Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 507 Another explosion

Children's affair!

Can't afford it!

First, the team members were betrayed and died. Song Shutang only wanted to seek the truth and justice.

As soon as the real culprit was discovered, he was imprisoned.

Boss Dedai arranged to lurk in Shanghai and engage in intelligence work.

On the way, he was influenced by Uncle Li to join the organization.

The situation is already complicated enough, but who knows that the latent work will be plunged into a power struggle at the secret service headquarters. Survival is caught between various forces, and the way forward is slim.

In order to avoid the suspicion and temptation of the military police, it is really a helpless move to go further with Mei Mu Zhizi.

Boss Dai, the military commander, invited Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui with their lives.

Looking back at the situation at this moment, Song Shutang had unknowingly reached a point where there was no way out, and he could only keep going down this road.


Where to go?

Song Shutang doesn’t know anything about it now.

It is most difficult to accept the kindness of a beautiful woman. Song Shutang does not want to be so-called pulling and pulling, which is meaningless in his opinion.

Do you think he has feelings for Meng Jiaqi?

To be honest, Song Shutang didn't think so. After all, when he was in the mountain city, he was very preoccupied and had never thought about anything between men and women.

Later, I had more contact with Meng Jiaqi and I admired this woman very much.

Whether it is ideological awareness, behavior, or work ability, we all have an attitude of appreciation.

The sentimental words are a bit exaggerated.

So now that he learned this information from Uncle Li, Song Shutang refused simply.

Although Uncle Li felt that it was a bit cruel to Meng Jiaqi, because Song Shutang did not use euphemisms, but directly stated the matter of Mei Mu Zhizi.

But he admired Song Shutang very much and felt that he should be so straightforward.

But while admiring him, it is inevitable that he feels a little distressed.

Song Shutang felt that since it was going to be broken, it should be done cleanly.

What does your ambiguity mean to Meng Jiaqi?

It's you who are fighting in hiding on the front line. Your situation is very dangerous and precarious, so don't wait for me.

Then tell Meng Jiaqi to wait for me.

How could she not wait? Instead, she became more determined to wait.

That's not a rejection, it's a delay in changing direction.

Therefore, Song Shutang believes that it is necessary to make it clear that this is the situation now and you should not wait any longer.

After leaving Uncle Li, Song Shutang didn't have many thoughts in his mind. He knew that even if Meng Jiaqi gave up, he might feel uncomfortable for a while.

But life is a long road.

Time can forget everything.

When Meng Jiaqi meets his beloved again in the future, Song Shutang will be nothing more than a passerby.

When I returned to Song Shutang in the subdivision, I couldn't tell where I belonged for a while.

Every time I meet Bu Kaijie and Uncle Li, I am nervous and vigilant, but after returning to the division, I feel relaxed and content.

Song Shutang was often worried that one day he would wake up and not even recognize himself.

When washing up in the morning, he often looked at himself in the mirror, silently reminded of his identity.




When she returned to the room and saw Mei Mu Zhizi, she asked, "Why are you back so late?"

"Looking around outside, it seems that the patrols in the concession have been weakened at present, but some places are still relatively strict. Try not to go to those places first." Song Shutang said.

"The concession authorities must protect their important places." Mei Mu Zhizi thinks this is easy to understand.

"Is there anything gained in today's division?"

"No." Mei Mu said childishly.

"We have carried out several missions in the concession, and the pressure from the other party must be great, so we may be more vigilant now. Maybe some strongholds and important persons in charge have moved away from the concession." Song Shutang analyzed.

You said it was safe inside the concession.

But sometimes doing the opposite can produce good results.

However, Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi just discussed that the zoning was only a daily work. If there was any discovery, they would investigate in depth. If there was no discovery, they would look for clues on a daily basis.

Basically the intelligence agencies are pretty much the same.

But the secret service headquarters made quite a discovery tonight, that is, the person they were secretly tracking and monitoring was actually in contact with their handler.

This discovery is very exciting.

Because the previous mission was leaked, none of the people they captured provided valuable intelligence.

However, one of them provided unexpected information, that is, he actually knew information about the intelligence staff on another line.

When Wan Liang reported the matter to Li Qun, Li Qun immediately asked Wan Liang to arrange personnel to monitor, and the person responsible for the matter was highly trusted by the secret service headquarters.

Several insiders were selected by Li Qun and Wan Liang to prevent the news from being leaked again. None of the people who participated in the previous operations were useful this time.

Unexpectedly, I really waited for the harvest.

If you can learn about his online presence through this person, you can follow the clues.

Moreover, Li Qun has been worried that if they have this person's information, the military commander will be aware of this problem.

Seeing the progress today, Wan Liang understood that the military commander did not know about this matter, otherwise how could he let his superiors meet with him.

This meeting made them understand that no one knew about the secret surveillance for the time being, so the secret agent headquarters dared to continue surveillance.

Wan Liang reported the news to Li Qun the next morning.

When Li Qun heard that there was progress here, he immediately arranged for Wan Liang to follow up. He must be careful.

This is the only clue they have left now. If they can't make any gains, then this operation will come to an end.

Wan Liang was responsible carefully, and Song Shutang provided Bu Kaijie with the ID of the special agent headquarters the next day.

Military commanders can start arranging explosives here.

Bu Kaijie was very quick here and gave the certificate to the military commander, and began to secretly spy on Chencang outside the concession.

The exposed online is still under the surveillance of the secret service headquarters.

This lasted for three days. Song Shutang did not deliberately inquire about the situation outside the concession, but today Cao Xinrong was looking for clues outside and suddenly ran back in a hurry.

"Why are you so panicked?" Song Shutang asked Cao Xinrong.

Cao Xinrong hurriedly took a breath and said, "Something happened outside the concession."

"What happened?"

"The people at the headquarters suffered an explosion, and nearly two dozen people died."

"What?" Song Shutang looked very surprised and stood up from the stool.

When Mei Mu Zhizi heard the news, he came over with a frown on his face, very surprised by the news.

Yan Feng came back early and didn't know the news. Now he came over in a hurry and asked, "Is the news true?"

"Many people who came back from outside the concession heard the noise, and some people saw the explosion with their own eyes, near Hongkou. I asked them about it, and it was absolutely true."

"Is the number of casualties accurate?" Song Shutang asked. “Maybe more.” Cao Xinrong said.

This is only provided by those who are watching the excitement. There is no specific statistics yet, and the number of people may be even higher.

Hearing this, Song Shutang asked: "Why are so many people at the headquarters affected by the explosion?"

"I don't know the specific situation."

Song Shutang thought for a while and said: "Such a big thing happened, I want to go back and ask."

Of course, Song Shutang needed to go back and inquire about such an important matter. It was impossible to pretend not to know.

Mei Mu was equally curious, so she said, "I'll accompany you."

"You are responsible for the work of the division. We will go back."


Yan Feng and Cao Xinrong were also anxious to know the answer.

Song Shutang and Mei Muzhizi rushed back to the secret service headquarters, but the headquarters seemed to be in a mess now, and Wan Liang was not even found.

After asking, I learned that Wan Liang went to deal with the explosion, which might be in the hospital.

Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi did not wait, but went directly to the hospital and met Wan Liang in the hospital corridor.

Wan Liang looked very bad.

And it looked like a lot of people were injured.

"Director." Song Shutang stepped forward and shouted.

"Even you know about this."

"When my subordinates heard the news, they rushed back immediately. What exactly happened?"

Wan Liang became even more angry when he heard this question.

He snorted coldly and said: "Following and investigating members of the military commander, I was deceived."

"Lied?" Song Shutang was puzzled.

Wan Liang said: "This military commander is going to hold a meeting. The number of people in the meeting is not small. The meeting is located in a small workshop. Tonight, the headquarters has arranged a lot of manpower to be responsible for the arrest, but who knew that explosives are waiting inside."

Song Shutang naturally understood, but he pretended to be surprised.

Mei Mu's naive surprise was truly revealed.

"Where is this member of the military command?" Song Shutang asked.

"The explosion was chaotic and the other party ran away."

Wan Liang doesn't want to go into details about this matter. After all, you chose to hide it from Song Shutang before, but there is nothing wrong with hiding it.

But the fault is that you were fooled.

So it doesn't make sense for you to say this now, but it will make you look embarrassed, so Wan Liang doesn't want to talk more.

However, through other members, Song Shutang still learned the whole story, that is, the secret service headquarters was responsible for investigating a member of the military command, and found the other party's top line, and then all this happened.

And this online took advantage of the explosion and ran away.

The members of the military command who were the first to be targeted also tried to escape tonight, but failed.

Because the members of the special agent headquarters responsible for tracking and monitoring discovered his intention to escape and started to stop him.

However, the military commander arranged for personnel to respond.

However, they did not run away immediately. After the stalemate formed, the military commander was at a disadvantage because the support from the secret service headquarters came quickly.

As a result, the targeted military commander died, and one of the military commanders who came to respond also died.

Tonight, two military commanders were killed.

But no one is happy.

Because look at yourselves, how much have you lost?

What a heavy loss.

People in the hospital at the Secret Service headquarters learned that twenty-two people died on the spot, and a dozen more were sent to the hospital.

It can be seen that the so-called meeting of the military commander tonight was very loud, and a lot of people were arranged at the secret service headquarters to be responsible for the arrest. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a trap.

The gendarmerie fell into this kind of trap once, and now the secret service headquarters also fell into it. It’s really a shame.

No wonder Wan Liang's face was so ugly. He knew that there would be no shortage of subsequent criticism.

"Director, how can the enemy calculate so cleverly?" Song Shutang was happy, but pretended to be helpless, but these words undoubtedly still stuck in Wan Liang's body.

Wan Liang took a deep breath and said: "Previously, the Mei Agency didn't say much about the matter between the director and the Mei Agency, but this time if such a mistake occurs, the Mei Agency will definitely use it as an excuse."

"That's not detrimental to the director. What is the director worried about?" Song Shutang asked.

This should be good news for Wan Liang.

"I am responsible for this problem." Wan Liang said.

He was indeed responsible, but he was following Li Qun's requirements. But now that something went wrong, Li Qun didn't care about it.

There is no doubt that the more harshly Li Qun is criticized and punished by Mei's agency, the more severe Li Qun's criticism and punishment will be.

This is also true under normal circumstances.

But Wan Liang is from the Mei Agency. You said that the Mei Agency should not criticize Li Qun in order not to affect Wan Liang.


The Mei Agency must criticize, and it must be criticized severely. After all, the Mei Agency hated Li Qun before and never had a chance. Now that the opportunity is in front of you, why don't you criticize him?

Could it be that he was worried that Li Qun would criticize Wan Liang?

So even if he didn't want Li Qun to notice this, he still had to teach him a lesson.

The Mei agency had no choice but to do this in order to keep it secret, so Li Qun had reason to treat Wan Liang like this.

What Wan Liang was afraid of was that Li Qun did it deliberately. He might have guessed what happened between him and Mei's organization, and then used it to deal with him.

This is the last thing Wan Liang wants to see now.

As for what you said about killing people and killing people, to be honest, Wan Liang really doesn’t care.

After all, these people under the secret service headquarters are all the same to Wan Liang, and they will be replaced even if they die.

There are many people in Shanghai who want to join the secret service headquarters.

What upset him was that if Mei Guan seemed to have no problem with him, Li Qun would have reason to deal with him.

Perhaps he had not even started to fight with Li Qun, but he was about to be beaten to the point of collapse.

Song Shutang also understood what Wan Liang was thinking. He said: "Who is responsible for this matter? In fact, the director can report it to the Mei Agency first. As for the Mei Agency's desire to act, my subordinates think it is unnecessary. Why not take this opportunity?" , to make things clear.”


"Reflect support for the director." Song Shutang's suggestion was actually to speed up the process.

After all, according to their speed, this progress is too slow.

Because although the Japanese wanted to deal with Li Qun, they did not want to affect the intelligence work in Shanghai.

Wan Liang wants to replace him here, but he is afraid that it will not be as good as it is now, so the three parties will not be too aggressive, and this time may be extended.

So Song Shutang is now asking them to make it clear and accelerate the development of this struggle.

Didn't Wan Liang not want Li Qun to use the topic to his advantage?

Then simply let the Mei agency directly express its support, and instead of criticizing and punishing Li Qun too harshly, secretly support Wan Liang.

Sooner or later we will take this step, and now is indeed a good time.

Moreover, Li Qun may not be ignorant of the matter between him and Mei's organization, so he might as well just expose it, lest he would be disadvantaged too much because of this matter, which would be bad.

Wan Liang thinks what Song Shutang said is very reasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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