Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 51 Growth and Interrogation

Chapter 51 Growth and Interrogation

The eagerness was palpable.

It's like getting along with each other in the past without changing their appearance.

But how true or false are such concerns?
Or which is true and which is false?
Looking at Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui in front of him, Song Shutang couldn't find the answer.

After some inspections, Nie Hong was relieved, but said in dissatisfaction: "I heard from a group of people in the intelligence department that you still want to save the life of the operator when the booby trap explodes in advance."

Hearing this, Yan Qinghui also frowned slightly.

"The radio operator must want to die, if it's hard to find a living." Song Shutang explained with a grin.

"It's hard for you to estimate the power of explosives. This time it's luck that the explosion location is limited, and the power of the explosives is not enough. Otherwise, there will be corpses all over the room and you will not be able to survive." Nie Hong was extremely dissatisfied with Song Shutang's attitude of trying to get away with it.

Then came preaching.

Obviously Nie Hong was the last person to preach, or he usually stood with Song Shutang and was preached by others.

But at this time.

Nie Hong became a preacher, tirelessly tossing and turning, just to emphasize the importance of the problem.

Song Shutang looked a little dazed.

What he was more familiar with was the constant preaching in his ears, Nie Hong stood with him, bowed his head sideways and winked at him, trying to laugh but could only forcefully hold back the embarrassment.

"Did you hear what I said?" Nie Hong asked sharply.

"heard it."



Nie Hong's expression eased slightly upon hearing this.

Although Yan Qinghui didn't say a word, his eyes flickered coldly, obviously warning.

Fortunately, Long Hao appeared at this time.

Song Shutang looked at Long Hao with pleading eyes, and stopped him who was just about to leave so as not to disturb him.

After confirming that he understood the meaning of Song Shutang's eyes, Long Hao stepped forward and said, "The interrogation has begun, and the team leader asked us to take a look."

"Brother Nie, Brother Yan, my side..."

"Busy first, have dinner tonight." Yan Qinghui left with a few words, which showed that the matter was not let go.

Nie Hong also glared at him and chased Yan Qinghui away.

"What's the matter?" Long Hao looked at the backs of the two leaving, only feeling that the atmosphere just now was a bit chilly.

"It's okay." Song Shutang felt that another nagging meal was inevitable at night.

Here Nie Hong caught up with Yan Qinghui and muttered: "I have already taught him a lesson, why do you still call him at night, you can't keep saying no."

"just you."

"What's wrong with me?"

"Usually, he is a person who stands on the same line as Shutang and accepts criticism. Can he really listen to what you say?"


"See you tonight." Yan Qinghui parted ways without waiting for Nie Hong to speak.

Seeing Nie Hong's displeasure, he couldn't help feeling that Yan Qinghui had changed a lot. He was obviously reticent in the past and disliked trifles, but now he was worried that Song Shutang was willing to emphasize it repeatedly.

Yan Qinghui felt that Nie Hong had changed a lot.

He actually started to preach!
Who can imagine this normally.

Those who were usually in charge of preaching no longer exist, and Nie Hong's identity has changed, which may also be regarded as a kind of growth for Nie Hong.

Change and grow!
Back to the intelligence department with Long Hao, the hair of the two was still steamed, Long Hao was still curious, not knowing what happened to the three of them just now.

In order to dispel the other party's inexplicable curiosity, Song Shutang changed the subject and asked, "Did the interrogation go well?"

Just now Long Hao used the excuse that he needed to be there to help Song Shutang during the interrogation, but in fact Shen Lushui started the interrogation directly after reporting to Bao Yiwei.

"I don't know yet." Like Song Shutang, Long Hao went to wash up without understanding the situation.

Now it is natural to wait for the results of the interrogation.

Participating in the interrogation or watching on the sidelines would disrupt the rhythm, so both of them stayed honest.

Song Shutang thought in his heart that the operator was more likely to speak.

First of all, it is a lady. It is not gender discrimination, but criminal laws against women are often more cruel and inhumane.

Secondly, the radio operator had the determination to commit suicide with the explosion in the room, but was rescued by Song Shutang on the spot. The courage to commit suicide is often the greatest at the first time, and it is difficult to muster up the courage to commit suicide again.

Choosing to commit suicide in the room can be regarded as an explanation for yourself.

With the cooperation of Shen Lushui and Cao Yanning, it is not difficult to pry the opponent's mouth open.

Sure enough, seeing Zhu Yue coming out of the interrogation room before getting off work at night, the two rushed to meet him.

"Team leader, what's the result of the interrogation?" Long Hao asked directly.

Zhu Yue was still in a panic at this time. He directly participated in the interrogation after he came back, but he didn't have time to wash and clean up.

"Speak." Zhu Yue ignored the dust on his face.

"What did you explain?"

"Come to my office and talk."

The three entered the office and Zhu Yue said: "The telegraph operator's real name is Yutake Miki, code-named '4334', and he was indeed ordered to take over after the accidental death of Guo Yongxin's wife. The deduction is correct, Ryuta Hiraguchi is responsible for protecting Miki Aritake and delivering information."

"Where does the five thousand dollars go?" Long Hao was most curious about this question.

"Miki Yutake knew about the [-] US dollars through the telegram, or she told Ryuta Hiraguchi at this time, but Miki Yutake did not know where the [-] US dollars was remitted to the mountain city in the end."

"I don't know?" Long Hao obviously didn't expect such an answer.

Jin Kaiyu, who is lurking in Juxingcheng Bank, is Takashi Oigawa. He clearly said that if he put his account in the mailbox, it must be taken away by Guo Yongxin and Ryuta Hiraguchi, but there is nothing wrong with this matter. informed.So it seems that Ryuta Hiraguchi was responsible for the specific instigation work, or that Ryuta Hiraguchi also had contact with other latent personnel, and delivered [-] US dollars to the other party, and the other party carried out the final instigation.

Song Shutang opened his mouth and asked: "Your Take Miki should not only be responsible for the information transmission of Takashi Oigawa's line, right?"

"Yes, according to Aritake Miki, she should be responsible for three lines, because there are three codebooks corresponding to the transmission of different information. But all three pieces of information were sent by Ryuta Hiraguchi alone, that is to say, Ryuta Hiraguchi There are three intelligence lines in the company, and the higher status belongs to the person in charge." Zhu Yue said.

The spy's secret radio station in Shancheng is not easy to hide.

The Department of Telecommunications and other agencies continue to capture, monitor, intercept, lock, and search for illegal radio stations.

So it is not uncommon for a radio station to carry three lines of information transmission.

But the problem is that Miki Aritake doesn't understand these three lines, and the only person who understands is Ryuta Hiraguchi!
But Ryuta Hiraguchi committed suicide in the street.

In other words, of the three lines that Ryuta Hiraguchi was in charge of, the Intelligence Division has only detected and destroyed one of them.

Two other lines are currently unavailable for investigation.

At the same time, is Ryuta Hiraguchi personally in charge of instigating rebellion, or is it handed over to people on the other two lines? It is even said that this task of instigating rebellion is originally a task on other lines, and the Oigawa was only activated in a hurry to send money to the mountain city. The staff of KL Bank will provide assistance once as a convenience.

All of the above are possible.

In the final analysis, the most valuable person is not Take Miki, but Ryuta Hiraguchi.

Aritake Miki hides the deepest because of the special nature of her work, not the greatest value.

(End of this chapter)

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