Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 393 Assist in the investigation

Chapter 393 Assist in the investigation

is the origin of a lot of trust.

Mei Muzhizi now not only trusts Song Shutang, but also gets the trust he wants from Song Shutang. This feeling is very precious to Mei Muzhizi today.

She cherishes all this.

This is her indispensable existence now.

Qian Meimu was naive and had no interest. All she longed for was to leave Shanghai with Song Shutang in the future and live a normal life abroad.

In fact, Mei Mu Zhizi was already tired of intelligence work.

Especially now that she doesn't know what she is doing every day?
You said he was a spy.

But mutiny.

Then came back and joined the puppet government.

You say you are a member of the puppet government, but they think you are Japanese.

In short, Mei Mu Zhizi has no sense of belonging at all.

Only by Song Shutang's side can she know who she is.

Otherwise very confused.

But Song Shutang is different from her.

He is not confused.

I know exactly what to do.

He has done well now, has established a firm foothold in the secret service headquarters, and has a close relationship with Wan Liang.

At the same time, he gained the trust of Masahito Hisashi, the plum organ.

There is no need to say much about the Military Command Office, Song Shutang has completed the tasks well, Boss Dai is still satisfied for the time being.

And in the Red Party, Song Shutang also cooperates.

It's like a multi-faceted spy.

Provided news about the Red Party to Wen Derun. Although he was curious about the specific matters, he didn't pay any attention to them.

Curiosity is worrying about the anti-Japanese situation.

If he doesn't pay attention, he needs to pay attention to safety.

After all, it doesn't make sense for you to pay attention. If the Red Party really needs your help, they will come to you.

It's a coincidence that this sentence really became a proverb.

Song Shutang has been doing nothing in the secret service headquarters for a few days, and is still waiting for Wan Liang to check the situation here.

It was said before that the clues were found, but there was no action for a long time.

Song Shutang also hopes that Wan Liang can end the investigation. It is best to have someone as a scapegoat.

But this result has not yet come.

But he waited for the signal that Wen Derun wanted to meet.

Naturally, Mei Mu Zhizi was sent away, and then went to the appointment alone.

Goodbye Wen Derun, his complexion was very bad, seeing that he hadn't had a good rest in the past few days.

Song Shutang didn't care about Wen Derun's body. After all, his physical condition couldn't be changed with just a few words.

Whether the other party will rest or whether he can rest is not a matter of his words.

So Song Shutang asked directly: "Have you encountered any problems?"

Wen Derun didn't beat around the bush and said directly: "The person who was arrested was indeed the person in charge of a stronghold of our organization in the concession, but he is still in the hospital. We have no way to get the exact information. I don't know if he is still in treatment. , has already been sacrificed.”

The police station seems to have suppressed the news in this regard.

Song Shutang can actually understand why the Red Party is anxious.

After all, the person was captured by the police station, and this person was still in charge of the stronghold.

Then there will be a lot to know.

If you speak up, it will be a great loss to the Red Party.

Therefore, the current thinking of the Red Party is rescue.

As long as this person is saved, the problem can be saved.

But the Red Party is now the owner of the card.

That is, they don't even know whether the captured comrades are alive or dead.

If the captured comrades are alive, they can of course carry out a rescue plan.

But if it is dead.

It was the enemy who deliberately lured them into rescue.

Then it will lead to more comrades sacrifice.

Therefore, the Red Party has no way of arranging to launch an operation before the specific situation is clarified, so these two days are trying to find a way to investigate the specific situation of the arrested persons.

However, the hospital is heavily guarded, and the Red Party has found several opportunities, but there is no way to investigate clearly.

It's just that the more confidential it is, the stricter it is.

They became more and more uncertain.

Worry is the enemy's trap.

That's why Wen Derun approached Song Shutang, wanting to help find out what's going on with the people in the hospital.

Hearing that Song Shutang was a little embarrassed.

After all, the arrest is the responsibility of the police station.

Police officers are also responsible for taking care of the patients inside the hospital.

Although Song Shutang is in the secret service headquarters, he has no way to inquire about it, after all, it is not a system.

He didn't know anyone in the police station.

Seeing Song Shutang looking at him with confusion and embarrassment, Wen Derun immediately said: "I know you are not easy to inquire about, but Wang Hong and Pan Long of the Action Brigade have many friends in the police station, and they may know the news. "

It seems that Wen Derun did not go to Song Shutang blindly.

Hearing that since there was a channel to inquire about, Song Shutang did not immediately refuse.

After all, he also wanted to help the Red Party.

Moreover, Wang Hong and Pan Long also know how to collect information, so the police station, regardless of whether it has anything to do with them, may have information.

So Song Shutang could really try to find out.

Song Shutang nodded and said, "In this case, I can meet them, but I can't just meet them. They hope that I can provide information about the Green Gang. Can you give me one?"

Wang Hong didn't just want to know the information of Secret Service Headquarters.

He also wanted to know information about the Qing Gang.

Otherwise, he wouldn't want to buy a spy with Song Shutang, but Song Shutang didn't agree to the spy.

Wen Derun said after listening: "The Qing Gang secretly recruited a group of people a few days ago, and they are all educated young people. They seem to be planning to set up a company."

"Didn't they have a company before?"

"The establishment of a new company actually does not know what kind of business it is."


Song Shutang felt that this information was of little use to him, but it might be of great use to Wang Hong, so he could meet him.

"Please hurry up." Wen Derun said.

After all, the Red Party has been delayed here for so many days, and it is a bit uncomfortable to wait.

Song Shutang said: "I will make an appointment with Wang Hong tomorrow."

Leaving from Wen Derun, Song Shutang also knew that time was tight.

On the second day, he asked Wang Hong to have dinner together in the evening.

Wang Hong knew there was news for him as soon as he heard it.

Moreover, Song Shutang's call was to remind him to get the money ready, and Wang Hong also wanted to see what kind of information it was.

In the evening, Song Shutang did not bring Mei Muzhizi with him when he went to the appointment.

He told Mei Muzhizi very clearly that he was going to steal Wang Hong's money, and in order to show that the information he told was very important, he went alone today.

It's a bit like acting.

Naturally, Mei Mu Zhizi didn't doubt him.

When they saw Wang Hong at night, Pan Long was not there, so the two met alone.

Song Shutang didn't mention his situation here immediately, but chatted with Wang Hong.

In order to show that he could hold his breath, Wang Hong didn't speak first.

So Song Shutang chatted quickly. He heard gunshots a few nights ago, and then ran over to see that it was the police station arresting people.

When mentioning this matter, Wang Hong said, "I've heard about it too."

"I also reported it to the director, but maybe because I didn't know enough information, the director was not interested at all." Song Shutang said.

"The police station has already arrested people. No matter how much intelligence you provide, it will be useless."

"This is not to show off in front of the director." Song Shutang said very truthfully.

Wang Hong said with a smile: "That's not how it behaved. The Red Party members were injured and sent to the hospital for emergency treatment."

"Still rescuing after so many days?" Song Shutang was a little puzzled.

Wang Hong said: "I heard that the injury was serious."

"This police officer is the same. How can he hit the vital points without knowing how to survive?"

"The policeman himself explained that he aimed at the leg and shot, but who knew that the other party suddenly fell down, causing the bullet to enter the lung, and his life was hanging by a thread."

As expected, Wang Hong had someone in the police station.

What is being said now is inside information.

Song Shutang didn't know it before.

And judging by Wang Hong's state, what he said should be true.

The lungs were hit.

That is indeed more dangerous.

Song Shutang said: "Is it still alive?"

"You have to believe that the doctors in the hospital are very capable. Of course, people can save their lives, but the period of recuperation is very long.

It is not easy to use torture to interrogate, and the doctor said that even if the patient's wound is healed and discharged from the hospital, he still cannot be tortured, otherwise he may die at any time. "Wang Hong said while drinking the foreign wine in front of him.

"Does it mean that there is no way to interrogate at all?"

"The police station was very angry because of this incident. The officer who fired the shot was not notified and criticized, but he also felt a little embarrassed."

"It's true that he can't be blamed for shooting."

"The current situation is always troublesome."

Through chatting with Wang Hong, Song Shutang now understands.

The captured Red Party members were not dead.

He was rescued in the hospital.

And because torture cannot be used for interrogation, the police station is now very worried about how to investigate.

In other words, the information the other party knows has not been revealed even a word.

So if the Red Party wants to save people, the prerequisites must be met.

Unexpectedly, he and Wang Hong found out the information in just a few words.

Next, Song Shutang casually told the information he had heard.

When Wang Hong heard that it was about the Youth Gang and that it was setting up a new company, this information was still very important.

After all, is the Qinggang family in charge of this company?

Are there still Japanese involved?
Waiting for everything to wait for Wang Hong's investigation, Song Shutang indicated whether the price of information this time should be increased.

Although Wang Hong felt that the information was worth a lot, he would not agree to the money increase, after all, it cannot be opened.

After opening this head.

If you want to fall down again, it's not that simple.

Therefore, according to the intelligence value, Wang Hong suppressed the price.

Looking at the money Wang Hong offered, Song Shutang also readily accepted it, after all, it was considered objective.

Wang Hong felt that Song Shutang was really doing things with money.

Information can really be obtained.

Wang Hong asked: "Will you tell the headquarters this information?"

"Of course." Song Shutang said.

It is impossible for him not to tell the headquarters, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

"Can you not tell me?" Wang Hong asked.

"Add money."

"That's not it."

In fact, Wang Hong didn't really want to stop Song Shutang from telling the headquarters.

After all, whether the headquarters knew about the news or not had no effect on Wang Hong at all.

What he said was just to test Song Shutang's tone.

Is it possible that if there is any information, only tell him, not the headquarters.

In fact, it is the information that is not good for him.

Song Shutang also said tactfully, of course.

Just need to add money.

Seeing the possibility of negotiation, Wang Hong felt that it was enough. If necessary in the future, he would certainly add more money.

It's just that Song Shutang has no news against him now.

The two looked at each other and smiled and stopped talking about intelligence.

After that, they went back separately.

Of course Song Shutang didn't go home directly, but went to see Wen Derun.

The Red Party is still waiting for news from him.

Wen Derun saw Song Shutang approaching, and asked directly, "How is it?"

"The person is still alive, but the injury is serious, and the police station has no way to use torture, so there is no news yet."

"Great." Wen Derun felt that this information was too critical.

At the same time, Song Shutang said: "Rescue can indeed be carried out now, but the hospital's control is very strict, because people are seriously injured and can only be recuperated in the hospital, the police are worried about you saving people, so they arrange confidentiality like this.

It is very difficult for you to save someone, and the other party is seriously injured and inconvenient to move is also a very big factor. "

Hearing Song Shutang's reminder, Wen Derun said: "Thank you for your reminder. The organization will formulate a specific rescue plan. Now as long as it is confirmed that the rescue can be carried out, we will definitely find an opportunity."

Wen Derun is still very confident.

Or to cheer yourself up.

As for rescuing Song Shutang, he really couldn't help at all. After all, he was from the secret service headquarters and had no connection with the police station.

Of course Wen Derun would not make things difficult for him.

After all, the information provided by Song Shutang this time is already very valuable.

With Wen Derun's thanks, Song Shutang left.

He will have to wait and see whether the Red Party's rescue plan here can be successful.

The Red Party is very busy right now.

Not just to rescue.

It still needs to be investigated, who actually betrayed this person in the concession.

Or did he expose himself.

And why he left the concession that night, the Red Party actually doesn't know yet, because there are no clues in this regard, so they need to rescue the person so that they can investigate these matters.

The progress of the Red Party's actions can only wait for news.

Song Shutang told Wan Liang about the Green Gang's establishment of the company the next day.

Wan Hao seems to have known it a long time ago.

So I wasn't surprised to hear this news.

However, he felt very good that Song Shutang could investigate such clues.

The spies in Shanghai were relatively successful.

Moreover, Wan Liang also told Song Shutang the news that the person who leaked the secret had been locked up before, and he was an informed member of the first department of the Secret Service Headquarters.

However, after several days of interrogation, the other party did not relent, saying that he knew nothing.

It seems wronged.

But Wan Liang thinks it is the other party without a doubt.

Song Shutang can only say that this person is unlucky, but if he is not unlucky, Song Shutang is dangerous, so he would rather the other party be unlucky.

"Congratulations Director." Song Shutang said.

"I didn't pry the other party's mouth open, so there is nothing to congratulate."

"Military commanders also have dead heads."

"You have nothing to do, so deal with him." Wan Liang said.

This is not a nomination certificate. After all, this method has been used before, and it is meaningless to use it now.

Wan Liang simply let Song Shutang handle it.

In fact, it was to vent Song Shutang's anger.

After all, he was almost killed by a bomb before.

For killing traitors, Song Shutang didn't have any psychological burden at all, and said with a ruthless face, "Director Xie."

After all, he also wanted revenge, didn't he.

(End of this chapter)

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