Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 441 Incorporation

Chapter 441 Incorporation
The early partition situation was handled well.

At least he proved his ability to everyone and made everyone understand that Song Shutang would not leave easily.

Then everyone would actually start to have a consideration in their minds, but Song Shutang did not take the initiative to emphasize this matter to everyone.

The current situation is not bad, Song Shutang has given them the benefits anyway.

Let’s talk about the benefits first and then the rest.

Secondly, there is the issue of distribution. The current surveillance obviously cannot detect the problem, which shows that the military commander may be aware of it.

Then people in the subdivision cannot contact them.

Song Shutang's idea was to integrate them, and the division would have greater power in the concession.

Secondly, Buhang is indeed a very good location.

It would also be nice to help collect information or something.

So Song Shutang left the concession and went to Wan Liang to discuss the matter. After all, Wan Liang definitely needed to know about the merger.

After returning to the secret service headquarters, Song Shutang found Wan Liang and told him his thoughts.

Wan Liang felt that Song Shutang's idea was right.

After all, they are just recruiting.

The main purpose is to instigate rebellion and win over.

The situation at the secret service headquarters is basically the same. It just means that if they are recruited, the people in charge will not be able to see Wan Liang and Li Qun.

He can only contact Song Shutang.

To put it bluntly, this is the person from Song Shutang.

Except for Mei Mu Zhizi, there is currently no one from Song Shutang in the division.

But when Bu Xing joined, they were from Song Shutang.

You can't change this.

And in order to ensure safety, there was really no way for Wan Liang to go in and meet them, and Li Qun couldn't do it either.

But Wan Liang felt that Song Shutang's idea and starting point were correct, and there were indeed too few people in the partition.

The good thing about people in the field is that they have their own job cover and their identity is not a problem. Joining the division can expand the manpower.

As for the military commanders you mentioned, after learning that they had rebelled, would they directly tell the patrol room their identities?
It's useless to tell the patrol house.

They said no, and the people in the patrol room couldn't just treat them as military commanders.

Besides, even if you tell the people in the patrol room that they defected to the secret service headquarters, you have no evidence.

They all have legitimate identities.

There is not much you can do to deal with them, and the concessions must also consider the impact.

Otherwise, if the military commander casually reveals the news in the future and the police station has to deal with it, what will the concession look like?

Unless the military commander himself is the traitor.

But whoever picks up rape in the concession is destroying the security of the concession, and the patrol house will not be happy with it.

In this case, Wan Liang felt that Song Shutang's proposal was feasible.

Therefore, Wan Liang said: "There is no problem in recruiting them, but you must be careful not to expose the division because of them."

"Don't worry, Director, they know very little about our affairs. They don't even know where the interrogation room is." Song Shutang said.

After all, he was knocked unconscious and brought there.

They were brought out blindfolded to prevent them from knowing the location of the interrogation room.

Besides, these people had no way out. They rebelled against the military commander twice.

Information about international spies was also leaked.

Now if they don't obey the arrangements of the secret service headquarters, they will only die.

"Just make your own arrangements." Wan Liang said.

You can't always restrict the development of the district because you feel you need to guard against Song Shutang.

After all, if the subdivision does not develop, how can you make a contribution?
Wan Liang feels that Song Shutang is quite honest and is cooperating well now. It seems that his ambition is not that big.

Secondly, it means that the two of them have control over each other.

There is no need to worry too much about this matter, so Wan Liang agreed to this collection work.

Song Shutang also felt relieved, because if you can agree to be included once, you can definitely agree to be included a second time.

At that time, Song Shutang can slowly recruit some of his own people.

He is truly his own person.

The organization or military commander should prepare in advance.

Then let Song Shutang arrest and interrogate him to get information.

Then instigate them to rebel.

They agreed to instigate rebellion and join the partition.

How many times have you done this? Whose partition do you think belongs to it?
Song Shutang can now think that in the future, maybe everyone in the partition, except Mei Mu Zhizi, will be himself.

If that were the case, the whole thing would be fun.

If the management is really good, they can even be allowed to join the secret service headquarters and work in the secret service headquarters.

Then continue to develop.

Slowly eating away at the agent headquarters.

If that day comes, all the secret service headquarters may be theirs.

This kind of scene is really interesting.

However, Song Shutang feels that it is very difficult, and now he is just thinking about it in his mind, whether he can succeed or not is another matter later.

After Wan Liang agreed to Song Shutang's work of instigating rebellion, he asked at the same time: "You should also be careful, the military commanders are ruthless."

Although it is said that picking up rapes in the concession will make the people patrolling the house dislike it, but who knows whether the military commander will insist on taking action?
"Then they are the bait. If the military commanders commit adultery, it will give us a chance to arrest them." Song Shutang said with a smile, thinking that this would be an opportunity.

But to put it bluntly, people still have to keep an eye on the cloth line.

From surveillance to protection.

However, manpower was still wasted on the cloth line. A cloth line can still waste manpower for a period of time. Song Shutang felt that the role of this cloth line was really used.

Wan Liang believes that this method of luring the snake out of its hole is actually unlikely to succeed.

After all, the military commanders will also be extra careful.

But if you commit adultery, I will take the opportunity to catch you.

If you don't rape your people, I will instigate them to rebel against you. Anyway, it will be a good thing for the partition.

After getting Wan Liang's consent, Song Shutang didn't even go to Li Qun. After all, Wan Liang could just report the matter.

It would be better for him to keep a certain distance from Li Qun.

Don't let Wan Liang be afraid too early.

After leaving, Wan Liang also asked: "Is it useful for the headquarters to provide you with information about the concession?"

"It's useless." Song Shutang said directly.

He does not intend to use this information to investigate clues.

Now, of course, we want to show that the data is meaningless, so it is reasonable that we cannot investigate it.

After all, these information are all from before.

Moreover, the concession had undergone great changes before because of the assassination of the foreign detective, so it is a thing of the past that it does not work now.

Wan Liang can also understand.

But Song Shutang added: "I've left it to Yan Feng to investigate."

In fact, I also secretly told Wan Liang that I would put Cao Xinrong in charge of the distribution work. If he has merit, then Cao Xinrong can get a share of the pie.

Yan Feng asked him to investigate irrelevant things.

Basically meaningless.

When Wan Liang heard this, he naturally understood what Song Shutang meant, but he didn't say anything, but everyone understood it tacitly.

Of course he felt there was nothing wrong with Song Shutang's decision.

After the report, Song Shutang went back to the concession, and then went directly to Buhang to meet these three people.

Maybe the military commanders were watching, but Song Shutang entered pretending to be a guest, and the military commanders couldn't tell.

After entering, naturally talk to the boss.

I sat across from the boss and poured a cup of tea.

Song Shutang blew hot air and said: "You also know the current situation. The military commanders may have discovered your problem and will not contact you again."

The boss had no way to refute.

After all, the three of them disappeared at the same time and found someone to watch the store.This is a situation that cannot happen at all. This is the contact point. How could three people not be there?

Therefore, the boss was not surprised that the military commander discovered the problem.

"But we have provided everything we can, and you promised to keep us alive." The boss said.

Although he was facing Song Shutang alone now, he did not dare to act rashly at all.

Because he knows there are many people outside looking at him now.

As for you talking about controlling Song Shutang and then threatening people outside?

Although they are all well-trained agents, they do not have guns, which Song Shutang does.

So I was a little afraid.

Besides, even if you are a threat, people outside will just ignore it.

Because the boss also knows the characteristics of these people, many times he wishes his boss would die.

So now I can only plead.

"I didn't say I wanted to kill you. The information you provided is indeed very valuable. This is what I promised you before. What I said must be true."

"Thank you."

"But if I let you go, you may not have a way to survive now. After all, you have offended the military commander and offended international spies."

The boss sighed.

This is a fact.

They had indeed offended them all, and he knew the rules of the military commander very well.

Seeing him so sad, Song Shutang said: "I used to be a military commander."

The boss has been in the concession and is not very clear about the affairs of Shancheng, but he is not surprised by Song Shutang's words. After all, many of the intelligence staff in the puppet government are members of the military command.

"What do you want to say?" The boss also heard that there was something in Song Shutang's words.

"You are a smart person. Let me tell you straight. You should have guessed our identities. Are you willing to join?" Song Shutang asked.

"Join Secret Service Headquarters?"


Secret Service Headquarters.

The boss doesn’t think it’s a good choice.

But he seems to have no choice now.

"Leave the concession?"

"There is no need to leave the concession and the status quo remains unchanged."


The boss now feels that maybe the purpose here is to use their distribution and status in the concession to become the base of the secret agent headquarters in the concession.

In fact, the boss thought wrong.

The secret service headquarters has already been established in the concession area.

But Song Shutang did not intend to explain the boss's misunderstanding. Instead, he could use this place as a fake stronghold.

If there is a problem in the future, it will be Buhang who will be discovered and destroyed, and their real partition will be safe.

In the future, if the people in the cloth line are trustworthy enough, people from the district can be arranged to enter the cloth line.

Because I am not afraid that the military commander will know.

Those who are arranged to enter the distribution branch will not be able to go to the separate areas. They will be separated directly, which is safer.

But in fact, what Song Shutang was thinking about was what he would report to Wan Liang and Li Qun when the time came.

After all, in the concession, whether the partition will be exposed depends on whether Song Shutang wants to be exposed.

There are no other situations.

But there is the possibility of subsequent development and growth, which is very helpful for business operations. Maybe Song Shutang can really make all the divisions his own in the future.

It is a good thing if you can develop and make Li Qun and Wan Liang think it is feasible.

It looks good now.

The role of cloth is very important.

The boss actually had no qualifications to consider it. He just thought about it for a moment and said, "I can promise you, but what if the military commanders take action against us?"

"First of all, in the concession, you also know that they will not attack you easily. Secondly, our people will protect you for a period of time. If they take action, they will be seeking death."


The boss can only agree now.

Have no idea.

There is simply no way out.

Survive first, let’s talk later.

It is better to die tomorrow than to die today.

If you can be happy every day, your boss can be considered a person who can understand.

"Obey me in the future." Song Shutang said.

The boss is a smart man and naturally understands the meaning of this sentence.

He didn't think about it for too long, nodded and said: "I can listen to you, including the people who do the preaching. Can you guarantee our good life?"

"Of course." Song Shutang said very confidently.

"it is good."

Song Shutang is now in charge of the concession, you can only listen to him.

Otherwise, you will reap the fruits of your own trouble.

In this situation, the boss knows how to choose.

And he also understood that if he could help Song Shutang carry out work in the concession.

They have different meanings to Song Shutang.

In the eyes of other people at the secret service headquarters, they may just be the ones charging into battle below, but to Song Shutang, they are people who work hard together.

Now it's a gamble.

Life is all a gamble, let alone a future.

The boss is still very courageous. As for going abroad, he doesn't want to go abroad now.

Now it seems that the international spies must have deceived them, and it is impossible to actually arrange for them to go abroad. Now they cannot protect themselves, let alone.

"You will not regret your decision today." Song Shutang said.

"I also hope that."

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Song Shutang stretched out his hand and the two held it together.

At the same time, the boss asked: "How do you deal with international spies?"

"That's not what we should be asking about."


"The tailor and the clerk, you are responsible for talking to them."

"Don't worry, they all listen to me. After all, we are in trouble together."

"That's good." Song Shutang said.

But I also felt strange in my heart. There was indeed something special about this division. Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng each led a group of people.

Then he won over Bu Xing.

But the boss is still responsible for the leadership. To put it bluntly, it is the people below, who always have their leader.

But it’s actually normal.

Just like those positions under the director of the headquarters.

The partition is just not set up, but there should be someone responsible.

It's the three of them, you can think of them as team leaders, it's the same in every organization.

Song Shutang left Buhang. The boss planned to discuss this issue with them at night.

At the same time, Song Shutang told Cao Xinrong to prepare for battle, because now it is not the military commander who comes to arrest you, but the military commander who may come to clean up the house.

When Cao Xinrong got the news, he immediately cheered up.

At the same time, the weapons were given to the boss and the others so that they could use them as combat effectiveness when encountering a situation.

(End of this chapter)

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