Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 328 Tablet

Chapter 328 Tablet
It is different from E Bi's denial of Liang Zhengya.

Ran Hetong admired Fan Ruici very much.

The two not only communicated in terms of easy learning, but also the rest.

Ran Hetong, who didn't want to meet to reveal their identities, met twice after the meeting, which shows that they get along well and are confidantes.

But what is important in the communication between literati is not to ask too many questions.

Therefore, Ran Hetong knew very little about Fan Ruici.

But based on the information currently available, Fan Ruici is fine.

After Ran Hetong left and walked out of the school, Yan Qinghui said: "Let's go to Qingyun Temple to meet Fan Ruici."

Fan Ruici's Taoist temple is called Qingyun Temple.

It is similar to the name of Baiyun Temple where Liang Zhengya lives.

This is not surprising, there are many Taoist temples with these two names.

Now there are no more clues, so there is no way to judge. We can only go to Qingyun to see Fan Ruici and see if we can find anything.

Song Shutang asked Yan Qinghui: "Brother Yan, what do you think of Fan Ruici's suspicion?"

Yan Qinghui understands why Song Shutang asked this question. After all, this is the last of the three suspects. If he is ruled out this time, the path of re-investigation will not work.

As for the responsibility of Zhu Yue and others.

Although there is no accurate news yet.

But this morning when I saw Long Hao in the intelligence department and asked, there is little possibility of gaining anything.

"Instead of thinking about these things, why don't you go and have a look, after all, the truth can't be fake, and the fake can't be real."


The three went to Qingyun Temple.

The road to Qingyun Temple is difficult to walk. Although the Taoist temple has built a road on the mountain, it is also winding and steep, making it inconvenient to walk.

Pilgrims come and go with great effort.

But it can also show sincerity.

When I came to Qingyun Temple, it was already noon when the sun was in full bloom. Although there were trees in the mountains to enjoy the cool, and the mountain breeze was blowing on my face, I was still sweating along the way.

The members of the intelligence department who were in charge of monitoring here first reported that Fan Ruici was in the temple, and several people went in.

Qingyun Temple is much smaller than Baiyun Temple.

Entering the door is the courtyard, and directly opposite is the main hall dedicated to the portraits of Taoist ancestors.

On the left and right are housing, the backyard and the kitchen.

It was very quiet.

But the yard was kept clean.

The three of them pushed the door and came in, but no one could be seen.

Walking around and observing that the house is very clean, it seems that Fan Ruici is very diligent.

Because he is the only one in Qingyun Temple.

Walking to the main hall, the three of them stepped in.

The portraits of Taoist ancestors that were supposed to be enshrined were covered by three layers of scattered tablets, each with a name on it, and candles burning in front of it.

It's just beyond everyone's expectations.

Fan Ruici walked in from the outside.

Seeing the three of them, he said: "I just heard a voice in front of me in the backyard, and I thought I heard it wrong. There are few pilgrims coming to the Taoist temple now, which also disappointed the three of you. This is the situation in the main hall now."

Fan Ruici didn't know them.

Think of it as a pilgrim who came to offer incense.

Yan Qinghui responded: "It's really surprising. Why are there so many tablets in the main hall?"

Although Fan Ruici is not a Taoist priest, he still wears a Taoist robe now, and his hair is also in a taiji bun, which gives him a bit of a sense of immortality.

Faced with Yan Qinghui's questioning, Fan Ruici stepped forward to wipe the tablet lightly, and said, "The Taoist priests are all dead, and they are all here."

"They're all dead?" Kakashi Akiko asked.

"I went down the mountain to join the army, and no one survived." A wry smile appeared on Fan Ruici's face.

This is how Baiyun views it.

The same is true of Qingyun Temple.

The Taoist priest who originally practiced in seclusion went down the mountain to join the army and picked up a gun.

Hearing this remark, Akiko's eyes were a little dazed.

She couldn't understand this battle.

"Have they all been sacrificed?" Yan Qinghui asked.

"Although the Qingyun temple is not big, there are many Taoist priests, 54 of them. The temple master personally led the team down to join the army. It's a pity that none of them came back alive." Fan Ruici's eyes fell into memories.

There are no more, no less, 54 tablets here.

"You are also a Taoist priest here, why didn't you go?" Shangkou Akiko asked deliberately.

"Although I dress up like a Taoist priest, I am not. I have only been in Qingyun Temple for a year."

"Then who are you?"

"I met a Taoist priest of Qingyun Temple on the front line. I was dying at the time. Because I have always liked Taoist culture, my compassion made me want to go forward to check it out, but he grabbed me and stuffed a copy of it into my palm. list.

After inquiring, I found out that they are Taoist priests from Qingyun Temple. They have all died after going down the mountain to join the army. This list is the names of all the Taoist priests in their Taoist temple. He wanted to ask me to send them back, but he died after speaking. "

"So you're here?"

"I didn't want to come here because of their desire to protect their home and country, and what I saw and heard along the way was all suffering in the world, so I simply came to the Taoist temple to hide for a while." When Fan Ruici said this, his face was full of tears. It's a self-deprecating look.

"Sir is also Gao Yi, fulfilling the last wish of the Taoist priest of Qingyun Temple." Song Shutang said.

"I can't bear the word high righteousness, they are the ones who are truly high righteous." Fan Ruici looked at the tablet in front of him with admiration in his eyes.

"Is there only one person in the Taoist Temple at present?" Yan Qinghui asked.

"The rest are here." Fan Ruici looked at the rankings, implying that he was indeed the only one.

"To tell you the truth, we were introduced by Professor Ran, and we didn't come here to worship, but I heard that Mr. Yi has studied Yi Xue very much, so we came here specially to ask Mr. for a fortune-telling." Yan Qinghui said seriously.

Hearing this, Fan Ruici laughed and said, "Professor Ran didn't tell you, isn't this thing used for divination?"

"Professor Ran naturally said it, but we are a little bit unwilling to give up."

"But fortune-telling is really powerless for me. If you want to discuss Yi Xue, I'm very happy."

"There is no way to discuss the level of us people with Mr."

"You can't say that." Fan Ruici smiled and left from the main hall, followed by several people.

During the chat, Yan Qinghui asked: "I look at Qingyun and the road is not easy to walk, there should be no pilgrims, right?"

"It's true that no one has come to the door for a long time."

"Then how to solve the expenses here?"

"I don't need money to live. I just eat and drink alone. I drink mountain spring water. I buy part of the food and plant part of it. It doesn't cost much. The main thing is to clean here, so as not to be ruined too quickly."

The house has not been cleaned for a long time.

Will fall apart very quickly.

Rao was Fan Ruici who cleaned the place very clean, but living here alone still feels a bit barren and unpopular.

"Sir, do you know someone named Peng Xu?" Yan Qinghui continued to ask.


"How did you meet?"

"I just arrived in the mountain city and wanted to find out the location of Qingyun Temple, so I asked him. Who knew that Peng Xu was very enthusiastic and generous. Seeing that I didn't know the road conditions when I first arrived, he insisted on bringing me to Qingyun Temple together. It can be said that it was me. I have met a small number of enthusiastic people." When Fan Ruici mentioned Peng Xu, his tone was full of praise.

This is the same as what Ran Hetong said.

Ran Hetong also said that Peng Xu is an enthusiastic person, and his friends will help anyone who is in trouble.

And there is an honest heart, and in the end he took the risk to become a war correspondent.

"Do you know where Peng Xu is now?"

"He has become a war correspondent, and he came to see me before he left. I came all the way from the front line, and I advised him not to go, but he didn't listen to me, and then he broke contact." Fan Ruici's face was mentioned when he mentioned what he saw on the front line. severe.

"Sir, did you communicate with Ran Hetong through letters?"

Seeing them keep asking, Fan Ruici looked a little puzzled, instead of answering, he stared at them.

"Who are you?" Fan Ruici asked.

"just chit chat."

"causal talk?"


After thinking for a while, Fan Ruici said: "I know Yi Xue, but I have never used Yi Xue to deceive me."

"That's not what we meant either."

"Then who are you?"

Both Liang Zhengya and Fan Ruici saw that their identities were abnormal.

There is no way to avoid this.

"Professor Ran's friend."

Fan Ruici also understood that it would be impossible not to answer now, he said: "In the early days, Peng Xu delivered letters for me, because he would visit me from time to time. The postman delivered the letter, and I gave the previous reply to the postman to take back, but the communication efficiency was very low, so we met later."

Learn about the end here with Fan Ruici.

Several people said goodbye.

After leaving the Qingyun Temple, Song Shutang said to everyone in the intelligence department: "Keep an eye on him, don't worry about him finding out, surround Qingyun Temple to death, and don't let him leave."


"You doubt him?" Ukiko asked.

"Those who are not excluded are suspicious."

"Can't he rule it out?"

"Although what he said is all right, Ran Hetong didn't meet him at the first time. It was through letters. The only person who met him was Peng Xu, but we haven't found Peng Xu yet, so we can't confirm what he said." Song Shutang said .

"Are you looking for Peng Xu?" Yan Qinghui asked.

"I'm looking for it, but I don't know if I can find it, so I also asked someone to check who is responsible for making the tablets of Qingyun Temple. After all, there are more than 50 tablets. If you ask someone to make them, the craftsman will definitely have an impression." Song Shutang thinks Pengxu is so good now not easy.

So do both.

After returning to the intelligence department, Zhu Yue and others also came back.

Their special investigation team reported the progress of the investigation to each other in the conference room.

Zhu Yue and the others have completed their investigation, and all suspects have been ruled out.

Song Shutang and the others also ruled out two people, and now there is one person who is still suspected, and that is Fan Ruici.

"Want to investigate the war reporter Peng Xu?" Zhu Yue asked.


"I can contact the newspaper office where he was at that time, see where he went, and see if I can get in touch."

"it is good."

Next, we began to investigate Peng Xu and the craftsman who made the tablet for Qingyun Temple.

The news from Peng Xu came relatively quickly.

Because after contacting the newspaper office, according to the person in charge of the newspaper office, Peng Xu actively participated in the work of a war reporter.

War correspondents are actually dangerous.

Everyone knows this.

Peng Xu was brave enough to participate, so the newspaper arranged for him and another person to go to the front line to make the latest and most authentic reports.

But a few months ago, Peng Xu lost his body in an enemy bombing.

"There are no bones left?" Song Shutang asked.

"That's what the newspaper says."

"So you didn't see the body?"

"The bombing that day was very intensive. There were countless casualties. Most of the corpses were in dilapidated condition and people could not be identified clearly. Peng Xu was also in the position that day. After the bombing, the battle began. In the end, Peng Xu was not found, so he thought he was killed." Zhu Yue felt that the newspaper office It's normal for people to think so.

After all, it is indeed missing in the position.

But Song Shutang said: "It means that Peng Xu can't be found now, no matter whether he is dead or alive, as long as he can't be found, there is no way to prove that Fan Ruici is telling the truth."

"That's the truth." Zhu Yue thinks it's okay for you to think so.

"Now it seems that only the craftsman who made the tablet can prove the time of Fan Ruici's arrival in the mountain city." Song Shutang felt that Peng Xu's life and death are unknown now, so only the craftsman could prove it.

The matter of investigating the craftsmen was handed over to Long Hao.

On the second day, Long Hao brought the news.

"This memorial tablet was made by a memorial service shop in the town. This master remembers it very clearly. After all, there are very few people who want more than 50 memorial tablets at a time." Long Hao said.

"Is it the tablet that Fan Ruici wanted?" Song Shutang asked.

Long Hao said: "The old master said he was a reporter, and he told the old master that the Taoist priest of Qingyun Temple wanted a memorial tablet, and asked him to do it more carefully."

"Reporter, Peng Xu?" Song Shutang thought the reporter should be Peng Xu.

"Yes, I showed Peng Xu's photo to the master, and it is indeed the list he provided, a custom tablet."

"Why Pengxu?"

"The teacher recalled that Peng Xu said that this Taoist priest had just arrived and was not familiar with life, so the funeral shop that Peng Xu helped find was responsible for this matter." Long Hao said.

"Is Peng Xu so enthusiastic?" Song Shutang asked back.

Zhu Yue said: "According to the information provided by colleagues from the newspaper office, Peng Xu's friends, and Ran Hetong, Peng Xu will indeed be so enthusiastic."

"Isn't it okay for Pengxu to take Fan Ruici to the Baishidian together? Why did he go there alone?"

"Maybe at that time, Qingyun Temple had not been cleaned for a long time, and Fan Ruici was busy cleaning things." Long Hao guessed.

"After the tablet is ready, who sent it to Qingyun Temple?"

"The buddy under the master."

"Meet Fan Ruici?"

"Ask the clerk. He said that when he went there that day, there was no one in Qingyun Temple, but it was cleaned very cleanly, so he put down the tablet and left, because Qian Pengxu had already given it to him."

"Still haven't seen Fan Ruici?"


"It's Pengxu again!" Song Shutang said.

Peng Xu and Fan Ruici have always been involved.

It seemed that no one except him had seen Fan Ruici before.

It also cannot prove the specific time when Fan Ruici arrived in the mountain city.

But Long Hao said: "We got the letter from Ran Hetong. The date shows that Fan Ruici was indeed in the mountain city at that time, and the handwriting is the same."

"But Peng Xu was also responsible for delivering the early letters." Song Shutang mentioned Peng Xu's name again.

"Did no one go to Qingyun Temple to offer incense and worship during this period?" Zhu Yue asked.

"The Qingyun Temple has a steep terrain, and people are too busy to take care of themselves these days. There are people in the big temples who have incense, but this small Taoist temple is much colder, and the Qingyun Temple has closed its doors for a long time to thank visitors. Maybe some people run away a few times. No one will go there again, Fan Ruici came back to reopen Qingyun Temple, maybe not many people know about it." Long Hao naturally visited this area, but he didn't get any clues.

"Is the name on the tablet really a Taoist priest in the Taoist temple?"

"I visited this nearby, and it is indeed a Taoist priest in the Taoist temple."

(End of this chapter)

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