Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 391 Explosion

Chapter 391 Explosion
The second bad news is naturally to help Wan Liang solve the Japanese spies.

Then he was selected by Hisashi Masahito as the new spy.

After listening to Bu Capgemini, he felt a little uncomfortable.

He looked at Song Shutang in front of him, and said helplessly, "Why didn't you tell me about such an important matter in advance?"

"I need to gain a firm foothold in the Secret Service Headquarters. If there is no way to gain trust, it will be difficult for me to obtain important information. Instead of arresting anti-Japanese elements in exchange for trust, why not kill Japanese spies in exchange for trust?"

Song Shutang has his own reasons.

"Then you should have told me in advance, too."

"And tell you the same now."

"Are you worried that I won't agree?"

"Would you agree?"

Bu Capgemini doesn't know what to say, but that's it, and it turned out pretty well.

Not only won the trust of Wan Liang, but also got the contact of Masato Kuji.

Moreover, Wan Liang didn't dare to do anything to Song Shutang because of His Majesty Jiu Si.

He even trusted Song Shutang to handle Cai Cheng's tasks here.

This is the most obvious change.

If they hadn't locked Cai Cheng's problem before, Song Shutang could also grasp it now.

This is obviously good.

It's a pity that this time they had already determined that Cai Cheng was a traitor in advance.

So the anti-rape plan formulated was overtaken by Song Shutang instead.

"My plan is fine. You can report it to Boss Dai. I believe Boss Dai will agree." Song Shutang said.

He believed that Boss Dai would be happy to see the current situation.

Bu Kaijie admitted that Boss Dai would be happy to see the results.

But he is the person in charge of Song Shutang.

Song Shutang didn't tell him before making a decision, and this feeling made him very uncomfortable.

But he also understood Song Shutang's situation.

It is difficult for them to get along like ordinary up and down lines.

Bu Kaijie didn't say anything about Song Shutang's current approach, but would report the news to Boss Dai to see what Boss Dai meant.

But the danger Song Shutang is facing now is a problem that must be solved.

If you don't solve this problem now, Song Shutang is likely to be exposed.

Bu Kaijie said: "Can you give up the mission this time?"

"I have no way to give up." Song Shutang naturally considered giving up, but it didn't work.

"We cancel the plan?"

"If the plan is cancelled, can you guarantee that this matter will not be known by the Japanese puppet?"

Capgemini really can't guarantee this step.

"Then you can't be killed?" Bu Kaijie asked back.

"The mission can't be canceled, and I can't give up the mission in advance, so the explosion still needs to explode, but it can't let me be killed." Song Shutang expressed his thoughts.

Bu Capgemini thinks you are embarrassing.

You can't be killed by the explosion.

But at present it seems that there is indeed only such a solution.

Bu Kaijie thought for a while and said: "The situation in the warehouse, it is difficult to find a point where you will not be affected at all."

"It can't be affected at all."

"Since you are hiding and eavesdropping, your position is actually very restricted, and Cai Cheng knows where you are hiding, so he will definitely cooperate with you and prevent the person who is connecting with you from getting too close. If we lock Cai Cheng’s position, it’s not impossible to try.”

"Then try it."

"But you're still dangerous."

"Take a risk."

Song Shutang didn't want to take any risks either.

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be launched.

Seeing this, Bu Capgemini could only say: "Then you hide yourself when the time comes, the explosives will be detonated at the agreed meeting time, so don't move around."

"Where's my hiding place?"

"In the southwest corner of the warehouse, there are a few wooden boxes, you can only hide behind them."

"Okay." Wooden box.

Song Shutang didn't know if it would be useful.

But talk is better than nothing.

Originally thought that there would be a lot of people ambushing in the warehouse, just like when they met in the park before, but who would have thought that Song Shutang would be arranged alone this time.

Then the anti-rape plan is just to kill Cai Cheng.

Song Shutang may also be included.

However, Bu Kaijie still believed in Song Shutang's ability, and felt that his life should not be in danger.

After meeting Bu Kaijie, Song Shutang could only ask for blessings.

Soon came the day of action.

The appointed time is three o'clock in the afternoon.

But Wan Liang asked Song Shutang to leave in the morning without telling him the location, but someone drove him directly to the warehouse.

Finally tell him to go into the warehouse and hide.

He didn't say until what time he would hide.

In short, it can be seen that Wan Liang is very careful, until now Song Shutang didn't know that the person who came would be Cai Cheng.

As for the person who sent Song Shutang here, he ran away.

Use a telescope to observe.

It can be regarded as cooperation with Song Shutang.

After all, after eavesdropping on the conversation in the warehouse, the other party cannot follow Song Shutang too closely.

It's lonely outside the warehouse, and it's easy to be exposed if you follow him too closely.

Then the person with the binoculars can help observe the movements of the person who left, and then tell Song Shutang about it.

Help Song Shutang follow this person.

After leaving this terrain, Song Shutang can rely on his own ability to be responsible for tracking.

Wan Liang's arrangement is pretty good.

After Song Shutang entered the warehouse, he saw the wooden box Bu Kaijie had mentioned.

He went and hid behind.

empty box.

It doesn't look very safe either.

After that, I waited silently, which lasted for several hours.

After all, Wan Liang was worried that the joint personnel would come over early to see if there was any problem, or if Cai Cheng was being followed and monitored.

So let Song Shutang come over early to avoid the other party's sight.

He waited until [-]:[-] in the afternoon when Cai Cheng walked into the warehouse.

Now Song Shutang understood who Wan Liang asked him to follow.

Follow people he doesn't know.

Cai Cheng obviously knew him.

After Cai Cheng entered the warehouse, he took a look at the box.

He knew Song Shutang was behind.

Wan Liang told him that he would be able to help Song Shutang hide.

Although he was eavesdropping on Cai Cheng's conversation, he told him that there was someone in the warehouse. In fact, Cai Cheng could guess it. After all, he had already provided the meeting place. How could the secret service headquarters not arrange for someone to do so.

Cai Cheng chose a location.

Waiting for the contact person.

The contact person is not his upline.

If it was his connection, the Secret Service Headquarters didn't even need to worry about it, just wait until Cai Cheng went back to report the news.

Because it is a new person, it is necessary to grasp the information of this person.

Just at three o'clock.

It was already the appointed time, but the connector still did not appear.

Cai Cheng was a little anxious.

Song Shutang was already lying on the ground, trying to minimize the impact of the explosion on himself.

Juntong has already buried the wires in advance, and the detonation began at three o'clock.

Then there was a loud bang in the warehouse.

A violent explosion occurred near Cai Cheng.

Song Shutang was naturally also affected.

The box in front flew out directly.

Song Shutang was ashamed and embarrassed.

Then dizzy.

Song Shutang simply pretended to be stunned.

Those who stared from a distance with binoculars were stunned when they saw the explosion.

There is no one who went into the military command in this warehouse.

Only Song Shutang and Cai Cheng.

He hurried towards the warehouse.

At this time, Cai Cheng's contact person had also approached the warehouse, but he was being followed and monitored.

But the sudden explosion stunned them all.

The person responsible for tracking and monitoring was also attracted attention.

At this time, the military commanders began to rescue Cai Cheng's contacts.

When the person in charge of tracking realized it, the connector had already run away, and they began to chase.

Those who cooperated with Song Shutang rushed into the warehouse, saw Cai Cheng's body, and were killed.

And it's completely dead.

Because they were all bloody.

He went to find Song Shutang again.

Seeing Song Shutang also fell to the ground, with blood on his forehead.

It must have been scratched by flying debris.

Touched and still angry.

So he carried Song Shutang out of the damaged warehouse, and then shook him awake.

Song Shutang opened his eyes very confused.

He frowned and rubbed his ears.

"What happened?" the member of Secret Service asked.

Song Shutang seemed to be unable to hear what the other party said.

The other party said a few more words out loud.

Song Shutang said in a louder voice than the other party: "I don't know."

What does he know?
The person encountered an explosion while hiding, and then fainted.

Cai Cheng is dead.

The connector guy didn't show up.

Explosives were buried in the warehouse in advance.

Then another member came to say that Cai Cheng's contact person also ran away.

Can they still not understand what happened?

I can only go back and report to Wan Liang.

Song Shutang also followed.

When he came to Wan Liang's office, Wan Liang was shocked to see Song Shutang's embarrassed appearance.

Then after listening to the reports of the people below.

Wan Liang understood that Juntong obviously knew that Cai Cheng had rebelled, and what happened this time was a conspiracy.

It was to kill Cai Cheng, then create chaos and rescue Cai Cheng's contacts.

Wan Liang felt the resentment in Song Shutang's eyes.

Facing Song Shutang's eyes, Wan Liang is a little hard to explain now.

After all, you asked Song Shutang to perform the task.

But in fact, he entered the trap of the military command.

Song Shutang narrowly escaped death today.

The target of the Juntong is Cai Cheng, and the explosives that the Juntong can get in Shanghai should be limited. Otherwise, if the entire warehouse is filled with explosives, Song Shutang will definitely die.

After the staff from Secret Service Headquarters left, Song Shutang stepped forward and said, "Director, I really misunderstood your arrangement."

The misunderstanding Song Shutang mentioned naturally meant that Wan Liang wanted to get rid of him.

Wan Liang knew that Song Shutang was angry.

After all, I almost died today.

Wan Liang didn't pay attention to what he said, but said: "You have served as Major Hisashi Masato, so if I get rid of you at this time, do you think it will be good for me?"


"This time it was indeed a mistake in the information. I don't know when Cai Cheng was exposed, but I definitely have no intention of doing it on purpose."

"Okay." What else could Song Shutang say, he could only choose to believe.

But Wan Liang is now concerned about Song Shutang's identity.

No more doubts.

After all, it's dangerous enough.

"You go to the hospital to treat the wound."


When Mei Mu Zhizi saw Song Shutang coming out injured, he hurriedly came forward to ask.

Song Shutang explained.

Mei Muzhizi also has nothing to say, can you say that Wan Liang did it on purpose?

But Mei Muzhizi said that she would go to the hospital with Song Shutang, and after she walked out of the secret service headquarters, she whispered, "Does the Director know that you work for the Mei Agency?"

Now she also wonders whether Wan Liang will kill someone to silence her.

Song Shutang shook his head and said, "Ma Yue just died, even if the director wanted to kill me, he wouldn't be in such a hurry."

Mei Muzhizi thought it was indeed this logic.

She can only say that Song Shutang was unlucky, but luckily he didn't die this time.

Wait until Song Shutang goes to treat the wound.

Wan Liang went to report this time to Li Qun.

The first thing Li Qun cared about after hearing this was not Song Shutang, but asked, "How many people know about Cai Cheng?"

"It's very confidential."

"Then let's investigate and see why Cai Cheng was exposed."

"It's the director."

"As for Song Shutang, give him some money to appease him." Li Qun didn't know the secret of Song Shutang and Wan Liang, so he thought it was a coincidence.

"I'll make arrangements."

"But why did you suddenly let him take charge of this matter?" Li Qun was also curious about this.

With Song Shutang's status, he should not be in charge of Cai Cheng's affairs.

Wan Liang explained: "The warehouse chosen this time is quite special. Song Shutang has a strong tracking ability, so I want to use it."

"Since the warehouse is special, we should have thought that the military commander might have discovered something." Li Qun did not doubt Wan Liang, but felt that the warehouse was special. It was actually a signal, but they had not caught it before.

"The director said so."

"Find out the problem, Song Shutang can use it more in the future." Li Qun said.

"My subordinate understands."

Song Shutang is now innocent.

Tested so many times.

And then there is a common secret with Wan Liang.

In addition, this time he was almost killed by the military commander.

Wan Liang trusted Song Shutang even more than Li Qun.

Then in the future, it is natural to say that it can be used more than once. Song Shutang can be regarded as gaining the trust of the Secret Service Headquarters, and he has finally taken the first step.

At this time, Song Shutang was treating the wound in the hospital.

The wound on the forehead is larger.

But not too serious.

There are just some minor wounds on the body.

Mei Muzhizi asked the nurse to disinfect all the wounds. The rest of the wounds were not bandaged, but the wound on the forehead was bandaged.

Song Shutang was injured.

Seeing that there was no particularly serious injury, Mei Mu Zhizi felt relieved.

After walking out of the hospital, he said: "The military commander used explosives to kill Cai Cheng. Maybe he wanted to cause chaos so that he could rescue Cai Cheng's contact person."

"Yes, otherwise it wouldn't be so troublesome."

"Fortunately, the explosives are mainly for Cai Cheng, otherwise you will be in danger."

"This is dangerous enough. If explosives really explode underneath me, can I still survive?"

"The director is also responsible for tracking and monitoring, and you don't even know if the news leaks." Mei Mu Zhizi complained to Wan Liang in her heart.

"The director doesn't have to do it himself." Song Shutang also felt resentful.

After all, you are going to die today, how can you not have any resentment?
"Anyway, you are injured, take the opportunity to rest for a few more days."

"This injury does not affect the activity."

"You just said that it hurts to be shocked by the explosives."

"You have a good excuse." Song Shutang said with a smile.

"Can still laugh."

"Forcing a smile."

"Don't force yourself to smile with me." Mei Mu Zhizi said.

"I'm afraid that Masato Kushi, the Major, will also look for me." Song Shutang said.

Wan Liang said that he did not intend to kill Song Shutang on purpose.

But Masato Kuji doesn't know.

Definitely have to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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