Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 631 Solution

Chapter 631 Solution

Of course Nie Hong will check it out for you clearly.

Why do his subordinates get a sum of money? Because it is windfall.

How come this windfall fell into your hands and not into the hands of others?
You have to explain it clearly.

Of course the other party will find all kinds of reasons, but the question is, will Nie Hong believe it?
Nie Hongming knows what you have done, so every excuse you give can be investigated and then overturned.

The other party was already sweating profusely.

Various excuses were no longer acceptable, and Nie Hong was gradually losing his patience. Although Li Qun said that he could be more polite, Nie Hong still came to make a report.

After all, this is a turbulent time, and there is nothing wrong in asking one more question.

Arriving in Li Qun's office, Nie Hong said: "I have given him a chance to answer, but he couldn't explain it clearly at first. Later he made some excuses, but they were all exposed by my investigation.

Some of the excuses were even arranged by him in advance, and when I went to investigate, I was able to find clues in the river, but some of them were not clever enough and ultimately unconvincing. "

After hearing Nie Hong's answer, Li Qun asked, "Is he still unwilling to tell the truth?"

"I really didn't tell the truth."

"It seems there is no need to be polite to him."

"Does the Director mean to use torture?"


"But after this period of investigation, everyone below knows that if torture is used, they are worried that the brothers will feel uncomfortable."

"When did Secret Service Headquarters care about this?"

"The situation is different now." Nie Hong continued to suggest. Although he knew that his suggestion might make Li Qun unhappy, he still had to say what he should say.

Li Qun asked: "What do you want to say?"

"My subordinate's idea is, can the director personally question him here, and also scare him a little? I think he knows now that he can't hide it anymore, and he is unwilling to admit it now just because he is unwilling to do so.

The director has directly expressed his suspicion of him, and he already knows what he has done. I think his defense will be breached. This is safer. I will trouble the director. "

The advice given by Nie Hong is very pertinent, and this is the only way to achieve a good effect.

Li Qun originally didn't want this to happen.

I don't think it's necessary at all.

But he also knew that Nie Hong was really doing this for his own good, so he made such a suggestion, so Li Qun thought about it and said, "Okay."

In fact, it was simply impossible before, but this is the situation at the Secret Service Headquarters now, so everyone is not without choice.

Ding Yingzhuo.

Song Shutang.

These are all choices, which means you are really stretched to the limit when it comes to your actions. It's not just Li Qun, he believes that the same is true for Ding Yingzhuo and Song Shutang.

After all, this is how things are, and it’s inconvenient for anyone.

After getting Li Qun's affirmative answer, Nie Hong went down to prepare. He wanted Li Qun to agree just because he wanted the other party to tell him the matter in person in front of Li Qun.

Even if I explain it to him at that time, Li Qun probably won't listen.

It can also show that Nie Hong himself is innocent and that he was not involved in this matter, killing two birds with one stone.

Soon the person involved was brought into Li Qun’s office. Do you think he would not be afraid?

Scared to death.

He has already realized the problem, otherwise Nie Hong would not have stared at him and said it was Li Qun's intention. Isn't this obvious?

Therefore, faced with this situation, the parties involved are somewhat afraid to raise their heads.

Li Qun asked directly: "Why did you suddenly get a sum of money?"

Just when the other party wanted to speak, Li Qun said, "I already know the answer. I don't want to hear any lies. If you continue to treat me perfunctorily like you treated Nie Hong, then I will not give you another chance to speak. You will die here today."

Li Qun really had no patience, so he spoke very seriously.

And there is no room for maneuver.

When the other party heard this, he was so scared that he knelt on the ground and said, "Director, spare my life."

He is a member of the Secret Service Headquarters and of course understands Li Qun's methods. If you say that Li Qun dare not kill you, then you are really dreaming.

Seeing his state, Nie Hong said from behind: "The director is giving you a chance to confess now. If you tell the truth, the director may even give you a chance to live."

"I said I said."

"Go ahead."

"This money was given to me by District Chief Song."

"Song Shutang?"


Nie Hong and Li Qun looked at each other and realized that there was nothing wrong with their investigation. The other party was indeed Song Shutang's man.

"This is his reward to you because you completed the previous task, right?" Nie Hong asked.

Hearing this question, the man kneeling on the ground hurriedly said, "No, no, I haven't provided any information to the division yet. This money was given by them to bribe me."

"You haven't provided any information yet?"


"Can I win you over and give you so much money?" Nie Hong expressed his disbelief.

"It's true, Director. I didn't lie. I really didn't provide any information, and I didn't intend to provide any information. It's just because my family is really short of money, so I agreed to the other party's solicitation. In fact, I just wanted to cheat them of their money."

The other party's explanation now makes sense.

"If you don't try to win over the other party, will the other party give you money?"

"I promised insincerely."

Pretend to agree?

It has been investigated now. If it hadn’t been investigated, who would know whether it was true or false?

Nie Hong now went to see Li Qun to see how he made his judgment.

But Nie Hong has actually said it all, that is, you are not worthy of the other party giving you so much money to win you over, which is the reward for the information you provided before.

You say no now, but you just want to stay alive.

After all, not providing the news yet is definitely better than having provided the news already.

And it makes sense to say that it was for the purpose of defrauding money, but does Li Qun have the patience to listen?

When Li Qun heard that the other party had taken the partition money, he knew there was nothing to say.

You took the partition money and you said you were cheating.

But is it so easy to cheat people out of zoning money?
If the other party asks you to provide information, and you refuse to do so and tell the district authorities that you took the money, Li Qun will forgive you.

So you still provide intelligence.

So when you get the money, you will definitely provide help to the district, there is no doubt about that.

So no matter what you say, Li Qun is not interested in listening.

Now the other party's explanation is pale and completely untenable.

Li Qun said directly to Nie Hong: "It's solved."

"Director, Director, everything I said is true..."

The other party wanted to explain, but Nie Hong knew that Li Qun definitely didn't want to listen, and Nie Hong couldn't let the other party talk too much, so he came up and knocked the other party unconscious.

Then he signaled the people outside to come in and take the man out.

After the people left, Nie Hong said, "Director, it seems that the person who provided assistance to the district has been found. District Chief Song was able to get the news because our intelligence was leaked."

"Your investigation is very good. Being able to investigate this matter can also help us eliminate a major threat."

"It's a pity that the Red Party's undercover agents still don't have any clues."

"Investigate slowly."


Li Qun felt that it was good enough to be able to find this out.

As for why the partition has to pay so much money, aren’t you afraid of being exposed by the other party?

Li Qun didn't want to figure this out now, because the other party had already admitted in person that he had received the money for the division. If you are not from Song Shutang, who are you?
There is no doubt about this.

Maybe it wasn't that Song Shutang wanted to give the other party money. After all, Song Shutang's ability should have enabled him to realize this. However, the situation at this person's home was very urgent, so it was possible that he took the initiative to ask Song Shutang for the money.

Benefit fee.

These are all possible.

Anyway, just investigate it now.

As for the Red Party's undercover agent, Li Qun also knew that it would be more difficult to investigate, but Nie Hong's ability had been affirmed many times, so it was better to let the other party investigate this matter.

Nie Hong left Li Qun's office and directly executed the person who fainted. Only the dead will not speak again.

Then there won't be any problem.

This time the plan has been successful.

Mei Muzhizi heard the news from the secret service headquarters and knew that Song Shutang had protected Nie Hong, so this matter was a success.

However, when Mei Muzhizi reported the news to Song Shutang, she did not show that she had guessed all this, and only said: "The director has already executed the person."

"It seems that the director thinks this is the person who leaked the information before."


Song Shutang looked at Mei Muzhizi and was very satisfied when he saw that she had nothing else to say.

This scene made Mei Muzhizi feel that his guess was indeed correct.

Neither of them continued the topic.

Song Shutang then asked, "How is our investigation going?"

"After this period of investigation, no hidden personnel were found."

"It is impossible that there are no undercover agents. Otherwise, how could we be retaliated against? We can only say that the other party is hiding very deeply."

"It's really hard to investigate because there are too many grassroots people who know about it."

"We have to continue investigating. If such people stay here, it will only cause us a lot of trouble."

"But if we increase the intensity, we are worried that it will cause dissatisfaction among the public."

"What's there to be dissatisfied about? Investigating the traitor doesn't mean we are wrongly accusing the innocent. Whoever is dissatisfied has a problem." Song Shutang's attitude was very firm.

He has the final say on this partition.

It is not possible for the people below to unite and influence him.

This is the most essential thing.

Therefore, Song Shutang must investigate now, and let everyone investigate thoroughly.

Mei Muzhizi also understood Song Shutang's meaning and felt that this was indeed the way to go so that everyone could sound the alarm.

So she said, "I will ask someone to urge them later."

“Investigate as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to carry out the work.”

"Yan Feng has already selected some trustworthy people here, and they said they will not affect the work."

"If we don't investigate thoroughly, everything could be affected, so we should be careful."

"Yes, I'll go now." Mei Muzhizi felt that since this was the case, it would be better to resolve it as soon as possible.

After all, the matter within the secret service headquarters has been resolved, and it is also known that Nie Hong is Song Shutang's man, or in other words, the two of them are working together.

Although Nie Hong might cause trouble to Song Shutang in the future, he is undoubtedly a huge help now.

Therefore, Mei Mu Zhizi is still very motivated when he takes action.

Now Mei Muzhizi finally understood why Song Shutang agreed to Li Qun's proposal and cooperate to solve the problem of Wan Liang.

Obviously, doing this doesn't seem to be a good idea. It is true that you can get some benefits, but you also have to face Lie groups.

Go it alone.

Mei Muzhizi always felt that Li Qun was difficult to deal with.

At this moment, Mei Muzhizi understood that Song Shutang was willing to offer this cooperation because he was not interested in Wan Liang's subordinates.

And as long as Wan Liang is dealt with, Song Shutang can join forces with Nie Hong to find a way to deal with Li Qun.

Instead, the two of them solved the Lie group problem.

It's easier than before.

This way, everything makes sense.

It's just that in the end it didn't succeed due to the obstruction of Hisahi Masato, and Ding Yingzhuo took the position. Otherwise, Mei Muzhizi felt that the overall situation was now very advantageous to Song Shutang.

But when he learned that Nie Hong was one of his own, Mei Muzhizi felt that the overall advantage was still great.

After sending Mei Muzhizi and others to investigate the so-called undercover personnel, Song Shutang also took the time to go to Uncle Li and give a report on his work during this period.

At the same time, I also reported it here at Bu Kaijie.

Regarding the retaliation against the Red Party against the division, Bu Kaijie also reminded Song Shutang to be more careful. After all, the other party does not know your identity, which is also very dangerous.

Song Shutang also said that he and Nie Hong were cooperating here, but Mei Muzhizi had guessed it a little.

This situation still needs to be reported.

Bu Kaijie thought about it carefully and felt that it was inevitable that Mei Muzhizi could guess it, but it was not a big problem. After all, Mei Muzhizi misunderstood it and thought it was another relationship.

Bu Kaijie meant that it could remain like this, and it would even be beneficial to Song Shutang, as long as it was kept secret.

Everyone can still trust Mei Muzhizi's confidentiality.

After all, she and Song Shutang are now in a relationship of shared success and failure. Mei Muzhizi is the least likely person to betray in the division. Everyone has the possibility of betrayal, but Mei Muzhizi definitely won't.

So there is no need to worry too much about this matter.

We just know that Nie Hong and Song Shutang are connected, but we don't know their identities, so it's not a big problem.

In analyzing the situation at the secret service headquarters, Bu Kaijie said that Boss Dai's intention was to stabilize the status quo first, because the current situation was already a huge success for the undercover work.

Everything else is just icing on the cake.

You can do it step by step.

Of course Song Shutang listened to Boss Dai's advice and left Bu Kaijie after the report. The Military Control Commission did not give him any new tasks.

The most important job of intelligence workers is to collect intelligence.

Now Song Shutang will provide all the intelligence he has collected to the Military Control Commission, so there is no need to arrange any additional tasks.

At present, we have the most intelligence we can obtain. Basically, we have all the intelligence here in the division, and we can also obtain some intelligence in the secret agent headquarters. This is completely enough for the Military Control Commission, so we want to seek stability.

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