Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 346 Major Discovery

The mailbox is closely monitored 24 hours by members of the Intelligence Section.

Anyone passing by will be watched closely.

But it didn't take too long to see someone approaching the mailbox. After all, for the Pofeng team, the members responsible for instigating Jian Cao's rebellion should be notified as soon as possible to avoid the danger caused by the rebellion of Baisi members.

Seeing that the person actually dropped the envelope after approaching the mailbox, Song Shutang immediately ordered: "Arrest."

If you don't catch this person, it will be difficult to gain anything if you choose to follow and monitor.

Because he has already received instructions from Kota Miki to send information to those who instigated Jian Cao's rebellion, he must also understand the danger now, and he may be silent in a short time.

It doesn't make much sense for you to stare at him now, it is better to arrest and interrogate him as soon as possible to find useful clues.

This person was about to leave after putting in the envelope, but was arrested by members of the intelligence department who swarmed up. He immediately understood that the members of the broken wind team who were arrested spoke very quickly, and he also understood that the person responsible for instigating Jian Cao's rebellion was also arrested.

Full of remorse but powerless.

The person was taken to the detention center and sat on a stool in the interrogation room.

There was no direct torture and interrogation, but Nakasa Hanai was brought for him to have a look.

After seeing it, Song Shutang said: "She should be regarded as a warrior in your empire. She didn't speak up in the face of torture, which is admirable. But we still have all the information she desperately wanted to protect, otherwise we wouldn't have caught you now. Then What's the point of what you said she did?"

"Just now you saw what she looks like now. If you also want to prove that you can withstand torture for the sake of persistence in your heart, we will satisfy you and let you experience the same treatment as Huayi Nakasa, and at the same time give you the same treatment. Some respect and admiration, I will definitely bury you after death, please rest assured."

"We will use other methods to investigate. In the end, we can make progress, but your persistence is not useless, and will be admired by all of our staff, but I am afraid that if you fail to persist halfway, you will suffer in vain."

Nakasa Hana's current appearance can be described as miserable.

It is impossible for the arrested person not to be afraid after seeing it.

Listening to Song Shutang say these words is also stimulating nerves, and then looking at the torture equipment in the interrogation room, he hesitates.

But if you let him speak like this, you simply cannot accept it in your heart.

Seeing this, Song Shutang said: "Then try it briefly first, it can be regarded as paying for keeping the secret, so you don't have to regret it."

The interrogation room began to torture.

This person's veins are violent.

After about two hours, he chose to speak.

Song Shutang handed him a cigarette and said, "You are doing well, you can have a clear conscience in two hours."

But the man took a sharp puff of cigarette and said, "But I'm still not as good as Nakasa Hanai, not as good as a woman."

"You can't say that, your results are the same, aren't you?"

After smoking a cigarette, the man sat on the stool and spat out blood, and said, "My name is Dao Wu, and I'm in charge of the liaison between the two groups of partners in the Pofeng team."

"Which two groups?"

"I was caught by you before a group, and now I have caught another group. I can no longer provide information about the members of the Pofeng group."

"But you should know more than that." Song Shutang said.

"I know what you want to ask. The Pofeng team gave me the information through the contact person of Kota Miki."

"Has Miki Takata been arrested?"

"That was a trick to deceive you, and the people under the Pofeng team, but obviously it didn't deceive you, so naturally it couldn't deceive me either," Dao Wu said.

"What does Miki Kota's liaison mean?"

"It is responsible for passing on the news of Kota Miki to those of us who are in contact with our partners."

"You mean that this contact person knows the identities of all your secondary contacts?"

"should be."

"How many contacts like you are there?" Song Shutang asked.

"I don't know about this, but it shouldn't be many, maybe four or five."

"Then the first-level contact person knows your identities, doesn't he have as many clues as Miki Kota?" Song Shutang felt that the so-called first-level contact person was a bit crucial.

The most important thing is that he even knows the location of Kota Miki.

Dai Daowu said: "Do you really know Miki Kota?"

"What do you mean?"

"He seldom shows up in person. This person's loyalty to Miki Kota is unprecedented. To put it bluntly, even if you catch him, you won't interrogate Miki Kota's position." Dao Wu is sure of this.

"You don't need to worry about whether you can get out of the interrogation, can you still contact him?" Song Shutang will not stop arresting people because he can't get out of the interrogation.

"It was he who was in charge of contacting me. I couldn't contact him, and this time he contacted me and told me to notify me to keep quiet, and then kept silent himself. It sounds like he won't contact me in a short time."

"I hope you can provide me with some valuable clues." Song Shutang saw Daowu's tone now, and knew that he must know something else.

"I have a very important clue. Not only can I help you catch Daiki Hanashi and Hana Nakasa's contacts, but you may also find clues to Kota Miki."

"What conditions do you have?" Song Shutang understood what he meant.

"Can I talk to you?"

"This matter has alarmed Boss Dai and the principal. As long as the task can be completed, I will do whatever it takes, so I can make the decision and agree to you."

"Let me talk to Boss Dai."

"Yes." Song Shutang immediately arranged the call.

After hearing Boss Dai's personal answer on the phone, Dao Wu was relieved.

Seeing him sit down again, Song Shutang said, "Can we talk about the clues you know now?"

"The contacts of Huashi Dagui and Zhongza Huayi should live in the Jiangjiaxiang area."

"how do you know?"

"Hua Shi Dagui and the others were also in charge of me before, but the partner team in charge of this person was either arrested or evacuated, so he was assigned a group of personnel from me, but the method of reporting the notice did not change. One day I went to the post office to mail The letter informed the previous partner group that the postman complained that the address of the letter sent to the newspaper was always unclear.

At that time, your post and telecommunications team was in charge of checking incoming and outgoing letters in the post office, and this letter was opened. I saw that it was a missing person notice, and then I saw that the newspaper was "Business Daily", so I knew it was a letter notified by the new person in charge. Listen to the postman He raised his mouth and said that the letter was received from the Jiangjia Lane area. "

Dao Wu accidentally got hold of this information.

Although it is possible that the spies will drop letters far away from the residence, it is also possible that they will be around the residence. Song Shutang immediately said to Shangkou Axizi: "Notify a team of people, first seal off the Jiangjia Lane area, and focus on the search."


"But the clue you provided doesn't seem to be helpful in catching Miki Kota." Song Shutang did not forget that the biggest fish was Miki Kota.

"If you catch this person back, you will know."

"It means that this person may have clues about Kota Miki?"

Dao Wu said: "It's not that he may know, but he definitely knows."

"Why are you so sure about this?"

"When Takata Miki was in Manchuria, there was also a double, similar to the person your intelligence department is arresting now. This double is the person you are going to arrest in Jiangjiaxiang, but he was injured and couldn't continue to replace him, so he changed jobs. You Do you think he understands?" Dao Wu took a breath of cold air in pain as he spoke.

"You do know a lot."

"I have been doing intelligence work for many years. Many things are not told to you by others. You need to observe and judge by yourself. If it is not affected by the failure of missions in the early years, my status today will not be worse than that of Miki Takashi." Dao Wu said very much It is helpless.

Mission failures in the early years took their toll.

As a result, he can only become Miki Kota's subordinate now.

If it weren't for those experiences, he felt that his achievements were higher than Miki Kota's, and even far surpassed him.

Also, Fan Ruici, who was designed by Miki Takata this time, was arrested, saying that Miki Takata himself was arrested.

When Dao Wu heard the news for the first time, he thought it was ridiculous.

He felt that this method of deceiving other people and the Intelligence Section of the Military Command Bureau was okay, but it was not easy to deceive him.

Who would have thought that even the intelligence department could not be deceived successfully.

It was still discovered.

"Then do you know the purpose of arresting the person pretending to be Miki Kota?" Song Shutang asked.

"Isn't the purpose to let you close the case and stop investigating?" Dao Wu asked.

But looking at Song Shutang's appearance, it seems that this is not the case. He is also curious: "Is there anything else?"

Seeing that Dao Wu obviously didn't know about this matter, Song Shutang didn't talk too much.

Instead, he said, "Can you provide any other clues?"

"No other leads."

"Pofeng group list?"

"I'm afraid only Miki Takata knows this."

"When and how to leave the mountain city?"

"The method is not specified, but the time is tentatively scheduled to be in a few days. It seems that the work of instigating rebellion is progressing smoothly." Dao Wu's words were also sarcasm.

"They can't leave." Song Shutang said.

"But their hearts have already left." Dao Wu didn't expect the work of instigating rebellion to be so simple.

The Wang Ni group has betrayed too many people.

These people are inextricably linked with officials in the government.

It is inevitable that this situation will occur now.

"Thousands of hearts are united." Song Shutang could see the determination of the people in the mountain city and the people of the whole country to resist Japan.

After imprisoning Daowu, Song Shutang also personally led the team to Jiangjiaxiang.

Coming here, Zhu Yue has led people to search for a period of time, Song Shutang asked: "Did you find anything?"

Zhu Yue said: "It has been completely blocked, but it has not been found yet, but this area is very large, and I have expanded the area. It will take a while to search."

"Can you send some more people over so that the search can be completed as soon as possible?" Kakashi Akiko asked.

"It is possible to increase the number. After all, there is a search and arrest work going on in the whole city. They can all be responsible for the search here, but if there are too many people, it will be easy to mess up. As long as the blockade is in place, our current manpower is enough to complete the search. Time Go slower but be more careful." Zhu Yue felt that it is not necessary to continue to send more people, otherwise they are not in the same unit, and there may be problems in cooperation.

Song Shutang said: "Moles on the corners of the eyes and injuries to fingers are the most obvious features, so you must check carefully."

"I've already explained it."

"Even if only one of the characteristics matches, you have to bring it back." Shangguchi Akiko was worried that the other party could hide one, or that the mole didn't exist in the first place, but she went to the newspaper office to pretend to put on makeup that day.

"Tell the person in charge of the search that the ten fingers must be checked by hand to make sure everything is safe."

Then began to wait for the search results.

While patrolling the blockade.

There can be no problems in sealing off here. It is necessary to cut off the possibility of spies escaping. After all, it will take a lot of time to search and arrest after they escape.

But they are not sure whether the spies live in this range, but there is nothing less to do.

You can't finish the search in one day.

Searched overnight.

However, the members in charge of the search couldn't stand it any longer, so they needed to change shifts.

lead to fewer searches.

Therefore, Jiangjiaxiang was searched here for four days and four nights before the thorough search was completed. Sixty or seventy people who were identified as suspects by the searchers were arrested. Responsible for judgment.

All the arrested people are now being detained in the theater, a rehearsal room.

These people were in a mess and didn't know what happened, but they didn't dare to say anything in the face of a group of soldiers with live ammunition.

Asked for a room in the theater.

Zhu Yue, Song Shutang and others sat down, and at the same time asked the members to bring these people up one by one.

The first person did have a mole at the corner of his eye, but his fingernails were intact, and he ruled it out after checking the background.

After that comes the second.

There were a few very similar ones in the middle.

It was difficult for Song Shutang and others to judge, so they could only be held in solitary confinement.

Another person was brought in, wounded and wrapped in gauze, and asked what happened to him. He said that he was injured while working before, and three fingers were cut off.

He was asked to untie the gauze, and found that the finger was indeed missing, but the wound treatment looked very rough, and the burn might be used to stop the bleeding.

Ask the other party and say it is a local method.

I don't have money to go to the hospital, and earning money after the injury will be a problem, so I don't dare to spend money recklessly.

But this man has no moles in the corners of his eyes.

Seeing his appearance, Song Shutang suddenly said: "You are cruel enough to yourself."


"In order to avoid arrest, you cut off three of your fingers abruptly, and you are considered a man."

"I don't understand what you mean."

"Although we use this to identify the spies, the newspaper staff also saw you. You must have been disguised that day, but I don't believe the newspaper staff can't see it at all." Song Shutang said.

"I do not understand."

"You don't need to understand, go to the next room and wait." Song Shutang said.

When this person left, Long Hao immediately asked: "You said he chopped off his finger?"

"I'm not sure, it's just a scam, but the effect is mediocre."

"What should I do?"

"Read the people first, and then call the newspaper staff over."

After quickly going through the people, the remaining seven people are more suspicious.

Calling the staff of the newspaper office over, Song Shutang told him: "Go in and identify them. If you find someone who went to the newspaper office that day, you can tell them directly. If you don't find them, or you can't recognize them, you can point out the injured finger and wrap it in gauze. People who say he is, and must be very sure."

Although the newspaper staff didn't understand, they nodded to show they knew.

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