Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 42 Drawing Speculation Scope

Chapter 42 Drawing Speculation Scope
Rushed to a group of intelligence department, there were quite a lot of people in the big office.

Everyone already knew that Song Shutang was the deputy leader of a group, and they always greeted each other when they met, but the special introduction was omitted.

This is not the case in the past when the incident happened suddenly. At this time, the energy is devoted to the investigation, and other trivial matters can be saved as much as possible. The deputy team leader can only be informed, and it is not appropriate to gather everyone together to announce it.

As for Song Shutang's previous plan to ask Zhu Yue about the distribution of bonuses, he simply gave up now. Although one yard is equal to one yard, it is inappropriate to start distributing bonuses as soon as something goes wrong with your arrest operation.

The team members stayed for a while and then left in twos and threes, and the investigation work will continue.

Before Song Shutang walked to his desk and sat down, he saw Zhu Yue coming out of the office and immediately said, "Follow me to the scene to see the situation."

"it is good."

Long Hao definitely wanted to follow, Zhu Yue looked at him helplessly, are you Song Shutang's follower now?

But I couldn't help but think in my heart that I was obviously my follower in the past.

With no time to taste the sour smell in the air, what Zhu Yue wants to do most now is to save the mission.

Zhu Yue introduced on the way: "Guo Yongxin works as a clerk in the Friendship Store, and his social relationship is relatively complicated. The number of people who have contact with him is not small, and it will take some time to sort it out."

"I'm afraid Guo Yongxin's relationship with the operator is hidden." Song Shutang made an assumption.

"The large-scale investigation is to see if we can find any clues."

"It's very difficult." Long Hao felt that the possibility of gaining something was not high.

The reason is simple and easy to understand, Zhu Yue doesn't know it, but he can't let go of any clues that may lead to clues.

After getting on the rickshaw, Zhu Yue told him an address, Muhuo Street, Xiaochangkou.

Wooden goods street is obviously mainly engaged in wood products, wooden furniture, wood carvings, wooden handicrafts, wooden daily necessities and so on.

After getting off the rickshaw, Zhu Yue said: "The mailbox for our information is in Muhuo Street."

"Where did Guo Yongxin go after getting the information?"

"There are three small streets in front of you, Old Porcelain Street, Herb Street, Dingxin Street, and a Clothes Street. Guo Yongxin walked along Clothes Street to Fish Market Street, and came to the Third Model Market." During the conversation, the three walked along Guo Yongxin Passing the road, standing outside the third model market.

Zhu Yue continued: "Guo Yongxin stopped in the middle at that time, then turned around and went back to Juxingcheng Bank by rickshaw at the entrance of the school yard."

"Guo Yongxin chose to take a rickshaw to Juxingcheng Bank because the bank's address is far away at No. 90 Linsen Road, but he didn't choose a rickshaw when he first got the information, which is enough to show that the place he was going to was not very far away. "Song Shutang made an inference.

"The walkable range is also very large. There are Datong Road, Minsheng Road, Zhonghua Road, Heping Road, and Linjiang Road as long as you go up here. There are countless small roads, and there is no way to lock the area." Long Hao felt that he wanted to pass It is not advisable for the opponent to lock the range on foot.

But Zhu Yue said: "Now the key point is not to lock in the precise range, but to ensure the correct direction."

Song Shutang could understand what Zhu Yue meant.

Guo Yongxin blew a grenade on Linsen Road and committed suicide.

This incident was seen by many people present, which caused a certain sensation.

If the telegraph operator also knew that Guo Yongxin had been exposed and died, then the telegraph operator would definitely transfer in advance to be on the safe side. Although Guo Yongxin didn't reveal a word, you don't know why he was exposed, and transfer is the safest.

It would be pointless for the telegrapher to hide them now and investigate.

But if the judgment direction is correct, it will run in the opposite direction to Linsen Road, and the radio operator will not receive the news at all for a while.

Naturally, they won't transfer if they don't get the news, which buys them time to investigate.

Zhu Yue wanted to hear Song Shutang's thoughts.

"This place is far away from Linsen Road, and it should be farther away from the operator's address. In addition, there are basically no people who know Guo Yongxin on Linsen Road. In addition, the people who exploded with grenades are far away, and I am afraid that they can't see Guo Yongxin's appearance clearly. So we can infer him. If the news doesn’t come back, we still have time to investigate.” Song Shutang agrees with Zhu Yue, and there is a chance to speed up the investigation.

At this time, the investigation of Guo Yongxin's interpersonal relationship was also carried out in secret, and the operator should not have close contact with him, so it would not be exposed.

"The limited range of clues is too large, and it is very difficult to investigate. If you want to make a breakthrough within the corresponding time, I am afraid that luck will take a large part." Long Hao felt a lot of pressure.

Song Shutang and Zhu Yue did not deny this.

Zhu Yue took out a piece of paper from his arms and said: "This is the map I drew overnight. Although it is difficult to determine the range by walking, based on the route and walking distance, it can roughly lock an area. Of course, the premise is that Guo Yongxin No detour was chosen."

It is said that it is not advisable to lock the area based on walking, but now Zhu Yue does not want to give up any investigation method, he is planning to try it, and staying up late to draw shows that he is urgent.

Glancing at the map that Zhu Yue hurriedly made, the drawing is fairly clear.

Jinyutang Street, Wufu Street, Luomadian, Lianhuachi, Baoentang, Ranjia Lane, and Sixian Lane enclose the city in a circle, and all areas within this circle may be the addresses of the telegraph operators.

This range was drawn according to Guo Yongxin's route, so Zhu Yue emphasized that the other party should not take a detour, otherwise the drawing would not only be useless, but also affect their judgment.

After reading the map carefully, Song Shutang said: "The route in this range is very complicated, and there are many places where detours can be made. Guo Yongxin may not take detours when he first gets the information. After all, it is still far away from the telegraph operator. It is too early, so the probability of this range being correct is not small."

After being recognized, Zhu Yue ignited his confidence in the map and said: "Let's split up and take a look around in this area to get a grasp of the specific situation, and try our luck to see if we can meet suspicious people."

If there is no objection to Zhu Yue's arrangement, it will be implemented immediately. Song Shutang wanders around very seriously, and at the same time uses it to familiarize himself with the road conditions in the mountain city.

The scope of the map includes Tonggutai, Huangjing Bridge, Caojia Lane, Centipede Ridge, Qinxuesuo, Cunxintang, Wushiye Lane, Shuishi Lane, etc. The scope is not very large but the environment is complex and the road conditions are changeable.

After a quick tour, Song Shutang felt bad about launching an investigation.

The three met again and Song Shutang said: "There are many shops and companies, and there are also many residential buildings. The population density is high, and there are many people who move around every day. It is difficult to find an entry point."

Looking around, Zhu Yue felt the same as Song Shutang.

"Go back and see how the investigation is going." Zhu Yue decided to go back first.

On the way back to the intelligence department, Song Shutang was still thinking about the investigation, but it was really hard to think for a while. The rickshaw stopped at the gate of the Military Control Bureau, so he could only give up thinking for the time being.

The three of them returned to the intelligence department to be in charge of the team members who visited and investigated, and they had already collected the information. Zhu Yue and Song Shutang went through it together.

The amount of information in the material is huge, and the content is messy. I only read half of it in one afternoon.

Without Zhu Yue's arrangement at night, Song Shutang took the initiative to stay and work overtime to read these materials. When the intelligence department has tasks, the commuting time will no longer exist.

The enemy is not going to do nothing during your off hours!

(End of this chapter)

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