Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 369 Locking Du Yong

Chapter 369 Locking Du Yong
Song Shutang has become a frequent visitor to the nightclub these days.

But spending money like water.

The funds approved by Wan Liang are also stretched.

Simply today, Song Shutang invited Huang Ying to an outside cafe, saying that he wanted to talk in a different place, after all, nightclubs always felt inappropriate to talk.

Huang Ying has long been attracted by Song Shutang's conversation.

Cafes are better.

Huang Ying is very well dressed today, there is no such thing as showing off in a nightclub at all, Song Shutang naturally praised her directly when she met her.

The praise made Huang Ying even more shy.

In fact, she should not appear shy, but for some reason when she is with Song Shutang, she still shows a little girlish attitude.

Seeing Huang Ying covering her mouth and laughing lightly, Mei Mu Zhizi scoffed in the dark.

Do you really think you can be spotted by Song Shutang?

Mei Muzhizi actually understood that Song Shutang was not a casual person.

Otherwise, why would she want to draw it slowly.

"Miss Huang, what would you like to drink?"

“Signature coffee is good.”

"Two cups of signature coffee."

While waiting for the coffee, Song Shutang said: "I didn't expect that Ms. Huang's experience is really embarrassing."

"It's all involuntary in the torrent of the times."

"That's right, in today's troubled times, there is no place for a woman like Ms. Huang."

"Just to live."

"I admire your spirit."

When the coffee was served, Song Shutang continued: "You said that Du Yong of the Action Brigade lied to your feelings. I also think this is very strange. He was so rich before, but why did he have no money in the end, which caused you to be bullied again by Niu Tong?" wrap up."

"I don't know, but when Du Yong was rich, he spent money lavishly. During this period of time, he really didn't have much money. The previous rent was called by the landlord once. If it wasn't for seeing that he was a member of the action team, he might We have to drive him away." Huang Ying and Song Shutang have almost everything to talk about now.

Of course Song Shutang understood why.

Before Du Yong was rich, he sold military intelligence in exchange for money.

Later, the military commander discovered this.

How could it be possible for him to have information.

Well, since there is no information, it cannot be exchanged for money, and it is normal for those who spend money and spend money lavishly.

Du Yong drove Huang Ying away this time.

In fact, it is inevitable that there is no idea of ​​​​following the trend.

Otherwise, Huang Ying would not be able to keep Huang Ying.

"Where did Du Yong's money come from?"

"I don't know, and I won't tell him if I ask him. I guess it may have been obtained through meritorious deeds in the action brigade."

"is it?"

"I'm not sure."

"Is there anything unusual about you?"

"One night Du Yong left home very late, and I asked to go out with him, but he refused, and I wondered if he had a task with the action brigade, so I couldn't disclose it to me, so I didn't ask.

But he didn't go out for a long time, and he came back in about two hours. I think if the action team had a mission, it shouldn't be such a short time. I wonder if he went to find another lover.

It's just that I didn't dare to ask more, so I checked his clothes, and saw some oil stains on them, and the smell was quite prominent, like the smell of stinky mandarin fish. Huang Ying wrinkled her nose, obviously not liking the smell.

"Smelly mandarin fish?"

"should be."

"That does not seem to be a mission."

"That's why I said that I am a miserable woman."

"Which restaurant does Du Yong like to eat stinky mandarin fish?"

"There is Yongsheng Hotel, he likes to go there."

After drinking coffee with Huang Ying, Song Shutang sent her to the rickshaw very gentlemanly, and then helped pay the fare.

Seeing Huang Ying leave, Mei Mu Zhizi appeared and asked, "How's your harvest today?"

"Not bad."


"Huang Ying said that Du Yong's money may be a reward for performing meritorious service in the mission of the Action Brigade, but you and I both know it's not."


"And Huang Ying also said that Du Yong left very late one night and went to Yongsheng Restaurant for dinner."

"Is there any problem with eating?"

"Why doesn't he bring Huang Ying with him when he eats?"

"A date with someone else?"

"Who is this person?"

"Do you suspect that the person Du Yong met is the key to his getting the money?"

"That's right." Song Shutang nodded.

"Who will give him money?"

"What do you think is valuable about Du Yong?" Song Shutang asked back.

After thinking about it, Mei Muzhizi said: "To be honest, according to the information I have obtained from the current investigation of Du Yong, he has nothing of value. The brigade's information to the anti-Japanese elements?"

It is reasonable for Mei Muzhizi to guess like this now.

After all, it is difficult for you to directly link Du Yong with the military commander.

After all, what Du Yong did was indeed not like that.

In this way, Du Yong's lurking was actually considered a success, but he had already made up his mind, otherwise it might have been a good card in the hands of the military commander.

"I also think that he may have betrayed the intelligence of the Secret Service Headquarters. We can investigate this, and maybe we can investigate the anti-Japanese members behind him. This time the matter can be regarded as a smooth solution and meritorious service." Song Shutang said.

Mei Muzhizi thought for a moment that this was the reason.

She said, "Go to Yongsheng Hotel?"


It was still early for the two of them to come to Yongsheng Hotel.

Find the guy in the store and ask him about Du Yong.

Du Yong really likes to come to this shop.

The guys here are kind of impressed.

But if you ask him who Du Yong met at the hotel the night before, the guy really can't remember.

After all, there are so many people coming and going in the restaurant every day, how could the staff remember them all.

But guys are impressed with money.

It is said that when Du Yong came to pay the bill, he opened his wallet and there was a lot of money in it.

It wasn't there when I walked in.

Because the guy saw that Du Yong paid the rickshaw driver.

The clerk greets guests at the door.

But when it came out, it was in the wallet.

This statement undoubtedly confirmed Song Shutang's guess that Du Yong was in the restaurant and met someone to provide some information, otherwise why would the other party give him money.

But the investigation is now broken.

The investigation cannot be continued.

Coming out of the Yongsheng Hotel, Mei Muzhizi said: "The external investigation clues have ended. If you want to continue the investigation, you can only start with Du Yong."

"But Du Yong is a member of the action brigade after all. I think it's better to say hello to the director before the investigation." Song Shutang decided to say hello.

"Then let's go to Secret Service Headquarters tomorrow."

"Go back to rest tonight."

The investigation made progress, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief, and they slept much better tonight than before.

Early the next morning Song Shutang and Mei Muzhizi went to the secret service headquarters.

Find Wan Liang and report the progress of the current investigation.

After listening to the investigation, Wan Liang really didn't expect it.

He said: "You suspect that Du Yong in the operation team may have betrayed the intelligence in the Secret Service Headquarters."

"That's right, director, the source of Du Yong's money is unknown, and it is very likely that he got it by selling information. I think we are investigating Du Yong now, and it is possible to catch the anti-Japanese elements behind him through him. This is very good for us. Help." Song Shutang said.

It was an excuse for Song Shutang and the others to investigate the action team.

Wan Liang didn't expect that they would actually find something out of their investigation.

If the anti-Japanese elements can really be investigated through Du Yong, it is indeed a credit.

And the action brigade is responsible for negligence.

Asking his subordinates to sell information can also beat Wang Hong, killing two birds with one stone.

Wan Liang thought for a while and said: "It seems that the previous information was wrong, saying that there were members of the military command in the action brigade, but now it seems that Du Yong betrayed the news and was mistaken for a member of the military command."

Although things are clear to everyone.

However, Wan Liang still found an excuse to make this matter come back.

Song Shutang naturally followed the trend and said, "What the director said is true."

He doesn't need to break it down.

After all, he didn't want to really offend the action team.

To offend Wang Hong and the Green Gang.

Wan Liang said: "You are in charge of investigating Du Yong, please let me know if you need anything."

"It's the director."

Leaving from Wan Liang, the two of them can investigate Du Yong with peace of mind, and no matter what problems they have in the future, they can be regarded as following orders.

Wan Liang went to see director Li Qun after the two left.

After listening to Wan Liang's report, Li Qun also found it interesting.

Is there really a problem in the action team?

Li Qun asked, "Is what happened to Du Yong true?"

"My subordinates also heard a few days ago that Du Yong did have a quarrel with the dancing girl and members of the Green Gang. Wang Hong even went to the Green Gang himself. If it is true as the dancing girl said, the source of Du Yong's money is indeed unknown." Wan Liang also heard the previous gossip.

"The style is chaotic." Li Qun said dissatisfied.

In fact, it is true.

The style of the senior management inside Secret Service Headquarters is even more chaotic.

But the Japanese don't really care about it, and even hope that they are greedy for pleasure.

Only if you are greedy for pleasure, will you try to maintain everything you have now.

But after the establishment of the new government, the control is a bit stricter.

Otherwise, there will be a miasma below, how can we carry out daily work.

"Let Song Shutang and the others investigate carefully and see what they can find." Li Qun was very interested, and the development of the matter was indeed different from what they expected.

And Kogishi Kentaro has already helped him test Song Shutang.

There is no problem.

Let the other party let go to do it, and there will be no trouble.

Wan Liang said, "I've asked them to investigate."

"Approve some funding for them."

"It's the director."

Secret Service has money.

Funding is plentiful.

The high-level greedy money is a large sum of money.

Therefore, Li Qun didn't care about a small amount of money.

After all, everything in Shanghai costs money.

It is very difficult for you to act without funds.

Wan Liang's work here is very efficient, and Song Shutang and the others received a message that night, asking them to go back to the headquarters to collect funds.

When I came back in the evening to collect the funds, I also specially thanked Wan Liang.

"It's what the director means, don't let the director down."

"Yes, thank you Director."

Taking the money and leaving from the Secret Service Headquarters, Mei Mu Zhizi smiled and said: "This time the amount of funds is quite a lot."

"That's because we have investigated the clues. It seems that Secret Service Headquarters is indeed rich and powerful. As long as you can pay in advance, they will not be stingy with rewards."

"Then if we can complete a few missions, will we be able to save enough money to go abroad?" Mei Muzhizi began to yearn for it.

Song Shutang said: "The big task is not so easy to complete."

"You captured the intelligence teams of spies in the mountain city, but they are all big tasks. If you change to the rewards given to you by the secret service headquarters, I'm afraid it will be overwhelming." Mei Muzhizi said.

In fact, the meaning in the words is also to say, it depends on whether Song Shutang wants to complete it or not.

rather than whether it can be completed.

But Song Shutang smiled at this and did not speak.

The meaning is clear.

He wasn't determined to work with Secret Service.

The more he expresses such thoughts to Mei Mu Zhizi, the safer he will be.

Sure enough, Mei Muzhizi's reaction to Song Shutang was not at all strange, and he felt it was reasonable.

After all, Song Shutang did not join Secret Service Headquarters willingly.

It is really unreasonable to focus on arresting members of the military command now.

On the way back, Song Shutang said: "We monitored Du Yong all day today, but it was useless. Du Yong is working with the action brigade. With so many people around him, it should not be possible to mess around."

"And you said that Huang Ying said that Du Yong had money before but didn't have it later, and he couldn't even pay the rent. I feel that he may have sold out all the information he has about the Secret Service Headquarters. Now he has nothing to sell. He shouldn't either. I will meet the person behind it." Mei Mu Zhizi made such an inference.

"Why don't we sneak into Du Yong's house tomorrow?" Song Shutang asked.

Must sneak into the house.

Because the information that can prove that Du Yong is a military commander is in his home.

According to the information provided by Capgemini.

First of all, there is a book, which is Du Yong's code book.

To collect and transmit information.

In addition, Du Yong's family only had some grenades and other weapons.

Use it in times of danger.

But Du Yong never used it at all, and never planned to die together.

There is no cost during this time.

Du Yong even thought about selling these weapons.

Should be worth some money on the black market.

But worried about being found out.

That's why Du Yong endured it.

Going to find a suitable opportunity.

After Song Shutang and Mei Muzhizi searched for these things at Du Yong's house, the problem was actually about to come out.

Then Du Yong can even be arrested for interrogation.

After entering the Secret Service Headquarters, Wan Liang is in charge of the interrogation, and Du Yong should explain everything clearly soon.

Then don't worry about it being Du Yong who sold out the intelligence of Secret Service Headquarters for money.

It was Du Yong who sold the information of the military commander in exchange for money.

First of all, his identity can be determined, that is, a member of the military command.

Is the investigation by Song Shutang and Mei Muzhizi useful?

Naturally useful.

And meritorious service.

In this case, the previous troubles are easily solved.

It can be regarded as the arrest of the military commander.

Just a few days after joining the Secret Service Headquarters, you caught someone from the military command, or a hidden person in the Secret Service Headquarters. You say this does not prove your ability?

Secondly, Li Qun wanted to beat Wang Hong.

Wang Hong has a military command under his command.

He is also a relative of Vice Captain Pan Long.

Is this beating enough?
At least it can make Wang Hong honest for a while.

After all, the Japanese are very intolerant of being involved with anti-Japanese organizations such as the Military Command.

Mei Muzhizi had no objection to Song Shutang's proposal, she said: "Then let's sneak into Du Yong's house and search tomorrow?"

"See if there is any task in the action team tomorrow. If there is, we will go." Song Shutang thinks that you still have to make sure that no one will come back halfway.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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