Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 633 Action

Chapter 633 Action
The guard mission is actually very simple.

Just be responsible for security work.

Song Shutang and the organization have asked whether there will be any action, but have not received an accurate answer. After all, taking action on such occasions would certainly be beneficial.

There are many times when you want to take action but haven't found the target of opportunity. Now you have the opportunity to seize it.

You can even get some intelligence.

But actions in this regard are usually kept confidential, so Uncle Li naturally wouldn't know about it.

Therefore, when faced with Song Shutang's inquiry, there was no way to give an immediate answer.

At the same time, if the organization does not intend to let Song Shutang participate in the operation, they may not tell you the mission. As for what you said about Song Shutang being in charge of security, would it be better for him to cooperate better if he participated in the operation?
not always.

After all, there are a lot of people participating in this event, and there are also a lot of people who are responsible. In this case, no matter what you do, it is impossible to take care of everything.

Therefore, it is very likely that Song Shutang will not be able to take care of the targets chosen by the organization, so there is naturally no question of any cooperation.

Rather than letting Song Shutang know, which might cause him some trouble, it would be better not to tell him.

Without knowing the truth, Song Shutang's reaction would definitely be the same as everyone else's, that there was no problem, and it was actually a good thing.

Therefore, it is hard to say whether the organization will issue any notification.

As for the Military Intelligence Bureau, Song Shutang of course also asked about it. The Military Intelligence Bureau stated that they did take action, and Bu Kaijie explained it very clearly.

After all, all those who came were from Nanjing, which of course caused deep conflicts with the Military Control Commission. Given Boss Dai's character, it was impossible for him not to take action under such circumstances.

But there is still no answer as to whether Song Shutang’s cooperation is needed.

Bu Kaijie is also asking.

However, Song Shutang has already started cooperating with the people from Mei's agency and has started his work.

Ding Yingzhuo also led his men to follow his command, but he seemed a little unconvinced.

Ding Yingzhuo did not act as if he was cunning and pretended to be nice to Song Shutang. Instead, he was very obvious that he was not on good terms with Song Shutang.

Ding Yingzhuo actually did this on purpose.

If you appear to be too cunning, it may not be a good thing in front of Hisahi Masato. After all, what Hisahi Masato needs now is obedience.

Song Shutang was obviously not very obedient, and Wan Liang had the same problem.

Then Ding Yingzhuo seemed to be less cunning.

go straight.

I have an opinion about you.

Song Shutang thought that Ding Yingzhuo's performance was acceptable. At least it could confuse Jiusi Zhengren and even Song Shutang.

But unfortunately, Ding Yingzhuo didn't know that Song Shutang knew his identity, and this deliberate reaction would not have any effect on him.

Ding Yingzhuo was assigned to protect some personnel, and the division was responsible for protecting some personnel. This meant that the work was completed.

That's the nature of this kind of work, it doesn't require any special attention.

After all, the really important people are all under the personal charge of Mei's office, and the rest are not that important, so it is naturally difficult to arrange protection work very precisely.

After all, after so many years, it is obviously impossible for everyone to have the highest level of protection.

Secondly, you don’t know who the anti-Japanese organization’s target is.

They came to Shanghai to attend some meetings and study. Apart from the conference, everyone's schedule was different and they all had their own things to do.

Some people even have private activities that you are responsible for protecting.

After three days of peaceful work, Uncle Li sent a message to Song Shutang, saying that the organization would not take any additional actions against them this time.

The reason is that the organization has taken action in Jinling.

Originally, the operation in Jinling was difficult to launch, but after these people came to Shanghai, the organization found an opportunity in Jinling.

Therefore, they did not want to create any unnecessary trouble in Shanghai. Instead, the mission in Nanjing was more important.

But of course it is difficult for them to know what Jinling's mission is. They only know to obey the organization's arrangements and they will not take any action.

Then it’s up to the Military Control Commission next.

Later, Bu Kaijie will look for an opportunity to meet Song Shutang.

Although Song Shutang was responsible for the security duties, he could still come back to rest at night. After all, he was the district chief. Ding Yingzhuo could also go back to rest at night.

After all, if you don’t rest at night, what will you do during the day?
So Bu Kaijie took the opportunity to meet Song Shutang in the evening. After the meeting, Song Shutang asked directly: "What are the arrangements made by the higher-ups?"

"The superiors have now selected two targets and want to take action against them because they are involved in some tasks and secondly there are some things happening in Jinling." Bu Kaijie said.

It seems that the Military Control Commission and the organization here have similar plans. They both want to take advantage of the time when these people come to Shanghai to deal with the problems in Nanjing.

But it has to be said that the Military Control Commission was more radical.

Not only do they have a mission in Nanjing, they also have to launch operations in Shanghai.

"who is it?"

Bu Kaijie listed the names of the people and asked, "Are you responsible for the other party, or is Ding Yingzhuo responsible?"

"I'm responsible."

"Find a way to hold Ding Yingzhuo responsible."

"Hold him responsible?"

"Because the higher-ups are going to take action against these two people, if there is a problem with you, then you will be responsible, which will be disadvantageous to you. If Ding Yingzhuo is punished, it will be because he is not doing his job well."

After hearing what Bu Kaijie said, Song Shutang really had no way to agree, because Ding Yingzhuo was also a comrade in the organization. If problems arose in Ding Yingzhuo's hands, it would also be bad.

Moreover, Song Shutang couldn't suddenly ask Ding Yingzhuo to take charge now. He said, "These are already the villains. If I suddenly change at this time, and the officials I changed have problems, I will be more likely to be suspected."

"But you are responsible for protection. If something goes wrong, it is definitely your responsibility." Bu Kaijie said. There is no room for maneuver.

Song Shutang said, "Wouldn't it be convenient for me to cooperate with the operation if it's in my hands? Could it be that the higher-ups don't want me to cooperate?"

"It would be very dangerous for you to cooperate with this kind of mission, so Boss Dai didn't allow you to participate and let the action team take charge."

"But it's difficult for me to let Ding Yingzhuo take over the responsibility." Song Shutang was telling the truth.

It's not just because Ding Yingzhuo is a comrade in the organization, but also because it just so happened that these two people were indeed under the charge of Song Shutang, which was not known in advance.

Bu Kaijie frowned and said, "There were some problems with the intelligence from Jinling, so we arrived quite late. Otherwise, we could have given you the information before you took charge, and you could have let Ding Yingzhuo take charge of them directly, and there wouldn't be so much trouble now."

"We don't want to see problems with intelligence, so what should we do?" "It is very likely that we will take action."

The Military Control Commission arranged Song Shutang to lurk in the secret agent headquarters to facilitate their operations.

It’s not that it’s inconvenient to act because of Song Shutang.

Such actions will indeed bring certain troubles to Song Shutang, but you cannot succeed in carrying out your mission every time, and the Japanese also understand that anti-Japanese organizations are most likely to act at this time, otherwise they would not have arranged so many security forces.

So it is true that there will be an impact if problems arise, but it will not be serious.

Secondly, Song Shutang's innocence is further proved. If he had a problem, how could they choose to take action here?

Moreover, he had the authority to command, at least he could command Ding Yingzhuo. He could obviously have assigned people to Ding Yingzhuo at that time, but he didn't.

The enemy didn't know it because of the delay in intelligence.

Therefore, Song Shutang found a certain punishment, but he also further proved his innocence, so the Military Control Commission may not choose to stop the action.

After hearing what Bu Kaijie said, Song Shutang nodded and said, "I understand. I will not be responsible for these two people in the next few days. The members in the division will be responsible. I will also let Mei Muzhizi and others not be involved in the responsibility. I hope our people can retreat smoothly."

Although Song Shutang was unable to provide any obvious help.

But he can choose not to show up. He is alone, and now he has so many people to be responsible for. It is impossible for him to have the ability to clone himself.

So you can't go there if you are here. It's a very simple truth.

In this way, Song Shutang would not have to face the Military Control Commission's personnel directly. Not only would it facilitate the movement and evacuation of the Military Control Commission's personnel, but he himself would not be in danger.

At the same time, Song Shutang arranged capable people like Mei Muzhizi, Cao Xinrong, Yan Feng and others to other places, which would be more helpful to the actions of the Military Control Commission members.

Don't underestimate this arrangement.

It is indeed very important.

Otherwise, even if your surprise action succeeds, it is difficult to say that you can evacuate smoothly.

At the same time, Song Shutang continued, "I will keep an eye on these two people in the next two days to see if there is any trace of the Mei Agency behind them. Don't let the news leak out to the top leaders and turn them into bait."

Song Shutang is responsible for protecting them, so it is easy to confirm this.

"Then I'll wait for your news."

"When does the superior intend to take action?"

"The sooner the better."

"If I don't contact you after three days, it means there is no problem and your superiors can start taking action." Song Shutang said.

After all, he is in charge of the mission now, and he doesn't know when an emergency may occur. In this case, he will not be able to meet with Bu Kaijie in time.

Moreover, meeting in person would increase the risk, so the period is three days. If he does not contact within three days, it means that there is no problem with the investigation.


Song Shutang has inspected these two people in the past two days, so it would be more reasonable for him not to show up afterwards. After all, he has just inspected, and there are still many people who have not been inspected waiting to be supervised. It is impossible to waste too much time on one person.

After leaving Bu Kaijie, Song Shutang started working the next day.

He looked at various places and also saw the target person here. Naturally, he asked about the protection work as he did in other places.

In this way, we can get intelligence and at the same time secretly observe whether there are people from the Mei Agency.

Song Shutang spent two days to make sure that there was no trace of the Mei Agency behind the scenes. After all, the truly important tasks were all protected by the Mei Agency themselves.

Even the gendarmerie was deployed.

The people that Song Shutang and his colleagues were responsible for were not the primary target in the eyes of the Japanese, and the Military Control Commission did not want to operate under the enemy's tight protection.

Although those goals are more important, it is difficult for you to take action successfully.

If things go wrong, there might be heavy losses, so Boss Dai has to settle for the second best option and wants to take action against the people below him.

The last time they met, Song Shutang had already told Bu Kaijie about the arrangements for the security work. The Military Control Commission knew him well, so he should be more confident when planning the action.

Three days passed and Song Shutang did not contact Bu Kaijie. The other party realized that action could be taken, so he immediately notified the Military Control Commission that action could be taken.

The members of the Military Control Commission's action team had been preparing for a long time, and when they heard that they could take action, they all performed their duties.

Their idea was to kill people and then evacuate.

But after killing someone, they have to complete a frame-up mission, and this mission is for Jinling.

But framing someone requires skill, otherwise it will be easily discovered.

Therefore, the Military Control Commission discussed that it would be best to kill the people at their residence. This would leave some false evidence in the residence, which would serve as a frame-up.

But the protection here in the residence is too strict, because many people live together in the residence, so the security work is of course extraordinary.

There are even a lot of people, and they have directly booked the hotel and no longer accept outside guests. It is obviously very difficult for you to sneak in and act in such a place.

Therefore, whether the Military Control Commission discusses here or takes action outside, the frame-up you need to make is more subtle. After all, why would a person go out with something that is unfavorable to himself? You need to make sure there are no hidden dangers.

You have to make everything reasonable, even why the other party came from Jinling and brought this thing with him.

However, these were all problems of the Military Control Commission. Fortunately, they were all solved reasonably in the end.

So take action now.

The two people they chose were actually one target because they had a very good relationship and basically went in and out together after coming to Shanghai.

So it’s one action, two goals.

This situation will of course make the operation more difficult, but if two people can be dealt with at once, there is no need to arrange a second operation.

After all, after your first action, the enemy here will definitely be very alert, and it is inevitable to send additional forces for protection.

The difficulty of your second action will increase to a level that is very difficult to break through.

It might even be impossible to launch a second operation.

So if we can solve this problem once and for all, we can solve this trouble.

So there are pros and cons.

When arranging an action plan, you need to be more cautious, otherwise it is easy to cause some unexpected situations and cause the actors to hesitate.

When operating in Shanghai, the enemy's support will come quickly and your slightest hesitation may be fatal.

The only thing Song Shutang could do was to arrange some grassroots personnel to be in charge of them and create some convenience for the Military Control Commission's actions, but that was all.

It depends more on the on-the-spot performance of the operators.

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