Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 411 Stalking

Chapter 411 Stalking
After that, I had no choice but to stay on the street.

Instead, we found a hotel with a wider view and observed from the third floor.

The window is right at the corner.

The range of observation is very large, and it is much safer than when you are on the street.

Otherwise, staying on the street all day can easily cause trouble. The police may pay attention to you and investigate why you are always wandering around.

Using your certificate to stay in a hotel can solve this problem.

It's just that the price of this hotel is relatively expensive due to its location.

But anyway, the secret service headquarters provides the funds, so they can spend it as they should.

When waiting for the third day, Mei Mu Zhizi shouted: "Come out?"

Song Shutang was eating at the moment, and the two of them had just changed shifts.

Who knew that suddenly when Mei Mu Zhizi was staring, the other party appeared.

This is something Song Shutang cannot change.

They hurriedly ran to the window and took a look. It was indeed the person in the photo they had discovered before, and his outfit today was somewhat disguised.

But he had been targeted before, so his disguise was much easier to see through now.

Mei Mu Zhizi immediately said: "Let's go."

Song Shutang stopped eating and immediately followed him downstairs. The two of them wanted to follow where the other wanted to go.

But Song Shutang was wondering, was this person from the organization or the military commander?

The message has obviously been sent, why hasn't it been notified yet?

What kind of trouble are you encountering here?
You said you can't find this person?

Actually it shouldn't.

If you suddenly get this person's photo, you can be forgiven for saying that the organization and military commander can't find it.

After all, it’s all a one-line connection.

If you want to find it above, you may need to search layer by layer.

But I am worried that if we are not on the same line, it may be slower to get the information about this person.

It’s just that the photos were clearly provided before.

In other words, the organization and military commanders have already found the people in the photos, and will also inform them of the interrogation information at the Secret Service Headquarters, as well as the subsequent overall interrogation in Shanghai.

These people have been identified before.

You said that you can't find anyone now, so you can't notify. Song Shutang thinks it's impossible.

But now the other party looks like he really doesn't know that someone is following and monitoring him. Otherwise, why would he be disguised today?
Can you avoid surveillance by disguising yourself?
And your makeup is not thorough enough now.

From Song Shutang's point of view, he doesn't quite understand, but now he has no way to contact the organization and the military commander. Mei Mu Zhizi is always by his side, and Wan Liang also informed you to use the phone later, so there is no need to go there in person. trip.

There is no chance of acting alone.

But there is no point in thinking about it now. Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi can only follow carefully to see where the other party is going.
But this person was walking around, but he was actually not far from his home, just taking some detours on purpose.

Then he came to a mailbox, opened the mailbox and took out the contents.

Mei Muzhizi immediately said after seeing it: "It must be information."

"Are you going to stop him?" Song Shutang asked.

"We need to get more information." Mei Mu Zhizi didn't think it was necessary. They wanted to follow this person and get more information.

After this person got the information, he put it in his arms and walked towards his home.

This time Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi determined each other's residence. Their hotel happened to be within sight, and there was no need to change the surveillance location.

So the two returned to the hotel.

Song Shutang used the hotel's phone number to call Wan Liang to report the information.

Mei Mu Zhizi is responsible for monitoring.


"Yes, the latest discovery is that the other party went to a mailbox and took away information. We did not alert the enemy."

When Song Shutang hung up the phone, Mei Mu Zhizi asked, "What did the director say?"

"We are told to continue to keep an eye on the mailbox. The director will arrange for new people to keep an eye on the mailbox to see who will put information in it." Song Shutang said.

Now tracking and monitoring have begun to bear fruit.

That was the discovery of the other party's mailbox for transmitting information.

If you stare here now, you may still find something, and you will find this person's online.

After all, if you get the information, you should send it out.

So Song Shutang and the others continued their work here.

As for the mailbox, Wanliang will rearrange the person.

There is a high probability that it will be two people, to avoid getting into trouble if there are too many people.

Moreover, the mailbox is dead and relatively easy to track.

Mei Muzhizi said: "No matter what, as long as our tracking is correct, this person will definitely be caught in the end."

"The director may want more than this." Song Shutang understood Wan Liang's thoughts and wanted to make great achievements.

"If we keep an eye on this person, we can still find clues, and the person responsible for keeping an eye on the mailbox can also find new anti-Japanese elements. If we continue the investigation like this, we will definitely identify a lot of suspects."


Song Shutang didn't think so.

The response of the organization and military commanders will not be so slow.

Even if you can't notify this person or anyone else, do you want to stop contacting me?
Therefore, the information in today's mailbox made Song Shutang doubt whether this person was notified that he was being monitored.

After all, when Song Shutang sent the information, Mei Mu Zhizi kept monitoring him.

Maybe it’s not easy for military commanders or people from organizations to notify them.

Because when the military commander and people from the organization were able to notify this person, Song Shutang also came back.

If two people monitor together, it may be more troublesome to notify the incoming person.

So it is possible to wait until the agreed time and use the mailbox notification.

But now you have been notified that it is already more dangerous.

After all, the address has been known, and Song Shutang has also reported it to Wan Liang, and the secret service headquarters will start to check the identity of the people in this address.

After the identity information was confirmed, and the secret service headquarters still had photos, and the person was still under the surveillance of Song Shutang and the others, it was impossible to evacuate quietly.

We didn’t evacuate before, but if we wanted to evacuate later, we would have to do it forcefully.

But fortunately this is a concession.

There are currently only two of them in the secret service headquarters.

However, there are many anti-Japanese organizations in the concession, so they can still find opportunities.

Even if he doesn't know what method he plans to use, Song Shutang needs to be careful. After all, basically no one knows his identity, so as not to die in the hands of his own people.

Wan Liang will call back in the evening.

Give this person information.

The call was answered by Mei Mu Zhizi. After hanging up, she said: "This person's name is Duan Jing. He is 51 years old. He has lived in the concession in his early years. He first started a small business and later worked in sales in a shopping mall during the recession. I was fired because of an argument with a customer years ago, and now I don’t have much work.”

"A quarrel occurred?" Song Shutang was eye-opening.

You do intelligence work.

Sales is your cover.

It's not like you really have to rely on this to work.

The guests can say whatever they want.

It doesn’t matter if you just work and don’t make any money.

Why did you quarrel with the guests, and then got fired after the quarrel? What are you trying to do?
This is totally unreasonable.

Mei Mu said, "Don't forget that he got a fake ID."

"Are you saying that he was fired because he needed to perform a task, which was a task that was carried out with fake documents, and he was unable to continue working, so he was fired on purpose?" Song Shutang asked.

"This is the only explanation now, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why he, an intelligence worker, behaves abnormally." Mei Mu Zhizi said.

No one knows you are an intelligence worker.

Then it's okay for you to argue with your guests, it's very reasonable.After all, who doesn’t have a temper?
Especially since Duan Jing was a boss before and now he is in sales, there must be a gap.

Just to make his departure reasonable.

Otherwise, how long will you take leave?
You don't know how long the task will take to complete.

But what kind of mission requires Duan Jing, a person with a cover job, to give up his job to carry out it?

Faced with these problems from Song Shutang, Mei Muzhizi said: "The director said that he will continue to follow up the investigation and find a way to figure out these things, so that we can work according to the original plan."

"Duan Jingdu has not been looking for a job since the year before. It has been a long time."

"I wonder if he can't find a suitable one, or his intelligence work has been adjusted and he no longer needs ordinary work cover?" Mei Mu Zhizi asked.

"It's all speculation at the moment, let's continue the investigation."

Duan Jing.

What tasks were performed?
Why did he suddenly give up even the cover work?

And what do you mean if you don’t retreat now?
There really was no notification in place.

Or is it intentional?
After all, there is still a lot of room for maneuver in the concession. Maybe the organization or the military commander has other ideas.

"Does Duan Jing have any family members?" Song Shutang asked, looking at Duan Jing's residence.


"How could he not have one at his age?"

"The current investigation is like this. He lives alone all year round. The specific director said that he has been found and will notify us again."

Living alone is indeed the norm for intelligence workers. Most of those who do not live alone pretend to be husband and wife, father and son, mother and daughter, etc.

It’s all for cover and ease of work.

Depends on specific needs.

It's just that Duan Jing is alone, making it easier to identify the identity of the intelligence worker.

In the next few days, Duan Jing had no work, so he went out to hang out every day. He rarely cooked for himself and basically ate on the street.

But after getting the information from the mailbox, you didn't see him take any action, as if there was no need to take action because of the information.

No need to pass it on either.

Wan Liang arranged for someone to keep an eye on the mailbox, but there was no movement on the mailbox either.

It's true that intelligence workers' messaging isn't very frequent.

So for now I can only continue to stare.

As for what Duan Jing did with fake documents before, it is difficult to investigate.

The reason is that the person in the middle who collected the money and photos cannot remember what information was provided at the time, which means you don’t even know who Duan Jing is pretending to be.

How do you find out what he did?
As for the person who made the certificate, will there be any impression?

The problem is that you haven't found the person who made the certificate yet.

So this investigation is over, and there is little progress here.

At present, we can only continue to investigate, there is no other good way.

Song Shutang saw that Duan Jing had not retreated yet, and neither the organization nor the military commander had any intention of arranging a retreat.

I knew there might be another plan behind it.

After all, even if Song Shutang and Mei Mu are watching, this is a concession.

It's not easy for the two of them to arrest people casually.

Duan Jing's organization only needs to send people to cover, or even ask the patrol to stop Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi, and they can complete the forced evacuation.

But now nothing happened.

Then Song Shutang understood that there must be another idea behind it.

Maybe he wants to take advantage of this.

Sure enough, when Song Shutang and the others were still staring at Duan Jing and making no move, there was movement in the mailbox, saying that the person who had been waiting to submit the information had arrived.

After that, people from the secret service headquarters began to follow him.

It's just that this person actually left the concession, so there were some mistakes when tracking him, and he was lost.

Wan Liang was very angry when he received the news.

Because he felt that Duan Jing's current task might be to collect some work information outside the concession and then hand it over to the superiors.

Then the people outside the concession are very important.

If you follow him, you might be able to figure out who gave him the information outside the concession.

Then you can catch a lot of people by following the clues.

But he got lost.

Because when leaving the concession, you have to face interrogation.

They line up quite far apart.

By the time the people from the secret service headquarters left, the other party must have disappeared.

However, Wan Liang ordered them to open the mailbox and peek at the information inside.

It was a risky decision, but they needed to do it.

After all, arresting someone for interrogation may result in the other party not opening their mouths. If you can directly check the intelligence and get important clues, it would be better than arresting someone.

The people at the secret service headquarters opened it carefully, but found a letter, which must be encrypted.

So I took a photo of the letter with a camera.

As for whether there would be secret writing on the paper, they also tried it and found no chemical reagents.

Then restore the envelope and put it into the mailbox.

The professional skills of the agent headquarters are quite good and the restoration is in place.

Sure enough, the next day, Duan Jing was seen leaving home, and then went out to pick up things from the mailbox.

Five days.

It seems that the time interval between Duan Jing going to the mailbox to get information should be five days.

The secret service headquarters has begun to look for someone to decipher the encrypted content, and at the same time, the police officers have been asked to keep watch to prevent the person who comes to deliver information from escaping next time.

However, Wan Liang still felt uneasy.

On the third day, I called Song Shutang and the others and asked them to change shifts.

Song Shutang and Mei Muzhizi went to stare at the mailbox.

Let the police keep an eye on Duan Jing.

After all, Duan Jing is easier to keep an eye on now because he knows where his address is.

Even if you are really lost, you can still wait at home.

But the people who came to deliver the letter were people from outside the concession.

If he can determine who the opponent is, Wan Liang can flex his muscles.

After all, it is much more convenient for them outside the concession than inside the concession.

Faced with this request, Song Shutang and Mei Muzhizi could not refuse, so they changed jobs.

At the same time, on the phone, Song Shutang also asked if he had successfully deciphered the information, but Wan Liang said that he had not successfully deciphered it.

Because there are many ways to encrypt.

It's hard to decipher without comparison.

And even if you want to successfully decipher it, it will take a lot of time.

Now Wan Liang no longer puts his hope in deciphering, but wants to grasp more clues through follow-up investigations.

Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi cheered up when they came near the mailbox.

Although Duan Jing comes once every five days.

But the person who comes to deliver information may not necessarily come in a few days, but may come at any time.

So be careful.

Mei Mu Zhizi said: "When following people leaving the concession, they queue up and face searches. Will we encounter the same problem?"

"When he is about to leave the concession, we will get closer." Song Shutang felt that this problem could be avoided if we knew it in advance. The people at the secret service headquarters were careless the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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