Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 660 Mountain City Operation

Chapter 660 Mountain City Operation
The next step is to follow the procedures.

Slowly start to increase the number of people using this straw.

Nie Hong and Song Shutang were silently making moves behind the scenes, and in order to prevent Li Qun from finding out, Song Shutang even approached the organization and asked Ding Yingzhuo to help.

Ding Yingzhuo certainly didn't know what the situation was, but since it was arranged by the organization, he would of course strictly implement it.

As time goes by, this amount of straw has become quite considerable.

But there is still some east wind missing.

Everything is ready except for the east wind. Let's see how you can complete the last step and drag Li Qun into the situation where he needs everyone to take advantage of him.

After all, everyone is waiting and watching now, and no one wants to be the first to cause trouble for Li Qun directly, because the other party is not showing any signs of defeat now.

You need to create this momentum and let everyone realize that Li Qun has been on the decline and is even about to be dismissed.

Only in this situation will everyone rush in.

Everyone can join in the fun, but you can't expect them to be the main force. Fortunately, Song Shutang didn't expect these people to be the main force.

What we want is for them to rush over when Li Qun is in trouble.

Completely defeat Li Qun.

The progress is going smoothly at the moment, and continuing would simply mean adding some less important people who are not so powerful.

On the contrary, it is easy to cause some exposure risks.

So now Song Shutang and Nie Hong’s idea is not to continue.

Just keep it like this for now, don't continue.

So as not to arouse the other party's vigilance, and then see how to defeat the person completely, this is the most important thing.

However, Nie Hong and Song Shutang have no way to deal with this issue now, and they still have to rely on the Military Control Commission.

Or see if the organization can find a solution here.

After all, they are people inside the secret service headquarters. It is difficult for you to bring them down from the inside now, otherwise it would have been done long ago and would not have waited until today.

Therefore, external pressure is still needed.

Song Shutang and Nie Hong could only wait and see if they could get the chance.

After maintaining it for a long time, the opportunity was finally waited for. The Military Control Commission discovered something through the telegrams from the Jiangcheng Division.

This is a secret mission arranged by Li Qun at the secret agent headquarters.

Let the Jiangcheng Division continue to arrange personnel to lurk in the mountain city.

After all, Shancheng has been clearing out many of the Japanese and puppet spies, so they need to continue to deploy them.

And this time, the deployment actually requires the help of the Japanese.

The previous tasks of the Jiangcheng Division were not done well, and the Japanese were somewhat unhappy about it.

Therefore, there must have been Japanese spies in Jiangcheng who were supporting them and helping them to hide. After all, Japanese spies had been operating in Jiangcheng for many years.

So Boss Dai has an idea that the spies arranged here in Jiangcheng Division will lead to the arrest of Japanese spies here.

They even used this captured Japanese spy to eradicate the Japanese spy group in the mountain city, but in the end they still let a few Japanese spies go.

After these Japanese spies who were let go leave the mountain city and return to Shanghai, they will tell everyone that there is a problem with the people in the Jiangcheng division, otherwise they will not be exposed.

This will result in the Jiangcheng Division being primarily responsible.

However, the person in charge of the Jiangcheng division is different from the person in charge of the Jinling division. He will definitely not bite Li Qun.

But this order was issued by the secret service headquarters, and you don't need to argue, everyone knows it.

Then it will also cause trouble for Lie Group.

This caused problems for the Japanese spy group, and it was a Japanese spy group that was lurking well in the mountain city. This crime is not a small one.

It will also have an impact on Li Qun.

If we continue to add fuel to the fire, we can put Li Qun in a passive position. Then when Li Qun is in a passive position, those straws will begin to stir.

By then, if we can persuade the Mei Agency with some words of advice, there will be a chance.

There is nothing wrong with Boss Dai’s idea, but there are big problems in implementation.

Song Shutang said to Nie Hong: "Boss Dai's idea is indeed feasible, but the problem is how can you catch the Japanese spy? And after catching the Japanese spy, how can you eradicate the Japanese spy group completely?"

Song Shutang and Nie Hong had both worked in the mountain city and were very familiar with the habits of Japanese spies.

First of all, based on the content of the telegram from the Jiangcheng Division, it is indeed possible to find their spies lurking in the mountain city.

Although it is not easy to use these spies to detect Japanese spies, it is worth a try.

But if you find this Japanese spy, will he let you discover more things?
Even if you arrest and interrogate the other party, he may not tell you these things. He might even rather die than surrender?

It's not like they haven't encountered such Japanese spies before.

So Song Shutang now feels that Boss Dai’s idea is difficult to implement.

Nie Hong said: "Since Boss Dai dares to have such an idea, he must be sure of it."

After all, Shancheng is the place of the Military Control Commission, so it is not impossible to investigate the Japanese spy group.

When Song Shutang was in Shancheng, he uncovered many Japanese spy groups. Boss Dai is even more capable, so it shouldn't be a problem for him to do this.

Song Shutang felt that if Boss Dai took personal charge, things would be very successful.

Moreover, there are many talented people within the Military Control Commission, and there must be some who are stronger than Song Shutang, so Boss Dai made such a plan.

Since Boss Dai was confident, Song Shutang didn't say anything, but said, "But this process may take a long time."

The Japanese and puppet spies are all cautious, and it is not easy to catch them.

Nie Hong said: "Boss Dai is ready for a long investigation, and asked us to collect more intelligence in Shanghai to see if we can find anything related to Shancheng, and then solve it at the same time based on this incident. The chain reaction caused by the people in the Jiangcheng Division made the matter even bigger."

Song Shutang could understand making things bigger, so that the influence would be greater.

It is natural to want them to provide information.

Song Shutang said that he would pay attention to see if he could find any information related to Shancheng, and Nie Hong did the same.

After receiving this news, Song Shutang also sent the information to the organization.

Tell the organization about the Military Control Commission's ideas, hoping that the organization will have a certain understanding, and see if the organization has any intelligence.

After all, the organization's intelligence in Shancheng is also very powerful. Song Shutang realized this when he was in Shancheng. So the organization can tell him the information about Japanese spies in Shancheng, and he can tell the Military Control Commission through Nie Hong.

Just say that Nie Hong got to know it in Shanghai. The more Japanese spies they arrested and the more Japanese spy bases they destroyed, the more disadvantageous it would be for the Jiangcheng Division, and the same would be true for Li Qun.

After hearing the news, the organization also felt that it was a good opportunity. Although it was to help Nie Hong get promoted, the people in the organization had already reached a consensus, so there was no need to consider this.

The organization must still have intelligence in the mountain city. Some of it is still being investigated in secret and was not told to the Military Control Commission immediately. Now they can all be used.

After slowly collecting intelligence and reporting it to Boss Dai, Song Shutang and Nie Hong began to wait for news.

The Jiangcheng Division did not think there was anything wrong with arranging personnel to lurk in the mountain city.

Their Jiangcheng division does the most of this kind of thing.

Moreover, the people arranged this time are not just from their Jiangcheng division, but are selected from all over the place by the Special Agent Headquarters.

After all, if you want to sneak into the mountain city, you must first be a stranger, there is no doubt about that.

Under such circumstances, Li Qun can be said to have made a careful selection.

They had a brief collective training here in the Jiangcheng Division. Since they are a small group, they definitely need to work together.

Since it is a cooperation, it is important to know who the other party is.

And they also have their own habits and so on.

But once you enter the mountain city, there will be layers of connections, which is also for safety reasons.

The training went very smoothly. After all, the people who were selected to carry out this task basically had no problems with their abilities.

Their ability to lurk can be said to be very strong. The training here in the Jiangcheng Division emphasizes more on discipline. After all, the mountain city is still very dangerous for them.

Therefore, we cannot be careless at all. It is not much different from what happened when Song Shutang and his men were hiding in Shanghai. They can lose their lives if they are not careful.

So everyone studied very seriously.

At the same time, they will be told about some of the situations in the mountain city, as well as things that need attention, etc. In short, all aspects must be reminded.

After that, there is a simple assessment, and then they are arranged to enter the mountain city. The Jiangcheng division has its own channels to send people into the mountain city.

Once you enter the mountain city, things are naturally easy. You need to settle down first, and you need to be in the limelight.

Everyone's identities have been arranged in advance. You just need to do what you should do in the mountain city, and then a person in charge will contact the Japanese spy.

Because although you have entered the mountain city now and seem to be able to do your own things and hide, but in fact, it is still very easy to be exposed if you encounter an investigation.

Therefore, they needed the help of Japanese spies to help them gain a firm foothold.

But of course only the person in charge could meet with the Japanese spy, not everyone could.

Boss Dai has actually been paying attention to this matter. In order to make sure that they can accurately grasp the people lurking in Shancheng, Boss Dai even arranged for personnel to sneak into Jiangcheng in advance and start searching for those who participated in the training inside Jiangcheng.

Because he has mastered the telegram code, Boss Dai knows all this information. With this information, he can definitely make more reasonable arrangements.

So faced with this situation, Boss Dai responded very promptly.

It is not easy to find these people inside the mountain city, but it is still very easy in the river city. After all, you know when the other party will gather. This is the importance of mastering the telegram code.

It is already manifesting itself now.

The people at the Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters quickly got a grasp of the situation of these people and reported it all to Boss Dai.

Boss Dai ordered them to keep an eye on the good guys, to watch them all the way into the mountain city, and to keep track of their whereabouts within the mountain city.

With advance preparation, this task can be easily accomplished. So the current situation is self-evident. The Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters has the initiative.

So if the leader of this group wants to meet the Japanese spy, it won’t be difficult to track him.

The other party's vigilance is indeed very high.

And I also took many detours and observed on the road to ensure my safety.

But this is a mountain city. Boss Dai has been well prepared, so how could the other party possibly notice anything?
For this mission, Boss Dai recruited people with very strong abilities, and generally they all participate in the mission.

This time, not only is he involved, but he's not just one person. You can see that Boss Dai is determined to win here.

These people are indeed very capable. They tracked the leader of the team and saw who he met.

This confirmed the identity of the Japanese spy.

Shancheng quickly investigated the identity of the Japanese spy and who he met with.

But we don’t know if we can alert the enemy yet, so we need to continue waiting.

We need to obtain more intelligence about the Japanese spy group based on this Japanese spy to see if we can catch them all in one fell swoop, or even continue to follow the clues.

This requires enough patience, but fortunately Boss Dai is very patient.

After a long investigation, the people from the Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters finally obtained more clues through this Japanese spy.

Gradually, they got hold of the members of the Japanese spy group, but Boss Dai was still very patient and did not close the net. Instead, he continued to investigate based on the information provided by Nie Hong.

If you want to see if there are any that can be linked together, then it can be counted as one thing.

During the investigation, Boss Dai finally felt that the time was ripe, but he did not make any arrangements to close the net.

But keep waiting.

He needed to wait until the Jiangcheng Division assigned important people to their undercover personnel before closing the net.

To achieve the best effect.

You must have a mission when you arrange people to lurk in the mountain city. Collecting intelligence is collecting intelligence, but each group will also have different tasks.

The mission of this group to come to Shancheng was not to incite or win over members of the Kuomintang, but to carry out an assassination plan.

Such arrangements are actually quite rare.

After all, it is very difficult to carry out assassination in the mountain city, and you will basically be exposed after the assassination.

But they have a target this time, no wonder the Japanese spies came forward to help, the target person is very important.

Moreover, after arranging the plan, the Japanese spy who helped cut off contact with the group. According to the investigation of the Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters, this Japanese spy had already moved and is now in hiding.

Moreover, even if something happened to the undercover personnel in this group, it would not implicate him, so he could be evacuated in advance.

But if people from the Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters are following you, where can you run to?

Everything is under Boss Dai's control.

With the code book at Jiangcheng Radio Station, Boss Dai feels that intelligence work in this area has become very simple. The enemy no longer has any secrets in front of you, so how can you still make mistakes?

As long as the capabilities of the people assigned are not a problem, mistakes will not occur, as is happening now.

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