Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 39 Disruption of Clues and Difficulties in Follow-up Investigation

Chapter 39 Disruption of Clues and Difficulties in Follow-up Investigation
Behavior is weird!

The trajectory of the action is even more outrageous!

Song Shutang now intends to go to Shen Lushui's office to find out more information.

Long Hao went with him.


"Come in." Hearing Song Shutang's voice, Shen Lushui did not reject him, he was one of the parties involved in the task.

Walking into the office, you can see that Shen Lushui and Zhu Yue's expressions are not good.

"It's just in time to discuss together." Shen Lushui called them forward.

Zhu Yue handed over the information in his hand and said: "This is the situation we have grasped so far."

The data content is very little.

Guo Yongxin, male, 28 years old, a clerk at the Friendship Store.

The original wife hid in the air-raid shelter during the previous bombing, encountered a small-scale stampede, and unfortunately died of serious injuries.

At the same time, no radio station and other items were found in the search of the residence.

After reading the information, Song Shutang said: "Maybe Guo Yongxin and his wife are hiding each other's identities for the convenience of lurking. It is even possible that his wife is a so-called radio operator. The status of husband and wife is convenient for Guo Yongxin to be in charge of protection, and it is convenient for him to observe the watch when his wife sends a report."

"The section chief also made this guess just now, but his wife died before, and a telegraph operator should be replaced later." Zhu Yue felt that Song Shutang's reaction was very fast.

The death of Guo Yongxin's wife was an unexpected incident. It sounds unbelievable but it happened. After all, enemy planes came to bomb Guo Yongxin and others. If they didn't hide in the air-raid shelter, they would die if they were bombed. Unfortunately, no one would have guessed the stampede. arrived.

"The replacement of the radio operator should be equipped with new cover protection personnel, but according to the information currently available, Guo Yongxin is still in charge of direct contact with the radio operator." Song Shutang said.

Zhu Yue explained: "I discussed this issue with the section chief and thought that Guo Yongxin had an additional identity as a family member of the victim after his wife's death, which would be more convenient for him to lurk and hide, so he was also responsible for protecting the new radio operator. .”

After hearing this statement, Song Shutang felt that he agreed.

"It seems that the connection between the new radio operator and Guo Yongxin will not be too close, at least on the surface. The radio station should be with the radio operator, so Guo Yongxin's home could not be searched for the radio station."

Shen Lushui said at this time: "The radio operator, the radio station, and the whereabouts of the five thousand dollars are our top priority."

Guo Yongxin is not dead, these problems are easily resolved.

But when he died, the clues were interrupted, making the investigation more difficult.

Zhu Yue expressed his opinion: "It is difficult to investigate the whereabouts of the [-] U.S. dollars. We should concentrate our efforts on finding the telegraph operator and the radio station through Guo Yongxin's social connections. After catching the telegraph operator, we can interrogate the whereabouts of the U.S. dollars."

In fact, to put it bluntly, the focus of the investigation is now on the radio operator, the radio station, and the inner ghost who was instigated.

There is no distinction between the three.

If we really want to compete, the inner ghost who was instigated is the most critical.

But you can't start investigating.

There are many government agencies in Shancheng where power is concentrated. Just talking about their military committee, it includes 44 agencies including the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, the Chairman's Attendant's Office, the Executive Director of Military Law, the Military Supplies Department, the Ordnance Industry Department, the Military Training Department, and the Arsenal.

Not to mention the Executive Yuan, Legislative Yuan, Judicial Yuan, Procuratorate, Examination Yuan, etc.

It is a huge problem for you to lock where the inner ghost lives.

As for starting the investigation with $[-]?

There are two situations, one is to hide the money at home after getting the money, and the other is to deposit it in the bank.

Needless to say, hiding at home, there is no way to investigate.

As for depositing in the bank?
Shancheng Bank has 74 head offices alone, 46 branches, sub-branches, and offices, and [-] large and small banks and banks.

Moreover, it is impossible for the insider who was instigated to deposit [-] US dollars with his real information foolishly. The account information must be false, and [-] US dollars may be deposited in different banks in batches, which is also difficult to investigate.

Therefore, Zhu Yue suggested concentrating on investigating the people Guo Yongxin had contacted, and trying to find the enemy's radio operator.

Shen Lushui hesitated a little.

The importance of being instigated by the inner ghost is obviously the highest.

Moreover, the Central China Dispatch Army is willing to use [-] U.S. dollars as a bargaining chip to fully reflect the value of this person. Even if it is difficult to investigate, they must bite the bullet and investigate, otherwise they will have trouble sleeping and eating.

"Your team is in charge of investigating the radio operators, and the US dollar is handed over to the second team to try." Shen Lushui actually knew in his heart that basically there would be no progress in the US dollar, but he would only be reconciled after investigation.

Song Shutang felt that Shen Lushui was just buying peace of mind.

In fact, like Zhu Yue's suggestion, he does not recommend investigating the US dollar.

Hiding money at home, fake account information, and depositing [-] dollars in batches in different banks, no matter what happens, the investigation will definitely return in vain.

As the section chief, Shen Lushui chose to use the safest plan, there is no problem either, there is no big mistake in being cautious.

Long Hao, who had not spoken all the time, said at this time: "Will we be deceived by Oigawa Takashi? Is there a security mark on the mailbox, and he didn't tell us?"

Song Shutang said directly: "No."

Since Takashi Oigawa chose to speak, he would not hide it.

And if there is a so-called mark to distinguish safety, what is its function?
Tell Guo Yongxin, who came to collect information, that I, Takashi Oigawa, have been exposed?

Wouldn't you want to kill Guo Yongxin!
Now the other side exploded a grenade in the street, but also did not send any news.

It is enough to prove that Takashi Oigawa did not hide the details.

"But how did the enemy realize the problem?" Zhu Yue was full of doubts when talking about this matter, which was the most incomprehensible point for him.

"Who is responsible for following Guo Yongxin?" Song Shutang asked.

"You suspect that the stalking was discovered?"

"No, I want to ask him for some information."

The stalking was not discovered, and Song Shutang and Long Hao discussed this issue outside.

"I just want to prevent the grenade from blowing up Guo Yongxin's members, and they are still being rescued in the hospital."

"I'll go to the hospital to see him later." Song Shutang really wanted to understand how Guo Yongxin discovered the problem.

Don't say he wants to figure it out, no one here doesn't want to figure it out.

Shen Lushui made the final arrangement and said: "Zhu Yue, you are in charge of investigating Guo Yongxin, and Song Shutang, you are responsible for figuring out how Guo Yongxin realized the problem. I will let the second team be responsible for the US dollar, and strive to make progress as soon as possible."

"It's the section chief." The two said at the same time.

As for the failure of the arrest operation today, Shen Lushui did not scold Zhu Yue.

Zhu Yue did not make any mistakes in the overall operation, and the reason for the current results is still unknown.

Leaving Shen Lushui's office, Song Shutang could see that Zhu Yue was holding back a lot of energy. Although Shen Lushui didn't say anything harsh, he felt sorry for himself.

The task of arresting is so important, the director and the top management all pay attention to the matter of the spy radio station, which even involves the case of government officials being instigated to rebel against the enemy. Guo Yongxin's death has all clues, how can Zhu Yue feel better.

"Long Hao, you assist Team Leader Song in the investigation." Zhu Yue said to Long Hao.

"It's the team leader."

"I won't arrange more people for you here." Zhu Yue said this to Song Shutang.

He naturally knew that Zhu Yue was eager to investigate Guo Yongxin's interpersonal relationship and needed manpower, and the investigation on his side had nothing to do with the number of people, and Long Hao could be responsible for it.

Zhu Yue left in a hurry, Long Hao asked: "How do we investigate?"

"Meet Takashi Oigawa first."

"You're not saying he didn't hide it."

"Learn something else."

Song Shutang took Long Hao to the interrogation department to see Takashi Oikawa. When Oikawa learned that Guo Yongxin had reacted and committed suicide in the street, he immediately realized what was happening and was eager to explain for himself, saying that he had nothing to hide.

Takashi Oigawa did not know the identity of Guo Yongxin, nor did he know about his wife. To Takashi Oigawa, Guo Yongxin was a mystery.

But Guo Yongxin knew the identity of Takashi Oikawa, and even knew where he worked, but Takashi Oikawa said that Guo Yongxin had never looked for him.

From this point of view, it can be judged that Guo Yongxin's visit to Juxingcheng Bank this time was not a temporary intention, but he did find some doubts. As for what the doubts were, Takashi Oikawa was even more confused.

As for Guo Yongxin's real name, Oigawa Takashi is not clear, but he knows that his code name is "Dart Frog".

 Thank God for his monthly ticket support.

(End of this chapter)

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