Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 572 Task assigned

Chapter 572 Task assigned
The reminder from the Military Command Office came at the right time.

On the third day after that, Li Qun handed over the task to Wan Liang. Because he really couldn't find any opportunities in the concession, he planned to let Song Shutang take charge.

But you leave Song Shutang in charge, so it’s not good to give him the task directly.

So he gave it to Wan Liang first and asked Wan Liang to order Song Shutang to take charge of this task.

So Wan Liang called Song Shutang out of the concession and met at the secret service headquarters.

Entering Wan Liang's office, Song Shutang asked: "Director, are you looking for me?"

"The director has given me a task."

"The mission the director gave me?" Song Shutang was surprised, as if he didn't expect Li Qun to give him a mission. Although he was from the secret service headquarters, he was undoubtedly from Wanliang. There was a difference.

Wan Liang said: "If the director can complete this task, of course he will not tell me, let alone you."

"So what the director means is that the task given by the director this time is very difficult?"

"It's really not easy."

"What's the mission?"

"We need to get rid of a writer in the concession."

"Isn't this very simple?" Song Shutang asked.

After all, you said it is not easy to deal with people from the concession authorities, and it is not easy to deal with people from anti-Japanese organizations, but isn't it easy to deal with a writer in the secret service headquarters?
Wan Liang saw that Song Shutang didn't understand at all, and said: "This matter does not just need to be solved by the other party. The difficulty is that it must be an accident. We cannot be suspected and cause trouble to the Japanese in terms of public opinion."

Hearing these words, Song Shutang frowned and said, "Is this so?"

"This writer has always been a thorn in our side and everyone knows it, which is why this task is very difficult."

"No wonder the director would give us a task, but he couldn't complete it at first glance. He was worried about being scolded by the Japanese, so he gave us the responsibility. If we can't complete it, the responsibility will be ours in the end." Song Shutang complained.

Wan Liang had the same idea as Song Shutang. If it was a task that could merit merit, how could Li Qun give it to them.

Now it seems that this task is difficult to accomplish, so they are given the responsibility.

The purpose is to prevent you from completing it, and then the Japanese will blame it, and you will have to bear the responsibility.

This is obvious.

However, Wan Liang said: "Although we all know the director's thoughts, this writer is indeed in the concession, and you are the district chief of the concession area. It is reasonable to give this task to you, so we have no way to refuse."

If you say you refuse this task, of course you cannot refuse it.

After all, it is reasonable and reasonable to entrust this matter to you. If you say that you will not implement it, isn't it disobedience?

You dare to refuse the tasks given by the Japanese. Now that Li Qun can complain in front of the Japanese, you will be in trouble as well.

Therefore, Wan Liang knows very well that this time the task is for you, you must accept it, and you must complete it, otherwise you will fall into a trap.

By then it will be obvious what Li Qun wants to do.

Song Shutang said with a sad face: "Director, although my subordinates don't understand this task very well yet, judging from the director's behavior in entrusting this task to us, we know that this task must be difficult to complete.

As long as there is a possibility of completion, it is impossible for the director to let us know. He has already solved the task. Wouldn't it be good to get praise from the Japanese? "

Wan Liang thought Song Shutang's words were right. After all, he knew the difficulty of the specific task, so he felt that Song Shutang's words were not exaggerated at all.

Regarding his resistance, Wan Liang said: "I also know that entrusting you with the task this time is a difficult problem and a test for you, but since the director has given the task to you and named it to you, , you can’t refuse now.”

Li Qun did not mention anyone by name.

Just let Wan Liang be responsible.

But it is obvious who is responsible for this task.

So in order to make it appear that he was not forcing Song Shutang, Wan Liang asked Li Qun to take the blame, saying that he named Song Shutang.

In this way, it would be really hard for Song Shutang to refuse, and when performing the task, he would not feel that Wan Liang was bad, but would only resent Li Qun even more.

Of course, Song Shutang couldn't worry about whether what Wan Liang said was true or false. Instead, he believed whatever he said.

Song Shutang was even more dissatisfied with Li Qun and said, "Director, this is public revenge."

Song Shutang was dissatisfied with Li Qun, which was exactly what Wan Liang wanted to see, so he said, "I wanted to help you refuse this task, but the director didn't give me a chance at all."

"Thank you, Director, for caring about your subordinates. But since the Director has already planned to give me this task, how could he give up so easily?"

"You are right. The Japanese are very concerned about this mission, and I have also inquired about it. The Japanese have urged this matter many times.

It seems that the director has assigned people to take charge, but there has been no result. Under the urging of the Japanese, there is no way, so the task is given to you. "

"It seems that our guesses are correct. The director is now helpless, and the Japanese have been urging us to have a result before they take responsibility for us. Doesn't this clearly mean that the Japanese blame us?" Song Shutang didn't know what to say.

Wan Liang said here: "Although the current situation is like this, it is not without opportunities. If we can solve this task, it will be good for us."

Of course Wan Liang wants to solve this task. After all, completing the task will indeed be of great benefit to them.

Moreover, he had just left a bad impression on Masato Kuji. If he could complete a task that even Li Qun couldn't complete, wouldn't it be more proof of his ability and help him restore his image.

Therefore, Wan Liang now also places his hope on Song Shutang.

Since you must complete this task now and it is unavoidable, of course you must find a way.

Song Shutang said: "It is easy to kill people, but it is difficult to prevent them from being exposed. If a subordinate kills someone, and people still suspect that the Japanese did it, wouldn't it not only fail to complete the task, but also discredit them? There will definitely be blame in the end.”

"So we need to create surprises."

"What does the Director mean?"

"Let's brainstorm together." Wan Liang didn't have a good idea. After all, ordinary accidents can be seen through at a glance, and regarding the other party's special identity, he must be the first to suspect the Japanese and the puppet government.

But Wan Liang now needs Song Shutang to have confidence that he can complete this task, otherwise he will have already lost at the beginning and there will be no need to do the follow-up work.

Song Shutang seemed to be inspired and began to say: "What the director said makes sense."

"In that case, let's discuss it carefully." Wan Liang said.


If this task could be solved through discussion, would Li Qun not be able to think of a solution?
So in the end, Song Shutang and Wan Liang did not discuss the results. After that, Wan Liang handed the task to Song Shutang, saying that he should take it back first to see the specific situation. It's best to spy on the writer, see what he or she usually does, and then look for opportunities.

Now you can't figure it out, you can only figure it out slowly.

So when Song Shutang finally left the secret service headquarters, although he had accepted this task and promised to complete it, his expression was not very good.

Wan Liang also knew what Song Shutang was thinking, so he advised him not to be too anxious.

I didn't see Nie Hong today, and there was no need to see him. Song Shutang knew very well that Li Qun gave it to him under the guise of Wan Liang.

Because Li Qun really wanted to complete it.

It’s just that Song Shutang will definitely not help.

After returning to the concession, Mei Mu Zhizi also asked Song Shutang what he said when he returned to the secret service headquarters today.

Song Shutang told Mei Mu Zhizi about the mission, and she also frowned upon hearing it.

I feel that this task is indeed very difficult, and the Japanese are too demanding, and they want to kill people without letting people know that they did it. This is naturally not easy.

Mei Muzhizi said: "The director has not thought of a solution, can you leave it to us now?"

"The Director wants me to complete it anyway, so he asked me to come back first to see the specific situation."

"But since the Japanese ask for help, no one else can help with this matter. I think it can only be the two of us."

Mei Mu Zhizi is right. If you keep secrets, you need to keep them secret first, so it is better for Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi to be responsible.

Song Shutang said, "For the time being, we are the only two responsible for this mission, but it may not be easy to find an opportunity in a short period of time. In addition, the action plan before the action must be shown to the director, and the director also needs the director's consent and signature before continuing the action."

After all, the Japanese are involved behind the scenes, so you can't kill them first and tell them later.

What to do if something goes wrong then.

"But how can we come up with a perfect solution?"

"Then it depends on whether we can come up with new ideas in the future." Song Shutang understood very well that you must have new ideas, otherwise there will be no way.

But Song Shutang definitely doesn't want to succeed, so how to protect this writer is also a problem.

After all, depending on the attitude of the Japanese and the Secret Service Headquarters, this writer must be eliminated. Even if there is no good way, I am afraid I have to try it forcefully. In the worst case, I will just find someone to take the blame.

After all, many of the remarks made by this writer did have a huge impact on them, making the Japanese intolerable.

Even the organizational authorities tried to persuade him not to speak so sharply, but the writer ignored it.

Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi did not discuss any countermeasures. They just said that they would follow up and monitor the situation tomorrow to see if they could find an opportunity.

Song Shutang first assigned the task of tracking and surveillance to Mei Mu Zhizi, saying that he wanted to investigate other things.

But in fact, Song Shutang wanted to meet with Uncle Li to see what the organization was thinking. After all, this writer was closer to them.

The next day, Song Shutang arranged for Mei Mu Zhizi to be responsible for tracking and monitoring, collecting information for their next actions, but he himself went to see Uncle Li.

After meeting Uncle Li, Song Shutang told him about his mission here. Upon hearing this, Uncle Li said: "I know the writer you are talking about. He is indeed very close to the organization and has helped publish many articles.

So I think the relationship between this person and the organization is unusual. "

"Do you think he might be a comrade?"

"It is indeed possible, but I don't know. This requires follow-up inquiries." Uncle Li said.

Whether you are a comrade in the organization or not, you can't possibly know everything about this kind of thing, so now this information needs to be reported to see what arrangements the organization will make.

"But this time the matter is more dangerous. Even if there is no good solution, I think Li Qun may want to take action forcefully." Song Shutang said.

He could feel what Li Qun meant. After all, this was the case, and the Japanese wanted a result.

Moreover, the writer must get rid of the thorn in his side. It is best not to cause trouble. If there is really no other way, he must get rid of him even if he is in trouble.

This is how the Japanese think.

It was also Li Qun’s idea.

Uncle Li nodded and said, "I will report to the organization as soon as possible. If there is anything I need to tell you later, I will let you know."

"it is good."

Song Shutang felt that if this writer was really a comrade of the organization, it might be easier for the organization to resolve this matter.

If it were not a comrade in the organization, it might be a little more troublesome.

But this all needs to wait and see the situation later. Now Song Shutang can just leave Uncle Li and wait.

When Mei Mu Zhizi came back in the evening, Song Shutang asked how her surveillance went. Mei Mu Zhizi told Song Shutang that the writer's daily activities were relatively regular and she basically wrote at home.

He is a very prolific writer, with works published basically every month, so he maintains a very regular lifestyle.

Basically, I don’t meet my friends that much. You said I rarely attend gatherings among literati.

Because he has to spend a lot of time writing.

However, such a high output means that his works are actually uneven. Sometimes if the inspiration is very good, this month's works will be of high quality.

But if the inspiration is average, it will lead to bad works this month and criticism.

Many people advised him not to do this and to work slowly and carefully. However, the writer believes that now is not the time to work slowly and carefully.

It is said that the country is being invaded, and your article will awaken more people. It is meaningless for you to polish your writing skills here, and you don’t know when you will die. Naturally, you should write more when you can write.

Many people also sneered at such remarks, thinking they were grandstanding.

But the writer did not change his opinion and continued to follow the same path.

Therefore, what Mei Mu Zhizi said is that this writer is so regular that it is not easy to create accidents.

It will be easy to see through and make everyone realize that the problem is caused by the Japanese.

Song Shutang said: "It seems that we still need to continue to think of a solution."

He needs to delay for a while and wait for news from the organization.

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