Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 674 Start taking action

Chapter 674 Start taking action

The date of action is getting closer.

Everyone was feeling anxious and uneasy.

Song Shutang admitted that the matter involved Yan Qinghui, which affected him a little, but he was a human being and could not avoid being influenced by his emotions.

Even Song Shutang was impulsive several times and wanted to join the action.

In this situation, Nie Hong delivered a very crucial piece of information, that is, the official who came to Shanghai on business would attend a private party before leaving Shanghai.

He actually asked the pseudo-government officials in Shanghai to organize this party. To put it bluntly, it was to help him build momentum.

These are all people who have good relations with his faction.

This news is important.

If you attend a private party, there will be a lot of people there, which is an opportunity.

Many assassinations actually took place at such gatherings. Song Shutang and Nie Hong had all experienced this before, so they instantly felt that they had found an opportunity.

This news is too important.

After the Military Control Commission and the organization learned of this, they began to prepare for action.

Find out where the party will be held, who will host it, who will be attending, etc.

This is not difficult to find out because many people received invitations to the party.

It was organized by a very powerful official in Shanghai and was held in one of his mansions, which was very luxurious.

It is very large and can host such a party.

Moreover, we also found out from the Military Control Commission and the organization that they would invite people to cook, and there would be quite a few of them.

Not only Chinese chefs are needed, but also Western dessert chefs, waiters, etc.

That is to say, there will be a lot of people going there. The organization and the Military Control Commission feel that it will be easier to find an opportunity if they can infiltrate the assassination team among them and attend the gathering.

At the same time, they also began to look for the design drawings of the mansion, hoping to get them in advance so that they would not be confused when they were acting inside.

This design is not difficult.

Because this mansion is quite famous, it has changed hands several times over the years. Many people have visited the mansion before, and even someone from within the organization has been there.

This person directly drew out the map route of the mansion. Although many rooms may not be clearly marked, the route is basically complete.

The Military Control Commission also asked someone to make a roadmap, and everyone compared them together and finally combined them into a more detailed roadmap.

After getting the route map, another good news came from the Military Control Commission that the hired chef also had some connections.

Members of the Military Control Commission can participate in it.

The Military Control Commission also had an undercover agent who was a cook, and he happened to be in the selected restaurant. The organization felt that it was not such a coincidence.

The Military Control Commission must have used some method to allow their people to participate in it. Perhaps the other party is indeed the cook, but he was not here before.

But the Military Intelligence Bureau did not tell you the meaning of this method, and the organization cannot inquire about it.

The organization also found a way here, which is to deliver food.

The food is delivered on the same day. The organization here can arrange personnel to bring the food in and you can stay to help.

The Military Control Commission people would ask them to stay and help, after all, there would be a lot of people attending the party, and it would be common for them to be overwhelmed.

I think those people won’t mind if someone helps, but the security work may be checked more strictly.

But helping out in the kitchen, and having checked it before, there shouldn't be any problem for the time being.

At the same time, the Military Control Commission and the organization also placed some people here through the people who attended the party.

After all, among these officials, there were also people from the Military Control Commission and the organization, but neither side informed each other.

He just told them that if they found someone being assassinated, they would all say that they were also worried about being assassinated and would be eager to get protection and leave.

This will make the scene chaotic and facilitate the evacuation of the personnel.

After all, if everyone is not making trouble, someone will soon come forward to take charge of the situation, but if someone is worried about being assassinated and wants to escape.

Then when other people see that this person is leaving, why shouldn’t I leave?
If two people leave, three will leave, and then no one will want to stay, and chaos is bound to occur.

Especially those people in the pseudo-government, they are most worried about their own safety.

The idea of ​​instant action became normal, and Song Shutang finally breathed a sigh of relief. In this case, Yan Qinghui's safety should be guaranteed to a certain extent.

Moreover, although this gathering place is not within the division, it is not far from the division's jurisdiction.

If any problems arise, Song Shutang will rush there as soon as possible to see if he can play a certain supporting role.

As for how much trouble the other party's death will bring to Li Qun, it depends on the subsequent development of the problem.

Moreover, only after Li Qun's downfall can Nie Hong consider taking over, so the Military Control Commission is not considering this too much now. Whether Nie Hong can take over will only be known when Li Qun is really brought down.

Let’s deal with Lie Group first and don’t think about anything else.

All arrangements were ready and the party went on as scheduled. After all, this party was prepared before the other party left Shanghai, so it would not be delayed too long.

In fact, many people including members of the Military Control Commission and the organization participated on that day.

Some, like Yan Qinghui, were directly responsible for the action, while others were officials of the puppet government, or assistants of puppet government officials, and so on, who followed along.

They didn't even know what the mission was, they just knew that when things got messy, they should just make things even more messy.

The people arranged by the Military Control Commission to enter the mansion were allowed through the hotel.

The organization here is through people delivering food.

However, the Military Control Commission could not get Yan Qinghui in, so the final decision was to let the organization take charge and bring Yan Qinghui in through the food delivery person.

In general, there are four front-line personnel responsible for the assassination operation, all of whom are related to the hotel.

But in fact, the Military Control Commission also arranged a person here, who was a waiter.

The Military Intelligence Bureau also said that after all, the mission this time was very important and they did not want any problems to arise, so they explained all the issues clearly in advance.

This waiter mainly provides information such as the location of the target person. Generally, he will not take direct action, but will create conditions for the person taking action.

The organization here also has a person among the official's entourage who can show up to cooperate with the operation, so a total of six people are involved in the operation.

The rest of the people were mainly responsible for creating trouble afterwards.

The configuration of these six people is very high. Song Shutang learned from Uncle Li that the organization arranged these comrades who are very experienced.

The specific assassination operation needs to depend on the situation at the time, so it is impossible to plan it in advance.

They need to go inside, collect intelligence on the scene, and then discuss the specific plan of action.

The person in charge is Yan Qinghui.

Boss Dai highly recognizes Yan Qinghui's abilities, so the mission was ultimately handed over to him for command, and members of the organization must also obey Yan Qinghui's orders during the operation.

There must have been some disagreements between the two parties in their previous cooperation.

But on the day of the action, all prejudices must be put aside and Yan Qinghui's arrangements must be followed. Yan Qinghui is a member of the Military Control Commission after all. Will he deliberately betray his comrades in the organization?

Comrades in the organization will certainly have some concerns about this, after all, there are precedents like this in the Military Control Commission.

However, after Uncle Li knew that Yan Qinghui was in charge, he told the person in charge of the organization about this matter, and the organization agreed to the full command of the Military Control Commission.

Because what they can be sure of is that no matter whether the action is successful or not, and no matter how many people are sacrificed, Yan Qinghui will definitely not deliberately do anything to harm others.

That's enough.

Moreover, the organization is also very clear that such a situation requires someone to be in charge of command. If everyone wants to speak, then the mission will ultimately be impossible to accomplish.

Therefore, Yan Qinghui was also under a lot of pressure. After all, he knew the importance of the mission, and as the person in charge of the operation, he would definitely be under pressure.

But Yan Qinghui is not someone who would back down.

The banquet will start today, starting in the morning.

The people arranged by the Military Control Commission have entered smoothly. After all, they are responsible for food, so they arrived a long time ago.

However, some fresh dishes needed to be delivered later, so Yan Qinghui and the Red Party members came later. Because there were many people coming, a lot of dishes had to be delivered.

After they arrived, we arranged for them to help carry the food in. The person in charge of security of course checked and found that there was no problem with the food and the people, so he let them in.

Because this is the normal process of a party and everyone will have this experience.

Yan Qinghui also entered smoothly.

After entering, we were indeed asked to stay and help, so everyone stayed and started to clean up the dishes that were delivered.

But the people in charge of security also began patrolling and checking.

They remembered that someone came in to deliver food, and when they didn't see anyone leaving, they shouted to the people in the kitchen.

Asked why there were two food deliverymen and why they weren't leaving yet.

The cook explained that there were not enough people and asked them to help, but the person in charge of security disagreed.

They said they had arranged to cook in advance, so how come they suddenly didn’t have enough manpower?

He also said that since there were not enough people, they should hurry up and no outsiders could be allowed to stay here.

After all, the people who cook are all reliable people, at least they trust them and they have been carefully checked.

It’s not possible to deliver food now.

After hearing this, Yan Qinghui knew that he had to leave, otherwise it would arouse suspicion.

But he is the person in charge of the mission. If he leaves at this time, the people behind him will not know what to do.

Fortunately, Yan Qinghui had thought of this matter before he came in, so under the cover of the Military Control Commission members, he changed clothes with one of the cooks.

It was done before this.

So now that they were in a hurry to leave, the two people delivering the food lowered their heads and left.

Yan Qinghui became a kitchen worker and stayed.

They were not very familiar with the area to begin with, and with the help of the Military Control Commission to cover for them, no one would immediately discover any problems with Yan Qinghui.

The person pretending to deliver the food had the same body shape as Yan Qinghui, just to prevent this.

But they encountered a problem right at the start. They were missing two people responsible for the operation. Originally there were six people, but now there were only four.

Furthermore, two of them have infiltrated other places, making the operation more difficult.

However, Yan Qinghui did not show any nervousness now, but began to wait for the waiter to deliver the message.

They need to understand the specific situation.

After all, they can't leave the kitchen for too long, unless they are about to take action, and they don't have to worry about being found.

Otherwise, if you leave for too long now but don't take any action for a while, it will easily arouse suspicion if someone looks for you.

The officials might not arrive early, so the information has not been delivered yet.

When everything in the kitchen was almost ready, the Military Control Commission member received the information from the waiter and told Yan Qinghui.

It is said that many officials have already arrived.

Their mission target was also among them, but because the other party was from Jinling and was one of the protagonists of this banquet, there were many people around him.

It can be said that you are surrounded by so many people that it is difficult to assassinate you.

The waiter said that he did have a chance to get close to the other person, but because the body search was very strict, he did not have a gun on him.

Then at this time you can only kill with your bare hands, or with a knife and fork.

However, there are a lot of people around the other party, so success may not be achieved, and you may only hurt the other party.

This action is naturally suicidal. Even if the target person dies after you take action, you will not survive.

But the people of the Military Control Commission are not afraid of death.

But I am worried that I won’t be able to complete the task.

As the person in charge of the mission, Yan Qinghui’s first priority is to ensure the success of the mission. Doing so does indeed mean there is a possibility of failure, and it is not small.

Because you don't have a weapon that can deliver a critical hit, even though you are quite skilled, the situation is complicated and you can't be sure.

Secondly, Yan Qinghui couldn't let the soldiers die, as there would be no possibility of evacuation in such an operation, even if someone helped to create chaos.

Therefore, Yan Qinghui felt that this plan was not feasible and he had to look for another opportunity.

Yan Qinghui said to the Military Control Commission members: "Let's explore further."

In this case, the only thing to do is wait for the right opportunity, and the waiter continued to collect information.

As for the people arranged by the organization here, they also entered the mansion, but although they were the official's entourage, they also had to face body searches, so they did not bring any weapons with them.

It was therefore equally impossible to supply weapons.

Yan Qinghui was confident that he could kill the other party directly, and he was not afraid of sacrifice, but since he was not a waiter, he had no way of getting close to the other party.

And everyone is very cautious, so it's not easy for a stranger to get close.

You can wear waiter's clothes, but people outside may recognize you at any time. The situation is different in the kitchen.

And there is someone to cover it.

And everyone was not very familiar with it.

While waiting for news from the front, Yan Qinghui mainly hid himself and could not be exposed, otherwise the operation would have to be terminated.

The waiter sent back more information, saying that the target person seemed a little tired after socializing and planned to take a rest.

It’s not really a rest.

But some things cannot be said face to face, and you need to go into the room and meet some more important people.

This is quite normal before the banquet officially starts.

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