Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 460 Get in touch

Chapter 460 Get in touch
After Song Shutang finished his report, he returned to the temporary base outside the bungalow.

Mei Muzhizi said directly: "The expert has already appeared at the window and stayed for about a minute. It is clear that the expert has received the message."

"So fast?" Song Shutang was a little surprised.

Because Gaojiao has just entered the bungalow.

Do you have the opportunity to meet the experts? How to provide the information to the experts after meeting the experts? These are all questions and difficult problems.

But Song Shutang just went to report on his work.

Gaojiao has completed its mission here.

You have to say that Gao Jiao is also quite capable. He can hide things on his body to avoid being searched by the patrol room, and he can also complete the task in such a short time.

They really look down on Gaojiao.

Song Shutang looked at the bungalow and said, "Gaojiao doesn't look simple."

"He is a smart person, otherwise he would not have been idle all the time. Moreover, he can keep an eye on the butler's money and is willing to adopt him, which shows that he is flexible and flexible."

"Indeed, the most important thing is that he is also very hypocritical. Even if he knows it is fake, he will visit the housekeeper every year and festival."

Gaojiao's performance really surprised everyone.

Mei Mu Zhizi asked: "Should we send him to the division?"

"Because the zoning needs people now, and the zoning cannot expand on a large scale, and we are worried about the problems that will be exposed, so if it is possible to recruit people on a small scale, then some elites are needed."

As for whether Gaojiao is an elite?
At least this time, he gave a perfect answer.

Originally, everyone thought that this matter would take a long time to produce results, but Gaojiao completed the task just after entering the bungalow.

He is indeed a talent.

But whether to absorb it into the division, Song Shutang said: "It is better to deal with the immediate tasks first, and we will talk about the high-level affairs later."

"it is good."

Mei Mu's childishness also knows which is more important and which is more important.

"Let's see what news the experts give us tonight."

"it is good."

When the agreed time arrived in the evening, Song Shutang stood guard at the window with a telescope. After all the lights in the bungalow were turned off, he stared at the room where the experts were.

Then I saw the lights in the room start to flicker, but very slightly.

Not the main light.

But a desk lamp.

Moreover, the desk lamp may be shrouded by something, so it can emit bright light, but it will not be obvious.

Flashing quickly, Song Shutang understood that this was the expert reminding him to start signaling.

Song Shutang said: "Paper and pen."

Mei Muzhizi quickly brought a pen and paper.

Song Shutang didn't look at the paper, just looked at the lighting.

Then as the light flashes, record it on the paper.

In fact, recording is very simple.

Just dots and horizontals.

A short period of light is a point.

A long period of light is a horizontal line.

So this is the Morse code. For experts, it is something that can be easily grasped. Song Shutang naturally has no problem. After all, it is impossible for those who work in intelligence work not to have been exposed to these.

The experts seemed to have a lot to say, so the paper in Song Shutang was full of writing.

Finally, as the expert signaled the end, Song Shutang took off the telescope and looked at the records on the paper.

Mei Mu took a look at it and said, "It's in English."

It is indeed in English.

This is plain English.

When they do intelligence work here, they mainly use four-character codes.

It is four numbers representing a Chinese character.

When sending a message, Morse code is used to send numbers, and then the numbers are translated into Chinese characters.

But the experts live in foreign countries.

Although he understood the four-character code, it was impossible for him to remember all the clear codes, so he could only choose to send it in English.

English is much simpler.

Just let the letters form words directly.

Song Shutang handed the paper to Mei Mu Zhizi and said, "Translate it."

Mei Mu didn't even need to compare them because she knew the clear codes of the letters, so she started translating on the spot.

He took out a new piece of paper and wrote English on it.

Hou Mei Mu Zhizi also translated it into Chinese.

She told Song Shutang: "Experts say he was imprisoned in the concession. This time he returned to China and met people from the Red Party abroad. He was moved by the deeds and spirit of the Red Party and wanted to come back and join the Red Party.

But the man he met had been killed abroad, so there was no way to connect him, so he came back to Shanghai first, because the man who was killed said that he went abroad from Shanghai, and he thought that the Red Party should be able to be found in Shanghai. people.

It's just that after he came back, before he could find anyone from the Red Party, he was discovered and imprisoned by people from the concession. Now he needs us to rescue him. "

So much content.

No wonder it took the experts so long.

But I have to say that Wan Liang is very smart. He pretended to be a red party. Now experts think it is the red party who wants to save people.

So I told him everything directly.

I just want the Red Party to rescue him quickly.

But Song Shutang has no way to contact the experts now. Although this method can also be used, the problem is that if you use this method, not only the experts can see it, but also the patrol officers standing guard below.

The lights keep flashing, do you think the patrolman won’t be suspicious?

The patrolman couldn't see the expert's situation because he was standing downstairs in the bungalow and didn't know what was going on above him.

And even if you look up, you may not be able to tell.

But not the room opposite.

It's easy to spot.

So faced with this situation, Song Shutang said: "I will report the news to the headquarters tomorrow."

After making contact, I got the information.

No matter how we discuss rescue, it cannot be decided in a short while.

So Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi took a rest.

The next morning he said: "You continue to stare at this place, I want to go back."

Song Shutang wanted to report the situation in person.

Mei Muzhizi thinks it is necessary.

After all, this is considered a major progress, and the next thing to be discussed is rescue, which cannot be explained clearly in a few words on the phone.

"Be careful on your way."

"it is good."

After leaving the bungalow, Song Shutang did not leave the concession directly, but went to see Uncle Li first.

After meeting Uncle Li, he said directly: "The expert returned to China this time to join us..."

After listening to Song Shutang's words, Uncle Li said seriously: "It seems that we must rescue experts."

Previously I thought it would be fine if the military commander took him away.

As long as the experts do not fall into the hands of the Japanese and puppets, it will be fine.

But now it seems that the organization must save people, because the experts want to join them, and they are considered their own people.

Moreover, the comrades of the organization are developing in foreign countries, and the comrades of the organization have already sacrificed in foreign countries. You cannot ignore his contributions.

"I'm going back to discuss a solution with the secret service headquarters. The organization here can take the opportunity to see if we can find an opportunity."

"I will notify the organization immediately." "Then I'll leave first."

"I'll let you know if there's any news."

"it is good."

After leaving Uncle Li, Song Shutang also went to see Bu Kaijie and told him the news.

Upon hearing this, Bu Kaijie said: "If I ask him to join the military command, he will not join. Instead, he will join the Red Party."

"It can only be said that our united front work is too poor." Song Shutang said.

"As you know, we basically don't have any united front work."

"It seems that Boss Dai will take notice in the future."

"But after Boss Dai learns the news, he will definitely hate the Red Party even more."

"That has nothing to do with us, but now the secret service headquarters is pretending to be a red party. It seems that the experts are very cooperative. They may actually be able to save people successfully."

"You keep an eye on it first. Even if you want to save people, it won't be that easy. And in the worst case, just tell the patrol room directly and no one can get it." Bu Kaijie said.

Anyway, now we know that the expert plans to join the Red Party.

Even if you rescue someone, do you dare to use it?

Boss Dai certainly wouldn’t dare.

No matter how powerful he is, Boss Dai has to think about it. After all, he may join the military command and design a password for you.

Then he turned around and told the red party the password.

Even if you let Boss Dai use this kind of person for free, he won't use him.

Therefore, Bu Kaijie felt that it was not unacceptable to them to directly let the patrol room be strictly guarded. The secret service headquarters would not get it, and the red party would not get it either.

If the military commander does this, it will certainly not be good news for Song Shutang.

But Bu Kaijie just said this. After all, experts are not useless to Boss Dai.

At least it can help crack other people's passwords.

Just don't let him design encryption passwords.

Besides, Boss Dai can also win over him. When he can save people, it is impossible for the military commander to directly tell the patrol room the news.

Therefore, Song Shutang is not very nervous, it still depends on the procedures.

After leaving Bu Kaijie, Song Shutang left the concession and went to find Wan Liang.

After returning to the special agent headquarters and meeting Wan Liang, Song Shutang said: "Director, the progress of the mission is..."

After listening to Song Shutang's report, Wan Liang said: "He came back to join the Red Party. He really wanted to fight against Japan."

"But the director is very wise and guessed his thoughts directly. Now he mistakenly thinks that we are the red party, and I don't know how cooperative we are."

Regarding his wise move, Wan Liang felt that it was indeed good. He saved a lot of trouble with this move.

But the next step is to discuss how to rescue.

Song Shutang said: "Although the patrol has been slacking off a bit, after all, it is located in the concession and close to the patrol house, and there are no shortage of guards and guards. It is impossible for us to sneak in or rob them forcefully."

Of course Wan Liang understands this.

If you want to do this, it's really impossible.

All are not fools.

The patrol does not need to be very serious to find your traces.

However, Wan Liang had already thought about this problem, so he said: "Since we can now contact the experts, and he also knows that there are people outside waiting to save him, then this is simple."

"Please also ask the director for advice."

"Let the experts pretend to be sick, and it's a more serious illness. You must be sent to the hospital immediately."

"Let the experts leave the bungalow?" Song Shutang asked.


"But we don't have much chance of being sent to the hospital, because the bungalow is not far from the hospital. Even if we attack on the street, we won't be able to escape."

"The expert cannot be sent to the hospital by himself if he pretends to be sick. The hospital ambulance must come over. People from the district can control the ambulance halfway and then take the expert away directly." Wan Liang said.

Song Shutang understood what Wan Liang meant.

Use an ambulance to take the expert away.

The patrol officers may also get on the bus, but they have been prepared in the car in advance, so there is no need to worry if one or two patrol officers come up.

As for why the expert's illness cannot be taken to the hospital by oneself, an ambulance is needed.

Many diseases cannot be cured by oneself.

On the contrary, it is easy to die suddenly.

When the time comes, ask Gaojiao to cooperate and say that he has seen a person with such symptoms and cannot send him to the hospital by himself.

Then it is reasonable for the patrol to call an ambulance for safety reasons. After all, they are not far from the hospital.

"It's just that it's difficult for us to contact experts now." Song Shutang said.

After all, experts can use lights, but they are more likely to be exposed if they use lights.

Wan Liang said: "Can Gao Jiao still send information?"

"Gaojiao is now in the bungalow and can't get out." Song Shutang said.

"Find a way to get Gao Jiao to send information." Wan Liang thought it would be better to use Gao Jiao instead of using lights.

They use the light to expose themselves too easily.

If exposed, all the good opportunities now will be gone.

But how can we get in touch using Gaojiao?

Gao Jiao must still be very anxious in the bungalow. He wanted to contact Song Shutang and the others, but he couldn't because of the guards in the patrol room.

Do you think you should pretend to be a debtor and come to your door now?
Although it can be like this.

But it’s still easy to create extraneous problems.

Moreover, you are a debtor. How could Gao Jiao show up before he sees you hiding?

If Gaojiao didn't show up on his own initiative, these debt collectors would not be able to survive the patrol.

The only thing Gaojiao can do is take the initiative.

But as long as Gaojiao takes the initiative, it will be suspicious.

Therefore, you cannot take advantage of people asking for debts to come to your door.

After much thought, Song Shutang didn't have a good solution, and Wan Liang felt that his idea was too late.

If they could have thought ahead and let Gaojiao directly bring them in for the first time, they would have started taking action now.

Without getting a specific plan, Song Shutang said: "After my subordinates return to the concession, we will discuss the specific situation."


Song Shutang planned to go back and look for another chance.

Moreover, if you have an idea about this kind of thing, you don't need to make a trip to Song Shutang. Wan Liang can also tell you over the phone.

So Song Shutang was allowed to leave.

Overall, the progress is good so far, and Wan Liang deserves the credit.

Then the next step is to get the expert out, and his contribution will be even greater.

How to notify experts to cooperate is now a question.

Returning to the concession again and going to the temporary stronghold outside the bungalow, Mei Mu Zhizi asked: "What did the director say?"

"The director has mentioned a plan of action, but now we are encountering difficulties."

"What's the problem?"

"There is no way to notify the experts." Song Shutang also informed the action plan.

Mei Mu Zhizi thought for a moment and said, "How about we use the lights."

"This is not about worrying about detection by patrols below."

"Of course the patrol below will find it at night, but what if it's daytime."

"During the day?" Song Shutang didn't quite understand what Mei Mu Zhizi meant.

(End of this chapter)

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