Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 581 Reasoning

Chapter 581 Reasoning
Nie Hong informed the military commander of his thoughts.

The military commander is also discussing this matter to see if it is feasible.

The final conclusion is that this can be done. After all, this news is no longer a secret, and even if you tell Li Qun, he will not dare to act rashly.

So why not let Nie Hong take the opportunity to make meritorious deeds?

Nie Hong's undercover work with Li Qun was carried out very well, even far exceeding the military commander's expectations. So in this case, the military commander must want to strike while the iron is hot.

Being able to establish Nie Hong's position will be very helpful for future work, so we need an opportunity now.

Not only did Nie Hong have to make meritorious deeds, but Li Qun also felt that he was being squeezed out, and then he would even want to seize a capable but inexperienced person like Nie Hong.

This kind of talent is what Li Qun is most comfortable with now.

Therefore, the military commander will cooperate with such a plan.

After Nie Hong got the consent of the military commander, he began to investigate in the concession, got some details and clues, and then prepared to start reasoning.

Reasoning naturally relies on your own ability to peel off cocoons. Although there are not so many clues for you now, Nie Hong feels that it is enough.

After all, there is nothing to investigate in this matter.

The Japanese puppets will not tell you here, and the anti-Japanese organizations will not tell you here. You can imagine how difficult it is to investigate the truth, so reasoning is a very important part.

Therefore, Nie Hong left the concession alone today and went back to report to Li Qun.

When Li Qun saw Nie Hong coming back at the secret service headquarters, he also asked: "How is the investigation going?"

Because Li Qun received more and more information here, he felt that the situation might be serious, so he became more eager to grasp the truth.

Nie Hong replied: "My subordinates are investigating this matter in the concession. In fact, there is not much progress."

"Not much progress?"

"Because there is indeed a phenomenon of anti-Japanese organization members leaving in the concession, these directors have already grasped it. Secondly, the patrol officers in the patrol room are now more contacted by various agencies."

Because he got this information from Song Shutang, Nie Hong could indeed inquire through the concession when investigating.

It was originally a matter within the concession.

It is reasonable to want to start from the patrol room, so there is no problem with Nie Hong's investigation direction.

So starting from the patrol and investigating that they were contacted, it is naturally not a secret.

Although it is said that this matter should be kept secret, you cannot guarantee that every patrol officer will keep it secret. After all, the patrol officers do not know what will happen next.

And this news can be exchanged for money, so what’s not to say?
So Nie Hong got some clues by patrolling here.

After Li Qun heard the news, he was indeed a little unexpected, and he felt that the whole thing was getting more and more strange.

Why do people from anti-Japanese organizations want to leave the concession, but people from other organizations want to come into contact with patrols?

This is unreasonable.

Could it be that these organizations put pressure on the concession, so the concession dealt with people from anti-Japanese organizations, and then they had no choice but to leave the concession?

Li Qun didn't believe that anyone would target people from anti-Japanese organizations like the secret service headquarters.

Therefore this reasoning is invalid.

Seeing that Li Qun was still thinking, Nie Hong said: "My subordinates now have a very bold guess."

"Say?" Li Qun also wanted to hear how bold Nie Hong's guess could be.

"My subordinates believe that the anti-Japanese organizations in the concession want to leave. The only explanation is that they are dangerous in the concession, so they have to leave."

After hearing Nie Hong's reasoning, Li Qun thought it was correct.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for so many anti-Japanese elements to leave at the same time.

But the question you have to consider now is why are their concessions in danger?
It was clear that the concession was safe for them before.

Li Qun said: "How do you explain this problem?"

"My subordinates thought it might be an exception at first, but later found out it was not. In other words, the belief that there will be problems in the concession is not the speculation of one or a few people, but the consensus of many people.

Therefore, my subordinates wanted to investigate through the patrol room to see if anything was going to happen in the concession, and then let the anti-Japanese organization and others get the news, so that they would make such a move. "


"Of course, the investigation revealed that there were agencies contacting the patrol. At first, my subordinates did not understand the news and thought that the two things might have no connection. They just said that these agencies contacted the patrol because they wanted these people to join them and help them obtain information in the concession. information.

It's just that my subordinates later thought about it and thought, how could there be so many people besides us interested in the information in the concession?
After all, the information you asked the patrol room to provide you was more about the anti-Japanese organizations, rather than other places, such as business, so your subordinates were puzzled by this matter. "

What Nie Hong is talking about now is his own mental journey. He needs to let Li Qun know why he reasons like this. He needs to let the other party understand his entire process.

At least so far, Li Qun thinks it is reasonable.

It is true that you have investigated so much information, but this information will make you more confused.

Li Qun said nothing, waiting for Nie Hong to continue.

Nie Hong spoke again: "But when I connected the two things together, I thought of something."

"Link the two incidents of people from the anti-Japanese organization leaving the concession and being contacted by the patrol house?"


"What clues did you get?"

"My subordinates speculate that there may be something going on in the concession, so the patrol house will need to be replaced by new people in the future, so these agencies will come forward."


"This is what my subordinates think." Nie Hong knew that it was not that Li Qun didn't understand, but that he was a little surprised.

Sure enough, Li Qun said: "The patrols in these patrol houses are valuable only when they are patrolling. If they all leave the patrol house, then they have no value. How can these agencies be interested?"

Li Qun knows very well that what these patrol officers want is your identity as a patrol officer. If you don't have this identity, do you still expect others to win over you?

Faced with this problem, Nie Hong asked: "What if there are no patrol rooms?"

"There are no patrol rooms anymore?" Li Qun muttered, now also lost in thought.

After a while, Li Qun said, "Do you think something is going to happen in the concession?"

"Yes." Nie Hong said.

Now that he has made such a reasoning, of course he cannot back down now and must act very normal.

That's the reasoning I came up with based on my research and nothing else.

I can't determine whether it is true or false now, but I will definitely reason like this. This is the result of my investigation.

Li Qun's mood is indeed complicated now. If Nie Hong's reasoning is followed, then things in the concession will be earth-shaking.

Under what circumstances would there be no patrol room?

Both of them knew it.

You think it's nonsense, but some agencies have begun to contact police officers. Doesn't this mean they want to do something?

Take control of the patrol and start working internally earlier, and it will be easier to take over the concession later. Li Qun got up from his stool and walked around the room. After all, the news was indeed somewhat unexpected.

But Li Qun himself had his own reasoning about the outcome of the concession.

He felt long ago that the concession could not always exist and the Japanese would not allow it.

But suddenly you tell him that now your reasoning is coming true, and it is indeed more difficult to accept it immediately.

But Nie Hong's reasoning does make sense.

Therefore, Li Qun now also believes that this is the case with a high probability, but this is somewhat difficult for Li Qun to accept.

It's not that he can't accept the disappearance of the concession.

But he couldn't accept the Japanese hiding from him.

You said that after the concession disappears, who will be responsible for the internal intelligence work?
It must still be the secret service headquarters.

Logically speaking, you should tell me earlier at this time and let me prepare early, so that I can start my work just right.

But what about the results?

No one told him about this. He, Li Qun, was already notorious for the secret service headquarters.

So now he is not human inside and out, and he definitely doesn't want to do that.

Secondly, the Japanese did not tell him about this matter in advance. To put it bluntly, they did not intend to let him be responsible for the intelligence work in the concession. So who is responsible?

Li Qun thought of Wan Liang.

Could it be that he planned to make Wan Liang responsible?
After all, the concession area is within the concession, and Song Shutang is from Wan Liang, so the intelligence work in the concession can indeed be handed over directly to Wan Liang.

Perhaps the Japanese had this mentality, so they did not tell Li Qun the truth.

This made Li Qun even more dissatisfied.

He felt that his performance over the past few times was enough to prove his worth, and that the Japanese should also understand how great an impact it would have on Shanghai if he acted recklessly.

But even so, they still have to support Wan Liang. Isn't this just forcing Li Qun into a dead end?
But Li Qun actually didn't know that the Japanese didn't plan to use Wan Liang at all, but planned to use Song Shutang.

But in Li Qun's view, the Japanese obviously support Wan Liang now, so the work in the concession should most likely be handed over to Wan Liang.

Song Shutang is Wan Liang's man, and all this is reasonable.

Moreover, Song Shutang's position is indeed insufficient, and it may be difficult to get into the eyes of the Japanese.

Therefore, it is very reasonable for Li Qun to doubt Wan Liang now. If he directly doubts Song Shutang, there will be some problems.

After all, no matter how you look at it, Song Shutang has not shown such a possibility yet.

Li Qun stood still, feeling even more dissatisfied with Wan Liang and wishing he could get rid of him soon.

Naturally, Li Qun also hated Wan Liang before, but now it has reached its peak.

Moreover, Nie Hong was responsible for investigating this matter and also understood the Japanese attitude towards him. Li Qun asked: "What do you think?"

"My subordinates will follow the director to the death," Nie Hong said.

Now that the other party asks you this question, can you still say no?

Li Qun will not doubt whether what Nie Hong said is true or false.

After all, even if Nie Hong really wanted to rebel, it would only happen if Li Qun showed signs of weakness.

Naturally, it's not the right time yet, so there is no need for Li Qun to doubt his own people so early.

Moreover, Nie Hong was willing to express this reasoning, which showed that the other party did not have any thoughts of rebellion now, otherwise he would not have mentioned this matter.

Li Qun said: "You have made great contributions to this investigation."

"I'm just speculating, and I can't guarantee that it will be the case."

"In fact, both you and I know that your refusal is very accurate."

"Then how should we respond?" Nie Hong asked worriedly.

"They are unwilling to tell us the news, and they are unwilling to let us intervene, so even if they know now, there is nothing we can do."

"Do nothing?" Nie Hong asked.

If you don't do anything, won't you just sit there and wait for death?
But in fact, the reason why Li Qun didn't panic was because who did Song Shutang belong to?

If the Japanese want Wan Liang to manage the concession, they will have to ask Song Shutang to come forward. After all, they have to use Song Shutang's excuse to hand over the concession to Wan Liang.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the zoning of the concession was not cancelled, but directly changed into zoning, and then Song Shutang continued to work in it.

So naturally this matter was handed over to Wan Liang. It was not that the Japanese insisted on giving it to Wan Liang, but it was just arranged this way.


But is Song Shutang a member of Wanliang?

Obviously not.

In Li Qun's view, Song Shutang was one of his own.

The Japanese left the concession area not to help Wan Liang, but to help themselves.

So of course Li Qun is not panicking now.

He was very angry at what the Japanese did, but he had already left many paths for himself, and he was certainly very comfortable in dealing with them.

It's just that Li Qun doesn't want to talk about this in front of Nie Hong yet. He plans to let him know about it later, and then he will worship and follow him even more.

Nie Hong was a little puzzled when he saw that Li Qun didn't explain now.

But Li Qun told him not to worry, there wouldn't be any trouble in this matter.

Seeing that Li Qun was so confident, Nie Hong was a little relieved. Although he didn't know why, Li Qun's ability to be so confident must have something to rely on.

Li Qun just said: "You continue to investigate this matter, and I will also find a way to confirm it."

"How does the director confirm?"

"Since some agencies have come to the door of the patrol room, they must have gotten the news. I can't find out the Japanese here, but you can still try these places."

After all, Li Qun has been operating in Shanghai for so long, so it is impossible that he has no connections at all.

Now that other organizations know about it, Li Qun can give it a try.

Then we can use these people to judge whether Nie Hong's reasoning is correct.

In other words, although Nie Hong's credit was still delayed, it would not be as he expected. He would have to wait until the concession really disappeared before he could realize it.

Li Qun only needed to verify this information from other places, so Nie Hong also made meritorious service, and the time was shortened.

This is of course beneficial to Nie Hong.

(End of this chapter)

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