Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 397 Investigation Without Clues

Cooperation with the Red Party has not yet deepened to this point.

It is difficult to share the obtained information at the moment.

Therefore, the materials this time did not go through Song Shutang's hands at all, and Bu Kaijie took them directly.

After all, Boss Dai must be wary of Song Shutang now.

Song Shutang didn't handle it, and Bu Kaijie took it directly. Any problems with these materials in the future have nothing to do with Song Shutang.

After all, he hadn't even seen it.

He doesn't have the ability to reveal it to others.

Song Shutang doesn't even ask what the content is in it.

It's just a concession to Capgemini to arrange for someone to dispose of the corpse.

In case Xiang Yarui's body is discovered, it will be difficult to explain.

At least he couldn't be found in the hotel, and Song Shutang was safe enough after investigation.

After the meeting between the two, Bu Kaijie said that he would immediately arrange for someone to dispose of the corpse, and asked Song Shutang to leave it alone.

He naturally trusted Bu Capgemini's ability, so he went back directly after the meeting.

The task given by Boss Dai is considered complete.

Difficulty is not very high.

It's just a bit of trouble in the middle.

There are too many variables.

Fortunately, by choosing Xiang Yarui, the variables were controlled to the minimum range.

But it was a bit of a surprise to shoot at Yarui in the end.

In fact, if she really wanted to take the money all by herself, she should have lied and said she didn't succeed in doing it, or just said that she would do it in a few days.

He secretly took out the things, rescued his husband, and started to escape.

But that's the problem.

Bu Kaijie has been staring at Xiang Yarui for a long time.

Secondly, if she wanted to rescue her husband, she couldn't hide this matter.

Of course, Song Shutang and the others are also preventing such a situation from happening, otherwise they would be too careless.

Therefore, no matter whether Xiang Yarui made a simpler choice or a more careful plan, it was impossible for her to succeed.

Back home, Mei Mu Zhizi asked, "How is the street familiar?"

"Almost." Song Shutang is indeed getting familiar with it seriously.

"Hasn't the information from the Jiangcheng sub-division been delivered yet?"

"It should be only these two days."

"I don't know if we can send useful information, otherwise it will be very troublesome to investigate."

"If you're in trouble, check it out slowly." Song Shutang said that there was no difference, he didn't care if he checked it or not.

After chatting for a few words, they each rested, and went to the secret service headquarters together the next day.

Wan Liang then called Song Shutang, and the information from the Jiangcheng Division finally arrived.

After entering the office, Wan Liang said, "Look for yourself."

Song Shutang picked it up and saw that the Jiangcheng district was useless at all.

The newspaper only said that the person arranged by Shancheng to lurk was a man. I didn't know his physical characteristics or age, but he was recruited by people who had joined the puppet government before.

Song Shutang put down the information and asked, "It takes so long to collect and sort out just such a little information?"

Wan Liang also said helplessly: "Maybe I feel that there is too little information, so I want to collect and organize more, but I still have no way to get more information."

"Just rely on this to let us investigate, how to proceed?" Song Shutang is not looking for trouble, but you really have nothing to do.

Wan Liang also felt embarrassed, but you definitely wanted to investigate, and said, "Why don't you start investigating the matter of instigation and solicitation by members of the new government?"

"There are too many people recruited by members of the new government, and the new government encourages everyone to recruit. Basically, everyone is doing this kind of thing. Who would admit that the people they recruited are intelligence workers arranged by the Military Control Bureau? ?” Song Shutang asked.

You said that the people you recruited were latent personnel.

So what is the identity of the members of the pseudo-government who recruited him?
Are you deliberately trying to win over this person and cooperate with the Military Command Bureau's actions?
Nobody wants to get themselves into trouble.

Wan Liang said: "But knowing that there are military commanders lurking over, it is impossible for us not to investigate."

"But we asked them to provide a list of recently joined personnel, and it shouldn't be very comprehensive."

"So it's up to us to check it ourselves."

"It's a lot of work."

"Everyone work hard."

"Okay." Song Shutang said helplessly.

But in fact, I feel very good in my heart, the more there is no information, the more I can't find it, the better.

Wan Liang began to arrange work, and the people in the first office had to collect clues.

Since Song Shutang had just arrived, he didn't know any people from the puppet government, so his job was relatively simple, which was to help analyze the collected materials.

Wan Liang felt that Song Shutang's ability to analyze data was quite good.

Mei Muzhizi also learned of this clue, and she said: "The clues for the Jiangcheng district are the same as if they were not given. You know it's a man."

"At least half of the people can be excluded."

"But there are more men." Mei Muzhizi thinks that half of the people cannot be ruled out, thinking that there are more men than women.

If it is a woman.

In fact, the scope can be narrowed down.

"I feel that it is basically useless. It is very difficult to investigate. I doubt whether the Military Control Bureau deliberately released this news in order to make our eyes focus on ourselves."

"Have you discussed this issue with the director?"

"I can think of it, and the director must also think of it, but I still want to check it out, so I didn't mention it."

Song Shutang didn't mention it.

Mei Mu Zhizi thought it was right.

After all, Wan Liang wants to investigate, but if you keep saying you won't investigate, that's not going against them.

"Check slowly." Mei Mu Zhizi said.

"It's enough for the two of us to hang out, so as not to offend others and not find anything."

"it is good."

Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi also went out for investigation, but they went shopping.

Then drink coffee.

We had another meal together before returning to the secret service headquarters.

The members who went out to investigate were not very fruitful.


The so-called collection of some clues, Song Shutang glanced at it, but it was useless.

But let's take a closer look tomorrow.

I went off work with Mei Muzhizi.

Walking on the road, Song Shutang said, "It's useless at all."

"It appears that the investigation is not going well."

"It's difficult at first, and I hope to find clues in one day, just rely on luck." Song Shutang said.

Valuable leads no.

Moreover, Song Shutang had already told Bu Kaijie about this matter, and the Military Control Bureau also knew about it.

It would be really strange if this still allowed them to investigate clues.

Therefore, Song Shutang's mind is not on this matter now, but is concerned about whether the information obtained by the military commander has been successfully sent out.

After all, the money can be used directly as expenses.

It can be digested in Shanghai.

It’s fine if the headquarters doesn’t give approval, and it will be directly deducted from it.

However, the content of the materials cannot even be transmitted by telegram, and can only be sent out by people.

It's just that the investigation in Shanghai is actually very strict.

It is difficult to take it out.

Song Shutang is also waiting for Bu Capgemini's news to see if he can succeed in the end. After all, if you get it in your own hands, you don't have to give it away.But the only advantage is that it can be backed up in advance in Shanghai now.

Even if the escort fails, there is still a chance to try again.

If it fails the first time and is caught by the enemy, then the search will be more stringent and it will be more difficult then.

In the next few days, Song Shutang participated in the investigation of the Secret Service Headquarters.

To put it bluntly, just follow along.

Instead of waiting for a contact from Capgemini, he waited for a contact from Wen Derun instead.

Song Shutang dismissed Mei Muzhizi and went to see Wen Derun at night.

"I heard what happened before, and I feel deeply saddened." Song Shutang said after meeting.

"Our actions are still not planned to perfection." Wen Derun was also very helpless when he mentioned this matter.

But there is no way.

That was the best plan they could think of.

After a brief chat, Song Shutang asked, "Who are you looking for me today?"

"Do you still remember saying that you don't know why he came out of the concession?"


"After our investigation, we found that he had received an important piece of information. There was an important expert outside the concession, and he needed to meet and be in charge of protection. That's why he came out of the concession at night. Fortunately, he didn't go to the junction. , otherwise the experts may have been exposed." Wen Derun said.

"What you are hesitating now is whether you want to approach this expert?" Song Shutang asked.

"That's right." Wen Derun looked embarrassed.

This is indeed their biggest headache now.

the reason is simple.

You don't know if this expert has been targeted by the police station.

Why were the people in the concession exposed?

Is it possible to pass this expert?

Secondly, according to the news, the police waited until the other party left the concession that day and then started arresting him directly.

You should not choose to continue tracking after leaving the concession.

See where the other party will go.

Then you got more clues, why did you arrest him directly?

It was indeed a direct arrest. According to the information obtained by Song Shutang and the Red Party, they were arrested as soon as they left the concession, and they did not mean to follow the vine.

And it wasn't the Red Party members who discovered the stalking that led to their early arrest.

But there is also an explanation for this.

That is, the police have been wanting to arrest them for many days, but they have never had a chance in the concession, so they should be arrested as soon as they come out now, so as not to miss the opportunity and the other party enters the concession again.

As for following the vine.

After people are caught, interrogation can also get clues.

If the police officer thinks this way, the logic is also established.

This created a situation where the Red Party did not know whether the experts were safe.

If you rush to contact experts now, it may be even more dangerous.

Song Shutang understood what Wen Derun meant, but he asked: "Didn't you check the periphery of the expert's location?"

"We have done an investigation, and there is no problem in the periphery, but we have no way to investigate the situation of the guests in the hotel where the expert is located.

Moreover, this expert is also very dangerous. He temporarily entered Shanghai and was arranged in a hotel. The person in charge of the concession had to rush there as soon as he got the news. He had no time to inform the organization to make another arrangement, so the expert basically on will not leave the hotel.

But our people did not show up for a long time, worrying that the experts had been waiting for a long time, and there would be other troubles. "

The problem with the Red Party now is that you can’t do without contact.

You contact and worry about being on the sidelines.

But Song Shutang didn't understand what Wen Derun asked him to do, after all, he was even more incompetent.

"How can I help?" Song Shutang asked directly, without playing charades.

Wen Derun said: "We want to arrange a few people to live in the hotel, and observe in the hotel to see if there are any police officers waiting. These people are members of the action team. Some of the documents are genuine, but some of them have problems. Yes, if you stay in a hotel, you worry about being seen."

The identity of the latent personnel is well covered.

The situation in place is that they all have places to live in Shanghai, and their addresses will be on their certificates.

You have a place to live, isn't it strange that you go to live in a hotel now?

Therefore, there is no way for many latent personnel to perform this task.

"Would you like me to provide my credentials?"

"We have already obtained the certificate through the Green Gang, but Wang Hong of the Action Brigade seems to be watching the matter of the Green Gang. I am worried that this matter will be known by Wang Hong and others."

It is indeed possible.

Wang Hong has great ambitions.

I still wanted to deal with the Green Gang before.

So it is not difficult to understand if you want to grasp the news of the Qinggang.

"Then isn't it dangerous for you to get the documents?"

"I just asked the Qing Gang to help prepare the documents, but I didn't say what these documents were used for. So now I need you to send a message to Wang Hong. Just say that I learned that the Red Party asked the Qing Gang to help prepare the documents. In fact, it was to leave Shanghai. , someone wants to evacuate.”

Only then did Song Shutang understand.

Hongdang wanted to pass the news to Wang Hong through him.

Also to Secret Service.

Then let them focus on searching people who come in and out of Shanghai, so that the Red Party only needs to face the police station, and the pressure can be reduced.

Moreover, Song Shutang had already made an appointment with Wang Hong.

Provide him with information about the Green Gang.

Therefore, Wen Derun's favor can be helpful, and it is also good for Song Shutang.

"Don't worry about that, I will contact Wang Hong tomorrow."

"Thank you then."

"But if we tell the news about the Youth Gang in this way, will it be difficult to get help in the future?"

"The Green Gang are doing it for profit, and they have actually done a lot of things to help the evildoers. There is no need to worry about this. If they can't provide help, the price paid by the Japanese and puppet will not be small."

"it is good."

After leaving from Wen Derun.

Song Shutang made an appointment with Wang Hong tomorrow, saying that he had information to provide.

But Capgemini actually did not give such news here.

Then Song Shutang gave the fake news to Wang Hong.

If Capgemini knew about it, he would doubt Song Shutang.

But it is difficult for Capgemini to know this matter.

After all, this arrangement is only clear to Mei Muzhizi at present.

Besides, is it possible for Capgemini to have contact with these people?

And if you contact me, will they talk about this kind of problem?
Besides, Song Shutang said that he got the news from the Secret Service Headquarters, so why not sell it to Wang Hong?

Bu Capgemini can't doubt it either.

Then you said that Song Shutang gave the news from Secret Service Headquarters.

Then it is said that Mei Muzhizi got the news through the spies and told Song Shutang.

Mei Mu Zhizi, who can check here?
No one can check.

And when Song Shutang said something, even if Mei Muzhizi hadn't said it, he would admit it.

So no problem.

The Red Party can help with this.

But the Red Party actually knew that Song Shutang had provided Wang Hong with information about the Green Gang. It has to be said that the Red Party also had a lot of information behind their backs.

When I went back to see Mei Muzhizi at night, the two chatted about the investigation of the secret service headquarters, and Mei Muzhizi had lost interest.

Such a general investigation is indeed a waste of manpower and material resources.

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