Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 409: Exploring the Concession

Chapter 409: Exploring the Concession

Song Shutang left after handing the film to Uncle Li.

When I got home in the evening, Mei Mu Zhizi asked how was the street observation today?

Song Shutang said it was very unsatisfactory.

After all, although there are many people taking photos, there are even more people in Shanghai, and there are some places where it is inconvenient for you to explore.

As a result, the possibility of finding a needle in a haystack is very low. Mei Mu asked casually, without any hope of finding anything.

The two of them stopped talking about this issue.

When he arrived at the secret service headquarters the next day, Song Shutang still looked at photos in the morning and went out to try his luck on the streets in the afternoon.

On the third day, Uncle Li returned the film to him, saying that the photos had been developed and there were no problems on the film.

As for whether there are any organized people in the photo?

How many people are there in the organization?
Uncle Li doesn't know.

It is naturally difficult for Song Shutang to know.

And it didn't make sense whether they knew about it or not, so they took the film and Song Shutang left.

After that, he went to Bu Kaijie and handed the film directly to him.

Bu Kaijie got the film and put it close to his body and asked, "Is there any problem?"

"No problem, but Wan Liang is asking for photos. How long do we need?" Song Shutang asked.

Wan Liang did not press for the report.

But because it was given to the organization first and then to the military commander, time was wasted.

It would be better for you not to report to Wan Liang all the time.

So I want the military to speed up the process here.

"Two days is enough." Bu Kaijie felt that this would not take much time.

"it is good."

"You can provide the photos to Wan Liang in two days."

"What's going on with the church?"

"Not sure." Bu Kaijie said.

But Song Shutang knew that it was not over yet. After all, the people from the first place had not come back yet, which proved that they were still working outside.

Since I didn't know clearly, I didn't ask again.

Instead, he said, “Where’s the camera?”

"Is it safe for you to keep it?" Bu Kaijie asked.

He actually wanted to leave the camera to Song Shutang, so that if anything was discovered in the future, he could get it as soon as possible.

Instead of looking for Capgemini.

Because even if you find Bu Kaijie, he won't be able to carry a camera with him, and you still need to get it.

Give it to Song Shutang again.

This wastes time.

Song Shutang hid the camera himself and took it by himself when using it, which was much more convenient.

However, it seems that this kind of miniature camera is used by people engaged in intelligence. If someone discovers that you have it, it is really difficult to explain.

But it helps a lot with intelligence work.

Now it's a process of weighing the pros and cons.

After thinking for a while, Song Shutang said, "Just hide the camera near where I live. If necessary, I will get it myself."

Bu Kaijie thought that this method was indeed feasible.

He said: "Then I will rent a room near the house where you live and put all the things in it. If you need anything for intelligence work in the future, I will hide it in this room. You can use it if you need it." , go get it yourself.”

"Does that mean it can't be near where I live?" Song Shutang asked.

If it's just a camera, it won't be a big problem.

Very easy to hide.

And even if it is discovered, it doesn't necessarily have to be for intelligence work. Don't people like to collect such things?

Even if you force an explanation, you can still make some excuses.

But if you put too many things in in the future, it will be troublesome.

After being discovered, it was easy to be suspected as it was not far from where Song Shutang lived.

Bu Kaijie said: "Then on your way home, I will find a suitable room to do this."

"it is good."

"I will let you know when I find the place."

"Then take the camera." Song Shutang took out the camera.

Bu Kaijie took it and put it away.

The current work is like this. Song Shutang got up and left. On the one hand, Bu Kaijie was sending the film up and at the same time looking for a place to hide the things.

The military commander is still very wealthy.

In the future, these things will only be useful when Song Shutang uses them in the room.

If he doesn't use it, he'll just eat dust in it.

But the army can afford it.

If needed in other aspects, the military commander will still have it.

You won’t be stretched thin just because of a tiny camera or other items.

Therefore, Song Shutang felt that it was reasonable to ask Juntong to provide it.

After waiting for another two days, it felt like Bu Kaijie had almost done everything, so Song Shutang took the things to find Wan Liang.

Arriving at Wan Liang's office, Song Shutang spread out the photos.

He pinned all the classified photos.

In other words, on each page of paper, there is a classified group of photos with varying numbers of people.

But it seems clear at a glance.

When he gave the portfolio to Song Shutang, Wan Liang knew how messy the photos were, but now it seems completely different.

Song Shutang said: "Director, these photos have been classified according to some characteristics. There are as many as sixteen categories. Sixteen groups of people can be arranged to be responsible for searching and searching."

There are more than 200 people, and there is no way you can find them.

But now is different.

The number of people responsible for each group may be as few as a few, or as many as a dozen or twenty.

And they all have the same characteristics.

This is actually very convenient to find.

Wan Liang nodded frequently and felt that Song Shutang's ability was indeed good. Because of this classification, he looked at it carefully and it was very reasonable.

"It's hard work," Wan Liang said.

"It's not hard for my subordinates. It's just that I have never seen the people in these photos. I also wanted to try my luck on the street, but there was no gain at all."

"Normal." Although Wan Liang really wanted Song Shutang to gain something.

But he also knew it was difficult.

If Song Shutang really gained something, he might still have doubts.

So now he can accept it. Next, he only needs to arrange for people to go to the streets to search for them, and make more copies of all these photos and distribute them as a long-term task.

Anyway, there are roadblocks and sentries on the streets every day.

There are also patrols.

Searching aimlessly is different from having photos.

It can be regarded as a daily routine and carried out every day in the future.

If there are no results in the preliminary investigation, you can even send it to the police station so that their people can participate. This strength is there.

And it's long-term.

Even if they can't be found, the jobs of these people will definitely be affected.

It can also be regarded as a harvest.

"I will arrange for members of different groups to be responsible for checking these photos. You can also go to the streets to take a look. Do you really not need these photos?" Wan Liang also asked curiously.

After all, he had heard of Song Shutang's abilities.

I just haven’t seen it often.


"Can you remember everything?"

"Yes." Song Shutang said.There is no way to hide this kind of thing. After all, you used it to catch spies when you were in the mountain city.

If you join the secret service headquarters now, will they really not investigate your situation?

I will definitely inquire through the lurking personnel in the mountain city.

Therefore, it is meaningless for Song Shutang to hide his clumsiness.

But he added: "As long as the other person is not disguised."

Wan Liang thought this addition was normal. After all, Song Shutang only saw the face and not the body.

If the other party is a man disguised as a woman, or a woman disguised as a man, how do you want Song Shutang to recognize him?
You might be able to recognize this guy in disguise.

But you won't be able to recognize the person in the photo.

However, Wan Liang felt that Song Shutang's ability was already very good. Even if the Military Command Bureau could let him go, Wan Liang didn't know what the Military Command Bureau was thinking.

But he didn't know that there were many people like this in the Military Command Bureau.

Next, Wan Liang arranged the inspection work.

If you want to be the first to try your luck, if you are lucky, make a contribution first.

If you are not lucky, you can give the photos to various agencies and everyone will look for them together.

Song Shutang felt that Wan Liang's luck was hard to come by, after all, the organization and military commanders had learned the news first.

Naturally, this point cannot be shown. Song Shutang asked: "How is the investigation of the channels for handling certificates?"

Wan Liang said: “As a middleman, he is responsible for collecting money and taking photos, and then gives it to the person behind to make the certificate, and then he gives the certificate to the person who paid the money.

It is very clear that the person who paid the money is a member of the Youth Gang, but the other party has never said his identity, and the person who collected the money and photos did not ask. It is a tacit understanding, so he cannot provide the other party now. identity information.

And the news should have been received within the Qing Gang, so it is now suspected that the Qing Gang has secretly killed the person responsible for this matter. In other words, if we continue to investigate, there will be no clues to the Qing Gang. "

The strong man broke his wrist.

If this matter is revealed, it will have a great impact on the Qinggang.

So the Qing Gang directly killed the person in charge.

The person who can take charge of this matter shows how much the Qing Gang trusts him.

Also an important figure.

But in the face of danger, no matter how much you reuse it, it will be discarded.

This is to sacrifice the small to protect the big.

no way.

The superiors don't care who you are or what your relationship with me is. They will only choose this simplest and crudest method.

"Then the person who collected the money and photos, who did he give the things to, and who was asked to make the certificate?" Song Shutang asked.

This must involve people within the puppet government.

Wan Liang said: "This is more difficult to detect. They also pass money and photos through some mailboxes and other items, which is similar to underground workers."

"Can't you use this mailbox?"

"The problem is that there are many people involved now. As soon as this incident came out, the news over there should have been received. How could they still go to the mailbox to pick up things?" Wan Liang said helplessly.

Pulled around and moved the whole body.

There are too many hidden threads here.

After the Qing Gang secretly kills people, the news may be sent to the top. Do you think the Qing Gang knows who is behind it?

Probably don't know.

Because there are contacts among them.

But after working together for so long, I can probably guess a little bit. As long as the message is released, the other party should be able to receive it.

After all, the scope of your message is relatively wide.

The Qing Gang didn't want anything to happen to the people behind them, which would be detrimental to them.

As a result, both sides have now lost their clues.

"This middleman won't be able to provide any value, right?" Song Shutang didn't believe it.

Wan Liang said: "Why can't you provide it? He told you that it was the Qing Gang and who was probably responsible behind it, but where is your evidence?"

The Qing Gang directly kills people and silences them.

But the people behind it are now sitting firmly on Diaoyutai.

You need evidence.

Without evidence, even the secret service headquarters would not be able to investigate.

It can be seen that this time the iron plate has been kicked.

Song Shutang did not continue to ask about this. After all, it may not be good for you to know the above things.

On the contrary, it's all trouble.

Coming out of Wan Liang's office, Mei Mu Zhizi stepped forward and asked, "What work has the director arranged?"

"It's better to go find the person in the photo on the street."

"This work is not tiring, it's just torture." Mei Mu Zhizi felt that it was a bit too aimless.

Because when she was a spy before.

The things their group is responsible for are relatively targeted.

The situation is not the same as now.

Song Shutang had never done any lurking work before, so it was different.

Both of them are in the process of adapting.

When he came to the street, he continued to search aimlessly, but Wan Liang's main reliance was not Song Shutang, but the people he arranged to go out.

Soon Wan Liang arranged for people to start searching with a set of photos to see if they could find anything.

These are the main forces.

After Song Shutang wandered the streets for a day, he and Mei Mu Zhizi went back to rest.

Too lazy to extend the time.

Too meaningless.

Two days passed like this, always in a lazy state.

Later, when I met Bu Kaijie, he had already found the house. Not only did he put cameras in it, but he also put some medicines, weapons and the like.

It is convenient to get it when Song Shutang is using it.

They are all hidden in the secret compartments of the room.

Song Shutang also told him that a search had begun here at the secret service headquarters, and Bu Kaijie said there was no problem.

There is no problem with military reunification here.

Then there will definitely be no problems with the organization. After all, the time when they learned about this matter was much earlier than the military commander.

After a few days of doing nothing, Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi were free every day. Wan Liang seemed to have discovered this problem and called them to the office.


"Is the investigation not going well?"

"It's too much to find a needle in a haystack." Song Shutang said directly without being polite.

Wan Liang heard this and said, "Then you two go to the concession for two days."

"Inside the concession?"

"These anti-Japanese elements are actually mostly in the concession, because it is relatively safe for them inside, so most of these people may be concentrated inside, and the area of ​​the concession is much smaller than outside. You are inside If you look for it, the probability will be higher." Wan Liang said.

Indeed it is.

Some institutional strongholds of anti-Japanese organizations will be placed in the concessions.

At least a certain amount of safety is guaranteed first.

This seems to be the case with the Military Command Bureau.

Then it is indeed possible for these people to go to the concession to start working. The concession here is much smaller, making it easier for you to find them.

Song Shutang immediately said: "No problem, Director, this is indeed a way. It is better than wasting our time every day, but our identity as the special agent headquarters should make it difficult to enter the concession, right?"

"We can also have documents." Wan Liang said with a smile.

If the secret service headquarters doesn't even have these documents, what kind of secret service headquarters can it be called?

Mei Muzhizi also said: "If it is not a certificate for the concession, but a temporary pass, I may have to come out at night."

"Don't worry, you can stay there. We have a temporary base, and your certificate will also allow you to stay in a hotel. You can make your own choice." Wan Liang said confidently.

It’s not like they haven’t carried out activities in the concession, so these things are readily available.

In fact, it was also tacitly approved by the concession.

(End of this chapter)

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