Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 439 International Espionage

Acting inside the concession.

Making meritorious service is one thing, but in fact it is more important to protect the security of the partition.

The partition cannot be exposed just because of one meritorious service.

If the patrol bureau targets or even destroys it, then the secret service headquarters is actually not cost-effective.

Therefore, Wan Liang now agrees with Song Shutang's method and directly kills the chicken to scare the monkey.

Kill one person first and let the other two know that any random behavior will lead to the same outcome.

See if they can cooperate well.

He also used torture to show them and let them know the methods of the secret service headquarters.

Wan Liang felt that the progress this time was very good. If nothing else, at least three military commanders were captured.

Even if you are out of touch.

No additional value.

So do the three military commanders take credit?

Is it a credit to Buhang's stronghold?
These are all merits.

In the past, just destroying the bookstore was already a meritorious service, and no one was arrested yet.

Now that someone is caught, the credit will only be greater.

And Li Qun was also happy to see it, because it proved that Li Qun's arrangement was correct.

It is correct to establish a concession stronghold.

There is no problem.

Wan Liang was in a good mood, but he didn't want to keep Song Shutang any longer. Instead, he asked him to go back to the concession as soon as possible.

Now he only believes in Song Shutang's ability.

He was really worried about the others.

I don’t want problems to arise again at this time.

After Song Shutang finished his report, he left and returned to the concession. It seemed that the current plan was going very smoothly.

Then all you need to do is continue the interrogation after you go back.

Now they have made meritorious service.

The position of district chief is stable.

If the interrogation continues and problems are discovered, the position of the district chief will only become more secure.

Even if he is stuck in this position, Li Qun will not replace him unless there is a big problem in the future.

After all, substitution is troublesome.

After returning to the concession, Mei Mu Zhizi and others came up to inquire, wanting to see what the headquarters' arrangements were.

"We will continue to interrogate them tomorrow." Song Shutang said.

"Still interrogating?" Cao Xinrong asked.

Because it feels like all the interrogations that should be interrogated are almost over now, and there seems to be no point in you continuing the interrogation.

Song Shutang did not answer Cao Xinrong's question, but asked: "Didn't I ask you to investigate the clues they provided?"

"No one they mentioned has been found. As for the mailboxes and other places where intelligence is stored, people have been arranged to look at them. There is nothing in them. It can be seen that the military commander has indeed changed the contact method." Cao Xinrong said.

This investigation is quick.

Because there is no value.

Song Shutang turned to look at Yan Feng. He also nodded, indicating that the situation was the same as Cao Xinrong's.

Seeing this, Song Shutang said: "Kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, let them cooperate well, put them back in the shop, and see if they will be contacted by the military commander."

After hearing what Song Shutang said, everyone understood.

It's not an interrogation at all.

but deterrence.

So who do you kill?
Mei Muzhizi asked: "Who is the candidate?"

"Man." Song Shutang said.

The guy was obviously the first to speak.

Logically speaking, they should be treated differently.

But when it comes to people who rebel, it makes no sense for you to say this.

The reason why you choose Buddy is simple.

The boss needs to be kept, he obviously knows more information and is the person in charge of the cloth bank.

The military commanders restarted them, but the person in charge was nowhere to be found. Who should they contact?
So the boss cannot die.

The tailor still needs him to go back and make clothes, and it's not easy to kill him.

So I can only attack the guy.

But in fact no one will die.

What Song Shutang said was just reasonable.

Because as long as the guy doesn't want to die, he will talk about international espionage, and then the goal will be achieved.

That's it for today.

Everyone rest.

Early the next morning, Song Shutang took Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng to continue the interrogation, leaving Mei Muzhizi to preside over the work here in the division.

In fact, Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng can go or not.

But now everyone is paying attention to this matter and wants to go. Of course, Song Shutang can't stop him.

Besides, he also needs their presence.

This way, when the guy tells the story about international espionage, both of them can testify.

By then, both Wan Liang and Li Qun will understand that this matter is true.

Came to the interrogation room again.

The three people who were arrested were very excited and wanted to see if they could prove that what they said was true. If they could prove it, they might survive.

But they were disappointed as soon as Song Shutang opened his mouth.

"The information you provided is of no use." Song Shutang said.

Signing to remove the thing that was blocking the boss's mouth, the boss hurriedly said: "We have already explained it. It is true that we lost contact before, which caused all contact methods to be interrupted."

"But what is your value?"

"We can rely on you."

"But you haven't proven your sincerity. What if you are pretending to be so?"

"How do you want us to prove it?"

"Tell me what you know."

"But everything we know has been told."

"I want to see if that's the case." Song Shutang ordered his mouth to be gagged again, and then asked them to start torturing the man.

The two guys' eyes widened.

People are kind of stupid.

what's the situation?
Why torture yourself.

Wasn't he the first to speak?
Shouldn't you have some merit now?
Why continue to torture yourself? What’s the point of this?

Dude can't figure it out.

However, his mouth was blocked and he was not allowed to speak. He was also afraid that the other party would scream during the torture.

This is the first time of torture.

It was also the first time that a torture device in the interrogation room was used.

Yan Feng is in charge.

According to Cao Xinrong, because he was a spy before, he had never participated in an interrogation.

He wanted to interrogate, but Yan Feng took the initiative and said that he was more experienced.

The job was taken away.

Cao Xinrong wanted Song Shutang to say something, but Song Shutang didn't say much.

After all, Yan Feng was indeed more experienced, and he gave Cao Xinrong a look of calmness, as if he was learning.

Cao Xinrong said nothing more.

After all, it's really hard for you to break up.

And Yan Feng’s reasons are sufficient.

This interrogation does not require the man to say anything, but to beat the person to death directly and make the other two people afraid.

So this interrogation process actually does not require skills.

Just hit.

Cao Xinrong took a few glances and felt that he could do it too. There was nothing he couldn't do.

You don’t know how to hit people anymore?

The man couldn't scream and struggled in pain.

The tailor and the boss were also shocked. They didn't expect him to be so cruel.

This is going to kill people.

But Song Shutang looked at it like this.

Man, I really can't stand it, it's so tortured.

It's better to kill him directly.

But he didn't want to die. He looked at the boss, then at the tailor, and finally ignored the looks between the two.

He nodded wildly and signaled something to Song Shutang.

Regardless of the crazy struggle, it seemed that he had something to say.Song Shutang knew what he was waiting for was coming.

He said to Yan Feng: "Stop for a moment."

"Let him talk."

Yan Feng released his mouth, and the man gasped. It was too painful.

But he didn't dare to shout.

"What do you want to say?" Song Shutang asked.

"You want my life?"


"If I can still provide information, can I survive?"

"Sure enough, you didn't tell the truth." Song Shutang said smoothly.

But both Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng knew that they were not interrogating, but only intimidating.

Now this is a bonus.

Song Shutang said along the way, saying that they had known it for a long time, and this was correct.

"I'm just asking, if I speak now, will I survive?"

"Then it depends on whether the information you provide is valuable and not the same as before."

"This information must be valuable."

"tell me the story."

"International spies in Shanghai," the guy said.

"International spy?"



"Can we negotiate terms now?"

"If the information you provided is true, I guarantee that you can survive." Song Shutang said.

Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng didn't think there was a problem.

International spy!

If this is true, then this discovery is huge.

Both of them became nervous.

The guy said seriously: "Nancy Sean."

"Specific information?"

"He is a famous goods appraiser in the concession and part-time auction host. His information shows that he is French, but I don't know which country he is from."

"Then how do you know he is an international spy?"

"Because he saw through our identity and promised us benefits, saying that he would allow us to go abroad and leave Shanghai. We have already provided him with all the information about military reunification."

"You rebelled against the military commander?"


"Then why didn't you leave the country? Instead, you are still waiting for military rule to be restored?"

"Because he said let us continue to obtain more information, and when he leaves Shanghai, he will take us away."

"What country does he serve?"

"We also have guesses, but we can't guess because we feel that he has many identities."



"Can't you find out clearly?"

"We didn't continue to investigate at all. We only knew that he would give information to the patrol room, the Japanese, and the new government, as if he was asking everyone to kill each other."

Let them fight each other and reap the benefits.

Many of these international spies are doing this kind of thing.

"Where do you live?"

The clerk mentioned an address. Song Shutang glanced at Cao Xinrong and understood immediately.

Take people out of the interrogation room and go on surveillance now.

Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng were both a little surprised now. They didn't expect that there would be such a harvest.

The guy asked, "I told you, can I live now?"

They didn't say it before, but it's actually easy to understand.

They also expect the other party to take them abroad.

As long as they survived from Song Shutang's hands, they would have a chance to leave, so how could they confess.

Now it is not said that everyone will be beaten to death.

no way.

Song Shutang indicated that both the boss and the tailor could speak, and the two said that was indeed the case.

There is no need for them to hide it now.

Song Shutang asked people to keep them in custody, and then sent Yan Feng out of the interrogation room. On the way back to the district, Yan Feng asked: "District Chief, what should we do now?"

"To be honest, if this matter is true, then it is no longer something we can investigate." Song Shutang said.

This is indeed not something they can check by division.

Nor is it something they can dispose of.

After all, it is difficult for you to determine the identity of the other party.

"Then we report to the headquarters?"

"After Cao Xinrong finds this foreigner and has accurate information, we will go back and report to the headquarters."

"it is good."

Cao Xinrong soon received a call saying that they had found the person.

And there is an auction job today.

He works as a host at an auction house.

Song Shutang asked him to be responsible for surveillance, and then he would go back to the headquarters to report.

As for Yan Feng, he would definitely inform Li Qun, but Song Shutang did not stop him. He even hoped that Yan Feng would call to inform him.

Song Shutang has not returned to the secret service headquarters yet.

Yan Feng's phone number has already been called to Li Qun.

When Li Qun heard on the phone, there was such a result. It was completely unintentional, which was unexpected.

Li Qun hung up the phone and was thinking about it.

After all, for international espionage, this kind of discovery is very important.

When Song Shutang returned to the secret service headquarters, Wan Liang was a little surprised as to why he was back again.

Song Shutang reported directly without any nonsense.

Although Wan Liang was very sophisticated, he was still a little surprised after hearing this.

"Can you be sure?"

"I don't think he's telling a lie."

"Come with me to see the director."

Although Wan Liang wants to master the division, you must report this kind of thing to Li Qun.

The two went to see Li Qun together.

In fact, Li Qun already knew the news, but he still showed it as if it was the first time he heard it.

After the report, Wan Liang asked: "Director, how will we investigate next?"

"Let the people in the subdivision stop, and I will report it to the Japanese and let them take responsibility." Li Qun did not want to get involved in this matter. After all, it is difficult for them to do anything as international spies.

Because they are traitors now, and the Japanese have the final say in everything, so it is most reasonable for them to come forward to deal with it now.

Song Shutang doesn't care about this, as long as he completes what he should complete.

As for this international spy, the military commander must have investigated him. He must not be a good person, otherwise he would not be exposed like this.

You said that if he falls into the hands of the Japanese, will he provide any information to the Japanese?

What can be provided must have been provided long ago. Now the military commander is confident, otherwise he would not do such a thing.

Maybe the military commander is still waiting for the Japanese to take action against this international spy before using this matter to make a fuss internationally.

But these have nothing to do with Song Shutang. Li Qun looked at the young man in front of him.

I really didn't expect that it would be such a result.

Li Qun said: "The performance is good."

"They are all taught well by the director." Song Shutang said.

Wan Liang is very useful.

But little did he know that Li Qun didn't like hearing such words at all, but he also knew that Song Shutang's words might be intentional.

Perhaps it was to paralyze Wan Liang.

So Li Qun said cooperatively: "You taught well, and you have done a lot of credit this time."

Wan Liang was very happy, but he said modestly: "It's all thanks to the division. I just gave some advice."

“Opinions are often critical.”

"Thank you, Director, for your compliment."

"We'll talk about it after the reward. I'll go talk to the Japanese about it first."

"Director, you are busy."

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