Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 666: Containment of the Turnaround Operation

Chapter 666: Containment of the Turnaround Operation
Song Shutang's words undoubtedly helped to clear the name of the Japanese spies.

After all, according to the information released here in Yamashiro, the Japanese spies were worthless in their eyes. They spoke directly after being arrested, and there was no time to use torture instruments.

How do you think the Japanese felt when they heard this?
Even if Li Qun from the Secret Service Headquarters is dealt with now, it seems that the responsibility lies with the other party.

But it also did not change the reputation of the Japanese spies. The Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters arrested people so arbitrarily. Wasn't it the information leaked by the Japanese spies themselves?
Moreover, the news leaked so quickly that other Japanese spies who knew about it were unable to escape. You can imagine how embarrassing this incident was.

What Song Shutang said now showed that the Japanese spy did not speak easily, which was undoubtedly very strong evidence.

But when Kushi Masato heard this, he did not seem too excited.

Because they can analyze it, the Japanese have also analyzed it a long time ago, and it is impossible to think that the Japanese spy will really speak so easily.

Even if some Japanese spies were like this, it was certainly not the case that all of them were like this.

But the Japanese have no evidence here, just inferences.

But Li Qun knew that their reasoning must be correct.

So in the end, all the questions were thrown on Li Qun. Why didn't Li Qun refute it? It was because he knew in his heart that there was probably no way to refute it.

As for why the Japanese didn't take action against Li Qun?
The reason is very simple. Since the matter has come to this, your dealings with Li Qun have actually fallen into the trap set by the Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters.

The Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters deliberately arrested people this time just to make the Japanese angry and then vent their anger on their own people.

If they really did this, the Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters would be happy to see it.

It is of no benefit to the Japanese.

After all, Li Qun's ability is not bad. Although many people are pessimistic about Li Qun now, there are also many people who think that Li Qun is still qualified.

Therefore, the Japanese would not do anything about this matter, so as not to make the enemy even happier.

As for the dirty water of Japanese spies, the Japanese have of course explained it here, but they can't control whether you believe it or not.

Moreover, even if we tell everyone what Song Shutang’s analysis is now, will everyone believe it?
Those who understand can naturally see that there is a problem here, but those who don’t know the truth will just go with the flow.

So the Japanese didn't really explain this matter in the end. You have already had problems, and the Japanese spy group was indeed wiped out. Whatever you say at this time is just an excuse.

Li Qun is also holding a record of an old debt here. He is asked to behave well and see if he can make amends in the future. Otherwise, both the old and new debts will be settled together in the future.

So after listening to Song Shutang's words, Hisahito remained very calm.

However, he was more optimistic about Song Shutang's abilities.

After all, Song Shutang has already reacted to this matter, which is not easy.

Because the information Song Shutang knew was limited and the conversation between Li Qun and the Japanese high-level officials was also confidential, Song Shutang was able to react and make accurate inferences. In Hisashi Masato's opinion, he was already better than many people.

He is even better than many people in Mei's agency. Because the Japanese did not make this news public, many Japanese did not know the truth. They thought that there was a problem with Japanese spies and said that they needed to strengthen the selection and training of Japanese spies.

So are you saying that Song Shutang is incompetent?

There is definitely no problem.

Seeing that Hisahi Masato was not surprised at all, Song Shutang had expected this, but he pretended to be surprised and asked, "Could it be that the Major knew about this a long time ago?"

Facing his expression, Kushi Masato was still very pleased, and said mysteriously: "What do you think?"

Song Shutang was originally talking excitedly, but now he suddenly lost interest. After all, what you think is a secret, the other party has already known it.

Then what else do you say?

When Hisahito saw that Song Shutang was hit hard, he thought that it was about enough, so he encouraged him with a few words and told him that his reaction was still good.

Encourage Song Shutang to think more in the future.

After asking this question, Hisahito also asked about the current situation of the secret service headquarters.

Song Shutang naturally reported honestly.

Even including the Shanghai branch, Song Shutang informed everyone of the news in detail.

After listening to it, Masato Kushi felt that the development was indeed quite good.

According to the information provided by Ding Yingzhuo and Song Shutang, it seems that dealing with Li Qun now will not cause too much trouble.

As long as you make preparations in advance and act decisively, you can basically achieve miraculous results.

It’s just that this time the effect was not very good, and Hisahito felt it was a pity, otherwise directly bringing Li Qun down would have solved the problem.

But Kuji Masato saw hope.

Li Qun's situation will be precarious in the future.

So Hisahi Masato said to Song Shutang: "Pay more attention to the situation at the secret service headquarters, understand?"

"My subordinate understands."

Hisahito didn't say anything too explicit, but everyone knew it. It all depended on whether Li Qun could be dealt with in the future.

I really don't like Li Qunjiushi Masato.

After the report, Song Shutang left. He was still a little disappointed when he left. He originally thought that he had made a major discovery and could help clear the name of the Japanese spy and get praise from the Japanese.

He even made contributions to the Japanese.

But if in the end you find that things go against your wishes, you will definitely not be in a good mood.

However, the only gain was that Kuji Masato saw his ability. If there is any action in the future, Kuji Masato will definitely think of him first.

After returning to the Shanghai Division, Mei Muzhizi immediately stepped forward and asked, "What's the situation?"

"Our guess was correct. The Mei Agency had indeed made such a guess a long time ago, but they wanted to reduce the impact and didn't make it too clear."

"That's true." Although Mei Muzhizi was very confident in herself, she also knew that the people in Mei Bureau were not good-for-nothings. She was afraid that they had already thought of what she was thinking of.

After all, the other party has much more information than he does.

Then it will naturally be easier to figure these things out.

"However, the Mei Agency has seen our abilities, which will be beneficial to us in the future," said Song Shutang.

"We went there today for this purpose. Now that the Mei Agency has learned about our abilities, it won't be a wasted trip."

"Well said."

Song Shutang and Mei Muzhizi had a pretty good attitude and didn't feel too sorry. After all, they did not gain nothing.

Li Qun was criticized here because there were serious mistakes in the mission.

You have received affirmation here, so the contrast is still very obvious.

Therefore, Song Shutang is now capable in front of Jiusi Zhengren, and Jiusi Zhengren will definitely choose to support Song Shutang more after Li Qun had such an incident. Although Ding Yingzhuo is also Jiusi Zhengren's man.

But in comparison, Hisahito would also understand that Song Shutang was more capable, which did not mean that Ding Yingzhuo was weak.

It’s just that the abilities that Ding Yingzhuo displayed after he infiltrated the secret service headquarters were not as strong as Song Shutang’s.

In the next few days, Li Qun also wanted to reverse the decline by making achievements.

Only by arresting anti-Japanese elements can Li Qun achieve something. However, facing this situation, how could Nie Hong let it go smoothly?

Nie Hong began to leak information internally, causing Li Qun's actions to always fail. Li Qun naturally suspected that there might be a problem.

However, after investigation, it was difficult to find the problem.

After all, the information Li Qun currently has cannot be used to make merit directly, otherwise he would have used it long ago.

Rather, it means that the intelligence we have obtained still needs further investigation.

Then during this investigation, it is very likely that the anti-Japanese organizations will find out about it, and it will be difficult for you to succeed.

The Military Control Commission would certainly not use the information provided by Nie Hong directly, but would cooperate with it to make it appear that there was no problem with Nie Hong.

The organization will also choose to cultivate the news about this place. After all, ensuring Nie Hong's safety is beneficial to everyone.

On the contrary, Ding Yingzhuo, with the cooperation of the organization, pretended to have made meritorious contributions.

The more this is the case with Li Qun, the more performance is needed from others.

Nie Hong was under Li Qun's command, so of course he had no chance to show his abilities. Song Shutang had already shown his abilities in front of Hisahi Masato this time, so the organization felt that this opportunity should be left to Ding Yingzhuo.

Then Ding Yingzhuo's several meritorious deeds completely made Li Qun surpass him.

It seems that not only has Li Qun's power been weakened, but his own abilities have also been compromised.

It seemed like there were too many trivial matters and he no longer had enough energy to take charge of these things.

This would give the Japanese a feeling that Lie Group was also indispensable.

Li Qun certainly understood that this situation could not last long, and he had to make a change, so he secretly made a plan.

In order to ensure the success of this plan, Li Qun took charge of it personally and did not hand it over to anyone else.

He was in charge of his own men.

And the person he chooses is someone he completely trusts.

It wasn't even handed over to Nie Hong.

Although Li Qun did not suspect Nie Hong, there were problems in the previous mission, so Nie Hong could be put on the list of suspects.

Because this list of suspects includes all the people who know the situation.

Of course, you, Nie Hong, cannot escape the fate of being suspected.

In order to ensure that everything went perfectly smoothly this time, Li Qun took personal responsibility and found people who were completely trustworthy and had not participated in previous missions. What he wanted was to avoid being affected by leaks.

Although Li Qun did not say it explicitly, Nie Hong was with Li Qun every day, so how could he not observe these situations?

He had already realized that Li Qun had a secret mission here, but Nie Hong had no idea what this mission was.

Even now he has no way to find out.

After all, the other party doesn't want you to know about this mission, so even if you ask about it now, they won't tell you.

It will also make you seem like there is something wrong with you.

Secondly, Nie Hong has made up his mind to stop Li Qun. You know that after this mission fails, the other party will definitely suspect you.

So Nie Hong had no way to find out.

But he still wanted to stop the mission, so he found an opportunity to discuss it with Song Shutang.

The purpose of the prevention mission is not only to protect the members of the anti-Japanese organization, but also to prevent Li Qun from turning over. Now, after many efforts and a lot of manpower and material resources, Li Qun has fallen into such a situation.

If you really give the other person a chance to breathe, then everything will become difficult to say.

After all, everyone still recognizes Li Qun's ability. As long as he seizes the opportunity, he may not necessarily do anything.

If the other party makes a comeback by then, all previous efforts will be wasted.

So in this situation, Nie Hong found Song Shutang and told him about this problem. After listening, Song Shutang said, "We really can't let the other party turn over."

Song Shutang's idea is the same as Nie Hong's. You have to decide at this time that you cannot just watch Li Qun turn things around. That is unacceptable.

"But the other party is very cautious now. He is responsible for the entire mission himself and has not revealed anything. As a result, I have no way to investigate now."

"Li Qun also understood that this might be his most critical opportunity. If he fails, it will undoubtedly be worse for him. So in this case, he will definitely choose a more secretive way of action."

"So how do we deal with this?"

"Why don't you notify the Military Control Commission and I'll notify the organization. Let them find out what Li Qun is trying to do."

“That’s probably going to be difficult.”

“But it’s also a solution.”


"At the same time, Brother Nie, you can look for opportunities to win over the people below in the secret service headquarters."

"You mean to say that Li Qun's failure to tell us about this move shows that he doesn't trust us, and coupled with his current precarious situation, it's likely that the people below will have second thoughts sooner."

“Yes, this is an opportunity.”

"But this can only be done after the mission is made public. We don't know anything about Li Qun's actions right now, and the people below certainly won't know about this situation either."

“But the Military Control Commission and the organization can deliberately release news here, as if they know Li Qun’s plan. Then the people in the secret service headquarters will understand and realize that they are no longer trusted. Brother Nie, you have a chance.

Secondly, releasing this news may seem like alerting the enemy, but it can also make Li Qun fall into self-doubt. How could such a secret operation be known to the anti-Japanese organization? So they may conduct an internal investigation or speed up the action, which will make it easier to reveal clues. "

"What you said is indeed possible, but there is no problem with the Military Control Commission and the Red Party investigating together. However, if both of them release the news, they will be suspected," said Nie Hong.

They investigated the Military Control Commission together but were unaware that the Red Party was investigating as well.

But if the news was released together, the Military Control Commission would know that the Red Party had also learned about this matter, and would therefore suspect who told the Red Party the news.

Song Shutang said: "I will inform the organization not to get involved in the matter of spreading the news."

"That's fine."

Song Shutang certainly understood that he needed to be careful in this regard and not be discovered by the Military Control Commission.

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