Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 288 Information Leakage

Chapter 288 Information Leakage
The interrogation is on track.

Zhao Tao began to cooperate.

Zhu Yue continued to ask: "What's your real name?"

"Kengo Tomiku."

"Code name?"

"'Green Leaf'."

"Xin Zhiye is a red flower?"

"He is Red Flower and I cooperate with his work, but his code name is not Red Flower, but 'Wanderer'."

Xin Zhiye's code name is 'Wanderer'.

It can be seen that this code name was requested by him.

"What is the specific job of your hidden mountain city?"

"Xin Zhiye lurked in the legation when he was in Jinling, and was responsible for collecting information, delivering information, and taking advantage of the particularity of the legation to transfer some information. I moved to Shancheng shortly after I joined the legation, and our work in the mountain city It’s basically the same, it’s still collecting and transferring information, but Xin Zhiye is in charge of the details, and I’m just in charge of the lookout.”

This is almost the same as the intelligence department's previous inference.

Song Shutang asked, "Do you know the content of the intelligence?"

"I don't know."

"Only Xin Zhiye knows?"


"Aren't you in charge of other spy teams and the preparations for the hidden mountain city?"

"Sometimes in charge."

"Can you provide their information?"

"Xin Zhiye arranged for me to be in charge of some work cover, as well as some things such as the hidden rental of the residence, so I can provide information in this area now, but I can't guarantee that it will be useful, because it has been a long time."

Kengo Fukuhisa and the spy team who sneaked into the mountain city will also not meet.

After all, both sides need to ensure safety.

Therefore, the preparation work is mostly the situation that Kengo Tomiku just said.

"Tell me what you know." Zhu Yue felt that it was necessary to investigate.

Fujiku Kengo immediately provided some information.

All are recorded and will be investigated later.

But the information he provided was all a long time ago.

Song Shutang asked: "Have you not had any recently?"


"Do you know the information about Miki Takata's spy team?"

"Miki Kota?" Kengo Tomiku was unfamiliar with this name.

See it behave like this.

Zhu Yue immediately asked: "Aren't you in charge of the early preparations for the new spy team that took over from the six-legged team to start work in the hidden mountain city?"

Hear the hexapod group.

Only then did Kengo Fukuji react and said: "Some time ago, Xin Zhiye did receive two messages through the radio station in the legation, but I don't know the content, but he left the legation once after that, and you also Knowing that he rarely leaves, I think it should be to complete the tasks assigned by the above."

"Didn't tell you the mission content?"

"You also know that my code name is 'Green Leaf', and the control is in Xin Zhiye's hands."

"Didn't you ask?"

"I asked Xin Zhiye when I was chatting with him, but he didn't tell me. After all, most of the intelligence work is kept secret, but I guess it should be related to the spy team that took over the work of the six-legged team."


"Xin Zhiye mentioned that the six-legged group is a pity."

"So you don't know that the person taking over from the six-legged team is Miki Kota leading the team?"

"I don't know that."

Now it seems.

The value of Kengo Fukuhisa is far lower than that of Xin Zhiye.

But neither Song Shutang nor Zhu Yue expressed eagerness.

After all, you said that Xin Zhiye has already spoken, so what's the rush now.

The information provided by Kengo Tomiku is valuable.

But the value is limited.

At least he doesn't know anything about Kota Miki.

After asking about the spies, Zhu Yue asked, "Who did you send the report to?"

Tomiku Kengo said: "You know this well, it's not convenient for me to reveal it."

"We need you to say it yourself, otherwise there is no way to confirm your true identity."

"The person I met today lives in Lianglukou, you can find him." Kengo Fukuhisa said.

This shows the people who met Kengo Fukuhisa today.

It's the people from the International Intelligence Organization.

Not Spies.

Fortunately, they did not choose to follow up the investigation.

But the person who is meeting with Kengo Tomiku today is not a Westerner.

It can be seen that this international intelligence organization has also developed many personnel in the mountain city.

But let the intelligence department come to the door, it will definitely not work.

But you can use this person to investigate who is behind him. Kengo Tomiku is unwilling to speak, Song Shutang and the others don't have to force it.

"How do you establish a new connection with the spy agency now?" Zhu Yue asked.

"I have no right to establish new contacts. Xin Zhiye was arrested and I can only wait for the higher-ups to contact me."

As usual.

At this time, Kengo Tomiku should be allowed to cooperate.

Let him go back to the embassy.

Then monitor closely.

Wait for the spy to contact him, so as to capture the spy.

But Kengo Fukuhisa is also involved in the International Intelligence Organization, and the intelligence department is now unwilling to let the International Intelligence Organization know that Kengo Fukuhisa was arrested by the Military Control Bureau.

So it is obvious that Kengo Fukuhisa cannot be let go.

When the spy organization sees that he has not appeared for many days, they will understand that something has happened to him. After all, Xin Zhiye was arrested and Kengo Fukuhisa is dangerous.

Although everyone thought that Xin Zhiye would not speak.

But there are also concerns.

Leaving the interrogation room, Zhu Yue and Song Shutang hurriedly reported the information they had to Shen Lushui.

After listening to the report, Shen Lushui said: "First arrange people to investigate the information provided by Kengo Fukuhisa to see if the spies can be caught.

The two of you personally go to the person who joined Kengo Tomiku today to determine who he works for, but don't startle the snake. "

"But the main information is still in Xin Zhiye's mouth. The information provided by Kengo Fukuhisa is limited, which is not very helpful for our current investigation of Takata Miki." Zhu Yue said.

"Check the matter in front of you first, and then talk about the follow-up questions."


Soon the intelligence department took action.

Long Hao led people to investigate the information provided by Fukui Kengo, and Song Shutang and Zhu Yue went to Lianglukou.

Keep an eye on today's contact person.

In just two days, they locked the country behind it.

United States!

The embassy is also in Lianglukou.

Meet with Kengo Tomiku's staff and embassy staff.

It is obvious who is behind this international intelligence organization.

After reporting the information, Shen Lushui asked them to stop the investigation. After all, the relationship with the United States cannot be affected now.

Shen Lushui also reported the news immediately.

Layer by layer passed to Boss Dai's ears.

Boss Dai has no opinion on this, because he has long been aware of the espionage activities in Shancheng and is frequently active.

It's just the smog at the door of my own house.

Boss Dai was inevitably displeased.

Take the opportunity to discuss with the principal.

The principal is also embarrassed about this, and it is not appropriate to offend.

Boss Dai had previously proposed to join forces with the United States to establish an intelligence agency, and it seemed that he could take this opportunity to put it on the agenda, and the principal expressed his support for it.

As for Long Hao's investigation here.

Also gained.

The Japanese air raids and bombings were too frequent.

As a result, many houses were destroyed and many people were relocated.

The addresses provided by Kengo Tomiku are basically destroyed, some have been rebuilt and restored, and some are still in ruins.

People who lived here before.

Or die from the bombing.

Or nothing at all.

As a result, there were fewer investigation clues, but one of the spies was still found.

This discovery is already quite a reward.

To investigate the spies, the intelligence department intends to take a long time to catch big fish.

No rush to catch.

Want to explore more secrets.

But after three days of monitoring, the spy's whereabouts became strange.

Zhu Yue immediately ordered to close the net.

It is suspected that the spy agency noticed that Kengo Tomiku was arrested and might provide information to expose the spy, so it secretly reminded.

But in the process of closing the net, the spy committed suicide by taking poison.

No life was caught.

Back in the intelligence department tonight, Shen Lushui held an emergency meeting.

Sit in a conference room.

The atmosphere was depressing.

The reason is not that the spies committed suicide by taking poison and were not caught alive.

Rather, it is very likely that there has been an intelligence leak in the Military Control Bureau.

There is no problem with the logic that the spy agency reminded the potential personnel related to him to evacuate through the arrest of Kengo Fukuhisa.

But the problem is.

Why didn't the spy agency give a reminder when Xin Zhiye was arrested?

I believe that Xin Zhiye will not rebel!
Xin Zhiye will not betray, how will the intelligence department catch Kengo Tomiku?
At least in Fukui Kengo's opinion, it was Xin Zhiye's betrayal that led to his arrest.

After Xin Zhiye was arrested by the spy agency, the only criterion for judging whether he was a traitor should be to stare at Kengo Tomiku.

As long as Kengo Tomiku is arrested.

It can be concluded that Xin Zhiye has rebelled.

But when Kengo Fukuhisa was arrested, the spy agency did not remind other personnel to evacuate. Instead, they secretly notified the evacuation after the intelligence department had been eyeing this person for a few days.

In other words.

Even after Kengo Fukuhisa was arrested, the spy agencies did not think that Xin Zhiye was a traitor.

They are even still observing whether Kengo Fukuda will rebel. After all, they don't know that Kengo Fukuhisa is already in Cao Ying and his heart is in Han.

Later, it was discovered that Kengo Fukuhisa had rebelled.

The evacuation of personnel was therefore notified.

But from the information provided by Kengo Fukuhisa, you can clearly know that Xin Zhiye has a lot of important information.

Aren't spy agencies worried?
Since the worry is analyzed according to the general situation, it should be evacuated and transferred in advance.

Although the loss is big.

But it's better than being wiped out.

However, according to what happened today, Shen Lushui and others could clearly feel that the spy agency did not seem to be in a hurry to evacuate and transfer personnel related to Xin Zhiye.

Otherwise, this person would not have taken poison to kill himself.

He could have escaped long ago.

Why do spy agencies dare to bet?
It takes a lot of courage.

As long as Xin Zhiye speaks, it will deal a huge blow to them.

Then the only explanation is.

The spy agency knew very well that Xin Zhiye did not speak.

And most importantly, they knew that Xin Zhiye would not speak.

It is actually not difficult for you to judge that Xin Zhiye did not speak.

Kengo Tomiku is a smoke bomb, but it is not impossible for spy agencies to see through this smoke bomb.

But why do you conclude that Xin Zhiye won't speak?
Only a person who clearly knows the situation of Xin Zhiye in the Military Command Bureau can make such a judgment.

I know Xin Zhiye's attitude towards interrogation with torture tools.

Learn about Xin Zhiye's status.

to make accurate judgments.

But only the Military Control Bureau knew about this, so there must have been an intelligence leak.

Spies will not transfer and evacuate any existence related to Xin Zhiye.

They thought they knew clearly that Xin Zhiye didn't open his mouth, and he wouldn't open his mouth either.

"You all know the problem. How did the news from the Military Command Bureau leak to the spy agencies." Shen Lushui's face was ugly.

Such an information leak.

It is intolerable.

Zhu Yue said: "The only personnel involved in the interrogation of Xin Zhiye are the Intelligence Section and the Interrogation Section. If there is an information leak, it will be the problem of these two sections."

It is possible that these two sections did not directly leak information to the Japanese.

It may also be leaked to others in the military command bureau.

And then leaked to the Japanese by others.

But the starting point must be within these two subjects.

"We don't care about the interrogation department. How many people in the intelligence department know about Xin Zhiye's interrogation?"

"Seven people." Zhu Yue said.

He had thought about this question before.

Zhu Yue, Song Shutang, Long Hao and others all know about it.

And catchy Akiko also knows.

There are also three members of the Intelligence Section.

As for Shen Lushui, he knew, but obviously he was not on the suspect list now.

From the looks of the seven, Akiko was the first to be suspected.

After all, she was a spy before.

"Call Bi Sheng and Kang Hao in." Shen Lushui said.

After Bi Sheng and Kang Hao came in, they were questioned about Akiko Shangkou in detail.

Found no problem.

She does not have the opportunity to reveal the news.

In fact, the catchy Akiko is indeed not very suspicious in Song Shutang's view.

After all, she was desperate, and it was meaningless for her to disclose the news to the spy agencies.

Then the rest.

Shen Lushui also started interrogating one by one.

Zhu Yue, Song Shutang, and Long Hao were the first to be questioned.

But all three are fine.

Needless to say, Zhu Yue is Shen Lushui's confidant.

Given Long Hao's family background here, how could it be possible to collaborate with the enemy.

Needless to say, Song Shutang previously suspected that he had an affair with the Red Party, and he did not know how many spies he had captured.

He participated in the arrest of Xin Zhiye and Fukuhisa Kengo.

Even arresting Xin Zhiye was still Song Shutang's proposal to restart the investigation.

Then immediately ask other members of the Intelligence Section.

Found no problem.

They even asked if they had told others about Xin Zhiye's interrogation?

Everyone is a member of the intelligence department and understands what can be said and what cannot be said.

Even people who are facing the military command bureau will not talk too much.

Could it be that the problem lies in the interrogation department?
Shen Lushui has already mentioned this issue to Cao Yanning.

The Interrogation Section is also conducting an internal investigation.

Let's see if there is any result.

But before the Intelligence Section meeting was over, the Interrogation Section called.

Cao Yanning said that he had finished the investigation.

There is no possibility of leaking information in the Interrogation Section.

The intelligence department is fine.

The interrogation department is fine.

Could it be that the spy agencies trust Xin Zhiye unconditionally?

As intelligence workers, none of them believed that.

The Japanese understand the instruments of torture in the interrogation section.

It's not wise to bet your vast amount of spy information on one captured officer.

Unless you have specific information.

Otherwise, how could the spy agencies sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Shen Lushui looked at the people sitting in the conference room, all of them might leak information.

Song Shutang is also observing.

But through the inquiry just now, there was indeed nothing suspicious.

But Shen Lushui made arrangements.

All those who know the information are not allowed to leave the intelligence department.

Everyone has no opinion on this.

Cao Yanning from the interrogation department also made the same arrangement.

The leak of information is of great importance.

Neither the Military nor the Judiciary can deal with it lightly.

Bao Yiwei, Director of the Military Department.

Wan Chunping, director of the judicial department.

They have to go to see Boss Dai.

(End of this chapter)

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