Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 434: Meeting secretly to release a signal

Chapter 434: Meeting secretly to release a signal
Department stores did open first.

There are activities on the opening day, which is a discount.

So the customer flow is okay.

But there will definitely not be such passenger flow in the future, so don’t worry about it affecting your work.

After all, there are many department stores nearby, and their prices are the same as everyone else's, without any so-called discounts.

In addition, the service attitude in the future does not need to be bad, it just needs to be unenthusiastic.

How can a customer choose you?

Cao Xinrong believed that his store opened first because he was more capable. He felt that the members in the secret service headquarters were not necessarily much better than him.

He didn't have a chance before. If he is given a chance, he will not be worse than anyone else.

Now is the best proof.

Of course Song Shutang would not let him down, and he gave him a lot of recognition for his store being able to open so quickly.

Praise is not stingy.

It seems that the opening of the store shows that the work of the concession area can be formalized. As the district chief, Song Shutang, can he not be happy?

Yan Feng said nothing about this.

Work in silence.

He knew that he couldn't argue about the length of time.

After all, Yan Feng was selected by Li Qun, but he had some abilities.

As for why Cao Xinrong was selected by Wan Liang, it was more because of his background as a spy. He was not from the secret service headquarters, and therefore not from Li Qun.

Otherwise, even members of the First Division would definitely still be scared when facing Li Qun.

Cao Xinrong only listened to Wan Liang.

This is the essential difference.

Cao Xinrong felt a little high-spirited today. He hadn't started working yet, but he felt that he had already won.

In addition, Song Shutang had a good relationship with Wan Liang.

Cao Xinrong believes that he will definitely do better than Yan Feng in the concession area in the future.

Song Shutang didn't care about his inner thoughts, but wanted to go back to the special agent headquarters to report on his work.

Although it can be reported over the phone.

But after all, I have just become the district chief, and now I have made some progress, so I might as well go back and report to Wan Liangjian.

It can be considered as a closer relationship.

So the next day, he told Mei Mu Zhizi to keep an eye on the situation in the division and that he would go out.

Song Shutang left the concession alone and returned to the secret service headquarters without any detours. After all, Uncle Li and Bu Kaijie were both in the concession now, and he had nothing else to do when he came out.

Return to the agent headquarters and meet Wan Liang.

Wan Liang looked at his attire and said with a smile: "You look good now."

"There's nothing I can do to make the director laugh. It's all just a disguise in the concession."

"How is the work going?"

"My subordinates will report back when they come back."

"You are already the district chief, let alone your subordinate."

"But it's still the same here with the director, it won't change."

"It's not good to let others hear. Just report directly." Although Wan Liang felt that it was not good to call himself a subordinate, he still said the word "report", which shows his true thoughts.

Song Shutang gave a general report on the situation.

He also focused on praising Cao Xinrong, saying that he made faster progress here.

Hearing that the person he selected performed well, Wan Liang was relatively happy, and even felt that he could judge people more accurately than Li Qun.

But in front of Song Shutang, he couldn't be too happy.

He just smiled and said, "You should help me more."

"I haven't done anything. It's better to use the people selected by the director, so that my work in the division can be carried out more easily."

"As long as it works."

Both of them were very satisfied with this meeting, and the conversation was very good.

Wan Liang also asked Song Shutang not to rush back to the concession and that they could have a meal together in the evening. After all, there was not much work in the concession yet.

Song Shutang thought for a while and decided that it would be okay to eat, because he thought that Li Qun might also know that he was back and was even observing him.

So he didn't leave the secret service headquarters.

After get off work in the evening, Wan Liang and I went to have dinner together.

Choosing a restaurant not far away, Song Shutang said during the meal: "Does the district work director have any suggestions?"

Of course Wan Liang had it, and he immediately said: "Earlier, the headquarters in the concession also investigated some clues, but they were very general and not convenient for in-depth investigation and tracking, so they were filed away. In fact, they are useless.

But this time the concession area has been established, I think the director will mention this matter. When you are really on the right track, the director should give you some information for you to investigate. "

"But according to the director, it is difficult to find clues in this information, and the information is not the latest and is from a long time ago. I'm afraid it will not be of much use." Song Shutang expressed his position in advance.

He certainly wouldn't have investigated the clues.

So I would like to express my thoughts now.

It makes sense that nothing can be investigated by then.

Wan Liang does not think Song Shutang is an excuse. After all, the problems he mentioned do exist and are all difficulties.

"It's just that these are the only ones for now. You can try to investigate first. It doesn't matter if there is no result. It is to let the members of the subdivision move around first and get a feeling of finding a job. I will inform you if there is new news later, but your subdivision is in the concession. , in fact, we should rely more on ourselves.”

"The Director is right."

We talked a lot during the meal. Wan Liang actually thought about the development of the district in detail and told Song Shutang.

But his development is actually nothing more than meritorious service.

And it was done in cooperation with the first place.

It's not so much the development of the division as it is the development of everyone together, but Wan Liang's idea is a good one, a win-win situation.

At least he didn't say he could only win by himself.

It does sound quite tempting, and there is a secret between the two of them, and everyone trusts it.

If Song Shutang does this, he will also be a local emperor in the division, and his life will be very comfortable.

After all, it is impossible for Cao Xinrong to usurp the throne.

Wan Liang would not allow him to usurp the throne.

Of course, Song Shutang said he would listen to the arrangement. After dinner, they separated at the door of the hotel. Song Shutang planned to go back to the concession.

He will basically be in the concession area in the future.

While eating, he also asked Wan Liang if he wanted to return the place where he lived before to Wan Liang.

After all, it was Wan Liang's private property.

Wan Liang said there was no need for this. Song Shutang was nothing before, and he was willing to let the other party live in the house as an investment.

Now that the other party is already the mayor of the concession area, are you still reluctant to part with a house?

Wan Liang is not such a short-sighted person.

It is said that Song Shutang may come out of the concession occasionally and needs a place to stay so that he can continue to live.

Of course Song Shutang was grateful for this.

After seeing Wan Liang leave, Song Shutang also walked towards the concession.

But he was stopped on the way.

The person who stopped him was none other than a member of the Secret Service Headquarters, and he was from Li Qun.

"District Chief Song." The visitor said with a smile.


"The director is waiting for you."



"Lead the way quickly." Song Shutang said, he did not dare to keep the director waiting for a long time.

I met Li Qun in a hotel room.

Not within Secret Service headquarters.

It can be seen that this meeting was not so aboveboard.Song Shutang could also guess why. After all, he certainly knew what he had done.

After entering, Song Shutang said hurriedly: "Director, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

"District Chief Song came over just after dinner, so it's not a long wait."

"How dare my subordinates eat if they know that the director is waiting for me here."

"You still need to eat."

"Thank you for your understanding, director. I wonder why you called me here today?"

"It's nothing. I just heard that District Chief Song came out of the concession today. You also know that the headquarters attaches great importance to the concession area. I was busy some time ago and didn't have the chance to meet you. I'll see you now when I have free time."

"Director, please rest assured that my subordinates will definitely take care of the concession zoning."

"Have you ever been in trouble?" Li Qun asked.


Li Qun knew what kind of trouble he was encountering.

Now, do you want Song Shutang to say it himself?
Regardless of whether Li Qun wanted to hear it or not, Song Shutang absolutely couldn't say it.

So he replied: "It went very smoothly, without any trouble. Everything is going on in an orderly manner."

Now Song Shutang has no choice but to go and make trouble with Li Qun.

Because you have to solve the problems you encounter yourself. If you say this in front of Li Qun, don't you worry that the other party will think you are insufficient?
Secondly, do you say this and then let the other party question Wan Liang?
So will Wan Liang think that you are the one complaining? What is his attitude towards you?

Therefore, under this situation, Song Shutang would definitely not be able to express any dissatisfaction and would only say that it was very good.

But the more he said this, the more difficult Li Qun thought he would be.

It's holding on for dear life.

After all, Yan Feng had already told him that when Song Shutang encountered difficulties, he directly used the latent items provided by the agent headquarters.

How could this be done unless I was pushed to the end?

It's just that he doesn't want to say it now, and he can't say it.

Li Qun did not force him to say it, but said with a smile: "As long as everything goes well, I will leave the concession zoning to you. I can rest assured. If you have any problems in the future, you can tell me."

"Thank you for your concern, Director."

Li Qun's meeting with Song Shutang now is actually sending a signal that I am optimistic about you.

If you really encounter any problems in the future, you can tell me.

Once this signal is conveyed, that's enough.

We are all very experienced people, and it is impossible to open our hearts and souls as soon as we meet.

That doesn't exist.

It is enough to release a signal.

It is true that Song Shutang can solve the trouble this time, but what about next time?

If Wan Liang continues like this, what is Song Shutang's status as the district chief?

Li Qun didn't think he could endure it for long.

Furthermore, even if Song Shutang can endure it, can Li Qun not cause him some trouble?

It would not be difficult to arrange for Yan Feng to do something casually in the future, causing the relationship between Song Shutang and Wan Liang to become more tense.

So tonight's meeting is really very brief.

Li Qun just gave Song Shutang a few words of encouragement and let Song Shutang leave.

However, Song Shutang felt very good in his heart. At least he followed his own ideas. Li Qun was indeed afraid of Wan Liang, otherwise he would not have met him secretly.

to release the so-called signal.

Return to the concession and enter the room.

Mei Mu asked naively: "Are you in a good mood today?"

Song Shutang smiled and said: "The director has met with me secretly."

"meet you?"


"What did you say?"

"Nothing was said."

Mei Mu Zhizi is also very smart, and he understood the situation when he heard this.

He smiled and said, "It seems your plan was successful."

"It was our plan that worked."

"So do we need to work harder next?"

"There's no rush. This situation needs to last for a while. It's best not to break it too early, or even to break it proactively," Song Shutang said.

It's no use being too hasty.

It's better to come steady.


"How are Yan Feng's preparations here?" Song Shutang asked.

"Yan Feng and the others are also holding their breath here, but their rhythm has indeed been affected, and the opening of the store next door has caused their progress to be less smooth. After all, it is inconvenient to transport things, and it has delayed another day." Mei Mu Zhizi said .

In fact, you can't say that Cao Xinrong did this on purpose.

After all, there are indeed many people at the opening.

It is difficult to avoid the fact that there is no way for normal import and delivery and decoration arrangements next door.

But Cao Xinrong did take advantage of this and deliberately caused some trouble for Yan Feng, but it's not easy to find evidence.

"How long will it take?"

"I asked Yan Feng today and he said it might take another three days."

"Then let Cao Xinrong and the others work in advance." Song Shutang said.

"it is good."

The next day, Mei Mu Zhizi informed Cao Xinrong and the others that except for one or two people who were left to guard the store, the rest began to go out and start work.

They are all professional.

Even spies know how to get information, so they are all familiar with it.

But this move is for Yan Feng and others to see.

Yan Feng naturally felt uncomfortable when he saw this, but there was nothing he could do.

Song Shutang has already reached this point, so it would be meaningless for him to go to Song Shutang to ask for an explanation.

But do you think Cao Xinrong and the others can find clues when they go out?
To be honest, Song Shutang doesn’t know.

But you can't stop them from working because you're afraid they'll find a clue.

So what are they doing in the concession?
What do you, the district chief, want to do?
So in this position, he can only do what the district chief should do, at least on the surface.

No one can stop normal work, and even Song Shutang has to find ways to make his work look more efficient.

Otherwise your latent work will be a failure.

Mei Mu Zhizi asked Song Shutang, "We want to go out and have a look?"

"Just let them go. Let's take two people to install the torture instruments in the interrogation room." Song Shutang said.

There is still work to be done here.

These two can only come from Yan Feng, and Yan Feng arranged for two, which will not affect their progress much.

After all, they are on their final work now and can't finish it quickly.

What is needed is time.

He took two people to the interrogation room and started installing torture instruments.

I haven't finished it in one day, so I'll go back in the evening and continue here tomorrow.

There are many of these torture devices, and they are quite troublesome to install.

After all, there are few people working.

Although Song Shutang went, he was the district chief and he would not do it himself.

Mei Mu Zhizi is a Japanese and a member of Song Shutang, so he doesn't take action.

To put it bluntly, it only takes two people to work. This speed is really not fast. Fortunately, the interrogation room is not in a hurry. It will not be used for a while, so don't worry if you go slower.

(End of this chapter)

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