Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 66 Special Bundling Skills

Chapter 66 Special Bundling Skills

He felt helpless and self-blaming when saving lives was fruitless.

Song Shutang's view of the two crew members does not seem to be hypocritical.

During the conversation, the second crew member was very worried about the situation in Wang Qiang's family. They were all orphans and widows, and Wang Shan, an old man, might have a hard time in the future.

"I heard from Wang Qiang's father that he has a lot of experience, how did he become like this?" Song Shutang asked.

"Qiangzi cares too much about that batch of goods."


"That time the goods were transported from Yichang, including the mechanical equipment, chemical raw materials and chemical experimental equipment left over from the local area during the previous inland relocation, especially the chemical raw materials should not be wet.

Under the torrential rain, Qiangzi saw that the canvas covered with chemical raw materials was blown up by the wind, so he rushed out immediately to fix the canvas again, who knew that an irreversible scene would follow. "

"Wang Qiang is eager to protect the goods in such a bad weather. Has he always been so conscientious?" Song Shutang felt that Wang Qiang was very serious about his work.

The second crew member nodded and said: "Qiangzi has always followed the rules, and the materials delivered this time are to strengthen the production of the mountain city, and even the research and development of science and technology. These are what Qiangzi told me. That is, he said that these can deal with the Japanese devils.

He had a lot of energy in his heart. Both his elder brothers died at the hands of the Japanese devils. He supported all anti-Japanese activities. Therefore, he wanted to protect these goods. Before he set off, he explained many times to remind everyone to pay attention. "

National hatred and family hatred!

"Wang Qiang rushed out to fix the canvas, where are you waiting for these crew members?"

"I went out immediately, and hurried forward to try to hold the canvas, but the wind was strong and the canvas was big, so I was covered under the canvas and it was difficult to get out.

Seeing this, the rest of the people also came out. Qiangzi asked them to check whether the other cargo bundles showed signs of falling off, and someone else pulled the canvas to get me out from under it. "The second crew member answered the question that had been answered before.

Same with crew three.

There are differences in the words and sentences, but there is no change in the whole, so it can be seen that there are no questions answered.

"Did no one give Wang Qiang a hand after he fell to the ground?"

"It's too fast, from the bumping of the ship when encountering strong waves, to the time when the hadron falls into the water, it's in the blink of an eye."

"Did you see the whole process with your own eyes?"

"As soon as I got out from under the canvas, I heard someone screaming and fell into the water, and Qiangzi was nowhere to be seen when I ran to the side of the boat."

"Thank you for your cooperation. If you think of other clues in the future, you can contact us."

"it is good."

The third crewman took a sip of tea, took a towel and did not leave. Instead, he returned to the pier to wait for the wooden boat to land, to see who needed stevedores.

Long Hao put down the pen in his hand, just now he was seriously taking notes without saying a word, and had no time to separate himself.

Although Song Shutang could clearly write down the content of the conversation, Long Hao still planned to record it. On the one hand, he would keep the bottom line for Wang Shan to read, and on the other hand, it would be convenient for him to read and investigate.

Sitting at the tea stand, Long Hao told the three crew members what he said. Compared with the previous confession asked by Qu Yang and others, the content is consistent.

"This Huang Jianshe has a very good relationship with Wang Qiang, and he didn't hesitate to take the risk of going into the water to rescue him. He thought it was an accident. It seems that the possibility of overturning the case is unlikely." The Huang Jianshe mentioned by Long Hao is the third crew member.

"Go on." Song Shutang left the tea money and Long Hao continued.

The seven crew members kept busy until they met four people at night, and their statement was consistent with the results of Qu Yang's interrogation, and there was no discrepancy.

Of the remaining three, two of them had run away from the boat and hadn't returned yet.

The other person was away at home.

Song Shutang continued on the second day, and all seven crew members must meet.

Fortunately, all three of them were found today.

The crew members who were not at home yesterday were at home today, and there was no difference in the results of the inquiry.

The other two crew members were on the same boat, and they naturally came back together when they returned. The end of the interrogation was still the same as the previous statement.

Long Hao sorted out the records in his hand and asked helplessly, "How can I show this to Wang Shan?"


"It seems to be an accident at the moment."

Song Shutang kept recalling the questioning process in his mind, and comparing it with the information provided by Qu Yang, it seemed that it was just an accident of bad luck, as Long Hao said.

But something always feels wrong.

"What caused the accident?" Song Shutang asked Long Hao.

"Weather." Long Hao replied.

"Be specific."

"Canvas blown by the wind."

"Why is the canvas blown up by the wind?"

"The rope that binds the canvas is open."

"Why does the rope open?"

"The weather is bad, it's stormy."

Song Shutang immediately waved his hand and said, "But don't forget that every crew member we asked said that Wang Qiang was worried about the wetness of the cargo and told them to tie the canvas firmly."

"Perhaps a crew member made a mistake."

"Since Wang Qiang cares so much about this batch of goods, it is impossible not to do a final inspection. Even if the crew makes mistakes in their work, they can be corrected in time."

"You mean to say?"

"See you again, Huang Jianshe, let him come to the pier."

"it is good."

The two quickly found Huang Jianshe and took him to the pier at the same time.

Just met yesterday and asked to see you today, Huang Jianshe was a little confused.

"Don't be nervous, I'm still asking you some questions."

"Sir, you ask."

"Who is responsible for covering the canvas after the cargo is laid out on board?"

"Everyone is involved."

"Whose hand is the canvas blown by the wind?"

Huang Jianshe recalled: "Qiangzi said that chemical raw materials are extremely important, and he was personally responsible."

"Wang Qiang is personally responsible?" Long Hao couldn't help but ask.


Long Hao subconsciously went to see Song Shutang.

How could Wang Qiang be in charge!

Long Hao thought that the problem was caused by the crew's carelessness, but the problem was caused by Wang Qiang himself.

Shouldn't he be the most serious.

"Did Wang Qiang check after you all finished binding the canvas?" Song Shutang didn't answer Long Hao's question, and continued to ask Huang Jianshe.

"Qiangzi checked all of them, and some even re-bundled them once." Huang Jianshe answered quickly because he was there and experienced it himself.

Long Hao approached Song Shutang and whispered in his ear: "Wang Qiang's inspection has no problems, but his own has a problem. If you say that he made a mistake in his own work, then he is obviously serious about his work and treats others who are unqualified. I'd rather untie and re-tie up the bondage than cheat on my own work."

"That's even stranger."

"Could it be that it's really bad luck, there is no mistake in the work but it was blown away by the wind?" Long Hao put forward another hypothesis.

"Please Huang Jianshe go to the boat and tie it up for us to see." Song Shutang asked Huang Jianshe to meet at the pier today just to let him demonstrate.

Long Hao immediately notified a group of members of the intelligence department to find a wooden boat, and at the same time asked Huang Jianshe to provide the size and height of the goods piled up at that time, and a group of members asked the workers on the dock to help restore it.

Not long after, a pile of two-meter-square and nearly two-meter-high cargo appeared on the ship. We found the same canvas and hemp rope that day, and asked Huang Jianshe to start tying.

Huang Jianshe was very quick with his hands and feet. After busying himself, he quickly tied up the canvas. Song Shutang stepped forward to check and pulled it tightly with his hands.

And all the special binding techniques and knotting techniques are used.

"Wang Qiang is the same as the one you bound?"

"It's all the same. We basically run boats like this."

"How can the canvas bound by this strength be blown up by the wind?" Song Shutang couldn't help asking as he looked at the goods in front of him.

The hemp rope spread all over the surface of the cargo like a fishing net, pressing the canvas firmly underneath, which was both regular and strong.

The knot at the end is also very skillful, but the harder you push the knot, the tighter it becomes.

Can this blow away?

Long Hao was also confused.

(End of this chapter)

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