Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 286 Multiple identities

Chapter 286 Multiple identities
Potential partner!

Such combinations are common in undercover work.

But there are people who have a good understanding and trust enough.

It is not uncommon to temporarily arrange a partner, but it is obviously different in the legation.

It has been a long time partner but has thoughts, which is rare in the eyes of Shangkou Akiko.

Partners are different from espionage teams.

There is no strict sense of who leads who, and when things happen, they are mostly deliberated.

It's just that one person can make the final decision when a decision cannot be made for a long time.

The hidden relationship between Xin Zhiye and the archives is difficult for Akiko Shangkou to explain from the perspective of a spy.

Song Shutang asked: "Is it because Xin Zhiye is not Japanese and has not been fully trusted by the spy agency, so he avoids contacting the spy agency and reports some information that Xin Zhiye does not know, and even Just to report on Xin Zhiye's performance and so on?"

Faced with such a question, Akiko Shangguchi shook her head without thinking.

She said: "Since you choose to use Xin Zhiye and arrange a partner to work with him, there is no such thing as trust or not. It may not be trusted, and doing so will only create more uncertain factors, which is not conducive to the development of their latent work."


The traitor chosen by the spy agency.

Although some will betray and open their mouths after being arrested, they are given trust during work.

Besides, after the Japanese were arrested, there were not a few who chose to speak up.

The people in the legation contacted the spy agency behind Xin Zhiye's back, obviously not saying that they didn't trust him.

There must be another purpose.

"Then why did this happen?" Song Shutang asked.

"Could it be that you read it wrong, and the people in the legation didn't go to the communication room to send the report?" Shangkou Axiko could only doubt Song Shutang now.

Because the whole thing doesn't make sense logically.

Why don't you suspect that there are still spies in the legation.

That's because through Xin Zhiye's attitude, you can already tell that the existence of a partner in the legation is real.

The intelligence department still has this judgment ability.

Then we can only suspect that the partner in the legation did not actually send the report.

Facing the suspicion of catchy Akiko.

Song Shutang said: "It can't be wrong."

There was a flicker of light.

Did not take it to heart.

But now thinking about it carefully, Song Shutang thinks that he is right.

Not the lights in Spahih's office, but the lights in the communications room.

He has recalled this detail many times, and he doubted himself at the beginning. After many times of recall and comparison, he can confirm this matter now.

Seeing Song Shutang so sure.

Shangkou Akiko can only dispel his doubts about him.

After thinking hard.

Shangkou Axizi suddenly said: "Is it possible that Xin Zhiye's partner is not in contact with the spy agency at all, but someone else?"

"Isn't it a spy agency?" Song Shutang also had some vague guesses about Shangkou Akiko's hypothesis.

"Since the logic of contacting the spy agency does not make sense to us, it is very likely that he contacted not the spy agency, but maybe someone else, so he dared not let Xin Zhiye know. After leaving the embassy, ​​I sent the report secretly by myself." Shangguchi Akiko raised such a possibility.

Song Shutang thought about this hypothesis carefully.

Then he said: "Xin Zhiye's partner, the Spies, was instead developed by other intelligence agencies, so what he contacted was not the Doihara Agency, but other intelligence agencies."

"Yes!" Kakashi Akiko nodded.

In intelligence work, complex situations do arise.

An intelligence worker has six identities and backgrounds, and this has happened before.

He even didn't know who he was doing for many times.

He can even choose to be loyal to one of them at any time.

Because every force thinks he is their own intelligence worker.

It's just breaking into other intelligence agencies lurking.

So it is not surprising that there are intelligence workers with multiple identities.

Strictly speaking, this is the proper form of intelligence work.

But the Japanese army is now in full swing.

The puppet government is also ready to move.

Under such circumstances, who can develop their people?
The government is not without ideas.

The Military Control Bureau also tried to develop spies for its own use.

But it is very difficult.

You are not attractive enough to them.

Now it is obvious that the partners in the legation are not developed by the government.

Otherwise, this problem is now resolved.

who can that be?

Red Party?

Although the Red Party has performed several times before, it seems a bit unexpected to Song Shutang.

In such an environment as a mountain city, there is still such energy.

I dare not say that my hands and eyes are open to the sky, but it also gives people some surprises.

But he doesn't think the Red Party can develop spies.

After all, the red party is not as attractive to spies as the national government.

So who is the person behind this spy?

"It should be an international intelligence organization," said Akiko Ueguchi.

This can only be inferred.

The price they offered must be more attractive.

It is not difficult to understand that international intelligence personnel are operating in mountain cities.

The mountain city has now gathered many forces.

Like Shanghai, Bingcheng and other places, espionage activities are very frequent.

There are countless people with multiple identities.

"Even if it is deduced now that the spy in the legation was instigated by someone, it is still difficult for us to find him out." Song Shutang felt that how to find this person is the key.



"International intelligence personnel must have made a selection when developing this spy. At least there is no language barrier between this person and them." Said Akiko Shangguchi.

"Can't they all communicate in Chinese?" Song Shutang felt that this would happen.

After all, they are all engaged in intelligence work in the mountain city.

Then it must be Chinese.

There is no communication barrier.

But Akiko Shangkou shook her head and said: "If you choose to join this international intelligence organization, you will definitely not be able to return to China in the future, let alone stay in China. The way out should be to go abroad and live in the country where he works. A very difficult thing."

back road!

The spy betrayed the original organization and chose to join the new organization.

There will definitely be a way out.

Shangkou Akiko substituting herself as a spy, she thinks going abroad is the best result.

After all, there is no chance to go back to the Japanese.

It is impossible to live in China, the Japanese will kill you, and the government will not tolerate you.

It can be seen that when the international intelligence organization wins promises, it will tell him that he can live in a foreign country.

So there is definitely a convenience in language.

Shangkou Axizi's explanation Song Shutang thinks there is some truth.

"The people in the international intelligence organization know that this person can speak their language, which means that this matter is not a secret. The people in the embassy must also know it. We should start to investigate from the language aspect, and we should be able to grasp some clues." Shangkou Akiko's tone became a little excited.

She felt that she could finally make a difference.

people in the embassy.

Those who can speak Chinese don't count.

Instead, speak the language of other countries.

These people all have the possibility of being instigated.

Previously, Di Buren provided a personnel profile, which provided information in this regard.

Knowing their native language does not count.

Those who can speak Chinese don't count.

Then anyone who knows other languages ​​should be suspicious.

Song Shutang immediately said: "Go and inform the team leader about this matter, and at the same time sort out the list of suspects."

"I will go with you."

"it is good."

This time you have no choice but to bring catchy Akiko.

After all, it is inferred that this spy has been instigated by other intelligence agencies.

And from the language can be investigated.

It's all thanks to her.

After seeing Zhu Yue, Song Shutang motioned for Axiko to report by herself.

Shangkou Akiko was a little grateful for this.

After clarifying the problem quickly, Zhu Yue also realized that this is indeed a method of investigation.

Take out all the previous information immediately.

Start tidying up.

Finishing up soon.

Eight suspects were identified.

They all speak other languages.

four languages.





Although there are four languages, many countries are involved.

Basically, there are legations and embassies in the mountain city.

In other words, there is a natural cover for intelligence activities.

Zhu Yue said: "They discovered the spy lurking in the mountain city, but they only did solicitation and development, but they didn't tell us.

They even ignored the various espionage activities carried out by the spies in the mountain city, and only guaranteed their own intelligence interests. "

In this case.

The three also understood that it was normal.

After all, they are only for the benefit of their own country.

And will not take the initiative to tell you these.

Even take the initiative to tell you, isn't it acknowledging their intelligence activities?
Do more.

Shangguchi Akiko said: "If an investigation is launched, I am afraid that this matter will also surface, and then international problems will be difficult to deal with."

The height of the problem rises relatively quickly.

Zhu Yue also knew that he couldn't make up his mind.

Said: "Report to the section chief."

The three of them went to find Shen Lushui.

Report the problem.

After hearing this, Shen Lushui immediately responded and said: "Catch the spy, as for who is behind him, don't say anything, even if you know it, you have to pretend you don't know."

Can't go any further.

There are more than [-] embassies and embassies in Shancheng, have you investigated it?

And at such a critical moment, how can you get to the bottom of it.

The previous investigation of the embassy where Di Buren was located was already under tremendous pressure.

No more trouble.

As for the discovery of spies, they did not stop the sabotage activities of spies in the mountain city.

It's meaningless to say that.

If you want to catch the spies, you still have to rely on the Military Command Bureau itself.

You can't count on others.

"But these eight people are also staff members of the embassy, ​​so it's not easy for us to investigate," Zhu Yue said.

"Dabran has a good relationship with us now, let's discuss with him." Shen Lushui said.

How did Debron come to power.

Everyone knows it.

It can be said that they are people who have a common secret.

Therefore, there is no need to be too careful when speaking some words, and you can be honest.

After leaving Shen Lushui's office, Zhu Yue called the embassy to contact Dai Bolun.

Said that he wanted to meet him.

Diburon had no resistance to meeting.

Said he would come over tomorrow.

They did not continue to go to the legation. After all, they left after the previous investigation and found nothing. Going back again will only make the spies more vigilant.

On the second day, Dai Bolun came from Eling.

Naturally, they didn't meet in the Military Command Bureau, but made an appointment in a teahouse outside.

Seeing Dai Bolun, Zhu Yue said with a smile: "I drank Dai Dai's coffee before, and try our tea today."

"I still prefer coffee." Di Buren also smiled back.

After several people sat down, Di Buren asked, "What else do you want me to do?"

"It's like this." Song Shutang began to tell.

After hearing what he said, Debron couldn't believe it.

"My God, do you mean to say that there are spies in the legation?" Debron didn't expect that the legation he had worked for for many years would suddenly become a den of spies.

"It's hard to believe, but it's the truth."

"Information about Xin Zhiye?"

"He confirmed our inference for us, but he didn't reveal his accomplices, otherwise we would ask Chargé d'affaires Dai to hand him over now," Zhu Yue said.

"Then what do you mean by looking for me?"

"We now have a suspect list of eight people. We want to investigate these eight people. I hope you can make it easier."

"Eight people." Debron hesitated.

After all, he didn't want the Intelligence Section to keep investigating their legations.

This affects their work.

And the authority of his agency.

But there is still a spy in the legation, which is also difficult for Debron to accept.

The danger is all around him.

Will he end up like Spahi in the future?

While Diebron was hesitating, Song Shutang said, "Finding out this spy will benefit us all."

Regarding the fact that this spy has been instigated by other international intelligence organizations.

Song Shutang didn't say anything.

Because Shen Lushui said it.

Keep this matter quiet.

It is very likely that the Military Statistics Bureau will pretend not to know.

Naturally, there was no reason to tell Debron, just telling him that there were spies was enough.

"Why lock these eight people?" Debron asked.

"We naturally have our own means of investigation."

"How do you want to investigate?"

"Provide detailed information on these eight people, as well as what you think is suspicious. At the same time, we will conduct a follow-up investigation on these eight people. If conditions permit, we want to search their residences and offices."

"No." Debron immediately refused.

It's nothing to follow up and investigate.

But you want to search the residence and the office where you work.

That is to search the legation.

It was okay to just search for Xin Zhiye before.

Now there are eight people.

Almost all embassies are searched in many places.

This Debron cannot accept it.

He said: "The follow-up investigation is a matter of your intelligence department, and I can't stop it, but I can't agree to enter the embassy to search."

"But if the spies are not caught, the impact on you will not be small."

"I can provide detailed information on these eight people and what I think is suspicious about them. I can even help you keep an eye on the behavior of these eight people in the embassy, ​​but you can't enter the embassy." Di Buren made it clear that this was his own bottom line.

Zhu Yue and Song Shutang looked at each other.

Zhu Yue nodded and said, "Well, that's the only way to go."

In fact, the two of them had discussed it before they came.

Knowing that it was not easy to enter and search the embassy, ​​Di Buron would definitely not agree.

So saying this intentionally is actually the second best thing, and let Di Buron agree to their other requests.

Moreover, the two believed that if they entered the legation to search, they would not get any news from the spies.

Originally, the spies would not leave evidence.

Coupled with what happened in the past few days, I am afraid that the cleaning will be even cleaner.

(End of this chapter)

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