Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 426 Self-directed and self-acted

fear each other.

Watch out for each other.

They even started to fight secretly.

Everyone was on guard against each other, but no one paid attention to Song Shutang.

So Song Shutang actually has a certain advantage.

Li Qun didn't have any thoughts about him, but everyone didn't regard him as an opponent.

This means that no one will hinder him now.

If he is really selected to be responsible for the stronghold in the concession later, even if you want to make a stumbling block, you won't be able to do it.

After all, Song Shutang will be in the concession at that time, and it will be difficult for outsiders to trip him up.

Besides, talking about the composition of the personnel in the stronghold, Li Qun and Wan Liang will definitely want to ensure that there are no problems. Otherwise, after entering the concession, Song Shutang will be in intrigues every day. How can they complete the task well?

In the next few days, Song Shutang showed his eagerness to make meritorious deeds.

He wanted to give Wan Liang the illusion that he wanted to make meritorious deeds.

Mei Mu Zhizi also saw Song Shutang's thoughts. She thought there was nothing wrong. After all, if you don't perform meritorious service in this situation, it would be difficult for you to be chosen by Li Qun.

Maybe Li Qun is struggling.

Then your meritorious service is the best way to avoid his entanglement.

Song Shutang said that it was difficult to make meritorious service, and it was very difficult to make meritorious service.

But I still want to try it.

Upon seeing this, Mei Muzhizi also started to look for his former friends and people he had contact with during this period, wanting to inquire with them to see if he could find any opportunities.

After all, Mei Mu Zhizi was very concerned about Song Shutang's affairs.

This would give Song Shutang the opportunity to act alone.

He would go to see Uncle Li again three days later, which was the time agreed upon before.

Seeing Uncle Li again, Song Shutang asked: "Is there any organizational arrangement?"

Uncle Li didn't waste any time and said directly: "The organization attaches great importance to this matter and thinks it is an opportunity for you to gain a foothold in Shanghai and even start to gain a voice within the secret service headquarters, so I decided to work hard."

It seems like you are in charge of the stronghold in the concession, and you don't have much say.

But look at the operations team.

Don’t you have the right to speak?

Naturally, he did not have much say in the beginning, but as long as Song Shutang managed the business well in the concession, and then used the people in the stronghold as his own, and arranged some of his own confidants, sooner or later he would be able to control the say.

After all, the concession is also very important to the secret service headquarters, and they cannot let the strongholds in the concession become chaotic.

That would be bad for Secret Service headquarters.

Therefore, as long as Song Shutang has this ability, Wan Liang and Li Qun will have to consider touching him in the future, just like the Japanese are reluctant to touch Li Qun now.

It was only through the assassination of a foreign detective in the concession that Li Qun was given a blow.

The truth is that simple.

If done well, the space in the future will actually be very large.

Even if Song Shutang independently controls the concession and refuses to listen to anyone's orders, it is not impossible.

I can't say that my status will be higher than Wan Liang's by then, but at least I will be equally matched.

With Li Qun, there is room for bargaining.

If Song Shutang maintains a good relationship with the two of them, do you think this lurking will be unsuccessful?

Uncle Li then said: "The organization wants to direct and perform a play for the Secret Service Headquarters to see, but it cannot let the Secret Service Headquarters see the clues. The most important thing is that this matter must be considered meritorious by the Secret Service Headquarters, but we It’s also very difficult without any loss of personnel.”

The military commander may directly choose to sacrifice.

This is not authentic, but simple.

If you don't want to do it, it's certainly difficult.

Song Shutang said: "Has the organization figured out a way?"

"The organization's current method is to sacrifice a stronghold, but not to sacrifice the people in the stronghold. This can be considered to control the sacrifice within an acceptable range." Uncle Li said.

I heard talk of giving up a stronghold.

Song Shutang also frowned, after all, the establishment and protection of each stronghold.

Many comrades have been sacrificed.

In this case, it is actually very serious for you to give up a stronghold.

Song Shutang said: "Is there no other way?"

"If you want the Secret Service Headquarters to believe this, you have to do this. Otherwise, even if they believe it by making a small fuss, the credit is not enough and it will not help you."

"I understand, it's just..."

"The stronghold sacrificed is the stronghold in the concession. Although it is a pity, if I can help you get this position, then the help you can provide to the organization in the concession will be great, far more than one stronghold, so the organization can discuss it like this Do, a good deal.”

Organization is not about impulse either.

But we really discussed it carefully.

Is the base important?
it goes without saying.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t have sacrificed so many people to protect the stronghold.

The process of establishing a stronghold may also involve a lot of investment, whether in terms of manpower or material resources.

But what does it mean if Song Shutang can be in charge of the secret agent headquarters in the concession?
This means that Song Shutang will be able to know in advance the actions of all special agent headquarters in the concession in the future. Although it may not be possible to provide information in time every time, it is still possible in most cases.

And Song Shutang will not be exposed.

If you are just a lurking grassroots person, you will only get the news every time you wait until action is taken.

Then you report.

If the operation fails, the insider must be found.

You will be easily suspected.

But Song Shutang is the person in charge of command. Maybe Song Shutang has already reminded the organization about this matter during the investigation stage, so the investigation will not yield any results.

Your investigation has yielded no results. Who do you think leaked the information?
So this position is very important.

Let alone a stronghold for exchange.

Even exchanging two strongholds is worth it.

It's no wonder that Song Shutang is worried about the military commander's simple and rough treatment, because in Boss Dai's view, this is not simple and rough, but ensuring that nothing goes wrong.

Everyone in the stronghold and stronghold will be captured for you.

Isn't this enough credit?

The organization has already restrained itself here.

Song Shutang also understood that since the organization had decided, of course he would try his best to get this position and not let the organization's stronghold be lost in vain.

"What are the specific actions?" Song Shutang asked.

"Because you are fighting for a stronghold in the concession, and there were photos before, the organization's current idea is to let you discover that there are people in the photos outside the concession, and then you follow them into the concession and discover this stronghold through investigation. .

When you told the Secret Service Headquarters about this, and then prepared to lead people to secretly sneak into the concession and arrest people from this stronghold, the members of the Secret Service Headquarters were discovered by the police patrol room, and the two sides had a dispute, which led to the conflict in the stronghold. People fled and important information was burned, leaving only some useless things. "Uncle Li will tell you the specific plan.

In fact, this is killing two birds with one stone.

On the one hand, let Song Shutang make meritorious service.

On the other hand, it shows that the people in the photos do exist in the concession.

The second thing is that Song Shutang can remember everyone in the photo. If he is active in the concession, there is a high probability of encountering him in the future.

The organization takes this detail into consideration.

And why no one was arrested?

It's not Song Shutang's problem.

It's a patrol room issue.

The secret service headquarters and the patrol room are now at odds with each other, so it is inevitable that they will be blocked and it is not Song Shutang who made a mistake.

Even the person discovered by the patrol room at that time was definitely not Song Shutang.

As for why the patrol came?Of course it was arranged by the organization. The organization had been operating in the concession for so long, how could there be no one in the patrol room?

Therefore, by sacrificing a stronghold, this plan can be established.

Song Shutang understood this matter, nodded and said, "When will it start?"

"In order to ensure the authenticity of the mission, we will arrange for the person in the photo to leave the concession and then appear not far outside the concession. You can go there at ten o'clock tomorrow and you can see him. When he leaves and enters the concession, you can Tell the people guarding the Secret Service headquarters in Luka, and then ask them to prove that you followed the people in the photos into the concession.”

"it is good."

The arrangements were actually very detailed.

Song Shutang just needs to execute it.

After leaving Uncle Li, Song Shutang will prepare for tomorrow's actions. After all, time is tight now.

As for when you said the people from the patrol room will show up?
Of course, it was arranged in advance. When the people from the secret service headquarters approached the stronghold, the people from the patrol room would naturally appear.

Leave Uncle Li's place and go home at night to see Mei Mu Zhizi.

Mei Mu Zhizi said she was sorry, but she currently had no clues here.

After all, if you want to get clues about the anti-Japanese elements, let alone whether the other party knows it or not. Even if they know it, they won't tell you.

Because it's confidential to every agency.

How could it be possible to reveal it to you? Then they will face punishment when they go back.

Song Shutang did not act as if he was confident. He was also very depressed, but he still comforted Mei Mu Zhizi, saying that this time, it was just a try.

Of course Mei Mu Zhizi knew it was comforting.

There will never be such a good opportunity in the future.

So she said: "I will continue to contact you tomorrow."

"Don't embarrass yourself."

"I know."

The two rested at night and went to the Secret Service Headquarters to report together the next day. There were some undercurrents at the Secret Service Headquarters these days.

But many grassroots members don’t know.

After all, the stronghold in the concession is a relatively confidential matter.

However, such a confidential matter was still known to many leaders. After all, the secret service headquarters is only one-third of an acre, and it is really difficult for you to completely conceal it.

It was just a secret confrontation and had nothing to do with Song Shutang.

After the registration was over, Mei Mu continued to think of solutions. She really wanted to help Song Shutang.

After she left, Song Shutang also walked towards the outside of the concession to see if the organizer appeared.

After waiting for a while, Song Shutang saw the person in the photo.

Then the other party started walking towards the concession.

You have to go through the secret agent headquarters road first.

Song Shutang slowly followed behind. When he started to pass Luka, he took out his ID and said to the person in charge of Luka: "The people passing in front are the anti-Japanese elements that the secret service headquarters is looking for. They are the people in the photo. You go to the special agent headquarters and report the situation to Director Wan Liang, and I will follow him into the concession to take a look."

The Luca members heard this.

He nodded immediately to express his understanding.

Song Shutang walked towards the concession and had to pass by the patrol house.

However, he has already changed his ID card. Although the patrol room is unwilling to let people from the Secret Service Headquarters in, the Secret Service Headquarters still secretly has the ID card.

So I entered the concession very smoothly.

After all, it is impossible for a patrol officer to know everyone in the secret service headquarters.

Luca is having an easy time, but you need to be careful when entering the concession.

The members of the Secret Service Headquarters in charge of Luka are already rushing towards the Secret Service Headquarters.

After arriving, he will find Wan Liang.


"what happened?"

"I met Song Shutang while on duty today." From the ID, he had already seen Song Shutang's name.

"what happened?"

"He said he found the person in the photo."

"The person in the photo?"



"Not far from the concession, Song Shutang decided to follow him into the concession and let me report."

"Do you remember what this man looks like?"

"I remember, because I was the one responsible for interrogating him."

"Identify it." Wan Liang immediately took out the photo information and asked this person to identify it now.

After flipping through it for a while, the man pointed to one of the photos and said, "It's him."


"Sure, I can see clearly."

This was done deliberately by the organization. Song Shutang cannot be allowed to say that he discovered anti-Japanese elements. Who can prove it?

The current members of this secret service headquarters are proof of that.

He saw it with his own eyes, how could it be false?
Song Shutang can't bribe this person, right?
And Luca is not the only one, there are four people in charge.

The other three people must have seen it too.

He can also buy four people at once.

Therefore, Wan Liang now has no doubts at all. He believes that it was Song Shutang who discovered the anti-Japanese elements. He did not expect that Song Shutang's hard work outside these days would really yield results.

But this is what Wan Liang wants to see.

He hoped that Song Shutang would come to power.

But now that Song Shutang is inside the concession, he can't follow him if he wants to, and you still don't know where Song Shutang went after you entered.

Wan Liang couldn't sit still either.

He said directly: "Let's go back together and Luka will wait."


Wan Liang wanted to know the news as soon as possible. After all, this matter was related to whether Song Shutang could ascend to power, and Wan Liang didn't want to cause trouble.

After arriving in Luka, Wan Liang rested in a nearby shop.

Let’s see when Song Shutang appears.

But after waiting for a while, it didn't come.

It can be seen that the situation in the concession is not very clear now.

In fact, it was very clear that Song Shutang followed the organization comrades and had arrived at the stronghold, and also saw the organization comrades entering.

This is a bookstore.

And there is a boss and a clerk in the bookstore.

There is also a gentleman who writes family letters and uses the bookstore to do business.

These three people are permanently stationed in the store.

Secondly, there are many people coming in and out every day, which is suitable for contacting and transmitting information.

There are also many students coming.

At first glance, this base is run with care and is a good base.

The location is also relatively safe.

But the organization has decided to give it up now. After all, only such an excellent stronghold can convince the agent headquarters that it is true.

Song Shutang did not leave the concession immediately because he wanted to show that the investigation process was complicated, and secondly, that the environment in the concession was complex.

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