Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 585 The effect is good

Chapter 585 The effect is good
After the organization arranged Ding Yingzhuo's operation, it told Song Shutang to start.

At the same time, the personnel list will be notified.

The people who need to be arrested are indeed people in the original concession, and they are indeed within the jurisdiction of Song Shutang now. You said that if you want to investigate and find problems with these people, it is indeed difficult for Song Shutang to directly arrange them.

But don't forget.

The organization also placed a comrade in the subdivision. This comrade said that he discovered something strange when he was investigating on the street.

Then you can follow the clues and investigate.

And this time, Song Shutang did not let Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng take charge at all, but handed it over to the patrol leader of the previous patrol room. After all, they said they wanted to promote two people. Mei Muzhizi did this very quickly here and it is over.

Although Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng felt a little strange, they were not dissatisfied, or they could not express their dissatisfaction.

After all, the current situation at the Secret Service Headquarters is like this. You can't say that you won't promote personnel, so who will be responsible for the increase in the number of people?

Why put new people in charge instead of Cao Xinrong and Yan Feng?

On the one hand, Song Shutang needs to tell the two of you that you are no longer the only one, so you must be more honest and obedient.

On the other hand, the patrolmen had worked here before and were more familiar with the internal situation, so it was reasonable for them to be responsible.

Secondly, in this investigation, the other party is more interested in making meritorious deeds.

Even a little urgent.

After all, he had just been promoted by Mei Mu Zhizi, so he must be trying to prove his worth and secure his position.

After all, there are many people eyeing his position.

So in this situation where you are eager to make meritorious deeds, you say the people you arrest are not even anti-Japanese elements.

They will very much want the other party to be an anti-Japanese element, and they must be an anti-Japanese element.

Song Shutang planned to take advantage of this to let the other party confirm the identity of the arrested persons.

In fact, the organization arranged for comrades to provide clues, and then Song Shutang arranged personnel to investigate. In just four days, the location of the other party was found.

Then Song Shutang ordered his arrest.

Why not continue to track and monitor?

That's because you don't know whether the other party is an anti-Japanese element or not, so your surveillance work may be a waste of time. You might as well arrest and interrogate him, which would be good if you can provide valuable intelligence.

Moreover, now the divisions can arrest people if they want and interrogate people if they want. This is completely different from before.

So there is no problem if Song Shutang orders people to be arrested.

At least in everyone's opinion, that's why. In this case, you definitely need to capture the opponent, otherwise it will be a waste of time. First, capture the credit you have already seen.

Of course, there were no surprises in the arrest. After all, the other party didn't know that he and others were being investigated. After that, the interrogation work began.

It is better to leave it to the police officers of the original police station. They are eager to make meritorious service, so they will not be merciful during the interrogation.

But no matter how you interrogate him, the other person will not say that he is an anti-Japanese element.

Then keep using torture. After all, you are an anti-Japanese element. Only then can he make meritorious deeds and gain a firm foothold.

Since you are not an anti-Japanese activist, don't you mean that the investigation is wrong?

The arrested persons also complained endlessly.

How come you are now considered an anti-Japanese element when you are clearly not one? How can you justify this?

But the secret service headquarters is not a place for reason, and neither is the division.

If you don't admit it, you'll be tortured.

But you can't admit it even if you torture the other party. After all, in the end, if you admit it, you will die.

Of course, it was impossible for them to admit it in their minds. If Song Shutang couldn't find a result in the interrogation, they called Wan Liang to complain.

He said that he originally arrested anti-Japanese elements here, and wanted to achieve results in the interrogation, but who knew that the interrogation was fruitless.

Faced with this situation, Wan Liang also encouraged Song Shutang to continue.

After all, Song Shutang's meritorious service was the same as his.

However, following Song Shutang's complaints and discussions among personnel in the division, many people in the secret agent headquarters later knew about the matter.

Then it is logical for Ding Yingzhuo to know.

After learning about this, Ding Yingzhuo took the initiative to meet Wan Liang in accordance with the organization's arrangement.

Wan Liang was originally not interested in this, but Ding Yingzhuo said that he had something important to report, so he arranged to meet.

"What are you talking about?" Wan Liang was not very interested.

"My subordinates heard that people were arrested within the division, but the interrogation did not go well."


"There were many members of the Red Party in the concession before, so my subordinates wondered whether the other party might be a member of the Red Party."

After hearing Ding Yingzhuo's words, Wan Liang did not refute.

Because although the identities of the arrested persons are not yet certain, according to the district investigation, they are most likely to be members of the Red Party.

"What do you want to say?"

"My subordinates think that if they are members of the Red Party, it is better for me to meet them. Whether I know them or not, at least they can see my situation today.

Otherwise, even if the people in the division promise them a good outcome, they probably won't believe it. So in this case, it would be more advantageous for me to go. "

After hearing Ding Yingzhuo's words, Wan Liang understood that the other party wanted to play his role or even instigate rebellion.

Wan Liang thought for a while and felt that since Song Shutang was complaining that the interrogation was not going well and there seemed to be no other good solution, he might as well let Ding Yingzhuo go in and give it a try.

You said you asked Song Shutang to send people to the secret service headquarters. Wan Liang felt that the other party might not be very happy. After all, they were arresting people in separate areas. It would not look good for you to come to the secret service headquarters.

The second thing is to get the special agent headquarters, but also need to watch out for Li Qun. Wan Liang thought it would be better to just put it in the division.

So it is more appropriate to let Ding Yingzhuo go in.

Wanting to understand this, Wan Liang said: "I can give you this chance, but you must not let me down."

"Director, please rest assured that my subordinates will definitely complete the task."

"Then it depends on your performance."


Ding Yingzhuo took the initiative here, so this matter has nothing to do with Song Shutang. As for whether the arrested person is a red party, it has nothing to do with Song Shutang.

Because this clue was provided by his subordinates, who were also responsible for the investigation, Song Shutang just did what his division chief should do.

After all, there are already clues to the anti-Japanese elements, how could you ignore them.

No matter what the situation is, you need to investigate, and that's okay. After Ding Yingzhuo received the order, he rushed to the subdivision. At the same time, Wan Liang also called Song Shutang, saying that Ding Yingzhuo had been arranged to assist.

Song Shutang also expressed on the phone that he was worried that Ding Yingzhuo would not be able to do it.

What Wan Liang said was that treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor would not waste anything.

Song Shutang thought so, so he agreed over the phone.

After that, they waited for Ding Yingzhuo to arrive. After Ding Yingzhuo came to the division, Song Shutang didn't see him at all.

After all, Song Shutang is the district chief. If you say that the other party was sent by Wan Liang, of course you have to give him face. However, Wan Liang made it very clear on the phone that Ding Yingzhuo recommended himself, and Wan Liang is not very optimistic about it.

Therefore, Song Shutang did not need to meet the other party, he could just ask his subordinates to take him to meet the arrested persons.

After seeing each other, Ding Yingzhuo began his own work of instigating rebellion.

In fact, Ding Yingzhuo's main message to the other party is that if you listen to me, you will still have a good life even after you rebel.

To put it bluntly, it just makes a few people have another thought in their minds, that is, I can survive by pretending to be a red party member and then rebelling.

It's better than being beaten to death yourself.

They couldn't admit it, admitted that they were worried that they were going to die now.

But they never admitted it, fearing that they would also be beaten to death.

After all, the people interrogating them are now showing no mercy.

Then Ding Yingzhuo's appearance was indeed useful, and several people began to hesitate.

But admitting it now seems to be the only way to survive. To put it bluntly, after you admit it, do you have any information to provide?

They had indeed obtained some intelligence before and had dealt with it.

I might as well say everything I'm thinking. I don't know if it's information from the Red Party anyway, and it's hard to say if it's useful now, but I've said everything I know, so there shouldn't be any problem.

Therefore, with Ding Yingzhuo's efforts, the other party actually relaxed.

When Song Shutang heard the news from the people below, he was also very surprised. He never thought that the other party would actually let go.

So it was Ding Yingzhuo who played the role?
Song Shutang immediately asked them to verify all the information provided by these people.

It's just that the information they provided was for a relatively long time, and the jurisdiction had just experienced a sudden change, so there was no way to investigate and verify many things.

However, some intelligence still found clues, proving that what they told was not a lie.

In fact, the organization cooperated from outside, making the information they provided appear to be members of the Red Party.

In this case, the identity of the other party is certain, and the information provided is correct. As for the inability to perform meritorious service, it is easier to explain.

That is, there was chaos before, and there may have been changes long ago. Moreover, with the sudden disappearance of the concession, these people entered a state of silence, so there are not many clues that can be provided.

Ding Yingzhuo made them talk, and this was his credit.

But Song Shutang doesn't care about you. He is from the subdivision. He doesn't care about doing these things. He only knows that he has made a contribution because the subdivision arrested members of the Red Party.

After Ding Yingzhuo accomplished his meritorious service, no one cared about him and left.

Ding Yingzhuo didn't have any objections to this. He mainly wanted to show his value to Wan Liang.

Wan Liang also already knew this information. Seeing that Ding Yingzhuo was indeed capable, and that he was really instigating the opponent, and seemed trustworthy, Wan Liang couldn't help but want to test Ding Yingzhuo's ability.

So I started planning in my mind, whether to give the other party a task and see if it can be completed.

Song Shutang didn't know this, but he believed that such an effect could be achieved, otherwise there would be no point in cooperating with the organization to do this.

After Ding Yingzhuo left, Song Shutang ignored them. As for the arrested people, he has now released them, saying that he wanted to use them to attract those silent anti-Japanese elements to join the division.

After all, there are major changes in the concessions now, and the environment for you to continue to fight against Japan is very bad. It is better to join the partition to make a living.

This propaganda effort is not small.

The secret service headquarters and the Japanese are supportive.

But the organization has already begun to prepare for the hoeing.

Of course, it is reasonable to hoe for rape. After all, the subdivision here wants to use them for propaganda, so publicity will have an impact on the Red Party. You must want to hoe for rape and kill the chickens to scare the monkeys.

Let those who may be a little shaken see that this is the end of being shaken.

At the same time, killing the person also confirmed the opponent's identity as a member of the Red Party.

Furthermore, if someone kills someone and silences them, they have no way to retract their confession. As long as the organization says they are one of their own, then they are their own.

To put it bluntly, it is the process of hoeing rape, whether it can go smoothly.

Song Shutang initially arranged to protect these people, but after protecting them for a few days, he found that there were no problems. Maybe he felt that the members of the Red Party had avoided them, and now they did not dare to show up at all.

So there was some slack.

But it is precisely because of your laxity that the Red Party has an opportunity.

Suddenly they were all assassinated.

When Song Shutang received the news, he was very angry and asked everyone in the division to investigate.

At the same time, he could only report this matter to Wan Liang. After hearing this, Wan Liang felt that Song Shutang was a little careless, but no one thought that the Red Party would really attack them. After all, the information provided by these people showed that the Red Party The internal status is not high.

It would be better to attack Ding Yingzhuo than to attack them.

But Wan Liang thought about it again and felt that Ding Yingzhuo was really careful at all times and cared about his own life, so he might not have given the Red Party a chance.

Furthermore, the zoning is definitely easier to deal with, and the area is now more chaotic.

Wan Liang also warned Song Shutang to work hard and not be careless, but didn't say anything more.

After all, these people are not important.

But the red party's attempt to scare the monkeys may be effective.

At least look at Ding Yingzhuo. He suddenly became energetic before, but now he is hiding again.

Wan Liang thought the other party's reaction was reasonable, but he didn't want to see Ding Yingzhuo like this.

It feels a bit embarrassing.

So he arranged a task for the other party, saying that he would be responsible for it together with the members of the secret service headquarters. People from the Red Party did not dare to assassinate at all. If they dared to come, they would never return.

Of course, Ding Yingzhuo couldn't refuse, so he could only stay with the people at the secret service headquarters every day.

Instead, it was because Ding Yingzhuo was worried about being assassinated that Wan Liang was a little unhappy and accelerated the decision to assign him a task.

Originally Wan Liang just had such an idea, and it was hard to say when exactly he would do it. But now he has accelerated the decision on this matter.

Ding Yingzhuo is happy in his heart, feeling that the organization's plan has not been wasted and has now achieved the best results.

Song Shutang was also aware of the affairs within the secret service headquarters, and he was relieved in his heart. He felt that things were progressing well. At least Comrade Ding Yingzhuo could start his latent career. Otherwise, he would always be marginalized and it would be difficult to move forward.

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