Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 654 Meeting

Chapter 654 Meeting
There are some problems for Yan Qinghui to come to Shanghai.

After all, his identity is not so secretive. If he wants to come to Shanghai from the mountain city, he will definitely encounter many dangers along the way.

Therefore, if you want to leave the mountain city, you must have a new identity.

This Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters should not be difficult to complete.

Therefore, Yan Qinghui would need to disguise himself next, at least so that he could not be recognized at first glance, or even when being interrogated.

This requires some technology.

But Yan Qinghui does have some skills in this area. Although they are not top-notch, they are enough.

After all, his ability is mainly reflected in the radio, not in disguise. But everyone knows Yan Qinghui's skills. When he was in the mountain city, he cooperated with Song Shutang to capture Japanese spies. The Japanese spies did not take Yan Qinghui down by surprise.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about Yan Qinghui’s abilities, and there won’t be any big problems with disguising himself.

Even with the cooperation of the Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters, they waited until Yan Qinghui finished disguising himself before preparing their documents.

Then the photo on the ID card shows what he looks like in disguise.

In this case it is difficult to identify.

Because Boss Dai said that it was only after Yan Qinghui arrived in Shanghai that Song Shutang gave the password.

So now Boss Dai will let Yan Qinghui leave, but he said that the matter is confidential and cannot be told to too many people.

Instead, Boss Dai arranged for someone within the Military Intelligence Bureau to be responsible.

The first thing is that Yan Qinghui needs to change his appearance.

In fact, Yan Qinghui has his own ideas about this. He has long hair now.

And the hair is very long.

Because since Song Shutang left the mountain city, Yan Qinghui has never cut his hair and has always kept his hair long.

So it is relatively easy to disguise his current appearance.

Yan Qinghui thought he could disguise himself as a Taoist priest.

The Taoist's words are very different from his current identity, so people would not immediately connect the two.

The Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters found a set of Taoist clothes for Yan Qinghui to wear, and then styled his hair into a Taoist-style偃月冠. The people at the Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters thought that the disguise was indeed very good.

This kind of disguise does not mean adding a lot of covering on the face, because everyone understands that when you are facing a search, no matter how you cover it, the other party will definitely ask you to show your face.

On the contrary, the more tightly you cover up, the more suspicious the other party will be.

Will pay more attention to you.

But now Yan Qinghui is not hiding anything, but is open and honest, and it seems that the camouflage effect is even better.

It’s just like if a sloppy person suddenly becomes bright and beautiful one day, you wouldn’t dare to recognize him.

You wonder if you've made a mistake.

It is this feeling.

However, people from the Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters still suggested that Yan Qinghui grow a beard, as this would have a better effect.

Yan Qinghui also observed it himself and made slight adjustments. He also agreed with the idea of ​​growing a beard.

After taking the photo, I showed it to Boss Dai, and he was very satisfied with it.

Then let Yan Qinghui set off.

In fact, Boss Dai was very anxious and wanted him to arrive in Shanghai as soon as possible and then hand over the code book of the Jiangcheng division to Song Shutang.

Because people from the Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters said that they had intercepted several telegrams from Jiangcheng, including one from the Jiangcheng division, and they couldn't decipher it now.

It’s just that Boss Dai still needs Yan Qinghui to arrive in Shanghai smoothly, otherwise it will be more troublesome, so he waited for a few more days.

When everything was ready, Yan Qinghui set out from the mountain city.

The Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters did not arrange any personnel to escort or escort them.

Because Boss Dai knew very well that Yan Qinghui must want to arrive in Shanghai, because Nie Hong and Song Shutang were there.

It would be dangerous if you arranged too many people. It would be better to let Yan Qinghui act alone. Boss Dai knows the other party's ability. Even if one person encounters some emergencies, he can deal with them well.

So after this situation, Yan Qinghui always set out alone.

The journey was indeed thrilling, but thanks to Yan Qinghui's ability, they arrived in Shanghai smoothly.

Song Shutang has been waiting for news these days. He knows that Boss Dai will not delay, but there are still risks along the way.

What if Yan Qinghui encounters problems on the road?
Even Song Shutang had some darker thoughts, that is, whether Boss Dai deliberately agreed and let Yan Qinghui come out of the mountain city.

Then intercepted halfway.

Or they could directly tell the Japanese and puppet troops about Yan Qinghui, asking them to intercept Yan Qinghui halfway, resulting in the death of some people on the way.

But you have no evidence for all this, and you can't say that Boss Dai didn't release the person.

You still have to give me the password book when the time comes.

But what Boss Dai did was to give you a warning, and Song Shutang was even thinking about this situation.

After all, he was too worried about Yan Qinghui, so he thought a lot and was restless these days.

Bu Kaijie also told Song Shutang to take charge of his work. Indeed, Song Shutang did a good job in his work, but this kind of uneasiness was difficult to suppress.

Fortunately, Song Shutang finally received news from Bu Kaijie today. After meeting, Bu Kaijie told him that Yan Qinghui had arrived in Shanghai.

After Yan Qinghui arrived in Shanghai, the person responsible for contact was Bu Kaijie.

Because Boss Dai doesn't want to arrange too many people here. After all, it would be very strange for Yan Qinghui to appear in Shanghai.

So Bu Kaijie is the best person in charge.

"Where is it?" Song Shutang asked directly.

"It's safe now, you and I can arrange a meeting."


"it is good."

Song Shutang had no reason to be polite now. Naturally, he wanted to meet Yan Qinghui. Bu Kaijie did not waste any time and arranged a meeting the next day.

Since Boss Dai is urging him to get the code book, you must arrange a meeting as soon as possible.

The next day, in a relatively secluded room, Song Shutang met Yan Qinghui, whom he had been thinking about for a long time. However, when he saw that the man in front of him was dressed as a Taoist priest, Song Shutang also smiled.

"Brother Yan, have you become a monk?"

Seeing Song Shutang's smile, Yan Qinghui also felt that they seemed to have returned to the way they were before, and said with the same smile: "I'm not angry with you guys."

The imagined situation of meeting and pouring out their heart to each other did not occur, but both of them could feel the concern between them. Song Shutang directly took out the code book and handed it to Bu Kaijie.

It means you can go.

After Bu Kaijie got the code book, he left directly and did not continue to disturb the two people who were reminiscing about the past.

Next, Song Shutang and Yan Qinghui naturally talked a lot. Song Shutang was very concerned about Yan Qinghui's situation in Shancheng, and he said there was no problem.

On the contrary, I feel that Song Shutang has made great progress and grown a lot.

It was not easy for Song Shutang to survive under such difficult working conditions in Shanghai.

At the same time, Yan Qinghui also felt that it was not a good idea for Song Shutang and Boss Dai to make such a request.

But he also understood why, so Yan Qinghui didn't say much. The two of them talked about the past for a long time, and Song Shutang asked, "Brother Yan, what is your job in Shanghai this time?"

"In fact, Boss Dai has no requirements for my work in Shanghai. He even doesn't want me to work, because as long as I participate in the work, there will be danger. If I am exposed, both you and Nie Hong will be in danger.

Your current position is very important, and Boss Dai would not want to take such a risk, so I came to Shanghai more to fulfill your request, without any work arrangements, and I just need to lurk well. "

What Yan Qinghui said is indeed true.

Song Shutang said: "Then let's do it in Shanghai first, and the rest can come later."

Yan Qinghui actually didn't have much resistance to such an arrangement. After all, you said that you can't fight against the Japanese and save the country now, but you also had no way to do it when you were at the headquarters of the Military Intelligence Bureau.

Not only is there no solution, but it will also put Nie Hong and Song Shutang under control.

At least now Song Shutang and Nie Hong don't have to do this, so that's a benefit. Yan Qinghui doesn't have to be controlled by software, which is also a benefit.

Therefore Yan Qinghui was not in a hurry.

It seems like I have to throw myself into work right away.

You are not there to help, but to cause trouble.

Given Yan Qinghui's professionalism, he would definitely not make such a decision.

It’s not possible now, but there will definitely be a chance in the future. After all, I’m already out. After leaving the mountain city, I can slowly look for opportunities.

"Is the current situation safe?" Song Shutang asked.

"It's in a gym in the suburbs of Shanghai. You may not be able to come to the city often in the future, but you don't have to worry about your safety."

Putting it in this position obviously also shows Boss Dai’s intention. If it is placed away from the crowd, there is no need to worry about attracting too much attention.

"Brother Yan, you should also be careful."

"Don't worry, my current identity is a Taoist priest in the gym."

"Is there anyone else in the gym?"

"There are a few people, but they are all Taoists, so there is no problem."

"Then I'm relieved. If Brother Yan is not in a hurry to leave, ask Brother Nie to come and meet him in the evening."

"Of course I will."

Let Yan Qinghui wait here, and Song Shutang went to inform Nie Hong, who was also very excited to hear the news.

I followed Song Shutang here in the evening.

After seeing each other, the two of them started laughing and cursing, and the three of them were all laughing at each other in a relaxed manner.

The three of them ate in the room at night.

They talked for a long time before finally leaving.

They all knew that now was not the time to reminisce about the past. After meeting Yan Qinghui today, they would have to stay in the Taoist temple in the future, and it would be difficult for them to meet again.

But just knowing that the other person is safe is enough.

Before leaving, Nie Hong reminded Yan Qinghui to be careful of the Taoist temple. It was not because he was worried about being discovered by the Japanese and puppet troops, but rather whether there might be people from the Military Control Commission inside.

It's not impossible.

Boss Dai arranged for you to lurk here, who knows if there is anything going on here.

Yan Qinghui said he would be careful.

After saying goodbye, Song Shutang and Nie Hong left together. The two could still get together.

As they walked along the road, Song Shutang said, "I feel relieved that Brother Yan can come out now."

"The Red Party actually agrees with your action." Nie Hong was still very surprised about this matter.

Song Shutang said, "Do you feel different again?"

"Are you still planning to incite me to rebel?" Nie Hong said with a smile.

“This isn’t a question for you.”

"It's indeed different from what I thought, but that's not what I meant."

"Since you don't have this intention, why do you want to remind Brother Yan to be careful of the Taoist temple? What do you think Boss Dai will do?"

Seeing that he was exposed by Song Shutang, Nie Hong said, "You have become more capable."

Nie Hong certainly has no intention of joining the Red Party now, but you cannot deny that he is wary of the Military Control Commission, otherwise he would not have reminded Yan Qinghui.

In Song Shutang's view, this is a sign of loosening.

In addition, the fact that the organization agreed to negotiate with Boss Dai this time was already somewhat unexpected for Nie Hong, so in comparison, the reason is actually very simple.

Song Shutang also knew that the other party had no intention of joining the organization at the moment, so he just said it once and didn't mention it again. Instead, he said: "Now we have nothing to worry about, and we also have the codes of the telegrams in the Jinling Division and the Jiangcheng Division. I think Boss Dai will soon help you move up to a higher level in the Special Agent Headquarters."

"is it?"

"The content of the telegram from Jiangcheng Sub-district is probably very important. Boss Dai will definitely not get it for nothing, but since he can't use it, he will definitely make some arrangements."

"You think Boss Dai will use these telegrams to cause problems for Li Qun."

"It seems that we have the same idea." Song Shutang said.

You intercepted the telegrams from Jiangcheng Division and Special Agent Headquarters, so you must have made use of them. You made good use of them, and Li Qun made a mistake at work here.

Then it is certainly not good for Lie Group.

Even the Japanese would be dissatisfied here.

Isn’t this Nie Hong’s opportunity?

Ding Yingzhuo has already succeeded, Song Shutang also has a firm control over the division, and has even obtained the right to use the radio station, so everything is more stable.

So now there is only Nie Hong here.

Yan Qinghui has already arrived in Shanghai, so there is really nothing else for you to worry about, so you can devote yourself to preparing for this event.

Nie Hong said: "If Boss Dai really means this, I certainly wouldn't mind cooperating."

"I will help when the time comes." Song Shutang said.

As long as Nie Hong can get promoted, the ultimate goal will have been achieved, and there will be nothing to worry about in Shanghai in the future.

If the Japanese want to touch Li Qun, they need to think twice.

And it was the secret service headquarters at that time.

Now if Nie Hong, Song Shutang and Ding Yingzhuo control the secret service headquarters, it will be very difficult for the Japanese to move against them. It is not something that can be done with just a few simple words.

Moreover, the current agent headquarters is much larger than before, at least the divisions have been expanded.

Even harder to deal with.

Therefore, as long as Nie Hong is in power, they will be unbreakable.

If the Japanese really want to come, the worst that can happen is that both sides will be destroyed. Stirring up a bloody storm in Shanghai will give the organization and the Military Control Commission an opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

Moreover, if they force it, the Secret Service Headquarters will probably be unable to work for a long time, which is acceptable to everyone.

Therefore, Nie Hong's last move was crucial. As long as the last piece of the puzzle was put in place, the situation would be very different.

(End of this chapter)

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