Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 319 Originally Planned Action

Chapter 319 Originally Planned Action

The trial ends.

Song Shutang and others went to report to Shen Lushui.

Long Hao and Shangkou Akiko also participated, so they went directly to the conference room.

After hearing the results of the interrogation, everyone frowned slightly.

It can be said that the Pofeng team was careful enough not to contact Ke Jun, and the danger was entirely borne by Ke Jun.

Run if you can.

Team members who can't get away from breaking the wind will not be affected.

Originally, the child was robbed by the intelligence department, Goto Hayato and Heshan Yaobo were arrested, and the task of instigating Ke Jun was blocked, and Ke Jun was subsequently investigated by the intelligence department, and the target of the Pofeng team's instigation was determined, and the task of instigating rebellion was impossible to complete.

Now Ke Jun is actively cooperating with the instigation.

It was a surprise.

Therefore, it is the best, and it is not worth mentioning.

Both broken wind groups are acceptable.

After Goto Hayato, Aiyama Haruhiro, Hazumi Datomo, and Hachinoda Yuko were arrested, the spies were unwilling to take any more risks.

Hence the design.

As a result, now that the intelligence department has seen through Ke Jun's mind, it can only arrest one person, and there is no more gain.

"How do you plan to investigate later?" Shen Lushui asked Zhu Yue.

Zhu Yue replied: "If this is the case, the Japanese spies will definitely not be caught, but if Ke Jun can cooperate and continue to evacuate according to the method agreed with the Japanese spies, we will definitely gain something by deploying control along the way."

"Will Ke Jun cooperate honestly?"

"Hard to say."

If you ask him to cooperate, he will definitely agree to save his life.

The scary thing is that he is in the process of cooperating, and the fake show is real.

He secretly reminded the spy, so that he also tried to cooperate with the spy to escape. It is very likely that the arrest will fail, and he will lose his wife and lose his army.

Although the arrest of Ke Jun today was done in secret.

The spies will not know, but whether Ke Jun will cooperate fully is still unknown.

Song Shutang followed up and said: "If Ke Jun is not allowed to cooperate, we have no chance now. If Ke Jun cooperates, no matter the truth or falsehood, at least we can try it now."

"But if Ke Jun's cooperation is needed, he can only be allowed to leave. However, after he leaves, no matter whether he is at home or at work, he can get in touch with the spies by phone. At that time, he will inform the current situation on the phone. The spies will definitely make corresponding countermeasures, maybe we will be tricked and pushed along." Long Hao felt that this was very risky.

It has become a fact that Ke Jun defected to the enemy and rebelled.

He was blocked from leaving the mountain city, but the fact that he is a traitor cannot be changed.

Even if he cooperates with the intelligence department to arrest the spies and make meritorious service, it will be a drop in the bucket for Ke Jun. He naturally understands this truth.

Then if you have the chance, you must try desperately.

Although Ke Jun himself said that he could not contact the Spies, but there are still a few days before the evacuation, how do you know that the Spies will not call Ke Jun to make a final agreement.

And the boat at Chaotianmen Wharf has not yet been scheduled.

The spy will arrange the ship the day before the operation, and will also call Ke Jun. He has plenty of opportunities and time to exchange news with the spy.

Don't look at the notification the day before.

But with the ability of the Pofeng group, it should be able to quickly come up with countermeasures, how should you deal with it then.

Shangkou Axizi said: "Can you monitor Ke Jun?"

Shen Lushui shook his head directly and said, "No."

Such monitoring is not whether the intelligence department is willing or not, but whether the other party is willing or not.

These places have checks to prevent monitoring.

Not easy to operate.

"If you can stay by Ke Jun's side, you can monitor his phone calls." Shangkou Axiko said.

"It's okay at work, but how can I stay with you at home?" Zhu Yue felt that you wanted to follow up and live at home. How could the President of the Legislative Yuan and Ke Jun's wife not notice it?
"If Ke Jun can not go home, will this problem be solved?" Long Hao asked.

"not going home?"

"He didn't say that there was a general meeting to be held, and he released the news himself that he would gather some workers to make trouble and create an opportunity for him to leave the venue. If we let the workers make trouble one step ahead of time and go to Ke Jun's department to gather crowds, then the department leaders will Make sure that the meeting is held smoothly, and ask to resolve this matter as soon as possible, so that they all work overtime in the unit, Ke Jun also needs to set an example as a leader, so is it reasonable not to leave the unit?” Long Hao expressed his thoughts.

Zhu Yue nodded and said: "Besides, Long Hao released the news about these workers. He can't let the workers' affairs be resolved, and he has to save it for the day of the meeting, so he stays in the work unit and observes this matter all the time. The progress of the solution is justified."

"It's understandable for the workers to react in advance when they receive the news. After all, the workers are very concerned about this matter, and it's more real to react excitedly." Shen Lushui also felt that this would trap Ke Jun in the work unit, and they could monitor Ke Jun closely. , so as to ensure that he cannot communicate with the spy through the phone.

To arrange this well requires the cooperation of the industrial sector.

These are not difficult.

The bureau will show up.

At the same time, Song Shutang said: "Ke Jun also said that the spy will prepare clothes, wigs and beards in advance in the utility room of the venue. We might as well keep an eye on the utility room to see who will go in and put these things."

The person who put these things is either a spy.

Either someone assigned by the Spies.

All are valuable.

Although it cannot be arrested on the spot to affect follow-up actions, it can be grasped in advance.

However, Shen Lushui said: "Let's check the utility room first to see if these things already exist."

"What does the section chief mean to say that the spy has been released?" Long Hao asked.

"According to the cautious behavior of the Pofeng team this time, they may have prepared in advance before giving Ke Jun a message, just to prevent accidents." Shen Lushui's words are undoubtedly a great affirmation of the Pofeng team.

"I'll arrange someone to take a look." Zhu Yue said.

"be careful."

"It's the section chief."

"I'll go." Long Hao thought he could take a trip.

Zhu Yue nodded and said: "Be careful not to be seen by others."


Long Hao got up and went to the utility room of the venue to find out.

Shen Lushui said, "Let's go meet Ke Jun."

If you want Ke Jun to cooperate, naturally you have to chat with him.

Shen Lushui led several people to the interrogation room, where Ke Jun was still being held.

When Ke Jun saw them go back and forth, his expression was also very nervous, and he was very worried about his fate.

Shen Lushui sat down and said, "Does Commissioner Ke know me?"

"Chief Shen, Intelligence Section."

"We are all colleagues, so why did Commissioner Ke choose this path?"

"Section Chief Shen doesn't hurt his back when he stands and talks."

"how you said that?"

"The past few decades of my life seem to be full of glory, but in fact it is difficult to preserve my dignity. There are gossips outside and no affection at home. Everything seems to be alms. I look like a beggar. All I can do is beg for mercy. How should the section chief be chosen?" Ke Jun also expressed his true feelings in this sentence.

The anguish of the past twenty years has been tasted by him alone.

Now is the opportunity.

It's human nature to give it a go.

"You made a thousand mistakes in this step."

"Is it just this one wrong step? One wrong step, one wrong step, I have already taken the wrong one." Ke Jun sighed and said with a wry smile.

"Commissioner Ke didn't want to take refuge in the puppet government and the Japanese, but he was depressed and helpless, right?" Shen Lushui asked.

Hearing this sentence, Ke Jun said: "What's the point of saying this now."

"It makes sense." Shen Lushui's words made Ke Jun couldn't help but look up at each other.

"What do you mean?"

"After all, Commissioner Ke did not leave the mountain city, nor did he really join the puppet government. Strictly speaking, it is an attempt. If he can make contributions and draw a clear line between the puppet government and the spies, even if the matter is revealed, it will be nothing more than being unable to gain a foothold at home, but as the saying goes What can't be broken can't be built, and Committee Member Ke has endured it for many years, hasn't he?

At that time, it is nothing more than status and power, and may be banned, but in the end, Commissioner Ke can be himself, and has the merits of catching spies. They dare not kill you. If Commissioner Ke said in recent years I don't believe that I don't have some savings. If I continue to marry a wife and live my own life in the mountain city, although it is not as good as it is now, it is better to live in prison. "

Shen Lushui's words are bewitching.

Are you telling the truth?

That depends on who listens.

Let Zhu Yue and Song Shutang tell the truth.

And it's very fake.

But it is very possible to listen to Ke Jun, who is now in a desperate situation.

After all, people who are in despair, whether they want them or not, want to catch them.

And there is some truth in it.

But truth is just truth.

However, Shen Lushui's sincere tone made everything seem possible, and Ke Jun's eyes inevitably revealed a strange look.

But Ke Jun's expression may not be true or false.

Maybe what he was thinking in his heart was to pretend to cooperate, and then look for a chance to escape?

But Shen Lushui was acting anyway.

Naturally, Ke Jun's authenticity will not be investigated.

Instead, he continued to bewitch and say: "It's not that there is no chance now, it depends on whether Commissioner Ke wants it or not, and if we want it, we can talk about it."

"Is what you said true?"

"Our intelligence department is only interested in spies. We know that Commissioner Ke is obviously not a spy. If we want to make meritorious service, we must make great contributions, instead of arresting someone who is going to join the puppet government but has not had time to go. do you understand?"

"What do you want me to do?"

"It's actually very simple. Just act according to the plan prepared by the spy, and finally lead the spy to our intelligence department to be responsible for the arrest."

"that's it?"

"It's simple isn't it?"

"Can you survive?"

"The more spies you catch, the greater the achievements you make, the greater your chance of survival, so cooperating well is the first step to surviving. If you cooperate well with us the first time, you won't end up in this situation." The end, right?" Shen Lushui's words made Ke Jun's intestines regret.

I thought it was possible without anyone noticing.

Who knew that the intelligence department had been eyeing him for a long time.

If I had known that I should cooperate in this way, even if I couldn't catch the spy, I wouldn't end up like a traitor.

Now it's not just that the family can't keep it.

The name of the traitor has also fallen.

Not worth the candle.

But regret is regret, but there is no regret medicine in the world.

Ke Jun finally thought about it and said, "I can cooperate with you."

"But we need someone to follow you, you should understand?"

"You don't believe me?"

"It's what you did before that made us not believe you."

This sentence made Ke Jun speechless.

"But I have to go home, why are you following me?"

"It's fine if you don't go back..." Shen Lushui immediately announced the arrangement of the intelligence department.

After hearing this, Ke Jun also knew that there was no way to refuse. If he insisted on refusing, it would seem that he had a problem, so he could only nod in agreement.

"Who do you arrange to be responsible for following me?" Ke Jun asked.

"The chief and deputy team leader of our Intelligence Division."

The candidates are naturally Zhu Yue and Song Shutang.

It can be seen that he attaches great importance to Ke Jun.

"Then you'd better let me go now, otherwise I'm worried that I will be suspected." Ke Jun said.

"You don't have to worry about this." Shen Lushui had already thought about it a long time ago, and explained to the outside world that Ke Jun was blocked by workers making troubles, and he took a detour instead of going directly to the work unit.

Because the workers have started to make trouble now, the speed of the intelligence department is so fast.

It is not difficult to fan the workers.

Shen Lushui had just called to arrange the end of the matter.

Let Ke Jun go back at night, and at the same time take Song Shutang and Zhu Yue directly to the work unit.

And the leaders of the work unit will also tell them not to leave in the near future, and to solve the problem to ensure the smooth holding of the meeting.

Since Ke Jun agreed, Shen Lushui got up and left, followed by Song Shutang and others.

After returning to the office, Long Hao also came back from the venue.

Before asking, he said, "I did find something prepared by the spy in the utility room. I didn't move it, and put it there untouched."

I have to say that Shen Lushui's guess was right.

Spies have already done all of this first, reducing the risk as much as possible.

So from this point of view, there is no need to send someone to squat in the utility room, just keep an eye on Ke Jun with all your strength.

Zhu Yue said: "We are responsible for keeping an eye on Ke Jun. The spy will tell him the information on the boat the day before, and we will send the information. You can arrange surveillance along the way after that. The boatman will keep an eye on him, but don't startle him. The boatman is not focus."

It seems that there are ready items in the utility room of the venue.

This boatman should also be doing things with money.

I don't even know who gave the money.

So it doesn't make much sense for you to catch the boatman, what matters is the people behind it.

"We also need to prepare the ships in advance," Long Hao said.

Song Shutang said: "Find some Chuanjiang wooden boats and be ready when the time comes. Don't be too deliberate but don't lose them."


It is inconvenient for you to use cruise ships and passenger ships.

And the departure time is very fixed.

It's hard to meet your needs.

So it is best to use Chuanjiang wooden boats.

And what the spies prepared for Ke Jun was also a Chuanjiang wooden boat.

As for whether the tracking will be obvious, this is fine.

After all, it is a river, and wooden boats must sail on it. There must be a lot of boats at that time. After all, the mountain city is now in great demand for daily goods, and the flow of people is also very large.

It's safe to mix in.

The Spies also took a fancy to this, so they arranged this way.

Everything is arranged, it is the driver's problem.

The driver will naturally follow Ke Jun back, but after returning to the unit, he will be controlled.

After all, if Ke Jun doesn't leave the unit, the driver is useless, and it's normal if he doesn't show up.

And occasionally you can let the driver go out for a stroll.

Anyway, people from the intelligence department can follow and monitor, and it doesn't even matter if it's obvious.

After all, the spy also knew that the Intelligence Section was tracking and monitoring the driver.

Just make sure the driver can't get away.

And now the driver has no intention of running away at all. Before, he didn't know that Ke Jun wanted to join the puppet government. Now he is doing much better than Ke Jun, and he also said that he was wronged. It is not difficult to cooperate.

After all, the driver couldn't contact the spy.

The Spies were also not interested in the driver.

(End of this chapter)

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