Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 284 Entering the Legation

Chapter 284 Entering the Legation

Application for entry into the Legation for search.

Encountered a lot of obstacles.

Legations and embassies are considered special buildings.

It's a little more troublesome to deal with.

However, the identity of Xin Zhiye's spy is confirmed, and he has been hiding in the embassy for a long time.

The other party also wanted to understand the interrogation.

Finally, after many negotiations, a consensus was reached.

Two people were dispatched by the intelligence agency to enter the legation, but they could not act alone, they needed to be accompanied by the embassy staff throughout the process.

This is already a concession.

The government agreed.

The two candidates are naturally Zhu Yue and Song Shutang.

As for Shangkou Akiko, she wanted to go, but it was impossible to get such an opportunity.

Today is the appointed time, Zhu Yue and Song Shutang made preparations early and rushed to Eling.

It would be a pity to miss out on the opportunity obtained through negotiation and negotiation.

On the way the two rushed to Eling, Zhu Yue said: "Section Chief Cao has already met Xin Zhiye."

"It's useless, isn't it?"

"It's really useless."

"It seems that Xin Zhiye is now determined to take revenge, and nothing can shake him."

"That kind of paranoia is hard to change."

"What's the result of torture?" Song Shutang asked.

During the previous meeting to discuss, Shen Lushui said that he would tell Xin Zhiye the clues he had investigated, if he was still obsessed with it.

Just use punishment to see the situation.

"Section Chief Cao personally supervised the torture, but the effect was not good." Zhu Yue said.

"If the spy is not sure, it's better to speak up." Song Shutang sighed.

Xin Zhiye's situation is special.

It's really not as easy to deal with as a spy.

The two of them also drove to Eling while they were chatting. Today's visit is a business, so naturally they applied for a vehicle.

Come to the gate to identify yourself.

Soon Debron was seen coming out to greet him.

Seeing the two, Di Buren let them in and said, "The two team leaders came quite early."

"Follow orders, don't dare to delay."

"What Team Leader Zhu said is absolutely true."

"Charge d'affaires Dai is in good spirits on happy occasions." Song Shutang said with a smile.

Di Buren is now the charge d'affaires in the embassy.

Otherwise, it would not be his turn to greet him.

As for Spahi.

Already arranged to return home.

It's just that it hasn't moved yet.

But in the legation, Spahi is no longer in charge.

Spahi himself didn't want to find himself bored, so he simply moved out of the embassy, ​​and now he is waiting in the urban area for a few days before leaving for his country.

Going back is not enjoying the happiness.

Instead, face investigation and blame.

Di Buron has achieved his goal, how can he not be happy.

Facing Song Shutang's words, Dai Bolun said in a low voice: "Thank you both."

When the two found him, he decided to take a gamble.

Seems like the right decision now.

"The charge d'affaires don't need to say thank you, we each take what we need, but now the charge d'affaires has come to a perfect conclusion, but our investigation has reached a deadlock." Song Shutang said as the three walked towards the inside.

"I heard that Xin Zhiye has a hard mouth."


"Your military control bureau can't pry it open?" In the mountain city of Dai Burun, he has heard about the methods of the military command bureau, and there are not many people who can support it.

However, the matter of Xin Zhiye involved a scandal in the government.

Naturally, he would not say anything to Debron.

It's just that Xin Zhiye is stubborn.

Song Shutang changed the subject and asked: "The Chargé d'Affaires didn't find it in the previous search?"

Debron didn't feel any embarrassment when he was directly exposed that he had conducted a search.

He smiled and said, "After all, I'm not a professional. If you want to talk about the search, you still need to come."

Enter the office building.

Di Buron asked: "Where should we search first?"

"Go and see Xin Zhiye's residence first." Song Shutang said.

Said it was an office building.

But it also shoulders the responsibilities of the dormitory.

When he came to the room where Xin Zhiye lived before, Dai Bolun took out the key from his arms and said: "I locked the door after the incident that day, and the other person in the room also arranged to rest in another dormitory. The things in the room are basically Didn't move."

He arranged for a search.

But nothing was found, and the things in the house were indeed not disturbed.

Entering the room, Song Shutang and Zhu Yue began to work.

The two are not talking nonsense.

Debron stood at the door and waited.

The dormitory is small so it is not difficult to search.

Even things that weren't Xin Zhiye's, they didn't let them go.

After some searching, nothing was found.

It is similar to what the two had previously speculated.

Xin Zhiye has received professional training from the Japanese, so it is impossible to show his feet in such an obvious place.

"Go to the workstation and have a look." Zhu Yue said to Dai Bolun.

Disappointed, Dai Bolun closed the door and took the two of them to the place where Xin Zhiye worked.

But looking around at the place of work, it was also fruitless.

The two are also helpless.

You tell Xin Zhiye the clues you have investigated, but they don't listen.

You are not afraid of torture.

The search turned up nothing.

How to investigate this next.

The thread seems to be broken again.

The harvest is just to catch a spy.

There is still no clue about Miki Kota's matter, but there is news from Shanghai that the contacts between the traitor leaders have become more frequent.

The Japanese lobbying may be about to succeed.

The Military Command Bureau is naturally anxious.

Seeing that there was nothing to gain, Di Buren said to the two, "Go to my office and have a cup of coffee."

Came to Di Buren's office, which was previously Spahi's office.

He moved really fast enough.

Coffee is freshly ground.

Di Buren's coffee is pretty good.

Although Song Shutang doesn't like to drink coffee, it looks more fragrant.

Zhu Yue picked it up and took a sip.

In fact, there is nothing to taste, it just feels bitter.

He still prefers tea.

Song Shutang also tasted it at the invitation of Dai Bolun, and it was really good.

But he can't say he likes it.

Just a taste.

"Is this not found?" Debron asked.


"The spy is really hidden deep."

"The charge d'affaires has worked with Xin Zhiye for so long, do you find anything strange?" Zhu Yue asked.

"I've been thinking about it for the past few days, but there's nothing strange or suspicious about it."

"Is there nothing suspicious about it?"

"Not really, and he seldom leaves the legation."

"Very few?" Song Shutang caught these two words.

"That's right, you guys have been monitoring him for a while, he really doesn't leave very often," said Debran.

surveillance during this time.

It is true that Xin Zhiye seldom leaves the legation.

But you said that Xin Zhiye rarely left the embassy after moving to Chongqing, Song Shutang thinks it is wrong.

After all, work is now on the right track. For the sake of safety, Xin Zhiye rarely leaves the embassy without any work. Everyone can understand.

But when I first came to the mountain city.

That was messy.

Many organizations moved to Chongqing.

At that time, the Japanese needed a lot of information about Yamashiro.

Even after arriving in the mountain city, how Xin Zhiye wanted to contact the Japanese needed contact.

And with the chaotic period when the people and agencies and other companies moved to Chongqing, it was also the best time for the spy team to sneak into the mountain city.

It is impossible for Xin Zhiye to hide in the legation all the time, right?

Song Shutang immediately raised his doubts.

Zhu Yue also felt that it made sense.

But Di Buren still insisted: "He really rarely leaves, and the work he is in charge of does not require leaving the embassy. Sometimes he will not take him when he goes out for meetings or activities."

"Didn't you leave the legation some time ago?"


Shangkou Akiko said that Xin Zhiye is likely to be responsible for the preparations for Miki Kota and others to lurk in the mountain city.

He didn't even leave the legation, how could he be responsible?
Besides, Xin Zhiye was in charge of investigating Masada Kazuya in the first place, so it's not that he couldn't leave the embassy.

In short, Dai Bolun's words made Song Shutang suspicious.

"Is it possible that Xin Zhiye can contact the people above without leaving the legation?" Zhu Yue put forward a hypothesis.

There is only this one hypothesis that can be explained.

"Radio station?" Debron said immediately.

There is a radio station in the embassy.

But the radio station cannot contact them directly in the country.

Too far, not enough power.

So it needs to be transferred, and the transfer is also in charge of their own people abroad, not in their country or in China.

It's just that their stations are on record.

It's a legal station.

If Xin Zhiye did not leave the legation, he would be able to contact the Japanese.

So besides the radio station, Debron couldn't think of a second possibility.

"Is your radio station not guarded by someone?" Zhu Yue asked.

"There is a dedicated person in charge, but after all, there is not much contact with the country. There are two stipulated contact times a month. Except for these two time points, the door of the communication room is basically locked." Di Buren said.

Then it is indeed possible for Xin Zhiye to enter the communication room and use the radio to send a report.

After all, he contacted the Spies.

The distance is not as far across the border.

"Has no one discovered that the communication room has been entered?" Song Shutang also asked.

After all, if Xin Zhiye really used the radio station in the embassy, ​​then it must not be a one-off report.

Instead, it has been sent many times.

Even received it.

Then if there are too many times this time, no one will find out?
"I've never heard of it," said Debron.

"Who is in charge of the communication room?"

"Want to see you?"


Di Buren quickly called the person in charge of the communication room.

People are brought over.

people from their country.

A woman in her mid-30s.

Chinese is even a bit stuttering.

But she doesn't need to use it normally, and she doesn't use Chinese to send and receive telegrams.

So now Zhu Yue is asking, and Dai Bolun is in charge of translation.

The question asked was whether she felt that the communication room had been entered.

But the woman shook her head and said no.

Zhu Yue didn't give up asking for all kinds of details, but the women answered that they didn't feel that the communication room had been entered.

Wait until the woman leaves.

Song Shutang said: "According to Xin Zhiye's ability, even if she enters the communication room, she will not be found. Besides, she may go in twice a month, once in half a month, with an interval of more than ten days. She didn't even know if she really moved her position."

"So it's really using the radio station in the legation?" Zhu Yue asked.

Song Shutang thought it was possible.

After all, the radio station in the legation will not be checked.

The second is that this legation is at the right time, place and people.

There is no one in the communication room.

Isn't this the best opportunity for Xin Zhiye?
"Now we can explain why he seldom leaves the embassy." Debron felt that he had made a major discovery.

But Song Shutang raised a question: "He can use the radio to communicate with the Japanese without leaving the embassy, ​​but he has to do preliminary preparations, so doesn't he need to leave the embassy?"

"The preparatory work for the spy team is just Akiko Kaguchi's speculation. Maybe Xin Zhiye is not responsible for these at all. He may have nothing to do with Kota Miki's spy team at all?" Zhu Yue proposed such a question Suspect.

It makes sense to say so.

But Song Shutang felt that what Shangkou Axizi said in such a situation must have a certain degree of credibility.

And even if Xin Zhiye is not in charge of Kota Miki.

Isn't he in charge of other spy teams?

Shoda and Kazuya are both responsible.

Let alone Xin Zhiye.

You are in the legation, what information can you get?
It may be that your identity is an excellent cover.

The Japanese can give you tasks, and you can pass them on to other spy teams.

Or what information other spies have.

It can be sent out safely through Xinzhiye.

But these always need to be in contact with people, right?

How can you get information without contact, and how can you use the radio to pass it on?

Can't it be that Xin Zhiye's job is to lurk in the legation and do nothing?

This is clearly not possible.

"Where is the communication room?" Zhu Yue asked.

"Are you going to see it?" Debron hesitated.

After all, there are still some documents in the communication room.

"We don't understand either." Song Shutang said.

They really don't understand those words.

Debran smiled and said, "It's not a matter of understanding or not."

"We just look at the door lock of the communication room." Zhu Yue said.

They didn't want to go in and check.

After all, none of them knew what the communication room looked like before, even if you went in and looked, you wouldn't be able to see the clues.

I want to see the lock.

Are there any signs of being pried.

Now you say that Xin Zhiye transmits and receives information through the radio station in the legation, you need to verify this.

This is also very important.

After all, there are many legations and embassies in Shancheng.

Basically there are radio stations.

If it is used by spies.

How much convenience does this provide to the spies.

After confirming it, it is good to ring the alarm bell for everyone.

At the same time, the Military Control Bureau must also start to strengthen the monitoring and management of these so-called legal radio stations.

Come to the communication room.

The two checked the door lock carefully, Zhu Yue said: "There is no sign of being pried."

"So it's not using the radio?" Debron was a little disbelieving.

Song Shutang said: "Xin Zhiye didn't use it once, if he wanted to use it, he would have to use it many times. You can't pick the lock every time. After a long time, you will inevitably be discovered. Check his keys."

For Xin Zhiye, there is a secret key.

is the safest.

They just found several keys in Xin Zhiye's room.

Di Buren immediately went to get it.

But none of these keys can open the door.

Zhu Yue said: "I arrested Xin Zhiye before, and found a bunch of keys during the body search. In the intelligence department, take them here and try?"

"Call me in my office," said Debron.

Call the intelligence department and ask Long Hao to deliver the key.

Soon Long Hao came over.

Try again and find that there is indeed a key that can open the door.

Moreover, the joint with a tooth mark on this key is worn so thin that it can be broken if you press it hard with your fingers.

That is to say, Xin Zhiye can give up this key at any time, so that the door of the communication room cannot be opened.

Avoid being discovered.

And it is very safe to carry it on the body, and there is no need to worry about being noticed.

Xin Zhiye has the key to the communication room, which can explain many problems.

But you still have no way to get Xin Zhiye to speak.

Just as they were about to leave the door of the communication room and go back to Dai Buren's office, Song Shutang glanced at the scenery outside the corridor window.

He subconsciously asked, "Are we just above your office?"

"Yes." Debraon said.

Because the upstairs and downstairs room layout is different.

But the correspondence between the top and bottom is just right, and the communication room is just above Debran's office.

So that means it was above Spahi's office before.

If he said that, Song Shutang suddenly remembered that flash of light.

(End of this chapter)

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