Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 443 Major Accident

Chapter 443 Major Accident
Since the organization plans to let the military commander make arrangements first.

Then there is nothing to worry about.

In fact, the military commander should go first. After all, Song Shutang's joining the organization was secret. The military commander didn't know about it, and he couldn't let the military commander know about it.

Therefore, he has more to cooperate with the military commander to complete the task and cooperate with the military commander's work.

As for the organization here, it is actually to help him complete the latent mission. As for helping the organization to complete the mission, it depends on whether there is a suitable time.

The premise is that it cannot be exposed here at the agent headquarters.

Let alone be exposed here in the army.

Therefore, the organization has more concerns here and will not impose too many restrictions on Song Shutang.

But try your best to cooperate.

This makes Song Shutang's lurking work easier to complete without being very nervous or causing so-called pressure.

Instead, it helped him share the pressure.

Therefore, in front of Uncle Li, Song Shutang said: "If the military commander wants to arrange people to join the concession area, I don't think there will be many people. When the time comes, the organization can make arrangements here."

"If we can organize it, of course we would like to arrange for people to join." Uncle Li said.

Because if someone joins the concession area.

This person didn't know Song Shutang's identity, but Song Shutang could know his identity.

So if there is any task.

It is not convenient for Song Shutang to inform you.

Then you can let this person participate in the action and let him know the content of the action.

Then he can send the information out without Song Shutang doing anything.

This person will become Song Shutang's contact person without knowing it, which is very helpful to Song Shutang's safety.

Even if the person who was inserted only completed the transmission of information once, it would still be cost-effective for him to evacuate.

Because the focus is Song Shutang.

As long as Song Shutang is not exposed, it is actually reasonable for his subordinates to have problems once or twice.

After all, intelligence work is about mutual penetration. You penetrate me, and I penetrate you.

This is normal.

Who can guarantee that there are no anti-Japanese members under his command?

Can Secret Service Headquarters guarantee this?

Are other partitions guaranteed?

Not even the gendarmerie can guarantee that.

So it is normal for concession areas to be penetrated occasionally.

You can say that Song Shutang made mistakes in his work, but you don't directly say that he has something to do with the anti-Japanese elements.

Furthermore, if he had something to do with the anti-Japanese elements, it seems that he would not use this method to notify the clues?

And if any clues are leaked in the future.

Internal self-examination is required.

Song Shutang knows who is one of his own and who is not?

Then during self-examination, you can deliberately lead in a wrong direction and find a scapegoat.

The problem can also be solved.

The key point now is that you have to confirm your identity and make everyone think you are a traitor.

They are people from the pseudo-government.

So no matter what happens, no one will doubt you.

Just like Boss Dai.

Don't worry about how many traitors there are in the army?

How many people choose to join the puppet government.

Never mind how many people in the military system were instigated by the Red Party to rebel, and how many people were promoted.

Not to mention how many people were broken into.

Does anyone think that Boss Dai is a red party member, or that Boss Dai is a traitor?


No one would think so.

Most importantly, neither does the principal.

Therefore, the best result for Song Shutang is that just like Boss Dai is in the army, no matter what problems arise in the army or under the army, it has nothing to do with Boss Dai.

Song Shutang can have such an effect, no matter how chaotic the concession area is, he can remain invincible.

But it is indeed not that easy to achieve such an effect.

To gain such trust, you need to pay a high price.

Fortunately, Song Shutang performed well in the early stage. He had a personal grudge with Jun Tong, and even killed Jun Tong's man and escaped.

Secondly, many military commanders and Red Party members were arrested in Shanghai.

The stronghold was destroyed and international spies were discovered.

So if we can go further in the future, it is not impossible.

Now, just to stabilize the situation and leave Uncle Li, Song Shutang was not too impatient.

Partitioning becomes part of daily work.

Collect information and investigate anti-Japanese elements.

Although there is no progress, everyone is very busy.

But outside the concession, something big happened.

So much so that Song Shutang heard about it in the concession.

Yan Feng and the others went out to collect intelligence and reported back to Song Shutang.

"District Chief, I heard some news today."

"what news?"

"It was said that outside the concession, the gendarmerie surrounded a warehouse. After entering and searching, they found a batch of weapons and ammunition. Just as they were preparing to transfer the batch of arms, an explosion occurred, killing more than 30 gendarmerie personnel."


Song Shutang asked in surprise.

After all, it is very rare for the Shanghai Military Police to suffer such large-scale losses.

Basically impossible.

It may be difficult to kill thirty military policemen in a year.

This time three were killed.

The Japanese value their soldiers very highly.

This was enough to make their bodies hurt.

"It should be true. I heard many people discussing this matter." Yan Feng said.

"Why did the explosion happen?"

"I don't know. What they said is that the arms and weapons were stored for too long and were not properly maintained. They caused explosions during transportation."


"So far it looks like it is."

"I'll go back to the headquarters." Song Shutang said.

He must go back and inquire about this matter. After all, if such a big thing happens, you always have to go back and inquire.

Yan Feng and Song Shutang reported the same thing.

Just when Song Shutang was about to go back to investigate, Cao Xinrong also came back and was ready to report.

But after discovering that Yan Feng had finished his report, Cao Xinrong did not continue. On the surface, he didn't seem to have any reaction, but in his heart, he felt that Yan Feng had taken the lead.

Mei Mu Zhizi left with Song Shutang.

On the way, Mei Mu said childishly: "Do you think this is normal?"

"It's really not normal."

"Is it someone calculating?"

"Deliberately letting the gendarmerie discover where the arms and weapons were hidden and then detonating them?" Song Shutang asked.

"If you think it's not normal, then it is indeed possible."

"But if there is a trap, then the military police should be able to find it when they inspect it, right?"

"I'm afraid the trap is very hidden."

"Go back and ask again."

The two rushed to the secret service headquarters and went to find Wan Liang.

When I saw Wan Liang, I found that his expression was very bad.

Song Shutang asked: "Director, what happened with the Gendarmerie is not true, is it?"

Seeing that he already knew, Wan Liang said: "It's true, and it must be much more serious than the news you heard."

"Didn't you say that thirty military policemen were killed?" Song Shutang felt that this was serious enough.

"Thirty military policemen died on the spot, and a dozen more were sent to the hospital. A dozen more died in the hospital. The rest were seriously injured, and there were many who had minor injuries and did not go to the hospital."

Hearing such news, Song Shutang was certainly happy.But on the surface, he frowned and said, "How could this happen?"

Wan Liang said: "Do you know where you got the news about this arms and weapons warehouse?"

I heard Wan Liang ask this.

Song Shutang frowned, and then asked cautiously: "Isn't it from the international spy?"

"That's what International Spy has to offer here."

"This..." Song Shutang's face was as ugly as Wan Liang's now.

International spy!

You think that this time things are abnormal and that someone has set you up.

Then the international spies were caught in separate areas and then told to the Japanese.

Captured by the gendarmerie.

So if this thing happened now, if it was done deliberately by international spies, was Song Shutang an accomplice?
If the Japanese think that Song Shutang did it on purpose.

Then he will be in trouble.

Song Shutang immediately said: "Director, how did the gendarmerie determine this matter?"

Wan Liang said: "I think it was intentional."

It is indeed intentional.

Accident, you say?

How could it be so coincidental.

And improper handling caused an explosion.

Then he detonated almost all the arms in the warehouse, killing so many people.

It's not that simple to detonate it.

Even in a warehouse, it may be difficult for you to detonate them all. It does not mean that one explosion will affect all of them.

Therefore, in this case, it is reasonable for the gendarmerie to conclude that the incident was intentional.

"Director, this matter has nothing to do with my subordinates."

"I don't doubt you." Wan Liang said. He didn't doubt Song Shutang because he thought the matter was so obvious and Song Shutang wouldn't be so stupid.

Secondly, international spies were discovered through military investigation.

Do you think these three military commanders know about this?
If you say you know.

Aren't they afraid of death now?
Are the three of them just waiting to die?

If they can all accept spending their lives to design this plan, then how can they possibly betray international spies.

You said that all this is false, even the betrayal of international spies is false, Wan Liang thinks it is impossible.

"The director believes in me, but the gendarmerie doesn't necessarily believe it." Song Shutang said, the Japanese really don't believe it or not.

Wan Liang said: "Don't worry, the director has already gone to the gendarmerie to inquire about the situation."

Although he is an international spy investigated by Song Shutang.

But it was the secret service headquarters that reported it to the gendarmerie.

So do you think it's Song Shutang's problem alone?

Even if there was a problem, it was a problem for the entire secret service headquarters. So after Li Qun learned about the incident, he immediately went to the gendarmerie to inquire about the news.

Wan Liang was not allowed to go.

Because this matter is so important, if Wan Liang is at this level, he may not be able to find out anything.

When Li Qun comes over as director, the Japanese must give him face.

Song Shutang began to wait anxiously.

Although I feel happy, I have to act nervous now.

In fact, Song Shutang was not very nervous, because he felt that this might be a surprise for Juntong.

This should be what Bu Kaijie said.

Although it seems that Song Shutang is in trouble now, since the military commander dared to do this, he naturally took this into consideration.

There shouldn't be much of a problem in the end.

So Song Shutang won't really be in a hurry.

However, Mei Mu Zhizi didn't know this situation, and now he was standing aside with a nervous expression.

After all, more than forty military policemen died. This was a very serious accident. If the Japanese were really angry, they might not care about many things.

Really venting.

International spies who are discovered are indeed very dangerous.

Just waiting in Wan Liang's office, Li Qun didn't come back until around nine o'clock in the evening.

Wan Liang went to see him immediately.

Song Shutang wanted to follow, but Wan Liang asked him to wait in the office.

Song Shutang felt a little helpless. Wan Liang was afraid that he would discuss giving up on him with Li Qun. Would he know?
But Song Shutang gave Wan Liang a look, we have a secret, you have to speak for me.

Of course Wan Liang understood, and gave Song Shutang a look to express that he would do it.

In this way, Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi waited for an hour before Wan Liang came out of Li Qun's office.

Song Shutang immediately went up to him and asked, "Director, what did the director say?"

Wan Liang motioned for him to come into the office.

After coming in, Wan Liang said: "The warehouse explosion is indeed false news provided by international spies."



After hearing the confirmation, Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi were a little helpless.

"What do the Japanese say?" Mei Mu asked immediately.

Wan Liang said: "But fortunately, the Japanese investigation has confirmed that there is no problem with the identity of the international spy. He is indeed an international spy. There is no problem with the information provided here at our special agent headquarters and the concession area."

"But what about the warehouse issue?"

"After the warehouse explosion, the international spy committed suicide."




"So the current situation is that after the international spies were caught, they were unwilling to explain their problems and wanted to destroy their arms business, so they deliberately told the gendarmerie the location of the warehouse, but did not tell the agencies inside and let them move the arms. When, an explosion occurred." Wan Liang said.

"In other words, this is a way of dealing with international spies after they are caught, which is to destroy the weapons and then commit suicide. The military police did not find any problems during their own investigation, and they did not find any problems when they inspected the warehouse. It has nothing to do with us." Song Shutang said .


You said you discovered international spies.

Do you report?

I must report it.

It is their problem whether the gendarmerie arrests people or not, and it is also their problem to interrogate people after arresting them.

After discovering the clues, the follow-up investigation is also their problem.

It is normal for international spies to keep their own back.

Are you saying it's Song Shutang's problem?
You said it's a problem with the secret service headquarters?
What does it have to do with them.

It's your military police's own incompetence.

As for your claim that you deliberately directed and performed it just to kill the gendarmerie policemen?

International spies committed suicide.

Then so many arms and weapons were gone and destroyed.

It's all real money.

You said you directed and acted yourself.

Just to kill the military police?

Do you think it is reasonable?

This is not reasonable at all, so everything is normal.

Intelligence workers, who don’t know how to lay traps?

Basically yes.

If no trap is found, it means the person involved is not capable enough. You cannot vent your anger on others.

So Li Qun went to the gendarmerie to inquire about the situation and learned about these problems. It also showed that the secret service headquarters made no mistakes.

In this matter, the Secret Service Headquarters did not make any mistakes.

Military rule was discovered.

International spies discovered.

All were reported, and the identity of the military commander and the identity of the international spies were also confirmed. They cannot be blamed.

After hearing this, Song Shutang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew he wouldn't get into trouble, but now he still felt like he was surviving a disaster.

The same is true for Mei Muzhizi.

(End of this chapter)

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