Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 518 Personnel Arrangement

Chapter 518 Personnel Arrangement

Song Shutang set out for the headquarters that night after receiving the notice.

Mei Mu Zhizi wanted to accompany Song Shutang because he was worried about safety.

After all, although you have used your marksmanship to intimidate the people in the patrol house, you have also put a lot of pressure on the anti-Japanese organizations. And as soon as Song Shutang fired in the concession, someone in the military command will already know who is in charge of the concession area of ​​the secret service headquarters.

The military commander should have guessed that it was Song Shutang.

In this case, Song Shutang was in danger, so Mei Mu Zhizi thought it would be good to have someone to take care of him together.

Song Shutang did not refuse, so he left with Mei Mu Zhizi and returned to the secret service headquarters.

After returning to the agent headquarters, the two entered Wan Liang's office.

"Director." The two shouted.

"sit down."

"Thank you, Director."

"This is the funding you applied for, and the director gave half of it."

Song Shutang smiled and took the money, then handed it to Mei Mu Zhizi to keep it and said, "I knew I wouldn't give it in full."

"Your full offer is too exaggerated. I wouldn't give you even half of it." Wan Liang said with a smile.

"These will be enough for a while."

"Then prepare to add more manpower."

"What do you think, Director?"

"The increase in manpower will require some people from the headquarters. If it is all new people, I worry that they will not be able to adapt to the intensity of work in the concession."

"The director has thought it through."

In fact, those who go from the headquarters must be from Wanliang.

Wan Liang did not dare to be so blatant before, but now he and Li Qun have fallen out. Li Qun's current revenge mission against the military commander has not been informed to Wan Liang.

So what does he have to worry about at this time?

Naturally, he directly arranged for his own people from the headquarters to go there, and the division was in his pocket.

It's just that he is facing a lot of pressure from Li Qun at the headquarters, so he can't transfer all the personnel from the headquarters, so he needs to solve it from other places.

So Wan Liang continued: "The remaining part will come from the training school."

"How many people does the director plan to arrange?"

If there are two parts to arrange staff, the number of people will be a bit too much.

Although of course the more the better for expansion now, one thing is that your funds are limited. Although the salary does not require the use of funds, it is provided by the headquarters.

But eating, drinking, and drinking in the concession are all counted in the zoning. After all, if you let these people go home from work in the concession to eat, do you think it is reasonable?

Of course, when there are more people, funds are consumed faster.

Wan Liang said: "We plan to arrange twenty people at one time, ten here at the headquarters and ten here at the training school."

Twenty people is indeed a lot.

Just staying there is a problem.

First of all, the houses in this area cannot be accommodated, and the backup inn is not convenient.

If they go to stay, there will basically be no rooms in the inn.

Moreover, if you stay for a long time, it is easy to be discovered. After all, patrols will regularly inspect inns and other places.

But the good thing is that you don't have to worry about being investigated too much, because the concession authorities have made certain concessions now.

"Director, even if you rent a house outside, it costs ten rooms for two people, and five rooms for four people per room, which is a larger house. The cost of renting a house alone is very high."

It's not that Song Shutang disagreed with arranging twenty people.

But I want more funding.

Wan Liang immediately interrupted and said: "I definitely don't have any money now. Didn't you build an inn? You should be able to make some revenue every day."

"Director, you don't know something. The expenses for the front desk and cleaning alone are almost not enough."

"You find a way to overcome it yourself."

"How can I overcome this? I can't let the brothers go in and work hard, and they have to pay for their own accommodation." Song Shutang's words also told Wan Liang that for the people you arrange to come in, you don't care about these problems and what they want to think.

"How many people can the zoning district currently solve the accommodation problem?" Wan Liang asked.

"With all our calculations, we can still kill six people."

Wan Liang felt that it was a pity that the cloth shop was destroyed, otherwise many people could have been killed.

After solving six, there are still fourteen people who need to be arranged. Wan Liang thought for a while and said: "Rent three houses, and people can sleep in the bedrooms and living rooms. Arrange these people."

Anyway, I just go back to sleep.

The house is not used at other times, so Wan Liang thinks that three rooms are enough, but not a single room.

Having more single rooms is actually not cheap.

After listening to Wan Liang's words, Song Shutang stretched out his hand.

Wan Liang smiled helplessly and cursed, opened the drawer and took out money for Song Shutang.

Song Shutang agreed. It would be okay to rent three houses for three months, and you could even get some rebates.

But of course he won't take the kickback, after all, it's small money.

You can leave it to Cao Xinrong or Yan Feng to take charge of this matter and give them some oil and water.

This is a job without oil and water, and it will be boring for anyone who does it for a long time.

After solving the money problem, Wan Liang said: "You must control the zoning. After these people enter, we will strengthen the zoning's investigation of the concession and strive to arrest more anti-Japanese elements."

"Don't worry, district chief. Now that I'm exposed, I'm worried that the military commander won't give up on me. If I can catch them all as soon as possible, I can sleep peacefully."

"It's good to have this idea, but you really should be careful."

"They don't dare to mess with me." Song Shutang said confidently.

Wan Liang felt that he could indeed have this confidence. After all, it was Song Shutang who was arresting them, not them.

As for you, assassination is not easy. Maybe Song Shutang will catch him and just follow the clues.

There have been such plans before.

Song Shutang didn't ask Li Qun about his revenge plan today. Wan Liang obviously told you that he didn't know. You can't ask him every time.

It will look weird.

So after getting the funds today and discussing the details of staff recruitment, Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi planned to leave.

As for these twenty people, Wan Liang will make arrangements for them, and then ask them to report to the division one by one. Song Shutang will arrange residence and work for them then.

On the way back to the division, Mei Muzhizi said: "The director assigned twenty people to the division at one time, and even paid for it out of his own pocket. This shows that he wants to use the division as a weight."

The fight against Li Qun is not limited to the secret service headquarters. The divisions within the concession may play a key role.

So we are all preparing for a rainy day.

The number of people in the division this time is almost fifty, which is already quite large. If we hadn't lost so many people before, there would have been even more.

This is just the concession area.

This number is quite large.

But Mei Muzhizi continued: "But I think the director's intention is that if there is a chance in the future, the division will be expanded."

"It is indeed possible." Song Shutang also understood this meaning. Although you have to spend your own money to expand the subdivision, you have to understand that if you lose your position, will the money still be yours?

Maybe not even life.

So Wanliang really doesn't care about this little money.

Wan Liang has made a lot of money in the past few years and has nowhere to spend it.

If you want to live a life of luxury and luxury, you must have a life, so Wan Liang will definitely not spare money at this time.

I don't want to give it to Song Shutang now because I'm worried that he will think it's too easy to get money and then mess around inside.

Wan Liang would only arrange for one person to give money once, and the money given would be what the district needed. It might bring some extra benefits to Song Shutang, but he was prevented from using this matter to enrich his own pockets.

"I'm afraid the number of people will be very large when the division comes." Mei Mu Zhizi thought it was very possible.

Song Shutang felt that this was not good news, because Wan Liang would most likely be abandoned by the Mei Agency in the end. He might force Li Qun to break his muscles, which was already the biggest effect.

At that time, Song Shutang will face Li Qun directly. The more people in the division, the greater Song Shutang's winning rate will be.

Moreover, those who are arranged to come in when the division is over will have no choice but to follow Song Shutang.

They are good people.

Wan Liang was all recruited into the division. When Wan Liang and Li Qun failed in their duel, their identities would be very embarrassing.

Do you expect Li Qun to believe you?

Or do you expect Li Qun not to involve you in his anger?

Perhaps in order to take the overall situation into consideration, Li Qun will not do anything to you, but in the future you will not be able to escape any of the dirty work, but you will not have the opportunity for promotion, and there will even be very few rewards.

What are you working for?

So they couldn't go back, so they could only hold on to Song Shutang's division. At least here in Song Shutang, they felt they were their own.

After all, Song Shutang also listened to Wan Liang.

When Wan Liang's accident happened, Song Shutang was just as embarrassed as them, so he had to hug each other for warmth.

At least that’s what everyone thinks.

Therefore, Song Shutang is not afraid that Wan Liang will arrange people for the subdivision. He can arrange as many people as he wants, as long as you are willing to pay.

This is not what Wan Liang can rely on.

It is Song Shutang’s future reliance.

After returning to the division, Song Shutang called Yan Feng over and told him the arrangements of the headquarters.

Give him the money and let him rent three houses to accommodate fifteen people. If there is one more person, it is impossible to arrange it just right.

So there can only be more, not less.

And for fifteen people, three houses are easier to allocate.

Yan Feng understood that this was to recruit new people, and immediately said: "Don't worry, district chief, I will definitely implement the house as soon as possible."

“With limited funds, we can find somewhere with a relatively low price that we can live in.”

"My subordinate understands."

After Yan Feng went down, Song Shutang called Cao Xinrong over and asked him to make arrangements in the subdivision, adjust the rooms where the personnel would stay, and even out six beds for the people who were about to come.

In fact, ten more people can be crammed into the partition, but the problem is that it will be too tense.

It is not very convenient for daily life and work, so Song Shutang said six to give some margin to the partitions.

After all, if the schedule is too full, partitioning will also attract unnecessary attention.

Cao Xinrong also went down to arrange this matter, which was not difficult.

Some houses can still accommodate people, so just let the members bring their belongings.

The partitions were adjusted in a few hours, and six positions were already vacant by the time I went to bed at night.

It's just that Yan Feng's actions here are a little slower.

However, new people came to report the next day. Song Shutang did not say whoever came early would live in the partition.

He still reads the information.

Everyone who comes to report will bring their information to Song Shutang.

It's just that they are not allowed to live in the zoning, and the house in Yanfeng has not been arranged, so Song Shutang told the other party that he would live here temporarily and arrange a new residence later.

If you want to stay in the zone, just don’t make arrangements to leave later.

People came in one after another, and Wan Liang arranged it more intensively, but there was a gap in time. All the people were in place within three days.

Yan Feng is indeed efficient enough, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

After the arrangements were made, Song Shutang assigned some people to Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng. Although these people were arranged by Wan Liang, they were considered Wan Liang's people.

All should be allocated to Cao Xinrong.

But now you have too many people, and the entire division is a bit unbalanced.

So it is better to divide equally.

Song Shutang's performance last time impressed everyone, so Cao Xinrong also expressed his understanding of this arrangement. After all, he also understood that it was impossible to give all twenty people to him, which would greatly affect the work arrangement of the division.

Yan Feng felt that this was a sign that Song Shutang believed in himself again and was willing to give people to him, and he also regained his enthusiasm for work.

The partition actually has nothing to do now.

After all, Song Shutang didn't really want to arrest anti-Japanese members, and if he discovered anything, he would tell him as soon as possible, so he could easily tip off the information.

The so-called people Wan Liang and Li Qun arranged to monitor Song Shutang are now his own. Although Cao Xinrong is not yet one, it will be much easier for him to deal with it alone.

There are many things going on at the headquarters, but he is currently in the subdivision and doesn't know a lot of news about the headquarters.

Therefore, climbing up is crucial not only to Song Shutang, but also to the organization and military commanders.

So now Song Shutang's only concern is the revenge action here at the secret service headquarters.

Bu Kaijie did not contact him, and it seemed that he did not inquire.

Uncle Li didn't contact him either, and it seemed he didn't inquire either.

It can be seen that Li Qun kept the confidentiality very well this time, and he must have felt the pressure from Mei's agency, so he wanted to take advantage of this to show his ability and value.

As a result, the current news blockage is very severe.

Li Qun didn't see any action, but the sense of crisis was hard to dissipate.

The more this happens, the more nervous everyone will feel. After all, if Li Qun does this, it can't end without a problem, right?

Song Shutang now plans to wait a few more days. If there is still no news, he will contact Bu Kaijie and Uncle Li to inquire and see what the situation is.

Unknown dangers are the deadliest.

You don't even know how to deal with it.

At the same time, the news of the addition of twenty people to the division was also notified, so that the organization and military commanders should be on guard against this, because this kind of new people have the highest work enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

They all want to become famous and make great achievements.

Such people are indeed dangerous.

Need to be prepared.

In order to avoid being troubled by the newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, it will be a problem to deal with when the time comes.

Mei Mu Zhizi has also given them some training in the past few days. After all, if you come to work in the division, you must have some training. No matter whether it is training or work experience, they have received it before, and it is impossible to fully apply it.

It mainly talks about some precautions in the concession, as well as the work requirements of the zoning, etc. This will also take about a week.

Song Shutang also wanted to prevent them from participating in work prematurely, and wanted to wait until he sent the news here.

(End of this chapter)

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