Chapter 389
Up to now, Song Shutang has already made a judgment on the identity of 'Ginkgo'.

Cai Cheng's problem is obvious.

But Song Shutang didn't show anything unusual, and left with Mei Muzhizi after work.

Originally, I was planning to find an opportunity to synchronize the observations reported by Capgemini.

But who knew that on the way home this time, Masato Kuji's car stopped him again, and this time he didn't invite you to go over.

Mei organ Japanese directly stepped forward to control.

Handed over Song Shutang's guns.

The same is true for Mei Mu Zhizi.

The two looked at each other, but they didn't dare to move.

After all, in Shanghai, if you want to resist Mei's agency now, you may be unable to escape.

Song Shutang asked with a stiff face, "What do you guys mean?"

"You know it in your heart."

"I don't understand at all."

"If you insist on pretending to be ignorant, we don't care about you, we just follow orders."

"Where are you taking me now?"

"Stop talking nonsense, you will know when you go."

He was escorted into the car, and then all the way to a secret detention and interrogation place of the Mei Agency.

Song Shutang was in the room and saw Masato Hisashi again.

"Major, what do you mean?" Song Shutang asked directly after meeting.

He was very angry.

But I dare not show it.

Instead, Masato Hisashi asked with a gloomy face, "Don't you understand?"

"What do you understand?"

"How did Ma Yue die? Do you really think we don't know?" Masato Jiuji said with a smile.


You know shit.

Song Shutang didn't need to think about it to know that Masato Hisashi was testing himself today.

After all, only Song Shutang and Wan Liang knew about Ma Yue.

It is impossible for Wan Liang to speak out by himself.

Ma Yue died on the spot again, can he still provide information to Hisashi Masato?

So to put it bluntly, Song Shutang knew very well.

Mei organ is not at ease.

Now the sudden arrest is to scare Song Shutang, wanting to see if he will be afraid, and then explain the problem.

Just acting.

Since it is acting, of course Song Shutang can also act.

He looked completely clueless.

Seeing that he was not cooperating, Masato Hisashi ordered him to be tied up and tortured.

At the same time, Hisashi Masato said: "I have already made it clear what happened. It will be beneficial for you to explain the matter now."

"This subordinate really doesn't understand what you mean, Major."

When the red-hot iron was no longer far away from Song Shutang's skin, Song Shutang still shouted that he didn't know anything.

Masato Kuji saw fear in his eyes.

And very anxious.

But I don't understand what I mean at all.

Hisashi Masato signaled to stop.

Seeing Song Shutang stop, he also gasped, after all, the acting was real.

In fact, Mei Agency just suspected this matter and wanted to find out.

Song Shutang was with Ma Yue at the time, so he naturally wanted to pass his investigation.

When I met Hisashi Masato before, I thought it was okay.

But after all, I still don't worry.

That's why there was today's sudden arrest.

Just cheat.

But through observation, it is found that there is no problem.

Regardless of whether there is a problem with Secret Service Headquarters, Song Shutang does not.

Maybe Li Qun wanted to get rid of the spy, but it had nothing to do with Song Shutang.

Let people untie Song Shutang, he now feels like he has survived a catastrophe.

Although Song Shutang is not afraid of death.

He was not afraid when he was tortured in Jiangcheng.

But this time he felt wronged, he didn't know anything.

"Master, what exactly do you want to know?" Song Shutang asked helplessly.

Who can stand you doing this again and again.

Mei Muzhizi was imprisoned in another room and did not know what happened here.

But equally anxious.

Hisashi Masato motioned for Song Shutang to come and sit on the stool in front of him.

Song Shutang sat down and asked, "What happened?"

He was so curious.

Hisashi Masato naturally wouldn't say it.

After all, disgraceful.

But looking at Song Shutang in front of him, he had other ideas.

Ma Yue was his spy in the Secret Service Headquarters, but he is dead now.

So he needs to arrange for a new person.

Masato Kuji was also thinking about this choice. After all, if he was still like Ma Yue, he would die easily.

Just like the method of death this time, Masato Kuji still couldn't find out.

But Song Shutang in front of him, he thought it might be a good choice.

After all, he had heard about Song Shutang's abilities.

The Doihara agency has suffered a lot.

The Mei agency knows a little bit about it here.

The most important thing is that Song Shutang didn't die so easily, and he basically didn't have a sense of belonging to Secret Service Headquarters.

More likely to be greedy for money.

After all, according to Masato Hisashi's investigation of Song Shutang in the past few days, he knew that he cheated Wang Hong of the action brigade. Since Du Yong participated in this matter, it was not difficult to investigate.

Hisashi Masato suspected that Song Shutang had something to do with Ma Yue's death.

It must have been investigated in the past few days.

So now looking at Song Shutang in front of him, Masato Kuji said: "How do you feel about working at the secret service headquarters?"


"Any other ideas?"

"My subordinates dare not."

"I mean, is there any idea of ​​wanting to play for me?"

"Isn't Secret Service Headquarters just working for the Mei Agency?"

"You should understand what I mean." Hisashi Masato said.

Song Shutang's face was tangled.

First of all, it is dangerous for you to work for Hisashi Masato in the Secret Service Headquarters.

The second is that Hisashi Masato feels moody now. If you work for him, will you end well in the future?

Hisashi Masato also saw Song Shutang's concerns.

He took the initiative and said: "Normally you don't need to do anything. After all, all the actions of the Secret Service Headquarters are what the Mei Agency needs them to do.

As for this time, I only treat you for the purpose of investigating one matter. If you do things for me, I will not treat you badly. "

In fact, Hisashi Masato's words are alluring.

After all, the Japanese have the final say in Shanghai now.

Besides, Song Shutang is in the Secret Service Headquarters, and it is really difficult to integrate into the center now. After all, Li Qun and Wan Liang are also afraid of him.

Now Masato Kuji needs to find a new spy.

It's just that I never expected to find myself.

Song Shutang was naturally hesitant.

Hisashi Masato did not force him to express his opinion immediately, but said: "You can go back and think about it, and I will come to you again in a few days."

Song Shutang could only leave.

He Mei Mu Zhizi was sent out again.

After the people from the Mei Agency left, Mei Mu Zhizi immediately asked, "Why did the Shao Zuo arrest you again, and this time, the place you went to was the place where you were held for interrogation."

Song Shutang frowned and said, "I really want to understand something."

Hisashi Masato has already done this.

If Song Shutang can't think of it at all, it's really too fake.

Mei Mu Zhizi asked: "What do you understand?"

"Masato Kuji has been inquiring about Ma Yue's affairs, and now he still wants me to work for him. What secret do you think is hidden here?" Song Shutang asked back.

Mei Muzhizi is very smart.

I heard that Hisashi Masato wanted Song Shutang to work for him.

She immediately realized: "Ma Yue belongs to the Major?"


"Then Ma Yue died this time?" Mei Muzhizi looked at Song Shutang even more surprised.

Song Shutang asked helplessly: "Do you think the director has such a dangerous action, will you tell me?"

Mei Muzhizi thought so too.

After all, Song Shutang had just arrived.

Even if Wan Liang really wants to solve the Japanese spies.

How dare you tell Song Shutang.

Let alone let Song Shutang make a move.

Besides, Mei Muzhizi felt that if Song Shutang really made the move, he would probably tell himself.

Mei Mu Zhizi frowned and said, "No wonder Masato Kuji has been making trouble for you."

"An indiscriminate disaster."

"Did you say that Ma Yue was murdered here?"

"I saw with my own eyes that he died at the hands of members of the military command." Song Shutang said with certainty, and now he must be firm in this statement.

"A mistake?"

"It's just a coincidence."

"This Ma Yue is quite unlucky. I didn't expect to bring you some troubles. Just now, Masato Kuji did not plan to use torture. Otherwise, you would not have suffered in vain."

"Fortunately, Masato Kuji wants me to serve, but he is just testing me one last time. Otherwise, I will really have to suffer a lot today."

"Then what do you think?" Mei Mu Zhizi asked.

After all, it is effective or not.

In fact, the difference is quite big.

Song Shutang thought for a while and said, "We can't help ourselves in Shanghai, and rejecting Masato Hisashi's words is actually very bad for us."

"So you're going to say yes?"

"Promise first."

"I'm afraid that the Secret Service Headquarters will find out in the future and get rid of you. Although Ma Yue was not removed by the Secret Service Headquarters, Masato Hisashi has been investigating like this, which shows that he thinks that the Secret Service Headquarters dares to do such a thing, and you will be in danger. "

"If you agree to it, we will face the danger in the future. If you don't agree to Hisashi Masato, we will be in danger enough. After all, he has revealed some information to us." Song Shutang thinks that Hisashi Masato didn't disclose this information to you for nothing. .

Mei Muzhizi thought so too.

It can only be said that they really can't help themselves.

All kinds of dangerous troubles come to them.

"I will be with you." Mei Mu Zhizi said.

"It's not necessarily so bad." Song Shutang's mentality was okay.

In fact, what Song Shutang thought was to tell Wan Liang about it after agreeing to Hisashi Masato.

Then he leaned on both sides.

On the contrary, it is safe.

Because Wan Liang would definitely not act recklessly, after all without Song Shutang, Hisashi Masato might arrange someone else.

How about Song Shutang?

Can be regarded as one of our own.

In any case it is good.

But Song Shutang would act as if he had no choice but to agree when Hisashi Masato came to him next time.

Now he needs to see Capgemini even more.

Today was interrupted by Masato Hisashi, he had no way to meet Bu Kaijie.

On the second day, Song Shutang found an opportunity to meet Bu Kaijie alone.

Because Song Shutang gave Mei Muzhizi a new mission.

Just staring at Wan Liang.

Let's see if Ma Yue really died accidentally, or was calculated to die.

Although they thought it was probably an accident, they were right to be careful. Mei Muzhizi executed the tasks assigned to Song Shutang very well.

Meet again with Capgemini.

Song Shutang said: "Cai Cheng should have betrayed."

Bu Kaijie nodded and said, "We did find suspicious people in the park."

"What are you going to do now?" Song Shutang asked.

"Boss Dai means to eliminate rape, but he can't be so cheap. He wants to use him to make a fuss."

"Are you planning to use your tricks?" Song Shutang asked.


"How is the specific plan arranged?"

Bu Kaijie said: "The specific plan is not very clear. The general idea is to use Cai Cheng to lead the people from the Secret Service Headquarters to a remote warehouse joint. The people from the Secret Service Headquarters in the warehouse will definitely ambush in advance to see if they can place some explosives. , catch them all in one fell swoop.”

This is the time to kill Cai Cheng, try to kill as many traitors as possible.

Song Shutang is quite appreciative of this kind of plan.

But he asked, "Where is Cai Cheng's contact person?"

The contact person didn't know that Cai Cheng had been exposed.

So clean.

But also under the surveillance of Secret Service Headquarters, how to rescue?
"I will also arrange to be close to the warehouse, wait until there is a sound inside, and when the staff of the Secret Service Headquarters are attracted, I will find a way to rescue them."

Song Shutang felt that this method was indeed worth trying.

But Bu Kaijie said: "You must not participate in this ambush plan."

Because the military commander here is planning to kill people.

If Song Shutang followed, it would be dangerous.

"Cai Cheng's matter is a secret, and the Secret Service Headquarters doesn't want so many people to know about it. Even if it is an ambush and surveillance in advance, it will definitely not arrange for me to go." Song Shutang is not worried about this.

After all, Cai Cheng's identity is a secret.

Secret Service doesn't tell that many people.

The people responsible for this task must have been carefully selected.

How could it be possible for Song Shutang to join midway.

"It's best like this." Bu Kaijie said.

He came mainly to inform Song Shutang of this problem.

As for the details of other clues provided by Song Shutang, it shows that Cai Cheng is really a traitor.

Song Shutang has not told Bu Kaijie about Masato Hisashi's affairs.

As for the assassination of Japanese spies, it's not easy to say, but it must be said.

So Song Shutang wanted to wait until everything was settled.

After all, even if Bu Kaijie ordered Song Shutang to stand still, would he be able to hold it?
Will Hisashi Masato give him time here?

So I can only cut first and then play.

Bu Capgemini began to notify the military command to plan to plan.

Song Shutang is waiting for Masato Hisashi to contact him.

He believed that Hisashi Masato would not let him wait too long, after all, according to Hisashi Masato, Song Shutang didn't need to think long.

It's true that Masato Kuji's speed here is a bit faster.

On the way home one day.

Get stopped again.

But this time Masato Kuji was sitting in the car.

There is no need for Song Shutang to run around to meet each other.

Looking at Song Shutang through the window while sitting in the car, Masato Hisashi needed an answer.

Song Shutang nodded and said, "In the future, please take care of me, Shao Zuo."

Hisashi Masato didn't say a word, just handed over an envelope, and asked the driver to drive away.

Song Shutang opened it and took a look.

Inside is money.

Sure enough, it was generous.

Moreover, Hisashi Masato had already prepared it, which meant that he didn't think that Song Shutang would refuse at all, or that he didn't feel that Song Shutang dared to refuse at all.

Anyway, that's it for now.

In the future, Song Shutang will work for Hisashi Masato.

But what?
Song Shutang already planned to tell Wan Liang the news tomorrow.

That's what Sword Dancing is all about.

(End of this chapter)

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