Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 524 Agree

Chapter 524 Agree

The intrigue within Secret Service headquarters is now extremely serious.

The division is not bad, and Song Shutang has a firm control.

Without Li Qun and Wan Liang's knowledge, Song Shutang had gradually taken control of the division.

As for the situation outside the concession, he would order people to investigate every day. People who do intelligence work want to get more information. This is an unquestionable behavior and does not require any explanation.

Even the members responsible for inquiring about outside intelligence thought this was a very normal thing.

It didn't seem like Song Shutang had any ideas.

After a few days like this, Bu Kaijie finally got news, and Song Shutang went to see Bu Kaijie without any delay.

Because to be honest, he has been thinking a lot these days, especially about the mountain city.

All scenarios have been taken into account, but I don’t know what the final outcome will be.

So now that he got the news from Bu Kaijie, he rushed there as soon as possible.

After seeing Bu Kaijie, Song Shutang asked directly: "What did Shangfeng say?"

He really didn't say anything nonsense. Bu Kaijie could also see the feelings between their members, and he could also understand why Song Shutang did those things when they were in the mountain city.

Although Bu Kaijie didn't seem to understand it at the time, he now thinks it is understandable.

After all, someone always needs to do these things, maybe it's Song Shutang, Nie Hong or Yan Qinghui.

Bu Kaijie didn't show off and said directly: "Boss Dai agreed to my proposal."

"Agree." Song Shutang actually had expectations in his mind.

After all, according to Boss Dai's thinking, he must care more about the intelligence work in Shanghai than Song Shutang and the others.

For the sake of intelligence work, their life and death are not the most important thing.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Boss Dai to agree to this matter.

Bu Kaijie continued: "The military command will not take action against Japanese spies who have had contact with the mountain city, just to facilitate our follow-up plans."

"Who are you planning to send?"

"Boss Dai's current idea is to let Nie Hong come."

Sure enough, it was the same as Song Shutang’s analysis.

"You were instigated by Japanese spies and then came here?" Song Shutang asked.

"It was the military commander who discovered that Nie Hong might have contact with a Japanese spy, and then Yan Qinghui cooperated to question Nie Hong. But in fact, Nie Hong did not know that the other party was a Japanese spy. It was just that the military commander had become more and more aggressive towards him, putting him in a very bad situation. ." Bu Kaijie said.

When a spy wanted to contact Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui in the mountain city, he would certainly not use his identity as a spy at first sight, but the military commander discovered their identities.

It was also by allowing Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui to contact each other to determine the identity of the other party.

Therefore, from the perspective of Japanese spies, their identities are kept secret.

So under such circumstances, Nie Hong was intensified by the military commander's suspicion, and of course he felt uncomfortable.

Moreover, he was misunderstood by Yan Qinghui.

This situation made Nie Hong even more unhappy and prepared him for subsequent rebellion.

Song Shutang thinks Boss Dai's arrangements are quite satisfactory, but in fact this kind of work is just like that. It's a natural thing. You don't need to do anything strange, you just need to follow the steps.

Therefore, there is no problem in Song Shutang's opinion with this arrangement.

At the same time, he said: "How did Nie Hong leave the mountain city?"

"This is not an issue that we need to consider, but an issue that spies need to consider." Bu Kaijie said.

Even if the military commander planned to let Nie Hong come to Shanghai to carry out lurking work, he would never help Nie Hong leave the mountain city, just like Song Shutang did back then.

You have to leave on your own.

But Nie Hong has one more advantage, that is, the spy can help him leave.

It should be a little easier than Song Shutang's back then.

After listening to this, Song Shutang said: "So has it started now?"

"It has already started. After all, we are in a very troublesome situation here in Shanghai, so we need people to come here as soon as possible and we can start action as soon as possible."

"So Nie Hong and I will meet in Shanghai soon."


"Does he know my identity now?"

"I guess I know."

"What's your guess?" Song Shutang asked.

"Because of your problem, Nie Hong is not happy with the Military Command Headquarters. Now, let him perform lurking work. Of course, you need to untie the knot in his heart. Then tell him your identity and Boss Dai's arrangements for you. , it can explain some of the previous things, so Nie Hong will be more attentive when conducting latent missions."

Bu Kaijie was right, and Song Shutang also believed that Boss Dai would tell Nie Hong about his affairs.

But Nie Hong doesn't necessarily need to care. After all, Song Shutang did escape death, and the pursuit of him was not a lie.

If caught, he would die.

Therefore, Boss Dai's arrangement still punished Song Shutang for what he did within the headquarters of the Military Command Bureau at that time.

Nie Hong should not mention it now, but he probably also wants to carry out lurking work.

After all, he wants to protect his family and the country. You don't trust Nie Hong in the Military Command Bureau, and because of the Song Shutang incident, Nie Hong is under strict supervision. So there is no way for him to use his talents in the Military Command headquarters.

Being able to leave the Military Command Bureau and come to Shanghai to carry out covert work was an opportunity for Nie Hong.

So he'll jump at the chance.

And knowing that Song Shutang is lurking here, Nie Hong must be very worried, so being able to come here can be regarded as cooperating with Song Shutang to fight together and taking care of each other.

Moreover, Nie Hong felt that if he could lurk and gain a more important position, then Boss Dai would have to consider his feelings when dealing with Song Shutang in the future.

So Nie Hong is very happy to come to Shanghai.

Although Yan Qinghui was not selected, he learned about it through Nie Hong, and Yan Qinghui was also worried about Song Shutang.

He felt that if Nie Hong could go, he would feel relieved, so he was willing to cooperate.

Therefore, progress here in Shancheng is going very smoothly, and it may not take long for Nie Hong to appear in Shanghai.

But Song Shutang and Bu Kaijie both knew that lurking in Shanghai and leaving the mountain city was only the first step. The most dangerous thing is after you arrive in Shanghai.

Whether it can survive the enemy's insidious temptations and whether it can lurk is hard to say.

So now Song Shutang and Bu Kaijie have nothing to be happy about.

They are just discussing the matter, and it is difficult to say celebration now.

Bu Kaijie continued: "Boss Dai asked me to tell you to cooperate with the work and Yan Qinghui will take good care of you."

This is actually a threat.

Bu Kaijie also understands, but Boss Dai asked you to convey the message, and you must convey it properly.

Song Shutang had nothing to be angry about when he heard this. After all, he had already guessed that this would be the case, so now he just smiled without saying anything.

Nie Hong comes out, but Yan Qinghui will talk about it later.

When they have the ability, it won't be too late to force Boss Dai to release the people. Bu Kaijie is notifying this matter here, but there are no more clues. After all, the mountain city needs to solve it by itself.

Song Shutang left Bu Kaijie's place and went to see Uncle Li.

When Uncle Li heard this, he was a little surprised. He never expected that Nie Hong was coming.

The three of them are going to meet in Shanghai.

Where they left off, they are now back.

Faced with this situation, Uncle Li's first reaction was: "I'm afraid Yan Qinghui will have a hard time in the future."

Originally, Nie Hong could still have someone to take care of him in the mountain city, but now that Nie Hong has come to Shanghai, he has to fight alone.

Moreover, he is still staying as a hostage. What good life do you think he can have in the future?

Song Shutang said: "Can you please ask the organization to take care of it on your behalf in the mountain city?"

"Don't worry about that."

"As for Brother Nie's identity, I hope that people in the organization will know it to prevent people from the organization from taking action against Brother Nie."

Uncle Li understands Song Shutang's thoughts. Indeed, you need to consider this aspect. After all, such things have happened in the latent work.

But Song Shutang continued: "But I am afraid that Brother Nie's identity will be known, which will be very dangerous to Brother Nie."

"Don't worry about this. You will only tell the person in charge. After all, all actions in Shanghai, even those involving assassinations, need to be confirmed by the person in charge." Uncle Li said.

The need for confirmation means to prevent you from accidentally killing someone.

So especially if it involves an assassination mission, it must be seen by the top leader, rather than just saying you want to kill.

What if you kill your comrade?

Therefore, there is no need to let so many people know about Nie Hong's identity. It only needs to be known by senior officials.

Hearing this, Song Shutang was indeed relieved.

But what he is worried about now is how to tell Nie Hong about joining the organization.

Uncle Li also saw Song Shutang's inner thoughts and asked, "Do you want to tell Nie Hong?"

"Of course I know I shouldn't tell Brother Nie, but we are too familiar. If I face Brother Nie, I believe he will have doubts.

Even if Brother Nie has no doubts, I think this matter is very bad. After all, they offended the Military Command Bureau in the mountain city for me, and the current situation is also caused by me. "

Uncle Li wanted to say that this situation had nothing to do with Song Shutang.

Everyone is a member of the Sword Holding Group, so no one can escape.

But it is understandable that Song Shutang thinks there is a relationship. After all, the two of them took great care of Song Shutang when they were in the mountain city.

Therefore, Uncle Li didn't think there was any problem with Song Shutang's idea.

It's just that it should be kept secret. This is necessary. After all, Nie Hong is the military commander and Song Shutang is now the person in the organization.

If Nie Hong knew about this, it would be difficult for you to judge the other party's reaction.

What if Nie Hong wanted to take Song Shutang back?

Then this matter will be more difficult to handle.

But if you ask Song Shutang to conceal it, let alone whether you can pass the test in your heart, just concealing it is not easy to do.

Secondly, Uncle Li also considered one thing, that is, Nie Hong lurked into the secret service headquarters.

The organization hasn't arranged for anyone to break in yet.

It's hard for the military commander to arrange for people to break in, so why not organize it here?

Of course there is no other way, otherwise it would have been arranged long ago.

So in this case, is it possible that the organization will have to rely on Nie Hong to obtain information from the secret service headquarters in the future?

If the organization also needs to rely on Nie Hong to obtain it, then you need Song Shutang to tell Nie Hong about it.

Even if Nie Hong did not approve of the Red Party or Song Shutang joining the Red Party, in order to take care of Song Shutang and help him, so as to prevent him from risking his life for the information, he would still tell Song Shutang the information.

Uncle Li knew Nie Hong well and believed that this would indeed be the case.

Then the organization can obtain the intelligence.

This is to rely on Song Shutang's human kindness to complete this plan.

Uncle Li had no intention of showing up. After all, he was in charge of Song Shutang in the concession and could not possibly contact Nie Hong.

And if you let Nie Hong know that Uncle Li is not dead and you kept it from them for so long, would everyone feel better?

Secondly, it is said that Uncle Li is a red party and has always been a red party. This may also be a blow to Nie Hong and others.

Therefore, Uncle Li felt that he did not need to show up, but Song Shutang could tell the truth.

After all, they need truth, not lies.

Uncle Li knows their way of getting along better than many people, so he not only has to consider intelligence work, but also puts himself in their shoes.

Therefore, Uncle Li said: "I will report this matter to the person in charge and discuss whether your identity needs to be disclosed."

Uncle Li has no way to make a decision on this matter and needs to be decided by the higher-ups.

This is what Song Shutang meant when he mentioned this matter today. He wanted Uncle Li to ask for the opinion of the organization.

"I wait for your news."

"If you want information from the secret service headquarters, the higher ups will most likely agree, so you first think about how to explain it to Nie Hong." Uncle Li said.

It cannot be said that Uncle Li introduced you to the Red Party, so you have to think carefully about how to explain it to Nie Hong.

Song Shutang said: "Let's just say that his life was hanging by a thread in Jiangcheng and he was saved by the Red Party."

This is not a lie. It is true that the Red Party helped a lot when we were in Jiangcheng.

So for this reason, Nie Hong's attitude towards the Red Party can also be changed.

After all, saving Song Shutang's life and allowing him to come to Shanghai alive to lurk were all thanks to kindness.

It was easier for Nie Hong to accept this matter.

"The development of the matter has indeed exceeded our expectations, but it seems to be good news so far. After all, Nie Hong would rather die in Shanghai than be consumed by being monitored at the Military Command Headquarters." Uncle Li is very clear about everyone's thoughts. .

Song Shutang also said: "It's just a pain for Brother Yan."

"We'll see when the time comes. At least Yan Qinghui will be safer now, and Boss Dai won't kill him."

"That's the only good thing."

"To be honest, if it weren't for the inconvenience of my current status, I would want to meet them."

"There will be a chance." Song Shutang said.

He believes that the scene will be wonderful when the time comes.

"Let me know when Nie Hong comes." Although Uncle Li couldn't see him, he was still very concerned about this matter and wanted to know as soon as possible.

"I should meet Brother Nie and come back to talk to you then."

"You should also be more careful."

"Don't worry, Uncle Li."

Song Shutang is really looking forward to it now. He wants to see Nie Hong. After learning that Boss Dai agreed to this matter, this feeling became stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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