Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 373 Red Party Connection

Song Shutang is now in a very dangerous situation.

Not only the Japanese puppet regime, you need to be careful.

The Military Control Bureau is also eyeing it.

Boss Dai can sacrifice the Death Squad today, but there is no reason why he cannot sacrifice Song Shutang for the mission tomorrow.

What should we do then?

But Song Shutang didn't think about these issues now.

Fortunately, Boss Dai just asked him to come to Shanghai, so it must be useful, and he will definitely not have the idea of ​​so-called sacrifice in a short time.

A complete strategy must be thought of to use these hours.

Song Shutang is not saying that he cannot sacrifice himself for the task.

But to die in such an unclear way.

He can't take it.

When Mei Muzhizi came back in the evening, Song Shutang asked, "How's the result today?"

Mei Mu Zhizi smiled and said, "It's different."

Intelligence staff are very well informed.

They already know what happened here at Secret Service Headquarters.

This naturally brought about some changes.

Although I haven't established contact with Mei Mu Zhizi right away, it's better than not giving a chance to talk at all before.

"It seems that everything is off to a good start."


In the next few days, Song Shutang didn't want to work for the Secret Service Headquarters, mainly because he wanted to fit his current personality, so he took Mei Muzhizi to Shanghai for two days.

Wan Liang said they can be unrestrained.

But what happened in Shanghai has been transmitted back to the mountain city.

Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui stood together in the Military Control Bureau.

"I was already surprised at the previous press conference. I didn't expect the news that all members of the operation team were annihilated." Nie Hong said.

Song Shutang did it?
It was hard for him to believe.

But it is conclusive.

There were even photos of the press conference published in the newspaper, and the Military Control Bureau also brought back a copy from Shanghai.

Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui saw it with their own eyes.

"Do you think there is a problem here?" Yan Qinghui asked.

"I even want to go to Shanghai to ask Song Shutang what happened." Nie Hong couldn't help but said.

"But we can't move at all now, let alone go to Shanghai, we can't even leave the mountain city." What Yan Qinghui said, Nie Hong was helpless.

Because they have been monitored by Boss Dai.

Both of them knew that it was because Boss Dai didn't like the way they reacted to Song Shutang's question before.

Not even tolerated.

"But Boss Dai is taking care of us, isn't it a bit too much?" Nie Hong felt that your intensity is no different from taking care of spies.

Even Shangkou Axizi is not as well guarded as Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui.

Boss Dai's reaction was indeed a little over the top.

"Could it be because we're worried about our going to Shanghai?" Yan Qinghui asked.

"Even if you are worried, it's not like that."

I want to go to Shanghai because I want to go.

But whether you can go or not is definitely not that simple.

Yan Qinghui said: "But no matter what, we can't move now."

"We were always afraid that Song Shutang would go the wrong way and walk into the arms of the Red Party. We had to take precautions. Now that we have walked directly into the arms of the Japanese puppets, we might as well let him go into the arms of the Red Party." Nie Hong said helplessly.

Yan Qinghui also sighed.

If you look at it this way, it is indeed better to go to the embrace of the Red Party.

Better than being a traitor.

But do you think Song Shutang is really a traitor?

Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui didn't believe it.

Definitely want to ask in person.

It's just that there is no such condition now.

Yan Qinghui said: "Take care of our immediate troubles first, let's talk about them later."

"That's the only way to go." Nie Hong said helplessly.

Uncle Li in Hongyan's mouth also heard the news from Shanghai.

But Uncle Li now knows about Boss Dai's arrangement.

There were very few people in the Red Party who knew about this matter, but Uncle Li suggested telling Meng Jiaqi.

After all, Meng Jiaqi was very concerned about this matter.

And after Song Shutang defected, he was always worried.

This had a great impact on Meng Jiaqi's work.

After all, in her eyes, those who captured the Japanese invaders and rescued her at the risk of their own lives ended up being traitors.

This is very unacceptable.

So Uncle Li let Meng Jiaqi know the truth.

Besides, Meng Jiaqi was responsible for the development of Song Shutang before, so she should know now.

After learning about this, Meng Jiaqi was more worried about Song Shutang's safety than thinking about it.

But it's okay to worry about safety.

After all, those engaged in intelligence work are already ready to sacrifice.

Meng Jiaqi's faith was not affected.

After hearing the news from Shanghai today, she also came to Hongyanzui to discuss this matter with Uncle Li.

Meng Jiaqi said, "The news from Shanghai sounds strange."

"What's so strange?" Uncle Li asked.

"How could it be possible for Song Shutang to betray the military commander's information and cause so many deaths?"

"I'm afraid it's not the original intention of the school."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know Boss Dai's methods." Uncle Li is very aware of Boss Dai's methods.

Hearing this, Meng Jiaqi asked, "So Song Shutang was also forced to do nothing?"

"The day the book hall set foot in Shanghai, it was already involuntary." Uncle Li knew this very well.

And Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui in the Military Control Bureau are also the key.

It's just that there is currently no way to solve this matter.

Not to mention whether Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui are willing to be rescued by you.

Even if you want to.

You don't dare now, Song Shutang will definitely be exposed after saving the two.

Meng Jiaqi asked, "Since that's the case, hasn't our contact person in Shanghai contacted Song Shutang yet?"

"The person arranged by Boss Dai must be watching Shutang in Shanghai. If we contact him at this time, I'm afraid it will arouse the other party's suspicion. After all, Boss Dai doesn't doubt the relationship between Shutang and us."

Before that, Song Shutang was for the truth.

Find someone from the Red Party to help.

Boss Dai didn't investigate the matter afterwards, so he didn't feel relieved.

Maybe an investigation will be arranged in Shanghai.

When he was in Jiangcheng, Boss Dai didn't arrange for anyone to take care of him, and people from the Red Party appeared to be safe.

But when they first arrived in Shanghai, the Red Party thought it was unsafe, so they wanted to wait.

It's just that I didn't expect that the military command had already done so many things just by waiting.

Meng Jiaqi understood the organization's arrangements.

In fact, she also wanted to go to the front line and go to Shanghai.

Fight with enemies.

But the organization would not agree.

After all, Meng Jiaqi's identity was no longer a secret because of being held hostage by spies.

Surely someone will know.

If you go to Shanghai like this, no matter what kind of identity is given to you, it will be easily exposed.

Therefore, Meng Jiaqi could only continue to work in the mountain city.

As for the problem in Shanghai, the organization has arranged a very experienced contact person here to ensure that the work can be carried out normally.

Uncle Li said: "You don't have to worry too much about the news in Shanghai. The contact person arranged here by the organization will contact Song Shutang in the next few days, so that you won't be so passive."

The limelight is almost over.

After all, everything Boss Dai arranged has been executed.

Next, Uncle Li guessed that there would be an assassination against Song Shutang.

After all, the assassination has not yet been carried out.

It is impossible for the Military Statistics Bureau to give up.

Especially when Song Shutang also caused the military commander to sacrifice so many people.

On the Shanghai side, Song Shutang also reported to the secret service headquarters in the past two days, and then obeyed orders.

It's just that there are no major tasks for the time being.

Most of them are investigating the military command.

Wan Liang's current job for Song Shutang is screening.

During this period of time, because of the establishment of the Wang puppet government, many people joined the Secret Service Headquarters and joined the puppet government.

After all, these people really joined.

I still came to lurk with a mission, and now I need Song Shutang to screen it out.

Wan Liang knew that Song Shutang had the ability in this area, and he could often find the traces of spies when he was in the mountain city, so he entrusted this task to him.

He also gave him a lot of documents.

Song Shutang is now in the room, looking at the documents.

It's not his office, it can only be said to be a room where documents are piled up, and Song Shutang lives in it every day.

Mei Mu Zhizi occasionally comes to accompany him.

Then he was responsible for some other work, and established contact with some spies in Shanghai.

Screening is of course impossible to progress.

Song Shutang was also unwilling to find out the latent personnel arranged by the general.

However, looking at the information did reveal that some people have problems, but are these people military commanders?

not sure.

But Song Shutang didn't say anything.

Instead, I plan to ask when the time comes.

Ask Bu Capgemini, are these people military commanders?

And ask the people of the Red Party who these people are.

If there are no problems, Song Shutang will tell Wan Liang the doubts, and then kill people with a knife.

No matter what problem they have.

Being a traitor is real.

Song Shutang didn't mind giving them a ride.

It's easy to ask Bu Capgemini, but it's more troublesome to ask the Red Party.

Because people from the Red Party have not contacted him yet.

But he has to ask the Red Party first, because if there are members of the Red Party among the people you ask.

Known by the military.

Judging from Boss Dai's previous arrangement, Song Shutang was worried that Boss Dai would use the information of hidden Red Party personnel to make him perform meritorious service in the Secret Service Headquarters.

If this is the case, Song Shutang is equally unacceptable.

So he kept the list in his heart and didn't report it to anyone. He planned to ask the Red Party first.

As for whether the latent personnel of the military command may be known by the Red Party.

Song Shutang believes that at least the Red Party will take care of the overall situation.

I won't mess around.

After waiting like this for a few days, Song Shutang was rather anxious, after all, Wan Liang is here waiting for your report.

He knows your abilities.

If you can't report anything, it's trouble.

Just when Song Shutang was waiting for a few days and felt troublesome, he finally waited for members of the Red Party to appear.

Tonight Song Shutang and Mei Muzhizi went to the restaurant for dinner.

After getting rich, the life of the two is good now.

At least you don't have to worry about eating and drinking.

But in the process of eating and drinking, when Mei Muzhizi went to the bathroom to fix her makeup, a member of the Red Party handed Song Shutang a note.

Identified by the text above.

But with Mei Muzhizi present today, Song Shutang couldn't talk to members of the Red Party.

Members of the Red Party also know this information.

So it was agreed that Song Shutang would go to an address to find him when he had time in the next few days.

Song Shutang cleaned up the note.

After dinner, he left with Mei Muzhizi.

He waited for the opportunity for the next few days, and finally one night, Mei Mu Zhizi said that he could not have dinner with Song Shutang, because finally a spy agreed to meet her and have dinner together at night.

"This is good news, you go." Song Shutang said.

"Then you have to eat yourself."

"I can take care of it at any restaurant."

After separating from Mei Muzhizi, Song Shutang wandered the streets.

After confirming that no one was following him, he went to the address provided by members of the Red Party, where he met members of the Red Party.

In his forties.

Looks more upright.

A very gentle looking person.

After meeting, the person stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Comrade Song Shutang."

Calling comrades is no problem.

After all, the government can also be called comrades.

So this comrade is a pun.


After shaking hands, the person explained: "I am your contact person in Shanghai arranged by the organization. My name is Wen Derun. If you have any questions, you can tell me."

Members of the Red Party did not say to go online.

Just say it's a liaison.

It is different from Capgemini.

Song Shutang said, "Thank you."

"It's all for the sake of resisting the Japanese. There is no need to say thank you. I have also heard about what happened to you in Shanghai in the past few days. You are in a very bad situation, but in order to avoid the secret observation of the military command, there is no way to contact you immediately. "

"I can understand all of this."

"You must be very concerned about the situation in the mountain city." Wen Derun knew exactly what Song Shutang wanted to know now.

"Yes." Song Shutang also generously admitted.

"Uncle Li's condition is very good, you don't have to worry about this, but the situation of Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui is worse, they are being watched by the military command bureau, let alone freedom, even privacy is hard to come by."

Hearing what Wen Derun said, Song Shutang knew what Bu Kaijie said was true.

If there is a slight change in Shanghai.

It was very difficult for Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui to survive.

"But you don't have to worry too much, the two of them will not be in danger for the time being." Wen Derun said.

Song Shutang was naturally aware of this.

Song Shutang said: "I have a list here, you can see if there are any latent members of your party on it, and if there are, you can transfer them."

Song Shutang asked the Red Party to transfer ahead of schedule.

Rather than saying that he would not report this clue to Secret Service Headquarters.

After all, you have already found the clues, can you guarantee that others will not find it?

You hide it and don't report it.

Not only will they not be able to save the members of the Red Party, but they will also expose themselves.

So evacuating early is good for everyone.

Wen Derun said: "Thank you for the information you provided, but I need to confirm the list with the above. After all, I don't know the specific situation of the lurking personnel."

"This is no problem, but I hope it can be faster, because this matter has been delayed for a few days."

Of course Wen Derun knew that Song Shutang was delaying for them.

Immediately stated that he would complete the confirmation soon.

Moreover, Wen Derun didn't ask Song Shutang who the contact person the military command had arranged for him was, after all, it was considered confidential.

Song Shutang may or may not speak.

At present, Song Shutang has no intention of saying anything.

After all, Bu Kaijie now knows about Song Shutang.

If Bu Kaijie was in danger, Song Shutang would be in danger too.

Therefore, Song Shutang didn't want everyone to know about matters related to his own safety, and Wen Derun also understood this, so he didn't take the initiative to ask.

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