Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 401 Prepare for Action

Chapter 401 Prepare for Action
Staying in a hotel room at night was nothing for Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi.

When we escaped from the mountain city, we slept together in the cave, let alone a room.

Moreover, the bed in the room was very large. The two of them slept on each side, and there was no suggestion that one person would sleep on the sofa alone.

After all, it’s not like I’ve never had close contact with him before, so why be so pretentious.

Lying in bed at night, there was a gap between the two of them.

Mei Muzhizi actually understood that Song Shutang didn't like him to cross over, so even if she wanted to, she didn't do so.

Instead, sleep in your own place.

She knew that perhaps her Japanese identity was the biggest obstacle between the two.

Even if Song Shutang has now joined the puppet government.

This is also an insurmountable chasm.

However, feeling that Song Shutang was close at hand, Mei Mu Zhizi felt that she should be content.

Lying down and looking at the ceiling, she asked: "How do you think the director will arrange this matter?"

"The police station is so tightly guarded that it is very difficult to break the situation. I guess the director will either give up in the end or lose his patience and give it a try. If it doesn't work, forget it."

"Wouldn't it get us in trouble if we just tried?"

"Probably not. After all, if it brings trouble to us, it will also bring trouble to the Secret Service Headquarters. Besides, we just have to be careful."

"That's right." Feeling the pistol under the pillow, Mei Mu Zhizi also felt a sense of security.

But in fact, Song Shutang is also thinking about how to get Wan Liang to act quickly. It is not good for the Red Party to delay like this.

I'm afraid that the police department will lose its patience.

When he woke up, Song Shutang actually didn't think of a good solution. He just had an immature idea. He planned to meet Wen Derun and report the information first to see if the Red Party had any other arrangements.

So after getting up today, Song Shutang said: "I will pretend to go out during the day. You stay in the hotel and pay attention to the experts on the second floor."

You came to Shanghai for business, so it's really strange that you don't go out during the day.

But if both of them leave, the situation in the hotel cannot be controlled, so it makes sense for one person to stay.

Mei Mu Zhizi is a woman, and she is less likely to arouse the police's vigilance than Song Shutang, so Song Shutang's arrangement does not pose any problem to Mei Mu Zhizi.

So Song Shutang left the hotel in the morning.

Then go to see Wen Derun.

After the meeting, Song Shutang said: "The Secret Service Headquarters is now interested, and Wan Liang arranged for Mei Muzhizi and me to enter the hotel."

"What does Wan Liang plan to do?" Wen Derun asked.

"The security at the police station is too tight. It's actually hard for Wan Liang to decide what to do. I feel that in the end, he might just try casually, which won't be of much help to us."

The news sent by Song Shutang is obviously not good news.

Wen Derun said: "It seems that it is still very difficult."

"Are there many Red Party members in the hotel?" Song Shutang asked.

"A lot of people went in before, but after finding out what was going on inside, only one person stayed and the others evacuated." Wen Derun said.

This is indeed the right choice.

After all, there are so many police officers in the hotel, it is dangerous for you to stay.

So if you look at it this way, there are many guests in the hotel. They are not necessarily all Red Party members and police officers. There are still many real guests.

"Do you have the latest ideas here?" Song Shutang asked again.

"I just want to wait for the Secret Service Headquarters to intervene, but we can still fish in troubled waters here."

“Can you get in touch with an expert?”

"We can't contact him. We actually thought about hiding the information in the food when delivering the food, but the police will check the food, so we have no way to contact him now."

"That means you don't even know if there are police officers in the expert's room?"

"Probably not, because our people were closely monitoring it and found that every meal delivered was for one person. If the police officers were also inside, they should have delivered meals for two people."

Song Shutang shook his head and said: "Although judging by the food is a good way, the police will definitely pay attention to this. It would be better for two people to have a meal than to be exposed in this way."

"But even if we are sure that the police officers are in the room now, it will not be helpful to our actions."

"It helps." Song Shutang said.

"What help?"

"If there are really police officers in the room, then the police officers outside may not pay too much attention to the room where the experts are at night, because there are people on duty inside, which may be our opportunity." Song Shutang said.

When do police officers let down their guard?

That's when they know the experts are surrounded by police officers.

It's very possible that the police officer in the room is on duty at night.

During the day, the police officers outside are on duty, while the police officers inside sleep and rest.

He doesn't have to worry about the experts plotting against him. If the experts mess up, they will inevitably die.

Secondly, he can lock himself in the room and sleep. The room on the second floor where the expert is located is a suite, so the police officers will not be in danger.

Wen Derun heard what Song Shutang said: "You want us to sneak into the room at night and pick up the experts, but there will be many police officers watching outside the hotel, and it is impossible to leave."

Song Shutang shook his head and said: "It's not you who infiltrated, but the people from the Secret Service Headquarters who infiltrated."

"Someone from Secret Service Headquarters?"

"As long as people from the secret service headquarters sneak in at night, and then we deliberately make some noise for the police in the hotel to discover, then the police will think that it is your red party who is rescuing people, and the people they are waiting for have finally taken the bait.

But the police officers will not think that the experts are more important. They will think that arresting the red party is more important. Although the people in charge of the operation at the secret service headquarters know that the task is to take away the experts, they will definitely not have the upper hand if there are more police officers. So at this time , you can take the opportunity to save people. "

Take the opportunity to save people?

This was an immature idea that Song Shutang came up with last night.

It just depends on what Wen Derun thinks.

"But they are still fighting in the hotel. How can we take the experts away?"

Wen Derun looked at the window of the hotel, but he had no conditions to leave from the window, because there was a small alley leading out of the window, and it had already been guarded by the police.

"Are there many police officers guarding the place?" Song Shutang asked.

"six people."

Really troublesome.

It would be very difficult for the Red Party to deal with these six people outside.

After all, it is not one or two people.

As long as one person can be held back, police support will arrive soon.

Song Shutang's immature idea is indeed immature.

But after thinking for a moment, Wen Derun said: "Can we hide the experts in the hotel when there is chaos inside the hotel?"

"But the hotel will definitely be sealed off. When the expert is found missing, a search will begin. It cannot be hidden."

Even hiding in the room in Song Shutang will not work.

Because there is Mei Mu Zhizi in his room.

And even if you hide it in his room, you will still be searched when the time comes.

After all, no clues will be missed in the search of the secret service headquarters.

Furthermore, the police station may also be involved in the search. After they know that Song Shutang and others are members of the secret service headquarters, they may focus on searching his and Mei Mu Zhizi's rooms, fearing that they are hiding people.

Wen Derun said: "There is a utility room on the first floor of the hotel. If we can open the utility room in advance, wouldn't we be able to get people out." "Open the utility room?"

"Next door to the utility room is the warehouse of a shop."

"Will there be a lot of movement?" Song Shutang asked.

Because the hotel is built of brick.

The walls are very solid.

"It's really difficult to get through normally, but when people from the secret service headquarters and the police station start exchanging fire, it's not that difficult to get through," Wen Derun said.

Under the cover of gunfire, they can get through quickly.

Song Shutang thought that this was indeed a solution.

Wen Derun concluded: "First determine whether there will be anyone in the expert's room. If there is someone, let the secret service headquarters think there is an opportunity at night and arrange for someone to take action so that the expert can be taken out of the room.

But we can’t leave the hotel. After all, after leaving the hotel, it will be difficult for us to snatch people from the secret service headquarters, and the experts will easily die and will be discovered by the police outside. Therefore, people from the police station need to intercept and contact the secret service agents. People from the headquarters exchanged gunfire inside the hotel.

At this time, our people in the hotel will come forward, take the experts to the utility room, and leave through the wall that has been opened. "

After hearing this summary, Song Shutang said: "I will do the work of letting the secret service headquarters come out to rob people, and you can arrange the rest."

"it is good."

"I hope we can cooperate with each other tacitly."


After agreeing on the details and leaving Wen Derun, Song Shutang felt that it was time to start trying. Although the overall plan was still risky, he could not wait any longer.

The Red Party didn’t have time to wait here.

Now that the secret service headquarters knows the importance of experts, it can't wait any longer.

If Wan Liang loses patience and acts casually, or directly tells the police the news as a personal favor, the Red Party will have no chance at all.

So after leaving Wen Derun, Song Shutang went directly back to find Wan Liang.

When he came to the special agent headquarters and met Wan Liang, Song Shutang said: "Director, I suspect that there is a police officer guarding the room where the expert is."

"Inside the room?"


"Wouldn't it be more difficult?"

"Maybe it's also an opportunity."

"What do you say?" Wan Liang asked.

"If there are police officers guarding the room, then we can actually go in at night. The police officers' vigilance is the lowest."

"The vigilance of the police officers outside is indeed the lowest, but how to deal with the police officers inside the room?" Wan Liang felt that this person was the key.

"Put medicine in the food delivered to make him sleepy." Song Shutang said.

Wan Liang heard that it really seemed possible. If the police officers inside fell asleep and the police officers outside thought that the police officers inside were responsible for guarding at night and they were not focused, there would be a certain chance of success.

And Wan Liang originally wanted to try it.

I also know that I can’t delay it for too long.

Seeing Wan Liang looking at him, Song Shutang said directly: "I can't take action. I am from the secret service headquarters. The police station knows that if I take action and are discovered, it will be difficult for us to explain. It is better to find a few spies to complete this matter. , they don’t have credentials from the Secret Service Headquarters, so even if they are caught, it has nothing to do with us.”

Wan Liang heard that it was indeed the case.

Can't be careless.

Save yourself trouble.

"But you didn't say that there is only one meal for you. If the police officer eats and sleeps, the expert will also sleep. Then the process of taking the expert away will be more troublesome." Wan Liang feels that you are carrying the expert on your back, which attracts too much attention. .

"Let's help him walk. After all, if the expert can't struggle, it will be good for us, otherwise he will also be an uncertain factor." Song Shutang said.

Get dizzy together.

There is no need to think so much now.

After all, experts don't know anything, and it's impossible for you to expect him to cooperate. It's better to be honest and not affect the plan.

Wan Liang thought for a moment and said, "Can you guarantee that the rice with medicine will be sent to the experts?"

"I will be responsible for dispensing the medicine. Normally, the staff will take most of it, and the person in charge of the hotel will deliver the remaining portion. Then I will wait until there is one left to administer the medicine. Basically there will be no problem."

"I will provide you with a little more medicine. When there are three portions left, you can take the medicine, and then ask the hotel manager to take any portion. You and Mei Muzhizi don't want to eat this meal." Wan Liang said.

I have to say that Wan Liang's approach is safer.

It can reduce the vigilance of the hotel manager.

"When will we take action?" Song Shutang asked.

"Tomorrow evening."

"Then I'll come to pick up the medicine during the day tomorrow."


Wan Liang will prepare the medicine and then arrange the person responsible for the action, but Song Shutang doesn't care who takes the action.

Wan Liang added: "When the medicine is finished, you and Mei Muzhizi will leave the hotel tomorrow night."

This leaves no clue for the police department.

Song Shutang said: "Yes."

He really couldn't stay.

He could only help the Red Party so much, and could not help them carry out their final actions.

Because the spies from the Secret Service Headquarters and people from the police station are all there, Song Shutang has very little room for maneuver.

The second is that Mei Mu Zhizi must be by his side, and even if he wants to help the Red Party, he can't do it.

And if he was inside, he might also see the expert being led towards the utility room on the first floor by members of the Red Party. If you saw it, would you stop him or not?
If you don't stop it, Mei Mu Zhizi can see it from the side.

If you block it, won't it affect the Red Party's actions, so Song Shutang feels that leaving is indeed the best thing.

Return to the hotel from the agent headquarters.

Song Shutang asked Mei Mu Zhizi: "Have you discovered anything?"


"Will there be police officers in the expert's room?" Song Shutang asked. After all, this matter is just speculation at the moment and you haven't confirmed it yet.

Hearing this question, Mei Mu Zhizi said: "You can't tell this."

"Let's see how the food is delivered after it's finished tomorrow morning."

"What's wrong?" Mei Mu was a little curious.

"If this can be confirmed, operations will begin at headquarters tomorrow."

"So fast?"

"I'm afraid of long nights and many dreams."

"Then I'll pay attention tomorrow morning." Mei Mu said.

Since it was the headquarters' decision, they could only obey the order.

The time to act tomorrow is very tight, but when Song Shutang and Wen Derun were discussing, Wen Derun was ready for tomorrow's action, so the Red Party is always ready, and there is no need for Song Shutang to remind him.

(End of this chapter)

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