Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 583 Three-legged Standing

Chapter 583 Three pillars
Song Shutang is now the center of attention.

But he is currently invincible.

Why do you say this?
Wan Liang hopes that Song Shutang can control the division, so he strongly supports it. The Japanese also support it, so there is no problem with Wan Liang here.

As for the Japanese, Masato Kuji personally told Song Shutang to prepare in advance. Do you think he could have any problems here?
Finally, there is Li Qun.

Li Qun also felt that Song Shutang was one of his own, and the Japanese thoughts and Wan Liang's thoughts would be in vain, so although he seemed angry now, it was more of an illusion.

Secondly, even if there is true anger, it will not be vented on Song Shutang.

The truth is so simple, Song Shutang is safe.

So what needs to be done now is to have the division start investigating the anti-Japanese elements within its jurisdiction. Whether they can be investigated or not is not very important.

After all, there was such a big turmoil in the concession, and Li Qun knew that the anti-Japanese organizations had responded in advance. Wan Liang also knew about it now.

Then it is understandable that you are not making any progress internally.

Rather than being held back by others.

Now, we need to continue to expand the zoning and take advantage of this opportunity to expand as much as we can.

Under this situation, Wan Liang also secretly supported Song Shutang and gave him some funds to continue.

As for your question, how can Song Shutang support so many people if the superiors don’t provide salaries in the future?
Wan Liang said that Song Shutang is now the district chief, and his nature is different from before.

There will be many ways to make money in the future, and raising a few people will not be a big problem.

If you spend money to support people now, you can get more money later.

If you are reluctant to part with this little money, then whether you can sit in this seat in the future will be a problem.

Song Shutang thought what the other party said was very reasonable, so he used the money Wan Liang gave him to recruit people.

Masato Jiuji is not slow here either. He has already chosen an office location. It used to be the office location of the concession authority. It seemed to belong to some small chamber of commerce. Now it has been given to Song Shutang and the others.

Although it is said to be a small chamber of commerce, the place is not small, with three floors.

Song Shutang is more than enough for them to use.

He immediately notified everyone that they were going to move to another place. People from the district followed and took a look, and they were all a little happy.

After all, their office location is much better than before.

And it can also be seen that the Japanese value them, which gives them hope for work. This is all good news.

Therefore, everyone is now more and more sure of Song Shutang's abilities and believes that there is a future for following Song Shutang.

Everyone is happy.

Song Shutang was not disappointed and asked everyone to celebrate in the evening, but he and Mei Mu Zhizi left the venue early.

After all, if they were there, everyone would be a little reluctant to let go, so it would be better to leave early.

The two returned to their new residence, and the conditions were of course similar. After all, even in the previous office location, they had independent rooms to rest.

Mei Mu Zhizi looked at the new house and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that we would benefit from it instead."

"It seems that we are benefiting now, but whether it is the director or director, or even the Japanese, we are all in danger, and we will definitely have to fight in the future."

"It depends on how to deal with the subsequent situation."

"There will be no problems in a short period of time, so we must recruit troops as soon as possible. We must have enough strength before we can think about the future."

"Now that many people have joined in the division, the rule of Wan Liang and Cao Xinrong is now shaken."

In the past, Wan Liang and Li Qun selected people to join the division, so basically they all had factions.

Yan Feng has now taken refuge in Song Shutang, but he cannot be completely trusted and needs to be careful.

But the people who joined this time were chosen by them in advance and were not from Wan Liang and Li Qun at all, which caused problems in the rule of Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng.

"This is good news." Song Shutang said.

"So my idea is, can we select two people as new leaders and let them be responsible for leadership? After all, there are more people in the division now, and it is really inappropriate to only have two people in charge." Mei Mu Zhizi felt that he would take the opportunity to promote two people. My own confidants, even if something goes wrong with Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng, they will not be seriously affected immediately.

There is nothing wrong with Mei Mu Zhizi's proposal, and it is logical.

After all, the size of the partition has increased now, and you can't remain the same as before. With only Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng, you will really be too busy.

But who to promote?

Of course, Song Shutang's first thought was the latent personnel in the organization and military command, but if you promote both of them, it would be a coincidence if something goes wrong in the future.

Moreover, these two people have never performed very well in the division. Perhaps the organization and military commander do not allow them to perform. After all, with Song Shutang here, there is no point in rushing to perform.

Therefore, Song Shutang thought that forget it and let Mei Mu make arrangements on her own.

As long as you listen to them, it's all the same.

For those who do not choose organization and military control, it is still a kind of protection for them.

So Song Shutang said: "Leave this matter to you."

"I can take charge of this matter. I'm just worried that Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng will have a rebellious mentality and feel that we are weakening their power." Mei Mu Zhizi was a little worried about this.

"We can't hide this thing. After all, the way to do it is very obvious, which is to weaken their power. But there is one thing we need to understand, that is, it is normal to weaken their power now. Do we keep letting them go? Are you in Cao's camp and your heart is in Han?" Song Shutang said.

You must do something at this time.

Even for Wan Liang and Li Qun, Song Shutang could explain that I wanted to weaken the other party's control.

The explanation given to both men was the same.

And it’s reasonable.

You choose to believe in Song Shutang, not Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng who you installed in the division. This needs to be made clear.

After hearing Song Shutang's words, Mei Mu Zhizi no longer had any worries and said, "I already have two candidates."

"Then you can be responsible."

"it is good."

Song Shutang didn't ask Mei Mu Zhizi's candidate, but he probably wasn't a lurker from the organization or military command, but a new patrol officer from the patrol room. After all, Mei Mu Zhizi was more familiar with this group of people.

Mei Mu Zhizi was arranged to be responsible for this matter, and Song Shutang continued to recruit troops. He even started to use his own money.

Because Song Shutang had met Uncle Li and Bu Kaijie once, the organization and the military commander wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, and Song Shutang must become stronger.

Only in this complex situation can we get some opportunities.

At the same time, there are indeed some clues about the arrests of Yan Feng and Cao Xinrong, but Song Shutang has also reported them. Anyway, you can’t investigate it now.

Or you can only investigate things, but you can't catch anyone.

It can be regarded as a meritorious service, but the loss can be smaller.

But what do you think the problem is?
There is a lot of chaos in the jurisdiction now, so various situations may occur, and everyone is very vigilant. You have not gained anything really normal.

Furthermore, it’s not just the partitions that have no gains, this is true for every organization.

Later, the people recruited here by Song Shutang were basically from the patrol room. After all, they had more people here.

At the same time, there are also some who used to work with foreigners. Now that many foreigners have left Shanghai, they have no job opportunities, so they can only find other jobs.

Some people are also very capable. Although they are not as good as patrol officers, they can still be used.

Therefore, Song Shutang also regarded them as his targets. He went back and forth to Song Shutang and recruited more than fifty people.

They have now changed their office space so that so many people can work. They just said that they need to find another place to live.

This office location can only be used for work, not accommodation.

Then all the previous apartments and inns can be converted into accommodation, and the inn does not need to be operated. It can be directly converted into dormitories openly.

And many people have a place to live. They live here, so there is a place to live, but some people need it.

Therefore, there is no problem with the rhythm here in Song Shutang.

But his rapid expansion made Wan Liang come to his senses.

Song Shutang has expanded so fast. If it continues like this, it will be no worse than Wanliang.

Previously, Wan Liang also helped Song Shutang expand and gave him money.

But now that I think about it, something seems wrong. If Song Shutang continues to expand like this, can I still control the other party?

In the past, it could have been because of the disparity in status between the two and the fact that they had secrets.

But later this secret turned out to be detrimental to Wan Liang, because Song Shutang didn't have to listen to you because your power was about the same.

And if you dare to act recklessly, Song Shutang also has a handle on you.

At that time, this leverage between two people will be useless, because it is the same for everyone, so it means there is no one.

So Wan Liang knew that Song Shutang definitely couldn't control him, but could he still control him?

This is also a problem.

Moreover, power makes people think a lot, which Wan Liang knows very well, so he doesn't think Song Shutang can withstand the temptation.

Therefore, Wan Liang now regrets very much. He helped Song Shutang before. At that time, all he wanted was to gain a foothold early and help him deal with Li Qun.

But now it seems that Wan Liang is not sure about this.

He even felt that if Song Shutang really had other thoughts, it would be even more impossible to deal with Li Qun.

Isn't it better to stand on three pillars?

Wanting to understand this, Wan Liang also wanted to talk to Mr. Jiu Si about this issue, fearing that Song Shutang would not be able to control it in the future.

After hearing Wan Liang's words, Masato Kuji was thinking that you had finally reacted.

However, Masato Jiuji didn't want Wan Liang to realize this now, so he told him that Song Shutang's power would be helpful to Wan Liang.

And don't worry about not taking control. As long as the Mei organization supports Wan Liang, Song Shutang can't do anything.

Moreover, Masato Jiuji also told Wan Liang that as long as Li Qun is eliminated, you will be the director of the special agent headquarters, so no matter how many people there are in the Song Shutang division, they will not be worth mentioning in front of you.

Wan Liang thought the same thing. He became the director, so there was a huge disparity in status.

He and Song Shutang were back to the previous situation, so the secret would be useful.

After all, this secret will not allow the Japanese to eliminate the director of the secret service headquarters, because solving this director will have a great impact on the intelligence work in Shanghai.

But it was enough for them to deal with Song Shutang.

After all, if no one can solve it, can the Japanese swallow this sigh of relief?
So after listening to Masato Kuji's words, Wan Liang felt that he wanted to be the director, so he really shouldn't consider these things now.

He only needs to get closer to Song Shutang, and then make Li Qun hate Song Shutang so much that Song Shutang has to deal with Li Qun, and he can sit back and relax.

Masato Kuji watched Wan Liang leave and felt that the other party was just wary, but did he really react?

Now it seems not at all.

Masato Jiuji was even more determined that he was right to choose Song Shutang, so Wan Liang should use it first.

Moreover, Song Shutang only needs to interpret that he is helping Wan Liang and wants to help him become the director, so the problem should not be too big.

Anyway, Masato Jiuji's idea is to deal with Li Qun first, and Wan Liang will be easier to deal with.

As for Song Shutang, he needs to take precautions when the time comes, otherwise it would be troublesome to end up like Li Qun.

Masato Kuji is also considering these issues.

As for Li Qun, he also knew about the situation in Song Shutang, but Li Qun's reaction was much better. Why?
It's not that Li Qun trusts Song Shutang, but Li Qun feels that if Song Shutang becomes more capable, his first opponent will definitely be Wan Liang, not Li Qun.

After all, Wan Liang was the first to become restless.

The second thing is that even if Song Shutang doesn't want to confront Wan Liang, Li Qun only needs to express the idea that Song Shutang has surrendered to him a long time ago, and they will have to confront him.

When the time comes, both of them will suffer losses, and Li Qun will reap the benefits.

This is also the reason why Li Qun is not in a hurry now. His situation is already the best, even better than before.

And with Nie Hong's help, Li Qun felt that his situation was no longer so tense.

Even Li Qun wanted to help Song Shutang secretly so that he could continue to recruit troops. So how to help?
Of course it's for funding.

It's just that Li Qun couldn't give it openly, so he could only reluctantly give it according to the quota provided by Mei Agency. But what are the requirements of Mei Agency?
Add one hundred people.

But in fact, Mei Guan wanted Li Qun to reject it, and then said that fifty people would be enough.

After all, there were only fifty people, and Song Shutang recruited the next fifty people using the funds provided by Wan Liang and his own money.

But Li Qun didn't refute immediately, he just didn't agree and just delayed.

He planned to agree directly after waiting. It seemed that Li Qun had hesitated for a long time and felt that the current situation was unfavorable and did not want to offend the Mei agency, so he could only agree.

Then Song Shutang can recruit fifty more people, which adds up to a new quota of one hundred and fifty people, which is enough to give Wan Liang a headache.

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