Chapter 60
After eating the last meal in the Secret Service Corps, I packed up my clothes and went out.

When we came to Lianghu Guild Hall, we saw Jiao Teng waiting here.

Originally, he didn't come to see him off when he reported the news, but the captain didn't say much, so the report time was short, and Jiao Teng thought it would be better to come and see him off when he had time.

Jiao Teng said politely: "Group Leader Song, please walk slowly on the road."

"Captain Jiao, please come back quickly."

"There will be opportunities to cooperate again in the future."

"That's natural. It's just that it didn't help this time. Isn't this mission going to run aground again?"

"Since it's restarted, let's try again." Jiao Teng felt that it's better to try again, otherwise the investment in the early stage is so large, and every time he thinks about losing money, he will panic.

After the two got into the rickshaw, Jiao Teng watched them leave.

When we arrived at Luojia Bay, Long Hao said: "Jiao Teng still intends to investigate. If their secret service team has a way, why would they ask you to do it?"

"Maybe I plan to continue asking for help from elsewhere." After opening up the mind, the candidate is not the only one.

"Even if you're not good enough, it's the same if someone else comes in." Long Hao was inexplicably confident in Song Shutang.

"There are people beyond people and others beyond heaven."

"Then you will be compared to others."

"I'm not as skilled as others, what are you so excited about?" Song Shutang looked at the excited Long Hao.

"It doesn't mean that your feet are still on the ground." Long Hao replied with a smile.

If Song Shutang really completes the mission this time.

That Long Hao can only think that he is a god who does not step on the ground.


Song Shutang didn't think so.

It was late at night, so we didn't talk too much and went back to rest.

Early the next morning, I went to the intelligence department to report.

When Zhu Yue saw the two of them coming back, he naturally also asked about the investigation of the mission. Long Hao had already explained the problem clearly before Song Shutang.

"Don't be discouraged if you can't investigate." Zhu Yue was also worried that he would be hit because of it.

"There is no ever-victorious general." Song Shutang said that his mentality was fine.

Seeing this, Zhu Yue didn't say any more about this issue. It could be seen that Song Shutang was in good condition.

Long Hao asked: "Is there any latest progress in the investigation here, Zhu Meigui?"

I haven't paid attention to this matter for a while.

"The telecommunications department is not going well."

Zhu Yue said that Song Shutang had expected it a long time ago. After all, it takes luck to intercept the message sent and received by Zhu Meigui, and it is not easy to decipher the code after mastering the message.

But Zhu Yue said: "But the second group's investigation of the $[-] seems to be a little disturbed."

"Really found out?" Long Hao felt incredible.

It stands to reason that there is no way to check it.

"I asked the section chief, it seems that there are some signs, but there are no specific clues, and the chances of investigating valuable information are not high."

"I'm happy for nothing." Long Hao sighed.

The three chatted for a few words before returning to their respective jobs.

A group of current work is mainly stopped before, and now Zhu Yue has arranged for people to continue to be in charge, and to measure the indoor rooms of some residential buildings.

After all, Zhu Meigui's method of hiding the radio station is very ingenious, and the deliberately and carefully arranged home decoration is very deceptive. In order to prevent the enemy from using the same method repeatedly, the buildings and houses were checked.

But most of the investigations are the residences of ordinary residents.

Some high-end apartment houses of people with social status and background are currently not included in the scope of investigation. Nowadays, in troubled times, many prominent and respectable people have privately built secret boxes to store yellow and white things and rare treasures.

Such people will not easily cooperate with your investigation.

It doesn't matter if there are one or two intelligence departments, they can work with a strong attitude, but there are many such people, and it will be troublesome to provoke too many at once, so simply ignore them.

Song Shutang and Long Hao just came back today and did not arrange work, but Zhu Yue said that if there is nothing wrong tomorrow, they can check the Chuanjiang wooden boat.

The investigation of Chuanjiang wooden boats is also a previous work, which is still in progress.

After finishing a day's work in the intelligence department, Song Shutang did not go back to Luojiawan with Long Hao at night, but went to Nie Hong and Yan Qinghui for dinner.

Naturally, Long Hao would not follow.

After dinner, Song Shutang parted ways with the two and headed down to Luojiawan.

But he didn't go back directly to Luojiawan, but turned to go up the stone slope after ensuring safety.

I didn't see Uncle Li when I came to the roadside of Shangshibanpo.

Late at night, there are no street lights on the street, which is not suitable for shoe repairs, so after the sun goes down, Uncle Li will close the stall and go home.

He naturally knew the address of his home, so he knocked on the door.


"it's me."

"Why are you here?" Uncle Li propped his hands on the ground and moved to open the door.

"I happened to pass by here today, and I stopped by to see you."

Uncle Li stepped aside and said, "Come in."

A very simple house, lit by a dim kerosene lamp.

"Have you eaten yet?" Uncle Li closed the door and turned around and asked.



"Uncle Li, is it convenient for you to live alone?" Song Shutang sat down and asked.

"You don't have to worry about me."

"During this time, I was transferred to the Secret Service to help with the investigation, so I didn't have time to come and have a look."

"It's okay, don't come here easily, I have no problem in life."

"Do you want someone to come back and take care of you?"

"It's inconvenient to find someone to come back." Song Shutang understood what Uncle Li meant by convenience.

Since Uncle Li didn't want him and he didn't force him, he changed the subject and said, "I didn't embarrass the Sword Holding Group in the intelligence department, but I was ashamed to go to the Secret Service Corps."

"is it?"

"The secret service team focused on the 'Wuqingshan' teahouse, saying it was a meeting place for a pair of Red Party members. They took pictures and investigated them at all costs. There were as many as [-] photos. This is not embarrassing." feel helpless.

Uncle Li said without any abnormal expression: "It's really difficult for others."

"I don't know where I got the news from. I only know the location of the meeting, and I don't know anything else. I don't think it is possible for such a situation to happen except for someone from within the Red Party."

"It's hard to guard against house thieves by day and night."

"It's a pity that this person's status in the Red Party should not be high, and the information he provided is really limited. He wasted a lot of resources of the Secret Service Corps. If he can't do something to make up for it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain to the Secret Service Corps."

"It's a drop in the bucket." Uncle Li felt that it would be harmless to the Secret Service Corps.

"Captain Jiao Teng is unwilling. It seems that he is planning to invite others to assist in the investigation. If I can't find it and ask others to find it, then I will really lose face to the Sword Holding Group." Song Shutang was a little worried.

"If you can't investigate, it shouldn't be easy for others to investigate clues, right?"

"This mountain is still higher."

"It's not ashamed to be inferior to others."

"If it weren't for the time limit, I would definitely be able to bring honor to the Sword Holding Group."

"is it?"

"Of course!"

Uncle Li raised his head and took a deep look at Song Shutang in the dark.

Song Shutang, however, was very interested in the kerosene lamp in front of him, staring at the flames inside the glass cover in a daze, and did not meet Uncle Li's eyes.

"There will be many opportunities to win glory for the sword holding group in the future, so don't be in a hurry." Uncle Li's eyes drooped and blended into the darkness that the light couldn't reach.

"Uncle Li is right, there are many opportunities."

"Calm down."

"Keep in mind Uncle Li's teachings, I don't want to stay too long, I will come to see you next time I have a chance."

"Next time passing by?"


Stopping Uncle Li from seeing him off, Song Shutang opened the door and went out, and closed the door outside.

He stayed at the door for a while and glanced in through the door, then turned and left.

 Thanks to book friend 20201224175847151 and book friend 20210716233451649 for their monthly support.

(End of this chapter)

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