cake time.

But it is not completely fabricated out of thin air, and it must have a certain degree of credibility.

"The spies hidden in the legation are probably not only looking for our information, but also the information about your country has been explored seven or eight times, and it may have long been no secret in the eyes of the Japanese.

As a minister of the legation, it is the responsibility of negligence, and the crime is not small.

And when the intelligence department informed that there were spies, they still refused to cooperate with the investigation, trying to cover up the spies to cover up their mistakes in work. They made mistakes again and again, regardless of the interests of your country, and only wanted to preserve their positions and future. , has put personal gains and losses above national interests, such a minister is not expected to be favored. "

Song Shutang's words are very tempting.

Does Spahi think so?

As long as there are really spies in the legation, no one cares whether Spahi thinks so.

Spazzi couldn't explain.

And if something like this happens, how can it be left alone.

Spahi is one of the main responsible persons.

Having to say what Song Shutang said made Dai Bolun very moved.

Song Shutang continued: "I'm afraid it will be difficult to keep the position of Minister Spahi at that time. We will also discuss this matter with your country and try to get Spaxi removed from his post."

"But even if the envoy leaves." Di Buren hesitated to speak.

After all his background.

It will be difficult to take Spahi's place.

Song Shutang said, "No one is more familiar with the work here than Mr. Dai. Even if he can't be a minister, he can at least be a charge d'affaires. When the time comes, Mr. Dai will still have the final say in the embassy."


Equally alluring.

The Minister is not in the Legation.

The agent is the number one.

And this resume is very important, if you have done it as an agent.

Going back to Debron in the future will also have merit, so there is no need to worry about the future.

Even if he acts as a charge d'affaires, he will be sent if someone who is more suitable to be a minister is found in the future.

But he won't be left behind.

Because he was a chargé d'affaires before, if he stayed, it would create a scene of fighting for power and profit, which would not be conducive to the development of the work.

The country will transfer him back.

Then he will go back when the time comes, and he will be a meritorious minister.

would have been better organized.

And you can leave the mountain city, after all, it is full of dangers.

Such a picture is very attractive.

But Debron hesitated and asked, "Are there really spies in the legation?"

"To be honest, we can only say that there is a high probability, but we don't know whether it is true or not. It needs to go through careful investigation, but even if there is no loss, there is no loss for Mr. Dai. The situation is not the same as yesterday. It is an attempt for myself, and it is an attempt without paying, I think it is a good choice."

What Song Shutang said was the truth.

There really won't be any changes.

As for your claim that Debron provided you with information, would you use this matter to threaten the other party?

Not a good threat.

After all, it is the intelligence department, and the first step is to carry out intelligence work on the legation.

Contact with Diberon now is intelligence work.

Is the intelligence department going to confess?
Then other legations and embassies know about this matter, can they let it go?
After all, which legation or embassy would dare to say that they are monolithic.

Can't the intelligence department do the same intelligence work for them?

Many things cannot be explained clearly.

Putting it on the table, the impact would be too great.

So there is no need to worry about Di Buren, the intelligence department used this matter to threaten him.

The same thing is that it is impossible for him to take advantage of this matter, threatening the intelligence department.

After all, if you eat inside and out and violate the minister's decision, speaking out will only hurt Debron even more.

So everyone is keeping a secret from each other.

So there is nothing wrong with trying to no avail.

Diberon sat on a stool, lost in thought.

He knew it was an opportunity.

But it could also be a crisis.

But after thinking about it, Dai Buren finally said: "We can cooperate, but I need you to keep it secret."

This matter cannot be known by Spahi.

The same cannot be known domestically.

Otherwise, even if Spahi left the embassy, ​​he would probably be transferred and face punishment.

"That's natural." Zhu Yue said.

Secrecy is certain.

"After the matter is completed, you will put pressure on the domestic transfer of Spahi, and at the same time suggest that I should take over his work and become the charge d'affaires of the legation." Di Buren said his second condition.

"no problem."

This is of course no problem.

Letting Spahi leave is also to let people in other embassies and embassies understand.

On the issue of spies involved.

I hope everyone can cooperate.

Otherwise, it will end like this.

And they already have mutual secrets with Debron, even if they are closely related.

After he became the charge d'affaires, he would benefit the government a lot.

We can always cooperate.

Say nice things to each other.

Finally Di Buren said: "You can't ask me about very private matters in the Legation, and you should know what I mean."

He didn't want to talk about the embassy.

It seems that the legation does have some intelligence work on its shoulders.

But this is also the norm.

Di Buren felt that since he took over Spahi's job, the legation itself was the person in charge, so if he told the intelligence department all the secrets of the legation now, wouldn't it be a mess when he took over the legation.

Di Buren can be said to be prepared for a rainy day.

I have already started to think about it after acting as a representative for myself.

Faced with this request, Zhu Yue still agreed.

After all, their target was the spy, not the legation.

Furthermore, as for the secrets of the embassy, ​​even if you have mastered it, it is of no use.

Because the embassy is at most collecting intelligence and the like.

There will be no other problems.

You have nothing to do with them, and it is not surprising that legations and embassies are responsible for collecting intelligence.

When Di Buron's conditions are finished.

Zhu Yue said that he could cooperate.

Then Zhu Yue immediately asked for a copy of the staff information of the embassy in the embassy.

At the same time, let him mark clearly whose Chinese characters are well written.

The handwriting on the note left by Shoda Kazuya is very good, but you can’t say that it must be written by a Chinese, so Di Buren must know who has better Chinese characters among the foreigners in the embassy.

"Is that all you need to provide?" Debron asked.

He thought it would be more troublesome and dangerous to cooperate with the spy investigation.

But at this moment, it seems that it is not so difficult.

"It would be even better if you could tell me why Spahis backtracked." Zhu Yue said.

There is definitely a need for personnel information.

The follow-up investigation will wait until the personnel information has been read.

There will definitely be times when he will ask Di Buren, but now Zhu Yue doesn't plan to say so much, and he must make his own judgment before talking.

Otherwise, you don't even know what to talk about with Debron now.

As for why Spahi backtracked, Zhu Yue was really curious.

Di Buren guessed in his heart and said: "I think the main reason for his rebellion is the secrets in the embassy. He is worried that the intelligence department will find out. Secondly, he should be worried that there will be spies hiding in it, which will have a great impact on his work."

The first reason is understandable to everyone.

But the second reason.

If you don't catch it, won't your work be even more affected.

Paper cannot hold fire.

Especially after the intelligence department has been eyeing this matter.

Di Buren said: "There was news from the country before, specifically talking about the issue of international spies. At this time, something happened in the legation, just like what you said just now. The minister is the first person who needs a person in charge."

Figure it out.

Zhu Yue didn't continue to ask, but told Dai Bolun to secretly send the information to the intelligence department earlier.

They have no interest in the secrets of the legation.

Just look at the data to catch spies.

Is it possible to touch the secrets by providing personnel information?

Of course it is possible.

But Di Buron and Spahi have different considerations, he is willing to try.

And it is only possible to touch the secret, not necessarily to be aware of the secret.

Besides, the secret is nothing more than the identity of some intelligence personnel.

At worst, wait until he takes over Spahi's job, and then change a batch of intelligence staff.

To solve this problem.

Looking at Di Burun who left, Long Hao said: "I hope the information he provided us can play a key role."

"It may be the largest in the legation now." Zhu Yue said.

After all, the port has already been visited.

have all been ruled out.

Long Hao asked again: "If the spy is really captured from the legation, will Spahi be able to be driven away? If he can't fulfill the agreement with Debron, will he jump the wall in a hurry?"

Faced with this problem, Zhu Yue smiled and went to see Song Shutang.

Song Shutang explained to Long Hao: "If we can really catch the spies, we will definitely announce this matter, and at the same time, we will also suggest to them in China to transfer Spazzi away, and at the same time let other people say that Debran is qualified for this job.

We just need to do this. As for whether they will arrange this way, it has nothing to do with us. Even if things go against our wishes, Di Buron will not resent us, because we have already done what we promised.

Not only will he not jump over the wall in a hurry, but he will also thank us for keeping our promises. Moreover, Spahis has not left the embassy and is his immediate boss. He will want to keep this matter secret more than anyone else, so your worries will not arise. "

Long Hao heard it too.

When Di Buron left, the three of them went back to the intelligence department.

Now start to wait for the information of Di Buron.

The information that was waiting for Spahi before has not been received.

But waiting for Di Buron's information, I think it will be smoother.

Sure enough, by the next night, Debron's information had already been delivered.

This speed can be described as very fast.

It seems that Di Buren has been sorting out the personnel information in the embassy overnight since he returned yesterday.

The person responsible for sending the information is the person arranged by the intelligence department.

They arranged for people to wait in Eling.

Di Buron only needs to hand over the information to him.

After all, now that Debron is asked to find someone in the embassy to deliver the information, the intelligence department is worried that it might be a spy.

In order to avoid such a situation.

Naturally, they arranged for someone to pick up the information, and took it directly from Debron to prevent others from knowing it.

Get the information back.

Song Shutang and others began to study.

The first is to do exclusion.

Those who cannot write Chinese characters or speak Chinese are excluded.

The Spies don't hide that, after all.

He wrote Chinese characters in the legation, how could he give everyone the impression that he would not.

If you really intend to hide this skill.

That will certainly not have any performance in the legation.

It is impossible for the note to appear in the legation.

Furthermore, the spy can lurk in the embassy, ​​I am afraid it is also using his own skills.

So exclude some people first.

But not many people can be ruled out in this regard.

After all, working in the legation, I know more or less about it.

Then, based on the information provided by Di Buren, the second exclusion began.

Exclude those who write badly and speak badly.


can speak!

and well written.

well said.

There is also a big difference.

The other party's handwriting is pretty good on the note that the intelligence department has now.

Then there are a lot of people who are excluded.

In the end there were very few people left.

Foreigners who can write well and speak well.

Actually four.

Spahi, Debron.

and two others.

But four others were Chinese.

It's no problem for these four people to be able to speak and write.

Now there are eight suspects.

But Spahi and Debron can be ruled out.

So that means six.

All six are now eligible.

Long Hao looked at the six people and said, "Would you like Debron to provide their manuscripts, and we can identify the spy by comparing the handwriting."

This is the easiest and most effective way.

After all, they had the manuscript in their hands.

This is the most powerful evidence that they caught the spies.

But both Song Shutang and Zhu Yue hesitated.

Zhu Yue said: "Our goal of arresting this spy is actually the spy team led by Kota Miki. If Diebron is asked to provide the manuscript for comparison, I am worried that the spy will be noticed."

You can keep an eye on these six people first.

Compare again.

This prevents the opponent from fleeing.

But if the other party finds out, how do you capture the spy team led by Kota Miki?

(End of this chapter)

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