Holding the gun, he came behind Tao Xin.

Song Shutang walked around to Tao Xin again so that he could see it with his own eyes.

He raised his gun and pointed it at his forehead, Song Shutang said, "Go down and admit your mistakes."

Tao Xin tried desperately to struggle, but it was useless to be held firmly.

Song Shutang didn't have much to say, and there was actually very little to say at this point, and everyone around him was waiting for the gunshot.

Song Shutang did not disappoint them.

Pull the trigger.

With a gunshot, Tao Xin was shot between the eyebrows and died.

Director Mao immediately went forward to take the pistol away. Although there was no bullet, he was also worried about trouble.


Just so dead.

But it can't be exchanged for the jobs of other members of the Sword Holding Group.

Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui looked stern when they saw this scene.

Song Shutang didn't care to listen to Boss Dai's speech, and walked towards the place where the interrogation department was being held.

Cao Yanning sent him away.

Speech is certainly these things, and it sounds dull.

The outside world will also know Boss Dai's choice and applaud him.

Song Shutang sat in the room, just quietly waiting for the result.

But this result was a bit slow to wait.

Counting the days, he had been imprisoned in the interrogation room for almost a month, but no news came.

Nie Hong found Yan Qinghui and asked helplessly, "We want to wait until the school is transferred to start a rescue, but now we don't make any transfer arrangements for the school. How can we rescue?"

"I've inquired with the people in the interrogation department. It's okay to eat and drink in the Shutang, and it's good news that it won't be transferred," Yan Qinghui said.

"But it can't be like this all the time, so I don't know how long I will be imprisoned?"

"We'll just be ready for rescue."


That's all for now.

You have no other choice, but fortunately Song Shutang is doing well.

The Red Party is also concerned, but there is also no way to do anything.

Long Hao told his family, and the family agreed to help, but the condition was that Long Hao could not go to the front line.

For Song Shutang, Long Hao also agreed.

Just don't know what the situation is.

Director Mao entered Boss Dai's office and said, "During the time we were imprisoning Song Shutang, many people came to intercede. Cao Yanning, Shen Lushui, and Bao Yiwei all interceded. Even Long Hao dragged his family relationship to intercede. .”

"Let's not talk about them, several people in the bureau also have the same idea." Boss Dai said.

"This Song Shutang is quite attractive."

"Who doesn't like bloody young people, they just nest here for too long, and their bloody nature has almost worn out."

"What are we going to do with Song Shutang?" Director Mao asked.

In fact, he thought that Song Shutang must die before.

After all, you are a gun.

When you run out, your mission will be accomplished, and you won't be able to explain it if you don't die.

However, looking at Boss Dai's imprisonment now, it seems that he is not going to kill Song Shutang, which is why Director Mao asked this question.

"What do you think?" Boss Dai asked back.

"How can the subordinates guess what Boss Dai is thinking?"

"Do you want him dead?"

"Boss Dai doesn't want to, so naturally I don't want to either."

See Director Mao's smooth answer.

Boss Dai smiled and said, "Accompany me to meet Song Shutang later."

"it is good."

Later, Boss Dai and Director Mao went to the interrogation room to meet Song Shutang.

See you two coming.

Cao Yanning is also planning to change Song Shutang's room to be imprisoned, and behave a little more miserable, to see if he can win sympathy.

It's just not there yet.

The two have already arrived.

Under the leadership of Cao Yanning, Boss Dai and Director Mao appeared in the room where Song Shutang was detained.

There are beds and quilts, and the conditions are good.

But no windows.

To put it bluntly, it is also confinement, and it is quite uncomfortable to be imprisoned for a month.

Seeing the two people come in, Song Shutang stood up and said, "Boss Dai, Director Mao."

Boss Dai looked at the young man in front of him and asked with a smile, "How's your time going?"


"Do you know what's coming next?"


Director Mao said to Cao Yanning: "You go out first."

Cao Yanning gave Song Shutang a cautious look and left the room.

Boss Dai continued: "What you did this time was too much."

"Can Tao Xin go too far?" Song Shutang was not afraid at all.

Anyway, it's already like this, so what are you afraid of.

"You think I'm negligent?"

"Don't Boss Dai know all about it?"

"Song Shutang, what are you talking about?" Director Mao hurriedly reminded him.

He knew that Boss Dai didn't want to kill Song Shutang right now, if Boss Dai was in a hurry, it would be worthwhile for him to kill you again.

It's just that Boss Dai didn't show any anger.

"After the investigation, you can tell me why you told the Red Party. It's not good to force the palace like this. I obviously plan to deal with Tao Xin, just looking for another chance."

"Isn't Boss Dai just waiting for me to find an opportunity?"

"But you only realized it after the fact. It wasn't impulsive beforehand."

"It's enough to achieve the goal anyway." Song Shutang admitted that he really didn't understand it before.

"Stupid." Boss Dai said.

"Achieve the goal, but also die yourself, that's stupid." Song Shutang didn't refute Boss Dai's words.

Be stupid be stupid.

Anyway, he got what he wanted.

"I'm ordering someone to take you to shoot now, what do you think Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui will do?" Boss Dai asked.

Song Shutang's expression changed at this moment and he said, "I hope Boss Dai can stop them."


Song Shutang flinched and was speechless.

He really didn't know why, if Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui really had such thoughts, then Boss Dai could indeed get rid of them.

Boss Dai is worried that this kind of person stays in the Military Control Bureau.

"Then ask Boss Dai to shoot me inside the bureau."

"Are you begging to die?"

"I beg them not to die." Song Shutang had no choice but to speak softly.

He may not be afraid of death, but he doesn't want Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui to die with him.

"You can live too." Boss Dai said suddenly.

Director Mao hurriedly said, "Thank you, Boss Dai."

Song Shutang glanced at the two of them and said, "I'm afraid it won't be easy."

"But it's definitely better than being dead."

"What does Boss Dai want me to do?"

"Wang's puppet government has been established during the month you were detained."

Sure enough, this is hard to stop.

"Shanghai is now full of spies from all over the world. They want to arrange for you to sneak into Shanghai, infiltrate the Wang puppet government and the Japanese, and continue to fight for the war of resistance?" Boss Dai asked.


Of course Song Shutang is willing to continue the war of resistance.

He asked, "Boss Dai still dares to use me?"

"I dare to give you a gun to kill Tao Xin, why wouldn't I dare?" Boss Dai said with a strong momentum.

"Aren't you worried that I have an affair with the Red Party?"

"Even if you have an affair with the Red Party, you can only fight against the Japanese in Shanghai, what else can you do?" Boss Dai's words are very clear, that is, you can only work now, and you can only work outside, and you can still get military command. What intelligence?

Now you are used to work for the military command.

Let you go to Longtan Tiger's Den.

See how many days you can live.

It is possible to live.

But then life is worse than death.

We all know latent work, it is a kind of torment and torture.

But Song Shutang has no choice now.

He would rather die at the hands of the enemy than at the hands of his own people, just like the rest of the Sword Holding Group.

"Why is my current identity lurking?" Song Shutang asked.

"As long as you promise, the rest will be arranged."

"I promise."

"Okay, a sentence will be issued later. You violated many disciplines, and you will be sentenced to 15 years in prison."

15 years.

Almost as dead.

"You will be imprisoned in a concentration camp, and then you will escape from the concentration camp by yourself," Boss Dai said.

Song Shutang understood what Boss Dai meant.

Now that I am being treated like this by the Military Control Bureau, the members of the Sword Holding Group still die in the hands of the Military Control Bureau.

He was sentenced to another 15 years as if he were dead.

Therefore, it is reasonable to want to join the puppet government after escaping from prison.

Because I hate it too much.

The resentment runs deep.

There is nothing wrong with such a change in the heart.

As for the fact that Song Shutang had arrested a spy before, there was nothing wrong with that.

The officials who defected to the puppet government were not all anti-Japanese before?

The puppet government and the Japanese appreciate such people even more, they are capable.

Boss Dai continued: "Prison escape will not provide you with any help. It is all up to you. The manhunt arranged after the prison break is also true. It is up to you to escape. If you are caught again, you will be sentenced to 15 years in prison plus prison break. Only the death penalty."


This kind of thing can't let too many people know.

Otherwise there would be no hidden meaning.

At the same time, Boss Dai said: "The concentration camp where you were detained was with Mei Muzhizi."

"Hu Zhaoying!"

"You'd better take her with you when you flee."

"Take her?"

"Most of the guards in the concentration camp are investigating people who have problems in the dark. When you escape, you'd better kill a few people so that Mei Muzhizi can see it. After going to Shanghai, she can testify for you." Boss Dai even has these details. I got it.

Although Mei Muzhizi is also a traitor.

But she just mistook Takeuchi Ichiro for saying everything.

That's why I spoke.

Being able to take Song Shutang back now is a good thing.

Secondly, Boss Dai doesn't care whether Mei Muzhizi goes back alive or dead, she just needs to tell the Japanese and the people of the puppet government that Song Shutang killed the person and escaped.

"Then who will contact me when I arrive in Shanghai?"

"You are very confident that you will definitely be able to go to Shanghai?"

"If you don't have this ability, why does Boss Dai bother?"

"Ambition." Boss Dai nodded.

Later Boss Dai said: "You just go to join the puppet government, when the time comes I will personally arrange someone to take charge of your work and confirm your identity with the code word [-]:[-]."

Glancing down at his watch, he decided on a code word to confirm his identity.

"Knowing that I am the traitor Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui will definitely find it very difficult to accept. I am afraid that they will go to Shanghai to do stupid things. I also ask Boss Dai to keep an eye on them."

"You can rest assured that they will not destroy the plan."

After finishing speaking, Boss Dai left. Director Mao walked two steps late and said, "Boss Dai is very optimistic about you. Although this matter is dangerous, there are not a few people in the bureau who are engaged in such dangerous work. Don't complain in your heart."

"Director Mao is afraid that I will really become a traitor?" Song Shutang asked with a smile.

"I am very optimistic about your ability. If you become a traitor, it will indeed be a big loss."

"Please rest assured, Director Mao, I will not be a traitor."

"I'm relieved with your words."

"I also hope that Director Mao will greet Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui more in the bureau."

"You can rest assured that I will take care of it."

After the two left, Song Shutang never thought that his fate would advance like this.

At that time, I will appear in Shanghai, after being a traitor.

I'm afraid many people will find it hard to accept.

It will be very painful for many people.

Many people will also find it strange.

But no explanation can be given.

From now on, you will step into another world.

Cao Yanning didn't ask Song Shutang what he said when he came back after seeing him off. After all, Boss Dai didn't want him to know, and Song Shutang probably wouldn't tell him either.

But in the next few days.

Song Shutang was sent to court for trial.

As for Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui.

Boss Dai had already ordered someone to take down their guns in advance, and then detained them in the Military Control Bureau to prevent them from leaving.

The ability of the two is very strong.

But Boss Dai arranged for more than a dozen people, and they couldn't get out.

The result of the court trial was that Song Shutang was sentenced to 15 years.

Then sent to a concentration camp.

Many people feel that the result is better than death.

Long Hao cursed secretly in the Military Command Bureau.

Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui were also helpless, and even fought with their detainees, but the other party still had guns.

Meng Jiaqi also received the news.

My mind went back to the rain curtain.

Uncle Li also fell silent at Hongyanzui.

In this way, Song Shutang was sent to a concentration camp.

In the concentration camp, Mei Mu Zhizi followed her to work, and she was already a walking dead.

Song Shutang clearly said that he would visit her often.

But then Song Shutang never came.

She has been looking forward to it, looking forward to it every day, but every day she is disappointed.

She longed for a little more value in herself, a little bit of value that could help Song Shutang, then the other party would at least come to ask her, and she could see him again.

But she is worthless.

She knew very well that she was worthless at all.

Mei Mu Zhizi fell into confusion about the future.

Even Song Shutang didn't send money to the concentration camp during this period, so that they could take care of Mei Muzhizi.

She's about to start working too.

Just when Mei Muzhizi couldn't find the motivation to live, she finally saw that figure that haunted her day and night.

Mei Muzhizi ignored the guards and stood aside with a stick.

She threw down the tools in her hand and ran to Song Shutang. She was beaten three times on the back and remained indifferent.

Running in front of Song Shutang, Mei Mu Zhizi stopped timidly, she knew that she looked ugly now, because she hadn't washed her face properly for a long time.

She lowered her head and asked Song Shutang: "Are you here to see me?"

Seeing Mei Mu Zhizi Song Shutang in front of him, he was in a daze. It turns out that a person only needs to be imprisoned for a period of time before he will become like this.

15 years.

It's really no different from being dead.

"No." Hearing Song Shutang say no, the disappointment in Mei Muzhizi's eyes turned into despair.

But Song Shutang followed up and said, "I'm here to accompany you."

Hearing Song Shutang's words, Mei Muzhizi dared to look up and saw that Song Shutang's hands were also handcuffed.

"How are you?"

Before she could ask, someone immediately stepped forward and pulled her by the hair, and hit her waist heavily with a stick, knocking her down to the ground.

Dragging Mei Mu Zhizi back, he cursed, "You're courting death."

But Mei Muzhizi didn't feel any pain, she just looked at Song Shutang suddenly happy, will he always be with her?

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