Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 515 Making a Plan

Chapter 515 Making a Plan

As Song Shutang narrated, everyone forgot that they were here to avoid being searched by the patrol room, and those who didn't know thought it was a party.

Everyone listened attentively.

Of course Mei Mu Zhizi liked it very much when she saw this, because the man she liked was admired by so many people, which was a very proud thing for her.

Everyone listened with great fascination, and when Song Shutang finished speaking, they were still interested.

Those who are good at marksmanship now want to learn from Song Shutang to see if they can go further.

It just means that there is no time or opportunity for you to practice in the zone, so Song Shutang has not indicated that he will teach them.

After all, these are enemies. After you teach them, they will be used against the soldiers of the anti-Japanese organization. Of course, Song Shutang will not do such work.

The next day Song Shutang was going out with Mei Mu Zhizi's rifle. Mei Mu Zhizi sent him out this time and said at the door: "You must be careful, the other party will definitely be on guard. Maybe the last person, It will become their bait, not necessarily to ensure that the person is alive, it may just be to lure you out.”

The last person is important though.

But Song Shutang's marksmanship put great pressure on the patrol room. What does this mean to them?

It shows that anyone can die under such gunmanship.

The people in the concession authorities will not be nervous, so they want to find this person to reduce the threat to them.

Although the Japanese did not dare to kill them, who knows what will happen in the end?

I'm so mad that I don't care about you.

Therefore, Mei Mu Zhizi's worries were reasonable, and Song Shutang certainly thought of it, but this person must be killed.

Otherwise zoning is dangerous.

Song Shutang was not trying to help the secret service headquarters, but to help himself, the organization and the military.

The agent headquarters can establish a new division, but Song Shutang must not lose the position in the division, so this task must be completed even if it is difficult.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

"Do you want me to be your partner?" Mei Mu asked naively.

After all, it is helpful to have a partner in action. With Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng here, there will be no trouble.

Song Shutang thought for a while and said, "Okay."

"Then I'll go back and explain to them."

"it is good."

Originally, Song Shutang had no such idea, but since Mei Mu Zhizi took the initiative, Song Shutang felt that she could be responsible for cooperating.

After all, Mei Mu Zhizi is very capable. With her help, Song Shutang will be more confident.

Not only the certainty of shooting, but also the arrangements for evacuation.

After Mei Muzhizi went up to tell Yan Feng and Cao Xinrong to be responsible for these people, she came down and left with Song Shutang. The gun was still in the box, and Song Shutang was responsible for holding it.

Mei Mu Zhizi and Song Shutang returned to the hotel where he stayed before and did not check out.

After staying in the hotel, Mei Muzhizi said: "I am responsible for going to the street to check the situation."

Mei Mu is a woman, and dressing up in disguise will indeed lower people's vigilance.

It was not appropriate for Song Shutang to do this. After all, he had just taken action. Maybe a patrol officer had seen his back. There was also a certain danger at this time.

There is no need to doubt Mei Mu Zhizi's professionalism. There is not much difference between her going to observe and Song Shutang going there by himself, so he said: "Be careful."

"rest assured."

Mei Mu Zhizi changed clothes in the hotel, left after finishing her disguise, and began to investigate the situation on the street to see if the last surviving cloth traitor had appeared.

I waited until after eight o'clock in the evening to see Mei Mu Zhizi come back with food.

It is not convenient to go out to eat in Song Shutang. You must at least be careful. It is just that this hotel is not big, so it does not provide meals.

"Eat quickly." Mei Mu said childishly.

Song Shutang sat with her to eat and asked at the same time: "How do you observe?"

"I've been searching today, but I couldn't find the last traitor, so I went outside the patrol room to inquire about information to see if he was under protection and wouldn't look for anyone on the street for the time being.

But still no one was found. It seemed that the other party was not in the patrol room. I went to the house where they lived before and found no one, so I had to go back to the patrol room to guard.

I stayed on guard until about seven o'clock in the evening, when I saw a car driving into the patrol room. Only then did I realize that the last traitor had also changed into patrol clothes and sat in the car. "

After hearing Mei Mu's childish words, Song Shutang said: "In other words, this traitor now sits in a car during the day, and the patrolman drives him around the concession to see if he can find anyone in the subdivision?"

"That's it." Mei Mu said childishly.

Of course it is safer in the car, at least it is more difficult to shoot and kill, and he is wearing patrol clothes, so he is not easy to be discovered.

Secondly, driving fast allows you to have a better observation of the concession.

This arrangement is indeed good and plays a very good defensive role.

Get on the bus at the patrol house and get off at the patrol house.

If you don't get out of the car midway, you won't have a chance to shoot.

It seems that the patrol room was very well prepared this time, and also expressed their determination to find the partition.

After listening to this, Song Shutang said: "Under normal circumstances, when we assassinate people with vehicles like this, we usually create roadblocks, or emergencies, or even directly intercept, force the vehicles to stop, and then impose sanctions on them. But in the concession, It’s really not the right place to do that.”

The patrol room is here to catch them.

If you arrange so many people to do this at this time, there will be no need for traitors to do anything, and you yourself will have been completely exposed.

It will only be more troublesome then.

Therefore, Song Shutang believes that we cannot think according to common sense. After all, the concession is not a conventional place.

Mei Muzhizi has experience in this kind of assassination operation, but not that much. After all, she mainly works as a lurker.

But facing the current situation, Mei Muzhizi said: "Although the other party is getting on and off the car in the patrol room, there will still be a certain chance to shoot, otherwise I would not be able to find the other party today.

It's just that shooting near the patrol house is too dangerous for us, and evacuation is extremely inconvenient. "


The situation near the patrol house is very dangerous. It is basically difficult to escape if you shoot.

Instead, Mei Muzhizi continued: "The patrol room did this to leave us an opportunity after entering the interior. Perhaps it wanted to lure us into action and then arrest us."

In fact, after the vehicle entered the patrol room, it was not in a position that could completely avoid the outside view, but the vehicle did not go there.

Therefore, Mei Muzhizi had reason to suspect that this was done deliberately by the patrol house, just to get them to take action. Since it was close enough to the patrol house, a lot of manpower might have been arranged around it.

When the gunshots are heard, they can be chased and intercepted.

Song Shutang thought what Mei Mu said was very reasonable, but the problem now was that he didn't want to delay.

After all, procrastinating like this will delay things very much, and it will most likely lead to long nights and many dreams.

Based on the intelligence provided by Mei Mu Zhizi, Song Shutang asked: "Can you find an opportunity in the car?" "There are patrols in the car for protection. The traitor is sitting in the middle. It is difficult to find a suitable angle to shoot you, and open The other party wouldn't get out of the car after the shooting, he would just lie down and hide in the car."

Mei Muzhizi has specifically seen that the car is not bulletproof, but it is difficult to find a suitable opportunity to shoot.

Song Shutang has finished the food brought back by Mei Mu Zhizi, but he hasn't thought of a good solution yet, so the two of them can only continue to think about it at night.

The final action plan has still not been finalized.

Mei Muzhizi said: "We have found the other party today. Let me observe for a day tomorrow. Don't worry now."

Song Shutang believed that this could only be the case. There was no good solution for the time being, so he asked Mei Mu Zhizi to observe again.

Mei Mu left early the next morning. She wanted to rush outside the patrol room to see if she could still see the traitor when he got into the car.

If you can still see it, it means that the patrol room is indeed intentional and just wants you to do something here.

Sure enough, Mei Muzhizi still watched the traitor get into the car today and was sandwiched between two patrolmen. This shows that it was indeed a conspiracy of the patrol room.

It's just that this conspiracy was directly discovered by them and it didn't work.

During the day, Mei Muzhizi still followed and observed, collecting as much information as possible to facilitate the formulation of next actions.

It was still after eight o'clock in the evening when he came back again, and Mei Mu Zhizi followed the vehicle to the patrol room, and also saw the other party getting out of the car.

This happened three times in a row, which shows that it is indeed a conspiracy.

When Mei Mu Zhizi came back in the evening, he informed him of the information collected today. Song Shutang said, "Thanks to your observation, we discovered their conspiracy. Otherwise, we might have been in trouble."

Mei Mu Zhizi also knew very well that even without him, Song Shutang would have discovered this problem.

But when she was praised by Song Shutang, she must have accepted it happily, without any embarrassment, and she was even a little happy.

But apart from the joy, the worry is that such a patrol house does not leave them many opportunities.

Song Shutang was still eating and said, "It seems we can only start with vehicles."

"Are you going to shoot the other person directly in the car?"

"As far as the clues we have so far, there is only this way."

"Are you sure?" Mei Mu asked childishly.

It's not that she doesn't believe Song Shutang, and she also knows that Song Shutang's marksmanship is very good, but there are many things blocking the view in the car, and the car moves much faster than walking.

The second thing is that there are quite a lot of people inside the opponent, and the slightest movement may block the bullets.

The difficulty is different.

Song Shutang said: "So this time we have to find a perfect position so that I can shoot the bullet directly through the front windshield and hit the person sitting in the middle in the back row."

Because patrol protection is required on the left and right, the traitor sits in the middle of the back row.

If you want to hit someone in the back, you can only shoot through the front windshield.

But if you have to break through the glass first and then hit the person behind, the angle you may be given is very subtle.

Especially for bullets, a slight difference can make a huge difference.

Moreover, after the bullet hits the glass, it is very likely that there will be a certain deviation.

These are all uncertainties.

"The stakes are high."

"Try it." Song Shutang thought he could try it.

"What are you going to do?"

"I have to find a perfect location first." Song Shutang said.

Now it's not about following the patrol house's vehicle, but Song Shutang needs to find an excellent location in the concession and then wait for the patrol house's car to arrive.

This is a necessary condition.

"Then let's go out together tomorrow?" Mei Mu asked childishly.

She can no longer do this for her. After all, Song Shutang can only judge by himself which location is the best.

Only the person responsible for the action shooting is qualified to finalize this position.

Song Shutang said: "Okay."

After dinner, the two of them rested. They left together the next day and started searching on the street. The location should not be too high, as it might not be consistent with their previous actions.

What is required is absolute precision.

Song Shutang traveled to many places, and he would stop at a good place and wait for the vehicle to pass by.

He will use past vehicles to determine whether the location is suitable.

Some findings simply don't work.

Just looking around like this, it was almost night before Song Shutang found a perfect location.

This position is undoubtedly the best. He can clearly see the middle of the rear row of the vehicle from this angle.

Although it only covers the area below the neck, it is enough for Song Shutang.

Because the chest is also deadly.

The probability of being revived if hit in the chest is low, and if it is hit in the heart, there is no chance of being saved.

But Mei Muzhizi looked at this location, she frowned and said: "This is the second floor of the hotel, and the hotel's business is very good, and there is no private room in the lobby. You can't take out a gun in this place, how can you shoot?" kill?"

Song Shutang also understands that this location does have such a problem, but you have no other choice. He has seen so many places today and walked so many roads. This is the only place that can meet the shooting requirements.

It's just that the surrounding environment does have some problems.

After thinking for a while, Song Shutang said: "At that time, let people from the area come over and bake the bread."

Although there are no private rooms, there are not many tables on the second floor, only seven tables.

As long as you order enough things per table, the store won't care how many people you sit at, so even if one person occupies a table, it's fine.

Then there can be no guests on the second floor for a short period of time, and Song Shutang can aim his gun and kill.

And after killing someone, they can evacuate, but it will make it difficult for the patrol room to arrest them. They just need to plan the retreat route in advance to avoid being caught.

Upon hearing this, Mei Muzhizi felt that this was the only way to go. After all, this position could not be given up.

Only in this position and vehicles coming from this road can the shooting conditions be completed.

You have to have the right location and the right roads, which is indeed very demanding.

(End of this chapter)

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