Chapter 316
The intelligence department's next investigation arrangement is to monitor the driver.

And Ke Jun cooperated.

But whether Ke Jun would cooperate honestly, Song Shutang always felt uncertain.

In Shen Lushui's office, Song Shutang said, "I'm worried that Ke Jun will not cooperate."

"You mean, he might agree to the spies instigating rebellion?" Shen Lushui asked.

"First of all, although Ke Jun has been prosperous and proud in the past few years, he has a lot of complaints in his heart. On the one hand, it is about his children, and on the other hand, he is about his status.

Everyone outside thinks that it is Ke Jun's problem that caused him to have no children. At the same time, he feels that he can have today's status because of his wife's power in the family. "Song Shutang met Ke Jun today, and he also had a judgment on this person during the conversation, and felt that there were a lot of things in his heart.

"But now he has been targeted by us, and the child is still in our hands, and Rui Gaochang fell into the hands of the spies. According to Rui Gaochang's character, life and death are unpredictable now, and the Japanese can be regarded as murdering him. Enemy, can he still rely on the Japanese?" Zhu Yue asked.

I didn't know that the target of the instigation was Ke Jun.

Now that I know it.

How could it be possible for Ke Jun to be instigated? Besides, the child is still in the intelligence department. Various circumstances show that he will not be easily instigated.

But Song Shutang analyzed: "Ke Jun has no feelings for Rui Gaochang, not to mention family affection. Looking for Rui Gaochang and willing to give money to the watch is just to achieve his own goals, and what he pays is very important to Ke Jun. It was nothing to him, even the last thing he lacked.

But he did not dare to disclose Rui Gaochang, which is enough to show that he has something more to care about, whether it is power or his current status, in fact, in the final analysis, it is Ke Jun himself, so the child we have now is even less threatening to him. "

"Take refuge in the spy?" Shen Lushui asked.

"Ke Jun's life in the first half of his life was actually unsatisfactory. He was talented but he couldn't use it, at least in Ke Jun's own opinion, but if he left his wife's family, it would be difficult for him to gain a foothold. Hard to ignore.

But if he goes to the puppet government, all this will no longer be a bondage to him, and he can even marry another. Judging from the current state of Ke Jun, it is not impossible for him to grow old and have a son, so he doesn't need to think about Rui Gao Chang is even Rui Gaochang's child, so leaving the mountain city to join the puppet government, at least in Ke Jun's view, has many benefits. "Song Shutang thought that he didn't underestimate Ke Jun, he was just discussing the facts.

Leaving the mountain city to join the puppet government may not be of much benefit to others.

It's nothing more than giving some money.

But they are not necessarily short of money.

It was a huge change for Ke Jun.

"So you mean that even if the spy contacted him, he would not tell us that he would cooperate with intelligence to arrest the spy, and would only secretly cooperate with the spy to escape from the mountain city and join the puppet government?" Zhu asked more.

"Yes, he may even take the initiative to contact the spy." Song Shutang said.

Ke Jun had no such idea before.

But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist now.

Maybe now there is no need for spies to contact him, he just wants to get in touch with spies.

"How did he get in touch with the spy?" Zhu Yue actually already had the answer in his heart.

"Don't forget that there may be spies lurking around him." Song Shutang said the answer in Zhu Yue's heart.

It is true that the Pofeng Group is responsible for instigating Ke Jun's rebellion.

But Ke Jun has long been lurking with spies.

It is the person who betrayed his relationship with Rui Gaochang. Even if this person is not a spy, he will have a relationship with the spy.

Even if you are not around, you can still get in touch.

Ke Jun can take the initiative to contact.

"So that is to say, Ke Jun will take the initiative to ask the driver if he is a spy. If the driver is Ke Jun, he will explain his thoughts. If the driver is not, Ke Jun will understand. Before, please take care of Rui Gaochang in Jinzhong. People are people who are connected with spies, so they can express their ideas through him." Zhu Yue said.

The driver is Ke Jun's confidant.

He will definitely tell the driver about this, and he is not afraid that the driver will tell others.

Regardless of whether the driver is or not, at least the secrets will not be leaked.

If so, cooperate with Ke Jun.

If not, be loyal to Ke Jun.

Then Ke Jun can determine who has contact with the spy before the intelligence department, and can even take the initiative to contact the spy, and then cooperate with the spy.

In this way, it is considered that the intelligence department is monitoring him.

He also had a chance to leave.

After all, the places where Ke Jun often goes in and out are beyond the surveillance of the intelligence department.

Many agencies and intelligence departments are unable to go in and monitor. If Ke Jun wants to cooperate with the spies to escape, he will definitely find an opportunity.

Zhu Yue thought of this and said: "If we don't care about Ke Jun, he may really cooperate with the spy and leave."

"What do you think?" Shen Lushui asked.

"We might as well push the boat with the current." Song Shutang said.

"Pushing the boat down the river?"

"Actually, according to our current investigation, even if the Pofeng team doesn't know that we have found Ke Jun, they will be extra cautious according to Miki Kota's personality, so the work of instigating against Ke Jun may have been suspended, and they want to wait for a while before restarting , which is more secure.

As for the possibility that Ke Jun's driver is a spy, the possibility is very small. After all, he is Ke Jun's confidant, and there must be a reason for him to be called a confidant at home under such circumstances. Then he is responsible for taking care of Rui Gao in Jinzhong. Smooth people, more likely.

But we will definitely not be able to catch this person now. The spies may have already received the wind, and it is also in the hiding and silent stage. Even if we confirm his identity, we cannot proceed to the next arrest. "Zhu Yue and Shen Lushui understood what Song Shutang said.

There is indeed such a possibility.

Song Shutang continued: "We can't get in touch with people from Jinzhong, but Ke Jun is not necessarily. After all, the relationship between the two should be unusual. If he can get in touch and express his thoughts, the spy organization will definitely inform him. Feng team, let them restart the work of instigating rebellion, and help Ke Jun leave the mountain city.

Only in this way can the Pofeng group continue to appear, and we can have a chance to catch them, so it's better to go with the flow. "

This is what Song Shutang is thinking now.

It is impossible to continue progress rather than the investigation being fruitless.

It's better to let Ke Jun go.

to find opportunities.

After listening to Song Shutang's thoughts, Zhu Yue asked, "Can he contact the spy?"

In the spy's eyes, Ke Jun's ability to contact them meant that the intelligence department had contacted Ke Jun.

So Ke Jun's current contact, could it be the cooperation with the intelligence department?
Spies should have this concern.

"The elimination of this risk is the responsibility of the spies, and has nothing to do with us. After all, Ke Jun is sincere. As long as the spies are sure of this, they should be moved. Ke Jun's cooperation will allow them to complete the task more quickly. "

Song Shutang doesn't think this is something to worry about.

Ke Jun is worthy of trust or not.

That's what the spy needs to judge.

If it is to be believed, the intelligence department can seize the opportunity.

If you don't think it's trustworthy, then even if Ke Jun cooperates with your investigation, what use will it be?
There is no difference between the inside and the outside.

Give it a try and it doesn't matter.

Shen Lushui thought for a while and said: "The idea of ​​Shutang is feasible, but we can cooperate."

From Shen Lushui's point of view, pushing the boat along with the current may not necessarily have a good effect.

"What does the chief mean?"

"We now focus on suspecting the driver, which is also the case in Ke Jun's view, but the driver is most likely not, but now we focus all our attention on the driver. Wherever the driver goes, we will track and monitor wherever he goes." Shen Lushui make arrangements.

Zhu Yue and Song Shutang understood the meaning of Shen Lushui.

It was to give Ke Jun a false impression.

That is, the Intelligence Section thinks there is something wrong with the driver.

Then at that time, Ke Jun will deliberately ask the driver to divert the people from the intelligence department, so as to give him a chance to contact the spies, and even ask the driver to create opportunities for him to meet with the spies and even escape in the future.

When the eyes of the intelligence department are all focused on the driver, the spies will also feel that it is an opportunity.

Therefore, it is said that Mingxiu plank road secretly hides Chencang, which shows that the attention is on the driver.

But in fact, secretly staring at Ke Jun.

Song Shutang said: "The team leader and I should keep an eye on Ke Jun."

Ke Jun's identity is indeed somewhat different.

Although it has been determined that the opponent will surrender to the enemy.

But if you stare at Ke Jun, you will inevitably meet his family members and be stared at.

These people did not defect to the enemy.

What you see and what you hear are not necessarily good.

The two of them are still in charge, and they will keep their mouths shut no matter what, which is conducive to the development of the work.

There will be solid evidence in the future, and Ke Jun will be arrested, and their family will not say anything.

Shen Lushui said: "You must pay attention to one thing. The spies may contact Ke Jun at any time, but their actions must be concealed. Don't lose your wife and lose your army in the end."


Coming out of Shen Lushui's office, Zhu Yue began to make arrangements.

Led by Long Hao, staring at the driver.

Song Shutang stared at Ke Jun with him.

Long Hao's team also demanded concealment.

But it doesn't matter whether it will be discovered by Ke Jun or the spies.

If Ke Jun wants to find out, there will definitely be clues.

Spies will find out by then.

Song Shutang and Zhu Yue needed to be extra careful not to be seen, otherwise the spies would make a move and take Ke Jun away without them even knowing.

After Long Hao learned of the people who needed to be monitored.

I also understand who the target is this time.

Only then did I know why it was kept secret before.

Now it is also required to keep it confidential, but more people need to participate in the work.

However, the members of the intelligence department will do a good job of keeping secrets.

Those who have no problem are selected.

Shangkou Akiko wanted to participate, but Zhu Yue didn't agree.

After all, this time involves the high level of the government.

Is the real high-rise.

The identity of catchy Akiko is not suitable for participation.

Song Shutang agreed with Zhu Yue's arrangement, because no matter how Shangkou Axizi behaved, her previous identity was a spy.

You can use people without suspicion to other people.

But for the spy.

Forget it.

Starting to monitor Ke Jun, this process will naturally take time.

After all, Ke Jun wanted to contact the spies.

The Spies need to see if he's serious.

Or is it deliberately cooperating with the intelligence department? It also takes time.

So Song Shutang and others are not in a hurry.

When did the driver make a change here.

That's where it all started.

Therefore, in order to avoid early exposure, Song Shutang and Zhu Yue did not follow and monitor Ke Jun at all, but only monitored the driver.

Ke Jun was with the driver, and they watched together.

Just separate.

Just care about the driver, not Ke Jun.

Avoid unnecessary surveillance in advance, resulting in exposure.

The driver has not had any problems these days, so it can be seen that everything has not started yet.

When Ke Jun returned home at night, everyone rested in a temporary stronghold not far away.

After eating the food bought by Long Hao, Zhu Yue said: "It's been calm for the past few days, so I should be here soon."

Long Hao said: "I also have this feeling."

"You have also started to engage in metaphysics." Song Shutang said with a smile.

"I am in charge of monitoring the driver. I know that this driver looks out of the window more times today. What is a driver doing when he is in charge of driving and keeps looking out of the side window instead of looking ahead?" Long Hao thinks there must be a problem.

The driver must have wanted to see if the people from the intelligence department followed him.

Even if you want to pretend not to know.

But that's how people are.

When I know someone is following me, even if I tell myself not to watch it, I will still watch it subconsciously.

I thought I was looking at it casually, and the other party couldn't see it.

After all, the driver is not an intelligence officer.

Some abnormalities have been exposed, which is too normal.

As an intelligence worker, Long Hao is responsible for catching these small anomalies.

"It seems that Ke Jun has already had a showdown with the driver." Zhu Yue said.

"Then he will find a way to contact the spies next." Song Shutang thought it was such an order.

Before you inferred that Ke Jun's showdown was just speculation.

But it's almost certain now.

After all, if Ke Jun didn't want to mutiny, why would he have a showdown with the driver.

The intelligence department has already told you to cooperate.

This matter cannot be disclosed.

Not even your confidant driver.

You are still not sure whether the other party is a spy or not.

So what Ke Jun is doing now is basically declaring his thoughts.

"You really hit the mark." Zhu Yue said to Song Shutang.

Song Shutang said: "Ke Jun's living environment has caused this situation."

Those who can be clearly selected by the spy agency as the target of instigating rebellion are actually in the eyes of the spy agency who have a huge possibility of instigating rebellion. Everyone has more or less entry points and breakthroughs.

Ke Jun being selected is no exception.

It's just that Ke Jun's entry point and breakthrough are more obvious and deadly.

So it is not surprising that there is such a situation.

"Next is the important point, keep an eye on the driver." Zhu Yue said to Long Hao.

Although the driver is just an existence that attracts the attention of the intelligence department.

But who knows if the spy will tell Ke Jun that he needs to do the opposite.

Instead, they deliberately used the driver to send information.

If the intelligence department is not careful, it is easy to be played with.

Therefore, even if he thinks that the driver might just attract attention, Zhu Yue has to remind Long Hao and others not to be careless.

Long Hao immediately said: "Team leader, don't worry, I will definitely keep an eye on the driver, and won't let him do something we don't know about."

"Our task is not light." Zhu Yue said to Song Shutang.

Surveillance may naturally be more difficult.

Song Shutang said while eating: "Next time we will have a celebration banquet."

(End of this chapter)

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