Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 324 Huge investigation work

Chapter 324 Huge investigation work
Two thousand 870 four!
The huge numbers are only the tip of the iceberg.

It can be seen that the daily flow of people in the mountain city can explain why the spy sneaked into the mountain city without much effort.

How to hide in the mountain city is the key.

It is not difficult to enter the mountain city.

The war caused the number of refugees and displaced persons to increase day by day. It was difficult to investigate one by one when they flooded into the mountain city, and it was impossible to specify where they would go after passing through the mountain city.

Only those who stayed in the mountain city can be recorded.

There are probably not a few spies lurking through the mountain city to go to other places.

But infiltration is a necessary link in war.

This is true on both sides.

There are also a large number of infiltration plans arranged by the headquarters of the Military Statistics Bureau every year, and the number of people may be astronomical.

But can lurk.

can survive.

able to provide effective information.

Very few.

Why not exchange human life for a chance.

Looking at the large number of lists on the table, Song Shutang said: "Screen through it first, and exclude women."

Not that there aren't any female members of the Breaking Wind group who might be lurking outside the city.

It's just that you don't have any clues, even if the other party is lurking outside the city, it will be difficult for you to find out.

So be a little more directional.

Just focus on men.

The people in the resettlement site were not asked to provide only men, just in case, maybe these materials will be needed in the future.

Simple character profiles are provided on the list.

For example gender.

age etc.

Currently one screening can be done by gender.

But no photos.

The cost of photos is still relatively high.

Whether it is film or photographic paper, they are very expensive and resource-intensive.

Renting a house in the urban area will require the landlord to have a profile photo, but most of this requirement is not strictly complied with, as can be seen from several previous investigations.

Then outside the city, especially in the suburbs.

Let's talk about the village.

Don't even think about providing photos, the price is too high, who will pay for it?
Therefore, there is currently no means of identification in appearance.

Just do the screening first.

Zhu Yue, Song Shutang, Long Hao, Shangkou Akiko.

Four people are in charge.

There is no need to involve too many members of the intelligence department to participate in this matter, although it is more efficient.

However, it will take time to provide the list information below, which is enough for the four of them to work.

This kind of screening work only relies on the distinction between men and women, and the speed is quite fast.

Finished the next day.

There are 640 four males.

And among such a number of people, there are many ages that do not match.

According to previous information, Takata Miki is 46 years old.

Although the age can be false.

But it can't be too small, let alone too big.

To be on the safe side, floating around ten years old is already an exaggeration.

In other words, the age group from 36 to 56 years old is within the suspicious range.

Then there are still 640 five people in the list of 660 and four people.

More than 600 people.

This number is still huge.

There is no basis for continuing to exclude you. Their understanding of Kota Miki is actually very limited.

Song Shutang asked Kazuko Akiko, "Does Kota Miki look like his sister Maiko Miki?"

If they look similar, they can actually be judged by Miki Maiko.

Because Miki Maiko's photo information department has already mastered it.

Shangkou Akiko said, "I don't know."

Miki Takata she had never seen before.

The other party has a gentle temperament, a medium figure, a medium body shape, gray hair, and is also very handsome and attractive, but all of these need to be met to check.

The second is that the accent is very heavy.

But meet and check.

The workload is ridiculous.

Seeing this, Zhu Yue said: "No matter what the workload is, let's not waste time. A team of two is responsible for the preliminary investigation, with more than 300 people in each group."

What is a preliminary investigation?

Just exclude people who don't look like Miki Kota at first glance.

too fat!

too thin!

too high!

too short!

It can be ruled out directly, no need to touch, just look at it from a distance.

This will be very fast.

The last key suspect, and then the focus of the investigation, is to worry about scaring the snake.

After all, there are more than 600 people, if you startle the snake, you can't even deploy and control them.

Even if you are asked to catch it, it will take a long time to catch it.

These are just three resettlement points. If the news gets out, Miki Takata might run away.

This time Miki Kota's cautious style is really possible to do such a thing.

Therefore, the preliminary investigation in secret is the most important.

A group of Zhu Yue and Long Hao.

A group of Song Shutang and Shangkou Axizi.

Start a preliminary investigation of the people in the resettlement sites.

Since the decision was made, the four of them set off without wasting time.

Split up and go to the resettlement point.

The location is quite far.

After waiting for the resettlement site, Song Shutang and Shangkou Akiko first found the person in charge here, he must take you to complete the observation, otherwise you don't even know anyone, how can you observe?

The person in charge is a person from the government.

Naturally understand how to cooperate and keep secrets.

And they all wanted to catch the spies. After all, the Japanese air force bombed wildly. Anyone in the mountain city who had no relatives died under the air raids was full of hatred for the spies.

Cooperation and confidentiality are necessary.

But it was already late today, and the person in charge arranged a place for the two of them, saying that it will start early tomorrow morning.

Song Shutang thought it was okay.

Although it can also be observed at night, the spy is very vigilant.

It's not as good as having cover during the day when there are so many people watching.

In the room at night, Kaguchi Akiko said, "Can gray hair be changed?"

Hair dyeing and perming are not uncommon for people nowadays.

There was even a period of time when it was forbidden to perm.

Miki Kota's hair is a relatively obvious feature, and it should be changed.

But Song Shutang said: "Either all the hair is shaved off, then no changes will be made, and the hair should not be dyed to hide it."

If you shave off everything, it is naturally not easy to observe.

Or don't make changes, after all, there are many people with gray hair like this now.

Many people have gray hair overnight because of the loss of their loved ones.

There are also some people who have worked hard all the way to escape, and gray hair is very common.

You can't use your hair as a basis, so Miki Takata doesn't have to change.

But if it is dyed hair, it is very obvious.

Because hair will grow, you dyed your hair before, what about the new one?
Do you have to keep dyeing your hair?

But you didn't go to the city, but in the suburbs and other places, it is inconvenient to dye your hair, and you have been dyeing your hair frequently, won't it arouse suspicion?

Therefore, the gray hair can be regarded as a key point of suspicion, but it cannot be used as a basis.

"We can't investigate the accent now," said Akiko Ueguchi.

I don't want to startle the snake.

Naturally, you can't go forward to talk, and it's not easy to inquire with the people around you.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to judge the accent.

"Follow the preliminary observations given by the team leader first, and don't be too anxious," Song Shutang said.

After all, there are only three resettlement points now.

There are still a lot of places that have not been investigated.

At this time, not being exposed is the most important thing.

As for how many people can be eliminated in the end, and how many people are left, it is not a question that should be considered now.

In the evening, Shangkou Axizi rested in the room, and Song Shutang was outside.

After having dinner with the person in charge early the next morning, I began to observe according to the list.

This observation will take some time.

There are many people.

And not every time you can happen to see each other.

After a whole morning of observation, the efficiency is actually not bad, and more than forty people have been observed.

They stayed at this resettlement site, Song Shutang, for three days.

It can be regarded as the end of the observation of a hundred people.

Then rushed to the last resettlement site, because Zhu Yue and Long Hao were in charge of a large number of resettlement sites, so the speed was slow.

Song Shutang and the others are in charge of the last resettlement point.

It took another three days, and the observation ended.

The two groups met in the intelligence department.

At the same time, the lists of other resettlement sites, as well as the lists of several towns and villages were also sent up.

But at the moment, a few people don't take care of it.

They have to deal with the work at hand first, one by one.

Long Hao took the lead and said: "After we observed and ruled out, the number of suspicious people has been greatly reduced, and only 24 people meet the conditions."

Compared with the previous astronomical figures, this number is much less.

Song Shutang also said: "There are 30 suspicious persons on our side."

"54 people." Zhu Yue said.

Although there are still many people.

But it is already a big progress.

"Do you want to continue to rule it out?" Shangkou Akiko asked.

Zhu Yue said: "Continue to exclude."

If you manage other resettlement sites now, the personnel in villages and towns are of little significance, and will only make you more and more suspects.

In the case of ensuring that there will be no surprises, it is best to exclude the resettlement points one by one.

How can we not startle the snake?

Now if you want to continue to exclude, you need to contact.

from the accent.

and temperament.

It is even judged by conversation.

It is inevitable that there will be strange manifestations. If it is not a spy, it will be fine, but if it is a spy, it must be noticed.

Not to mention Miki Kota's level of spy.

How to continue the investigation is difficult, but you have to solve this difficulty, because this difficulty will still exist in the future, no matter if you investigate other resettlement sites or villages.

Long Hao thought for a while and said: "Before there was no epidemic prevention work, not only the disinfection of streets and other buildings, but also consultation activities. Why not carry out epidemic prevention work and free clinic activities in the resettlement sites."

"Slow." Zhu Yue said.

Now there are 54 people.

If you do this kind of thing, you can't just target these 54 people, but everyone must participate.

too slow.

Shangkou Akiko said: "Let's do fundraising."


"Fundraising can be done door-to-door. We arrange more people to act as charitable organizations and spend a day in the resettlement site to collect donations. These people will be included in the door-to-door options, but there will be other people who will be door-to-door, but certainly not all Everyone takes care of it, after all, the fundraiser will leave within a day, so it will be faster." Akiko Shangguchi said.

Fundraising is the same as free clinics.

There is communication.

If there is communication, you can judge the other party's speech and other behaviors.

Song Shutang thinks this is feasible, he said: "The fundraising work in the mountain city is very frequent, and it will not arouse suspicion."

In fact, the fundraising work has always been carried out in the mountain city, and it has not been interrupted.

Everyone is involved.

The resettlement sites must also be included, after all, there are many people in the resettlement sites.

This is easier to observe and saves time.

You can even use the same method for each settlement.

After all, fundraising is all about taking care of it, and it's normal if there are no omissions.

Zhu Yue thought for a while and said, "Then use the name of the Women's and Children's Rescue Federation to raise donations. There are people in our intelligence department, and we can just contact and communicate directly when the time comes."

They are definitely not responsible for this contact and communication.

After all, the spies must know something about them.

When you appear in the fundraising line, you are in itself a reminder to the other party.

Therefore, someone with a cover identity needs to be responsible.

It just so happens that this person is still in the Women's and Children's Rescue Federation and can take charge of this matter very well.

Now that he has decided to do this, Zhu Yue immediately arranges it.

Song Shutang and the others used this time to start processing the newly collected lists.

This time the list is even bigger.

Because there are still three resettlement points.

But the list of two villages and one town was sent up.

The number reached more than 3000 people.

Still start screening through gender and age.

This time it took three full days.

The first is that Zhu Yue is missing a manpower, and the second is that there are too many people.

It just so happened that three days were given for fundraising.

After all, it takes three days for three resettlement sites, because the field staff of the intelligence department can only go to one place a day, so the fundraising is one resettlement site per day, and it does not start at the same time.

When Song Shutang and the others locked the final number at more than 200 people, Zhu Yue also collected information from here.

Although the total number of people this time is large.

However, after screening based on gender and age, the number of suspects was not as many as expected.

It's good news.

But Zhu Yue brought back a bad news.

That is, after contact and communication, it was discovered that the 54 relatively important suspects they locked down have all been ruled out now.

Whether it's accent, temperament or even hair, as well as some details, these people are excluded.

Hearing this news, everyone actually didn't feel so disappointed.

After all, the range is so large, the first time you lock three settlement points, you will be able to find Kota Miki.

It must be good luck.

Now it can only be said that luck is normal.

That being the case, everyone cheers up and starts to continue working, that is, the same as before, to initially exclude the current list.

Still splitting up.

It also took a few days.

But these days, the Pofeng group also seems to have disappeared.

The intelligence department believes that on the one hand, the previous mission of the Pofeng team did not go smoothly, and a lot of manpower was lost.

Although Miki Takata expected this to happen and made preparations in advance, the loss was real.

Secondly, the matter of Ke Jun is not a secret now, it has already spread.

Then if the Pofeng group contacts other people who want to instigate rebellion, these people should also weigh it carefully, after all, the intelligence department is not a vegetarian.

How to catch a spy.

How to stop Ke Jun.

The intelligence department actually added fuel and vinegar to it.

Just to warn people outside to be honest.

So the Pofeng team is now working, maybe they will be reported by these people.

It is not worth the loss to be reported by someone who they think is very likely to instigate rebellion.

Therefore, the Pofeng team has not changed during this period of time, maybe there is some movement secretly, but it has not been shown.

But no matter what, it was considered time for the intelligence department to investigate. They naturally wanted to seize this time and make some progress, lest the Pofeng team complete the task.

(End of this chapter)

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