Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 403 Departure from Shanghai

Chapter 403 Departure from Shanghai
Are you saying that Wan Wan feels uncomfortable in his heart?

No matter how uncomfortable he is, can he still feel uncomfortable when there are people from the police station?

The purpose of staring at the experts for such a long time was to catch the red party, but in the end the attempt was in vain.

Although they insisted that they caught four red party members.

However, these four people could not provide any information and kept saying that they were not Red Party members.

Said to take money to do things.

Can someone from the police station be willing?
This matter came to the Japanese, and they learned that the missing expert was in weapons and had been rescued by the Red Party.


He scolded the person in charge of the police station and said he was a pig.

Take an extremely precious bait and catch a not-so-important fish.

This is something only a fool can do.

The person in charge of the police station couldn't refute anything, he could only feel upset.

He also said that the people from the Red Party had already checked into the hotel, and you were waiting for the people from the Red Party inside, and you still hadn't noticed each other yet. What were you controlling?
In short, the police station has failed this time.

As for the person you said was arrested, then it should be the Red Party, otherwise why would they go in to rescue people?

But no one doubted the secret service headquarters.

However, the Japanese are now very doubtful about the working ability of the police station, so the secret service headquarters is also involved in arresting red party members and hunting down experts.

with the police department.

The police station feels resentful now and has no choice but to tell them that they are not doing their job well.

We can only search together with the special agent headquarters.

There are photos of everything from experts, it just depends on whether the search can be effective.

The second branch in the secret service headquarters was responsible for the search, and Wan Liang also pretended not to know anything. Anyway, no one would know the truth about this matter.

Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi took a day off and then returned to work.

But regarding this matter, I didn’t discuss it too much with anyone. After all, everyone understood what the situation was.

As for the search, they can't do it.

Song Shutang thinks that whether the Red Party can evade the search is not a big problem. After all, the difficult task of rescuing people has been done, so protection will be relatively simple. The Red Party must have a comprehensive plan.

Mei Mu Zhizi and Song Shutang have nothing to do now.

Mei Mu Zhizi said: "I didn't expect that the clam and the crane would compete for the fisherman's profit."

"We have nothing to lose." Song Shutang said.

After all, the fact that the police station has experts was something that Wan Liang himself found out, not Song Shutang and others.

Now there is no blame on them.

"It's just that we stayed in the hotel for a while. I wonder if the police station will find out?"

"We all live in disguise, and our documents are all fake, so they can't find them," Song Shutang said.

Don't say you can't find out about this matter.

Even if they find out, they just say they look similar.

After all, the registration certificate is not their certificate.

As for those documents, Wan Liang has already processed them.

You can rest when you have nothing to do. Song Shutang did not rush to take action immediately. After all, what are you investigating?
As for the information you asked about the secret service headquarters.

Not that easy to inquire about.

If you are not involved in the task, it is basically difficult to find out the information, and it is easy to be exposed if you are too proactive.

Therefore, Song Shutang's current mentality is not to be in a hurry, but to slowly integrate into this rhythm in order to carry out his work better.

Wan Liang also deliberately wanted to keep him quiet for two days.

The main reason is to prevent him from wandering on the street and being seen by people from the police station. It will be difficult to tell him when the time comes.

Although you said you were in disguise.

But police officers at the police station may still be able to identify people.

Therefore, Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi hid in the secret service headquarters for two days.



At the Hongyanzui Farm in the mountain city, Meng Jiaqi finished her busy work period and finally had time to visit Uncle Li. She had not been here for a long time.

Uncle Li's health is very good now.

Although his legs are disabled, his overall mental state is very good. Perhaps he has finally returned to a place where he can feel at ease after many years of wandering. However, he is also confused mentally.

But Uncle Li also couldn't take any time off.

In the small yard behind the farm, some chickens and ducks are raised, which can be used in exchange for funds and as a gift to comrades.

Before Meng Jiaqi came, Uncle Li gave her a lot of eggs.

She refused and had no choice but to take it.

For this reason, she specially reported it to the superiors. Everyone said that this was Uncle Li's intention and asked her not to be too nervous.

It's not a violation of discipline at all.

Meng Jiaqi also brought some food and clothing to Uncle Li this time. Although arrangements were made here in Hongyanzui, she still had to be more careful.

The preparation is also more suitable.

Seeing Uncle Li from a distance, Meng Jiaqi trotted over.

Seeing her coming, Uncle Li smiled and asked, "Are you here to inquire about Song Shutang again?"

Hearing this, Meng Jiaqi said a little embarrassedly: "Uncle Li, just make fun of me."

Looking at the girl in front of him, Uncle Li was quite satisfied anyway.

It's just that he has been there.

Understand that no matter what you do, it is best not to play matchmaker. Although it is said to be a happy event, many times good intentions lead to bad things.

Therefore, he will not express any opinion on this matter.

Besides, the current situation is very precarious.

If you really make a match, will you help Meng Jiaqi or harm Meng Jiaqi?

Let people become widows early?
Meng Jiaqi put down his things and couldn't help but ask, "How is the situation in Shanghai?"

They say they are asking about the situation in Shanghai, but they are actually asking about news about Song Shutang. Otherwise, how could the intelligence in Shanghai be told to you.

In other words, Song Shutang had a special relationship with them.

Uncle Li can get some information.

"Go into the house and talk."

"it is good."

Meng Jiaqi pushed Uncle Li into the house and poured him a glass of water.

Uncle Li then said: "Song Shutang helped us a lot in Shanghai and helped us rescue the weapons experts who were already in danger. It was a huge help to us."

"Is he okay?" Although Meng Jiaqi was happy that Song Shutang could complete the task and help them, he was also worried about his safety.

After all, Song Shutang is still a member of the military commander, so it would be very dangerous if he causes trouble.

"There is no danger in listening to the news coming back from Shanghai."

"That's good."

"But comrades in Shanghai feel that Song Shutang should be developed."

"I've always had this idea." Of course Meng Jiaqi wanted to become comrades with Song Shutang.

"The bureau discussed that development is necessary, because he has helped us tremendously in the short time he has been in Shanghai, and he has a heart to protect the country. This is the most worthwhile We’re going for it.”

"How do you plan to develop?" Meng Jiaqi asked.

"The bureau didn't have a good idea. I asked the bureau to go to Shanghai in person."

"Uncle Li, are you going to Shanghai?" Meng Jiaqi asked in surprise.

Uncle Li said with a smile: "Do you also think that Uncle Li is inconvenient now and can only hang out here?" "Uncle Li, that's not what I meant."

"Although I have limited mobility, my identity is relatively confidential. Everyone thinks I'm dead, and I've changed a lot from before. I won't be recognized when I go to Shanghai. The most important thing is that I'm in good spirits now. I can't stay forever." Eat here and wait to die.

I think I can still play my role. There may be problems with other difficult jobs, but as a liaison, I think I am qualified, and my disability will also become my protective color.

Secondly and most importantly, if you want to develop Song Shutang into ours, you can only let me come forward in person. Other than me, he will not agree easily. He has experienced so much along the way. In fact, what he needs is an opportunity. Only I can Only when he appears will his heart be opened. "

Uncle Li said a lot at once.

This is indeed what he has always wanted to say.

The most important thing is that he doesn't want to wait for death, and he is still alive when the country is in trouble.

And it’s not like I can’t get out of bed.

So he felt that he could shoulder some responsibilities.

We should also shoulder some responsibilities.

Meng Jiaqi could actually understand Uncle Li. After all, no one wanted to stand by and watch. She asked, "What does the bureau mean?"

"The bureau said they would hold a meeting to discuss this matter and asked me to wait for news."

"What if they don't agree?"

"I must have my own considerations if I disagree. I can only give up, but I will work hard before making a decision." Uncle Li said.

He will not act arbitrarily.

But we should strive for more.

Meng Jiaqi said: "Do you need someone to accompany you to Shanghai to take care of you?"

Upon hearing this, Uncle Li smiled and said, "Don't even think about it. I can go, but you can't."

Meng Jiaqi was dissatisfied when he was revealed by Uncle Li.

Of course, it was impossible for Meng Jiaqi to go to Shanghai, after all, her identity was clear.

It would be dangerous to go to Shanghai and be discovered.

Even if you are not discovered, you are still at risk of being exposed at any time. What should you do?
Meng Jiaqi also knew it was impossible, but couldn't help but ask.

"If I go to Shanghai, you should also pay attention to safety in the mountain city." Uncle Li reminded.

"Don't worry, I will work hard and help you keep an eye on the situation of Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui in the Military Command Bureau."

"They don't need your attention, I'll let the bureau do it for them."

"Then I won't be able to receive news from Shanghai in the future?"

"You should understand that this information is actually confidential and should not be told to irrelevant people. You don't need to pay attention to this in the future. If we can come back, we will come back. If we can't, you don't have to wait."

"I understand what you mean, Uncle Li. Don't tell Song Shutang what I think. I'm worried it will affect his work."

"I promise you."

"Thank you, Uncle Li." Meng Jiaqi smiled.

But Uncle Li could see the sadness behind this smile.

But this is the case in troubled times.

There aren't that many things that can go your way.

While the two were chatting, Dong Biwen from the Southern Bureau came over to see Uncle Li.

"Secretary Dong." Meng Jiaqi stood up and said hello.

Dong Biwen asked Uncle Li: "She knows."


"Then you stay too, no need to avoid it." Dong Biwen said to Meng Jiaqi.


"What's the result of the internal discussion?" Uncle Li asked.

Dong Biwen looked at Uncle Li in front of him and asked, "Have you really thought about it?"

"I have made up my mind."

"You have to understand that although you can shoulder the job of liaison very well, if you encounter danger, your evacuation will be a big problem and you may be sacrificed."

"I would rather die in Shanghai than sleep in Hongyanzui." Uncle Li said very seriously.

Seeing this, Dong Biwen did not try to persuade him anymore, but said: "The bureau held a meeting and agreed that you go to Shanghai to be responsible for instigating rebellion against Song Shutang and then carry out the work as a liaison. The current liaison will be responsible for other tasks."

"Thank you for the organization."

"You must be more careful."

"I will."

"The departure time is within a few days, is there anything else you need to explain?"

"Help me take care of Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui."

"They are members of the Military Command Headquarters. It is difficult for us to interfere in their affairs, so I can only promise you to pay attention to them, but it is difficult to say that I will take care of them." Dong Biwen said.

Because that's not anywhere else.

But the headquarters of the Military Command Bureau.

Is it what you said you can take care of?
Uncle Li also knew that what Dong Biwen was telling the truth, nodded and said nothing, hoping that the two of them would be fine.

"Uncle Li, if you need to prepare anything, I'll help you pack it." Meng Jiaqi said proactively.

"No, I'll go into battle lightly."

"In view of your situation, the bureau will arrange personnel to escort you to Shanghai, and then they will come back."

"Don't bother. This will also put comrades in the bureau in danger. I can do it alone." Uncle Li said.

Although he has difficulty moving.

But it’s not like I can’t move.

He could still move his hands on the ground, so he didn't want to put his comrades in danger by making unnecessary moves.

Dong Biwen did not insist, but said: "After you arrive in Shanghai, contact Song Shutang's current contact person. I will give you the contact information and address, and then he will give you the cover identity and other things arranged by the organization. After the handover is completed, you will work as Song Shutang's liaison and develop him at the same time."

"I'll get the job done."

"You just need to be the liaison, don't do anything risky."


Dong Biwen left after explaining.

Meng Jiaqi also said worriedly: "Uncle Li, you must be careful."

"Don't worry. In fact, this is the happiest time for me during this period. Although being among gays has been my long-cherished wish for so many years, I also understand that now is not the time for me to enjoy it. I hope that one day I can Enjoy this time.”

"Uncle Li, this day will definitely come. I'll wait for you in the mountain city."

"Don't worry, Song Shutang won't die in front of me."

"I don't want anyone to die." Meng Jiaqi said seriously.

"Uncle Li understands, you should also work hard and take care."

"I know."

Meng Jiaqi left Hongyanzui very late today. She helped Uncle Li clean up, even though Uncle Li said no need.

Because she knew in her heart that Uncle Li would leave secretly at any time after parting ways today.

Then she was never seen again.

This may be the last time.

She cherished the last moment very much.

Because she had never realized before that it would be the last time she saw Song Shutang.

If she had known that it would be the last time, she would have said goodbye properly.

Hope to have the opportunity to see you again in the future.

Make up for the farewell that could not be completed last time.

(End of this chapter)

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