Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 592 Negotiating Cooperation

Chapter 592 Negotiating Cooperation
Seeking cooperation from the police in this case of seeking information is also an unconventional approach.

The previous head of the police department was dismissed from his post because of this incident.

This is very unacceptable and full of resentment.

But most of this resentment came from Song Shutang, and a few came from the police station.

But now Song Shutang and the others want to take advantage of the resentment of this police officer. After all, it is very difficult for you to take revenge on the police station. You don't have this chance at all.

As for revenge on Song Shutang?
The police station has this opportunity, but this person must have lost the opportunity for revenge, and even if the police station can regain face this time, it certainly has nothing to do with this person.

What should you do in this situation?
The obvious thing is to think about yourself.

Do you want to be a grassroots police officer for the rest of your life, or should you give it a try?

Even in exchange for some money.

After all, you said that if this person had always been a grassroots police officer, that would be it.

But since he was removed from office, it is difficult to accept it.

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality.

This principle remains unchanged throughout the ages.

Therefore, Song Shutang believed that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it. The police station now had a revenge plan against him, and it was pursuing speed and wanted to catch him by surprise.

So Song Shutang must avoid such a situation now and not let the other party succeed. It will be crucial to grasp the other party's plan and layout in advance.

So Mei Mu Zhizi started to look for the former district chief of the police station. After all, it was not difficult for him to be his previous opponent, and he could even be said to be familiar with him.

However, neither of them came forward. At that time, they let the people below take action.

There are opportunities to meet, but not many.

Mei Mu Zhizi thought that if he wanted to talk to the other party at this time, it would be better for Song Shutang to come forward in person.

Because the two have a grudge, they are easier to talk to each other. Things are often so strange.

Therefore, Mei Mu Zhizi took the lead in contacting the other party, saying that Song Shutang had something to talk about, but the other party felt that you were here to see my joke, or that you were here to add insult to injury.

I really resisted meeting Song Shutang.

Mei Mu Zhizi made it clear that they had something to talk about, but the other party didn't believe it at all.

In the end, Mei Muzhizi used the provocation method, saying that the other party was afraid of meeting each other, so he forced the other party out.

The appointment was held in a hotel.

The other party was very energetic today. He came to attend the appointment alone. He didn't believe that Song Shutang really dared to do anything to him.

He wanted to see if the other party had the courage.

Of course, Song Shutang would not look for trouble when something happened just now, so when we met today, he said with a smile: "Officer Zhao."

The other party’s name is Zhao Pan.

You said that calling the other person District Chief Zhao was a slap in the face, so Song Shutang could only call him Officer Zhao, which was a more polite title.

But Zhao Pan is very concerned about the title now, and his face is not happy when he hears such a title, but there is nothing he can do.

After all, he does not have an official position now.

All he could say was: "District Chief Song is here well."

District Chief Song shouted with gritted teeth, after all, everyone was the same before.

Song Shutang smiled and said, "Officer Zhao has a strong opinion of me?"

"What do you think?" Zhao Pan felt that Song Shutang was asking questions knowingly.

Song Shutang signaled Mei Mu to close the door and said, "We were just pawns in what happened at that time. Did we have any choice?"

Faced with this question, Zhao Pan did not answer, feeling that what Song Shutang said was just an excuse for himself.

Song Shutang continued: "We are all chess pieces, we can't help ourselves."

"You are saying this now to show that you, as a chess piece, have also defeated me?"

"Officer Zhao should know how I won. If there was any other way, I would not choose to pretend to be a military police. This matter can be big or small. If it is not handled well, my current fate may be worse than Officer Zhao's." What Song Shutang said was true.

Zhao Pan was just dismissed.

But what about Song Shutang?

Very likely to die.

Putting himself in his shoes, Zhao Pan felt that he would rather be dismissed than try this.

By pretending to be a military policeman, do you really think your life is too long?
But Song Shutang chose this matter. Zhao Pan looked at him and asked, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"On the contrary, it's because I'm afraid of death."

"How dare you fear death?"

“Don’t Officer Zhao understand?

There is only one way I can go. If I lose this time and lose the face of the secret service headquarters, I will be dead.

The secret service headquarters is no better than the police station, and Officer Zhao knows the situation of the secret service headquarters. If I don't give it a try, I will die. "

In fact, Zhao Pan had heard a little bit about the situation at the Secret Service Headquarters, and this incident was indeed targeted at the Secret Service Headquarters, so he felt that the situation inside the Secret Service Headquarters was indeed complicated.

But it is indeed not as dangerous as Song Shutang said, but Zhao Pan doesn't know that.

Moreover, Song Shutang did pretend to be a military policeman and take risks. Zhao Pan felt that what the other party said now was somewhat credible.

Faced with this situation, Zhao Pan asked: "Are you here to complain to me today?"

"I know Officer Zhao doesn't have time to listen to my complaints. I also know Officer Zhao's current situation, so I want to ask for cooperation."



"What can we two do together?"

"To be honest, the police station had a strong opinion of me regarding the previous incident. In order to save face, they attacked me."

"I know these things even if you don't tell them." Zhao Pan felt that this was not a secret. It was impossible to be so peaceful here in the police station. This was not the other party's style.

Song Shutang said: "And the police station has started taking action now."

When he said this, he deliberately observed Zhao Pan's expression. When he saw that there was no trace of surprise on the other person's face, Song Shutang knew that he had found the right person.

To put it bluntly, the other party knew about the police station, so he behaved like this.

So if Song Shutang wants to inquire about the other party, he has obviously found the right place.

As long as Zhao Pan agrees to cooperate, he will definitely bring information to Song Shutang, it just depends on the size of the information.

Seeing that the other party was silent, Song Shutang continued: "I've been through life and death, and I definitely don't want it to end like this, so I want to resist."

"just you?"

"Officer Zhao, why are you doing this? We are all just miserable people."

"You are not bitter."

"Officer Zhao may not have known me before, but he should have understood my experience in the past few days. Am I not a hard-working enough person?"

Zhao Pan recalled it here, and recalled Song Shutang's experience, and felt that he could indeed be called a hard-working person. But now he obviously won't sympathize with the other party.

"What exactly do you want to say?"

"It's very simple. I hope Officer Zhao can help me find out information about the police station and help me get through this difficult time."

"Shall I help you?" Zhao Pan seemed to have heard a joke.

"Why can't Officer Zhao help me?"

"Why should I help you?"

"Officer Zhao, do you think there is still a place for you in the police station?"

This question was very sharp, leaving Zhao Pan speechless for a moment. How could he still have a place? If there was a place, it wouldn't be like this.

"What does it have to do with you?"

Before the other party continued to get angry, Song Shutang said: "The reason is very simple. Since Officer Zhao has no place in the police station, he needs to think about himself."

"You want to win over me?"

"Officer Zhao is capable, otherwise he would not be the district chief of the police station, but now because the police department has lost face, they need to find someone to take the blame, and Officer Zhao is the scapegoat.

Then it will never be possible to stand out in the police station again. Even if this possibility is possible, it is very slim. Does Officer Zhao think he can wait until his lifetime?
So why not change your mind? Since you can't wait in the police station, why not try another place? "

"Agent Headquarters?"

"Technically the Secret Service Division."

"If you go to the district, then I will always be below you. You are the district chief. I can never go back."

Hearing this, Song Shutang smiled and said, "Is Officer Zhao's ambition just to be the district chief?"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Pan asked in surprise when he heard this.

Song Shutang didn't say anything more, just looked at the other party with a smile.

Zhao Pan finally said: "District Chief Song is young and ambitious."

"Young people like to think a little more."

"Why should I trust you?"

"You don't believe me, but Officer Zhao needs to make his own judgment. Even if you take a step back, it is impossible for you to be the district chief in the special agent headquarters district, but it is better than being a grassroots police officer in the police station.

Moreover, you are still led by your former subordinates, and they even need to deliberately make things difficult for you, isolate you, and make the leaders above you happy. Is this kind of life what you want? "

Zhao Pan had to say that Song Shutang was right, and it was indeed very attractive to him.

But Zhao Pan still couldn't believe Song Shutang, why would he believe someone so big?

"I want to know whether your ambition is real or fake." Zhao Pan said.

This not only means that Zhao Pan is concerned about his future, but that he needs to judge through this matter whether Song Shutang really has the ability in this area.

If Song Shutang really has huge ambitions, then Zhao Pan believes that the other party will not care about the previous unpleasantness with him and needs his help to realize his ambitions.

After all, ambitious people have the ability and pursuit in this area, and they need help.

If he wasn't someone with such ambitions, Zhao Pan worried that the other party just wanted to use his ability to help him get through a difficult time, and then just kill the donkey.

Faced with this problem, Song Shutang said with a smile: "I work overtime as a military police officer, but is there any substantive punishment now?"

This sentence made Zhao Pan fall into thinking, yes.

This matter is very serious. Logically speaking, Song Shutang could lose his life, but now there is no problem.

You can even discuss cooperation with Zhao Pan here.

You said there are no traces of Japanese people here, who would believe it?

Does this mean that Song Shutang has been selected by the Japanese?

In fact, Song Shutang said this deliberately now. He was indeed selected by the Japanese, but this matter could not be known to Li Qun and Wan Liang.

Is there no problem telling Zhao Pan?
He couldn't just want to win over Zhao Pan. Even if Wan Liang and Li Qun found out afterwards, Song Shutang could still say that he did it on purpose and said such things just to win over the other party.

As long as Masato Kuji doesn't admit it, no one will have evidence.

Then Song Shutang doesn’t have to worry.

And if Zhao Pan really wanted to seize the opportunity, it would be impossible to betray Song Shutang.

Zhao Pan wanted to understand the key point, but Song Shutang smiled and said nothing. He also knew that the other party would not explain it clearly. You need to understand these things yourself.

Under such circumstances, Zhao Pan said: "I need to think about it."

"It's nothing more. Officer Zhao can go back and think about it slowly. Just contact us when you think about it."

Zhao Pan didn't say anything more, stood up and left.

After the other party left, Mei Mu Zhizi, who had not spoken a word, said: "According to my observation, there is a high probability that the other party will agree."

Although Mei Mu Zhizi remained silent, she kept observing Zhao Pan's reaction.

It is necessary to judge whether the other party will agree to Song Shutang's cooperation through the changes in his expression.

Regarding Mei Mu Zhizi's words, Song Shutang said: "It's 100%."

"So sure?"

"Do you think Zhao Pan still has a chance to choose?"

No, Zhao Pan has no choice now.

No one is interested in him, he is of no value to anyone else.

Moreover, he is a person who has made major work mistakes and has been given up by the police station. Who do you think is interested?

Although you are capable, the capable people in Shanghai hate you. They can find them anywhere and there is no need to choose you.

It just happened to have an effect on Song Shutang.

Therefore, Zhao Pan also needs Song Shutang now, and the two of them choose each other.

Mei Muzhizi said: "Looking at Zhao Pan, he knows the situation at the police station."

"Although he is now dismissed from his post, after all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and he is very concerned about this matter. It is normal for him to have a certain understanding."

"But I'm worried that he can no longer unlock the core intelligence. What should we do if we agree to cooperate but fail to provide effective information?"

"First of all, when Zhao Pan agreed to cooperate, he had to prove his worth. If he didn't have valid information, he would go back and find valid information to report.

Secondly, we should also take a two-pronged approach and inquire from other places to see if we can gain anything. "


Mei Muzhizi feels that this is indeed the case, and we cannot place all our hopes on Zhao Pan alone. Although the probability of the other party agreeing to cooperate can now be determined, it is difficult for you to make an accurate and effective judgment on what kind of information the other party can provide.

Now you think that the other party can provide valuable intelligence, but it is difficult to say what will happen afterwards, so you should still make more preparations.

After that, Song Shutang and Mei Mu Zhizi also left here and went back to busy themselves with their own work.

At the same time, we waited for news from Zhao Pan.

Both of them knew that the news would definitely come, and it would definitely be good news. It just depended on the time.

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